Global Game: Comes with Portable Store

Chapter 159 The God of Sustainability

Latest website: "Is this a flame?"

Linda looked at the tiny translucent purple flame in her hand with confusion, existing in the void and projected into reality.

Looking back, the light of the Holy Fire Tower has illuminated every place in the dark forest. You can vaguely see that deep in the dark forest is a large area of ​​ruins, towering city walls, and the Oath Tower reflected in the sky. , countless knights in armor fell to the ground, either sitting or lying down, and in the long years, only corpses remained.

It was a huge place, like a world within a world, always shrouded in darkness, only to be illuminated by light.

This reminded Su Changxing of the Land of Infernal Affairs, which was also shrouded in darkness, but the Land of Infernal Affairs was more complete.

Su Changxing's eyes patrolled the area and found the collapsed area on the plateau. As expected, it was shaped like a fist as Robin said. This area was not without life. There were still some remaining creatures. Even for some human beings, the closer they get to the royal city, the more complete the destruction will be.

Soon, he found the ruins of the imperial city, which were already hidden under a barren land and could not be seen without looking carefully.

This is a broken world in itself. If it were not attached to the world of Pocket Galaxy, it would have been completely destroyed long ago.

"Is this the civilization of the previous era?" Su Changxing finally understood that matter is not a three-way transformation, but uses the real world as a transitional stage.

These are all things that belong to the previous stage of time and have survived.

The moment Linda walked out of the dark forest, she was already a god, the god of eternity, adding another star to the endless night sky.

It is also interesting to say that his followers entered the realm of gods earlier than Su Changxing. Although they borrowed divine fire, it is still unbelievable.

The old world will eventually continue to exist because of her, functioning in a weird way. Whether it walks on two legs or three legs, as long as it can walk.

She is a new god born from the power of the old era, and will be bound to this land.


The sound of fire came.

Linda ignited the divine fire in her body, burning brightly and giving birth to new life in the old world.

Mel and others came to the end of the dark forest. Many people were lost in the process, their bodies were replaced, and they always died in various ways in the end. It seemed that the result was the moment they entered the dark forest. It's already doomed.

Later, they also tried various methods, but there was no way to prevent such death, and the people whose bodies were replaced could not leave the dark forest. In the end, they could only die one by one. They could take death with them, or take the initiative to end their own lives. life.

When they got here, there were only more than a hundred of them left, like the divinely chosen knights. Because they were protected by their faith, only a few people died.

Mel was safe and sound, and there was no threat from the beginning to the end. On the contrary, he was worried about Linda leaving. Since Linda left, she never came back.

Because of the other Holy Fire Towers that suddenly appeared, they didn't even need to build a new Holy Fire Tower to get all the way to the end. The road was paved before.


"What should we do now?" asked a divinely chosen knight.

Mel looked at the new world in front of him, as if it had been silent for countless years. The air was filled with dust, which smelled of earth and staleness.

"Let's take a look at what's going on here first. I feel that the connection of faith is getting stronger and stronger. Maybe it won't be long before we can have direct contact with the Lord here." Mel said, taking the lead and walking forward.

As a fourth-level legendary mage, he has the blessing of faith, and his strength is needless to say. In terms of combat effectiveness, he is definitely much stronger than Linda.

A Heilu man crawled out from the rubble. He was thin and had a necklace of skulls hanging around his neck. He looked at the person coming from the dark forest in the distance and shouted in surprise.


The Heilu people shouted, "Civilized"

He was so disappointed that he had long lost the ability to speak. He could only use such shouts to express his surprise and attract the attention of other companions.

Mel saw the Heilun from a distance and was a little surprised. He didn't expect that there would be other people on the other side of the dark forest. "It looks like he is a savage. Let's capture him and see what's going on." "

The bright flag was swaying in the air. The Heilu people did not resist, but prostrated on the ground, as if they felt that they had met gods. Only gods would wear such distinctive clothes, so neat and smooth, and they couldn't help but feel sad. I am so reverent that I just want to kneel down and worship.

The Heilu man was brought over and stood in front of Mel with his head lowered, carefully looking at Mel and the people around him with his peripheral vision.

"Do you have any other tribesmen?" Mel asked.

"Huh?" The Heilu man looked puzzled and didn't understand what Mel was saying. This was a language he had never been exposed to before, and it was obscure and difficult to understand.

They actually have their own language, but it is quite simple and still in its most primitive stage. They can only use some short pronunciations to express some daily things.

After trying to communicate for a long time, Mel finally understood what the Black Lu people meant, "It seems that these people live down there, and I don't know if they can be considered real humans, but they seem to have a lot of intelligence, and they may be the same as those in the south." They are similar to those barbarians."

There is no other meaning. After seeing these human-like creatures, he will think of introducing the beliefs of the All-Sentient Sect into them. The teachings of the All-Sentient Sect are all about teaching without distinction. In theory, they do not exclude any living beings and are quite tolerant.

"This is a vast land, and there may be some other races. We want to make all living beings feel that faith is spread throughout it. This is also the purpose of our coming here." Mel said, and then ordered a missionary priest to take a few people with him. The chosen knight went to explore the race of the Helu people.

Others camped in place, waiting for the Lord's will. After experiencing the dark forest, the remaining people were quite exhausted, not only physically, but also mentally. In such an environment, they were tired all the time. Facing tremendous pressure, it seemed as if they would be swallowed up by darkness at any time, but those who survived in the end were the ones with the strongest faith.

Su Changxing's eyes shone with a strange light, like a flame. The changes in the pocket galaxy were unexpected. Linda accidentally ignited the divine fire and became the God of Eternity. Nature fed back to him, which was equivalent to a god below forcibly holding him up. , vaguely about to cross that boundary.

Together with the ghost ship, it also ignited a blazing flame, dark green, like a ray of light in the subspace.

"What is this!" Huiyue was startled. If it weren't for the fact that he had no legs, he might have really jumped up. Then he realized that these flames did not hurt him.

He looked at Su Changxing suddenly, and his speech became unclear: "You, you..."

He saw the brilliance of divinity, which can only be possessed by true gods, and this brilliance was unimaginably brilliant, more dazzling and dazzling than any other gods he had ever seen.

Su Changxing smiled and looked back at him: "What's wrong?"

Huiyueyu rolled his eyes. He had always thought that Su Changxing was a god, so he was not surprised by this. He was just shocked: "No... nothing. Your stature is beyond my imagination, and it definitely exceeds what my father could achieve back then." .”



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