Seventh floor.

Such writing can be faintly seen on the rusty iron tag.

The structure of this floor is similar to the previous one, a circular aisle structure.

Su Changxing walked slowly from the stairs to this floor with a knife and entered the corridor. He saw several long and dried blood stains on the ground, and a faint rotten smell filled the air.

"Bah, bah, bah~"

It looked like someone was chewing something.

Could it be that the compatriots who were dropped in the same place as him have been killed?

Su Changxing faced the sound, walked to the corner, looked around, and his pupils shrank.

Two zombies were squatting on the ground with their backs to Su Changxing, gnawing on a completely mutilated and bloody corpse. On the ground were small fragments of internal organs, and on the wall were several bloody marks on the palms.

When Su Changxing saw them, the two zombies seemed to be aware of it and turned back to look at Su Changxing.

The four eyes looked at each other. The zombie's eyes were bloodshot and dark red.

The distance between the two sides is very close, only four or five meters.

Su Changxing suddenly raised the steel knife, stepped forward in three steps, and struck the forehead of the zombie on the left with one knife. The two zombies just got up and had not made any move yet.


The zombie on the left was chopped down by Su Changxing, but the force and angle were different from what Su Changxing had calculated. He wiped his cheek and cut a half-centimeter deep wound on his shoulder.

The zombie on the right rushed towards Su Changxing with its teeth and claws bared.

Su Changxing was in a state of exhaustion. He put away his knife and took two steps back. His speed was a little faster than the zombies during the day, and he just managed to avoid the zombies' attack.

He raised his knife again and slashed at the zombie that was close at hand, creating a crack in its head. The powerful force knocked it down, but it still didn't kill it with one blow.

The body's actions deviate from expectations.

Su Changxing frowned, raised his knife and struck a blow before ending its life. At the same time, another zombie also stood up unsteadily, its arms fluttering in a semi-broken state.

There was only one zombie left, so Su Changxing felt much less pressure. He took two small steps back, gathered strength, adjusted his angle, and struck the zombie at its temple with his knife at the moment it pounced.

The steel knife split the zombie's head.

Black blood splashed onto Su Changxing's face, which was filled with a fishy smell.

[Kill zombies and get 10 points]

"This angle seems to make it easier to split the head."

"My strength is indeed very strong, but the error in my movements is also very large. It takes a lot of practice to achieve absolute accuracy."

Su Changxing glanced at the red hand with the tiger's mouth and understood that although he could kill the zombies with one knife, there was no guarantee of 100% success. Geniuses remember it in just one second:(

Just made two consecutive mistakes.

But fortunately, they are all small mistakes and within the tolerable range.

"This is?"

Su Changxing looked at the corpse and saw in the pool of blood a mobile phone that was exactly the same as his, except that the screen was black.

"Can't you see the content on other people's mobile phones? Moreover, the mobile phone has no battery indicator and no on/off button. It is a black technology and I don't know what the energy is."

Su Changxing picked up the mobile phone on the ground and observed it, lost in thought, and then noticed a message coming from his mobile phone.

[Whether to withdraw the points from the eliminated person’s mobile phone]


Su Changxing saw the mobile phone he picked up from the ground turn into black light and shadow and dissipate in the air.

[Earn 10 points]

[Total points: 178]


Su Changxing was stunned.

Being able to directly plunder other people's points naturally pushed everyone to the opposite side.

Su Changxing guessed that this doomsday game itself encourages humans to fight each other.

It is extremely difficult for most people to obtain 1,000 points within thirty days.

Don't look at how easy it is for him to kill a zombie now, but this is also based on the premise that Su Changxing is powerful and has an excellent weapon.

Although zombies are not intelligent, they may be infected once scratched by a zombie. Sometimes, it is easier and safer to snatch points from others.

Su Changxing could not yet confirm whether these zombies had the ability to be infected, but he had already acquiesced in his heart. After all, this is how it is played in the movies, which is also consistent with the logic of zombies appearing in large numbers.

As soon as he walked into the next room to take a rest, Xu Changxing heard footsteps coming from the corridor, one far away and one close.

The footsteps nearby were extremely heavy, heavier than the previous ones. The owner must be quite big.

Su Changxing decisively picked up the steel knife and walked towards the aisle, just when he saw a zombie with a height of more than two meters and a muscular body rushing towards him with bare arms.

The aisles trembled as the zombies ran, and this posture looked extremely scary.

Zombies are originally transformed from humans, so the stronger the original human body, the stronger the zombies will be.

Su Changxing remained calm, staring straight at the running zombies. He could split the head of the previous zombie with one knife, and he could split the head of this zombie.

Muscles don't make bones hard, and even Tyson couldn't bear a shot between the eyebrows.

Unless this zombie has bone hyperplasia.

Well, it shouldn't be possible.

The steel knife drew an arc like flowing water in the corridor, and hit the zombie's head directly. Just as imagined, the head split open and blood splattered.

The huge zombie fell heavily to the ground, and at the same time, the zombie behind also appeared at the corner of the aisle.

After slashing with all his strength many times, Su Changxing felt his hands were weak and numb. Without hesitation, he decisively hid in the next room and closed the door.

"Fortunately, these zombies have no brains and will only send them one by one."

Su Changxing sat down on the wooden table that was covered with a layer of dust and had a cracked surface, and looked at the wooden door that was being knocked violently by zombies.

"I guess this door won't hold up for long. The zombies are more powerful than imagined, and they are not afraid of getting hurt. But is there a limit to their physical strength?"

Su Changxing suddenly had a question in his mind. If zombies can be regarded as living things, their survival and actions should also consume energy.

So in this way, if humans decrease significantly, zombies will also decrease significantly within a certain period of time.

They need to eat, but they have no brains and only have the most primitive desire to kill, so they are unable to produce food.

But there are obviously still a lot of zombies in this city, especially there are groups of zombies wandering on the streets.

Five or six minutes later, there was still violent knocking outside the door, and the frequency of the knocking did not change much.

The zombies outside are like machines with unlimited physical strength.

Su Changxing recovered a little, took a deep breath, dragged the blood-stained steel knife towards the door, and struck down with all his strength while opening the door.


The zombie roared in pain and fell heavily to the ground with the force transmitted by the steel knife. The steel knife was pulled out from the crack on the zombie's head, pulling out several sticky blood streaks.

Su Changxing took out a scraped rag from his pocket and wiped the blood on the steel knife. He didn't like the rancid blood on the weapon.

He is a clean person.

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