Global Game: Comes with Portable Store

Chapter 90 Massacre with bloody hands


The aftershock of the explosion was still there, and Su Changxing had quickly fled the scene and ran to the northeast, not planning to return to Donglin City.

The goal of these wizards is obviously Donglin City. They want to capture this city, but Su Changxing doesn't know what their specific purpose is.

"How courageous!"

A thought suddenly locked him tightly.

Look back.

The wizard dragged his body and flew toward him from the sky. Half of his head was missing. There was a big hole in his chest. His left leg was completely broken off from the thigh, and the broken bones could be seen.

A raging flame quietly fell in front of Su Changxing from the sky, and the flames completely covered his figure.

The nearby iron tower instantly turned into molten iron in the flames.

With every move he makes, he has the power to destroy the world.

Su Changxing's body turned into a shadow, triggering the "shadow blur" and briefly hiding his body in the mezzanine space to avoid this terrifying blow.

"Huh? A small trick!"

The wizard raised his hand, and at the moment when Su Changxing appeared, a scorching ray swept across from the other side of the road, drawing a ravine on the already black and scorched ground.

A cloud of white feathers exploded in the air.

Su Changxing's figure disappeared and avoided the ray, and appeared on the road not far away.


A dull gunshot.

The bullet passed through the thick smoke and hit the remaining head of the wizard. It made a violent impact half a meter away and was ejected away.

"You are very good. Such a weak energy can burst out with powerful power. It can be regarded as an extraordinary talent."

The wizard stared at Su Changxing and said slowly, not caring about his injuries at all, looking aloof.

In their eyes, there is no eighth-level or ninth-level position, only the level of energy fluctuations, which are roughly divided into apprentice wizards, wizards, great wizards, and wizard kings.

And he is the great wizard, standing at the head of most wizards, even if he is not that far away from the Wizard King.

Su Changxing felt unusually heavy and a little at a loss. He couldn't run away or fight. The opponent was like a towering mountain, and there was no weakness for him.

This seems to be a dead end.

He stared at the opponent, secretly accumulating the power of "Judgement by Fire", and prepared to make a last stand.

The wizard raised his arm, pointed his index finger at the sky, and his voice echoed in the space: "Let me grant you a glorious death. It is your honor and pride that you can hurt me like this... Fire Rain !”

Dots of stars, like rain, and bright flames fell from the sky, covering an area of ​​more than ten miles in radius.

At the same time, Su Changxing also pulled the trigger on the wizard.

Thirty times the concentration!

A black line ran through the night and the rain of fire, penetrating the wizard's defense.


The wizard stretched out his broken palm, grabbed the bullet, and threw it back with his backhand. The trajectory was also straight and the speed was not slow at all.

Su Changxing turned sideways to avoid the flying bullets, and ran backwards as hard as he could. A series of scenes flashed through his mind, and he saw the scene of his tragic death in the rain of fire.

His body became insubstantial again, and he temporarily hid in the mezzanine space.

The fire rain suddenly became larger, and the surrounding turned into a world of flames. Magma flowed on the ground, and dense fire rain fell from the sky.

When he goes out again, it will be his death, and Bai Yu Shuang cannot escape the scope of the fire rain.


When Su Changxing's skin came into contact with the rain of fire, it began to melt rapidly. A drop of rain of fire could burn and penetrate into his bones. In just a few seconds, he would turn into ashes.

Suddenly, the roar disappeared.

Su Changxing seemed to be melted in the rain of fire.

"Well, disappeared?"

During the meeting with the wizard, Richie had a surprised look on his face and felt that Su Changxing's breath was gone.

"There seems to be a trace of space fluctuation, but it's very weak..."

He recalled it, with a solemn look on his face. Someone took the person away under his nose. The method was so brilliant that he almost didn't notice it.

However, the other party did not attack him directly, which was a bit strange.


In a daze, Su Changxing saw countless data streams passing by him, each one different and composed of a string of characters with unknown meanings.

Before taking action, he received guidance from the doomsday game. Within one day, he could use the guidance to go to the designated world to carry out tasks.

This was one of the reasons why he dared to face the powerful wizard.

Fortunately, there was an accident, and it wasn't a big accident. At least he was still alive.

"it hurts!"

Su Changxing was lying on the grass, breathing heavily, with extensive burns all over his body, and a large piece of his skull was missing.

The ability of the "lizard man" allowed his flesh and blood to grow and recover quickly, and waves of coolness spread throughout his body. The pain was extreme, and he felt comfortable after a little relief.

The phone vibrates constantly and a large number of messages pop up.

[Fear: Ability gained through long-term killing, killing pigs, or killing people. You can fear opponents who are mentally weaker than you.

Note: This talent will be converted into the ability "Lethal Fear" after you accumulate a certain number of kills, and will eventually appear as "Nightmare Fear" due to the Sleeper. 】

[Disguise: In the eyes of others, you are Killer Crean, an honest and enthusiastic good man.

Be careful not to miss the mark. 】

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