[Blood-handed massacre (during the day, combat effectiveness is reduced by half)]

"What the hell? Is it because of strength?"

Su Changxing discovered that his mission was completely different from others, and his identity was actually the boss.

This was something he hadn't expected before.

"I really don't want to be a murderer."

Su Changxing stood up from the ground staggeringly. He didn't know how to complain. The mission issued to him by the Doomsday Game was very strange, and it should be difficult for him to attack ordinary people.

Is this the villain?

It's daytime now, and hanging on a branch nearby is a yellow worn-out straw hat, a brand new blue T-shirt, and a pair of ripped jeans.

Su Changxing looked around and noticed that the soil on the ground was soft and had just been thrown away and filled in again. There was also a blood-stained shovel leaning against the tree.

He knew that he must have just killed someone and stuffed their corpses, and he could even smell the fresh smell of blood in the soil.

"Well, the aftermath is not done yet."

Su Changxin hesitated for a while, frowned, picked up the shovel, and compacted the soil on the ground.

This should be considered part of the mission. If it is discovered at this time, it may be in great trouble.

He hasn't even figured out what's going on yet.

What is it like to be forced to become a murderer?

He is like this now, confused and helpless, not wanting to do something but having to do it.

He is not a murderer but he is a murderer.

Su Changxing changed into clothes, got rid of the tattered clothes on his body, and then walked towards the farm not far away.

This is his farm, which he inherited from his father, or rather Kerien's farm. Under his management, the farm's area has more than tripled in size.

Walking all the way back to the farm, there are still employees working inside.

A brown French-white woman wearing gloves and an apron saw Su Changxing walking in and shouted:

"The boss just put a new order on the table. See if you can take it."

[Your employee, Isa, is a timid and fearful woman. You took him in when he was in the most difficult time. 】

Su Changxing looked at this thin but capable white woman and said with a smile: "Well, okay. You go ahead and do your work."

There was nothing strange about the other party, as if he was Crean, or he was.

On the other side of the farm, there are thousands of pigs raised in pens. These pigs are very special. Not only are they not afraid of people, they sometimes chase people, which makes them look a bit scary. Children nearby do not dare to get close to observe.

Su Changxing had just walked into the room and sat down, wanting to rest for a while and think about what to do, when he felt movement outside.

Looking out the window.

A group of police officers in dark uniforms walked in from outside.

His face stiffened for a moment, feeling that it was too fast, so he had to go out to greet her.

The leader was a fat police sergeant with a long beard and an exquisite black pipe hanging from his waist. He looked at Su Changxing and said:

"Hello, are you Crean? I am Sheriff Ford. I have received a report that someone is missing from your place. We are here to investigate."

Su Changxing thought to himself, this mission seemed to be over before it even started. Do you want him to kill the chief, the police, and the surrounding employees now?

Then, with anger and a hint of urgency on his face, he immediately said:

"Missing? How is this possible? We are all regular farms. How could such a thing happen? Someone must be jealous of us."

Sheriff Ford smiled empathetically and said, "We are also doing things according to the rules, so don't be nervous. There are always people who have a lot to do and bastards who have nothing to do, haha."

Su Changxing had a surprised look on his face. He originally thought something was going to go wrong, but something seemed to be turning around again.

Sheriff Ford's attitude seemed a bit perfunctory, and he didn't look like he was here to handle the case at all.

He looked understanding and said with a smile:

"Just take a look, do you want something to drink? I can also fry some pork chops for you. Everyone knows that the pork chops I fry are the most delicious."

Who doesn’t love a butcher who can fry pork chops?

Sheriff Ford smiled politely and said. That's not good, we're at work, so let's forget it, but thank you for your kindness. "


The policemen took a cursory look around and found nothing wrong. They wondered how a good old guy like Crean could have any problems, so they left.

Su Changxing looked at the policemen leaving with a surprised expression. He finally understood why this era needs private police detectives.

These police officers basically have no ability to proactively handle cases, or they simply don’t want to. One more thing is worse than one less thing, unless there is no other way.

This is a world with extraordinary power, but most ordinary people are unaware of the existence of extraordinary power.

But where are those players?

Su Changxing raised his eyebrows. I noticed that something was wrong with the look in the eyes of a policeman just now, and he seemed to be looking at him constantly.

"Is that a player?"

He took a deep breath. The injury on his body was still aching. Fortunately, it was not exposed just now. If it were exposed, there would probably be a big problem. He is now seriously injured and his strength has been weakened.

An experience bar appears on the character board.



His experience is not only full, but also exceeds 8,000.

If it's full, it's not surprising, because his mystery level is already full, but why does it exceed 8,000?

"That is to say, I can't reach my current level just by relying on experience... If I want to advance, I still need to solidify the stone."

Su Changxing looked at the dark black solidified stone in his hand. After hesitating for a moment, he crushed it and the blue light spread along his arm.

[New waiting, positions are being formed...]

He had some expectations for his next level position. The seventh level positions were generally related to combat professions, and his position should be related to gunners.

He is very confident about this.

At the moment before it is completely solidified, everything is unknown. The solidified stone is very random, but the position fit is very high.


[A loophole was found and the corresponding position could not be formed. ]


[Cannot form circular logic]

[Looking for measures to make up for mistakes]



A lot of dense information pops up.

The doomsday game began to twitch like before, as if it had entered an infinite loop.

Su Changxing also roughly understood what was going on. His position was formed with a heretical matrix and was not a normal extraordinary position.

It doesn’t seem surprising that such a problem would arise in a doomsday game.

It's just that it's been stuck like this, what should he do... Su Changxing stared at the phone, and his mind began to make unreasonable guesses. If the doomsday game couldn't form a corresponding position, he really had nothing to do for a while.

Rely on your own understanding to make a breakthrough?

This is a bit exaggerated and unlikely. Many times you need to stand on the shoulders of those who have gone before you to go further.

Soon the Doomsday Game responded.

[Seventh level,? ? Butcher: 28000/40000 experience]

[Advanced when the experience is full]

"Butcher? Why a butcher?"

Su Changxing was a little puzzled. He originally thought that the position formed should at least be related to firearms, but it had nothing to do with it.

Well, it's not completely irrelevant. The butcher can also hold a gun, so it does matter a little bit.

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