Global game evolution

Chapter 377 What a coincidence (Thanks to Emperor Taiji Niwo Zhenwu for the reward of 5000, more to

"I can cover you..."

After saying this, Chen Anlin looked strange and asked, "It seems you are very confident."

"Brother Liu, have you heard of it?" Brother Liu's younger brother next to him said arrogantly.

The eldest brother Liu waved his hand and said: "I usually don't show my identity. I speak based on my strength. My strength attribute points are already 150!"


Chen Anlin shook his head calmly: "Unfortunately, I have never heard of you."

The eldest brother Liu Dao: "It seems that you are not doing well. I have never told you, Lord Jin, have you heard about it? I am working for Lord Jin."

Chen Anlin was happy: "Master Jin."

"Not bad, so don't worry. I've taken a liking to your plot copy, so I came in with my brother. I'm here, don't worry."

Chen Anlin said: "You look very confident."

Brother Liu: "So-so, so-so. Boy, since you dare to enter here, you must understand the plot, right? Tell me."

Chen Anlin: “There’s nothing to say.”

"Boy, don't be disrespectful."

Chen Anlin said rudely: "Get out of here."

"Okay, very good, you actually told me to get out, very good, I will remember you."

The eldest brother Liu gave him a sharp look.

At this time, more and more players are entering here.

A blond woman entered the space, took a look around, and chose to stand on the edge.

Another middle-aged couple came in. They were husband and wife. They hid alone and talked quietly.

"This time the dungeon is full of young people."

"Yeah, let's keep a low profile. Although our attributes have reached 150 points, who knows if there are strong people here."


Chen Anlin curled his lips when he heard this.

No, no?

Is 150 attribute points considered a master?

His current attributes are Strength: 325, Spirit: 345, Agility: 300, Defense: 325.

So, wouldn't he be twice as strong as these people?

And don't forget, he has all four basic attributes fully developed, while others can only have strengths in one or two.

Then, two slender beauties wearing black silk masks appeared.

For some reason, Chen Anlin felt inexplicably familiar when he saw these two women, as if he had seen them before somewhere.

The two beauties walked to the corner and started chatting.

"Yutong, I didn't expect to enter this plot dungeon again so soon. When I get back this time, I might consider contacting the owner of this plot dungeon so that I can enter again next time."

The advantage of plot-type dungeons is that in addition to the large rewards, the plot can be entered multiple times.

In this way, after understanding the plot, you can be prepared when you enter again. Therefore, after many players enter the plot dungeon, they will find the owner of the dungeon and build a good relationship with it.

"Yang Xiaoshu, didn't you tell me, call me by my game name here, Ayu."

"Oh, anyway, we are far away and no one can hear us."

"Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of what happens..."

The two women were whispering.

With this look and movement, Chen Anlin found that he looked more and more like two people.

Fang Yutong and Yang Ronger.

"It seems like it's really them. I didn't expect to meet them by such a coincidence."

But think about it, these two people are preparing to enter the dungeon. If they use the refresh card, it is indeed easy to reach him.

The two women continued to chat quietly, generally talking about this copy.

While listening, Chen Anlin also clearly heard the names of the two people's games.

Fang Yutong's name is Ayu.

Yang Ronger's name is Yang Xiaoshu.

Although he met an acquaintance, Chen Anlin had no intention of going over to say hello.

At this time, eldest brother Liu and his group walked over.

"Two beauties." The eldest brother Liu was wearing a suit and looked like a group of five and six.

"Is something wrong?" Fang Yutong asked.

"Haha, it's not a big deal. I just want to say that I am familiar with this copy. If you don't mind, you can hang out with me."

As he spoke, eldest brother Liu glanced at the two women.

With his eyes, he could tell at a glance that these two must be top beauties, so he came over to get close to them.

"You know this copy, can you introduce it to me?"

Yang Ronger narrowed her eyes and said teasingly.

The eldest brother Liu didn't know the situation of this copy, so he casually said: "Why don't you go to my place, and I will have a good chat with you."

"I don't think you know about this copy, right?" Fang Yutong said.

"Ahem, although I don't know much about it, you can rest assured about my strength. Brother Liu, have you heard of it?"

The two women looked at each other, having never heard of this person.

Behind the eldest brother Liu, the younger brother became anxious: "Master Jin, my eldest brother works for Master Jin."

The two girls finally figured out that the eldest brother Liu wanted to flirt with them and brag in front of them.

They have no intention of dealing with such a little gangster, so they don't want to pay attention to him.

Yang Ronger: "Sorry, we still have something to do, you can do it yourself."

Brother Liu frowned: "Okay, don't cry if you encounter trouble in the dungeon."

"What the hell, big brother Liu is really annoying." Fang Yutong muttered.

Yang Ronger agreed and added: "Even more annoying than that guy Chen Anlin."

Fang Yutong: "Rong'er, what's the matter with you? Since you came out of Chen Anlin's room, why do you keep talking about him behind his back? Did he recruit you?"

Yang Ronger didn't want to say more, waved her hand and said: "We'll talk about it later, let's find the owner of the copy first."

Soon, they noticed Chen Anlin.

Because many players have come to Chen Anlin to get close to him.

"Boss, let me know when you go back to the dungeon." The blonde woman said with a wink.

A strong man came over and said, "We can cooperate if you want, and I'll ensure your safety. How about that?"

Chen Anlin looked at the group of people gathered around him with a cold look, "I will not cooperate with anyone."

"Huh? Are you so stupid?"

"Okay, okay, you'll have to suffer."

"I don't even like it, just wait." The yellow-haired woman turned around and left with a cold snort.

Fang Yutong muttered: "What is this guy's background? He doesn't look easy to talk to."

Yang Ronger frowned and kept staring at Chen Anlin.

"Rong'er, why are you staring at this person?"

"No, I feel like this person is quite familiar."

"No, you may know each other, but it's normal to know each other. You know so many people outside."

Yang Ronger nodded slightly: "Maybe."

"Then shall we go there?"

"Well, let's try it."

Yang Ronger walked towards Chen Anlin.

Chen Anlin looked over and said coldly: "Is something wrong?"

Yang Ronger looked at Chen Anlin and said, "The mask on your face is really strange."

Chen Anlin: "Your mask is also very strange."

Yang Ronger: "Let's not talk about this anymore. My name is Yang Xiaoshu. What's yours?"

Chen Anlin: "Jigsaw."


Yang Ronger was stunned. She didn't expect to meet the recently famous boss Jigsaw.

Then, she looked at Chen Anlin carefully and found that Jigsaw had a cold aura all over his body.

This aura is not very similar to Chen Anlin.

‘That kid Chen Anlin seems to be a scoundrel, a gangster, a lecher, and a scumbag. How can he compare with this Jigsaw? ’

Yang Ronger thought for a while, nodded and said, "Well, I never expected to meet you."

Chen Anlin: "You also want to go to the Gods to report my whereabouts and get a reward? If so, save it, you won't have a chance."

Yang Ronger shook her head: "You misunderstood, I don't have much interest in people from the God Clan."

Chen Anlin: "This is best. What's the matter?"

Yang Ronger: "To be honest, my main focus is the speed attribute. The speed attribute has reached 240. My strength is not weak either, with 180."

As expected of a person with a big family, his attribute points are so terrifying without knowing the plot.

Chen Anlin: "Yeah, not bad."


Yang Ronger curled her lips. She felt that Jigsaw was a little arrogant.

You know, her strength is extraordinary even if she is placed in a crouching tiger, hidden dragon place like the Protoss. He actually said it was okay?

At this time, Fang Yutong came over and said, "Jigsaw, does it look like you are very powerful?"

Chen Anlin: "What do you think?"

Yang Ronger: "Okay, let's not mention this anymore. Jigsaw, are you interested in cooperating?"

Since they were acquaintances, the two women actually didn't have any big intentions, so they had a pretty good impression of them.

However, Chen Anlin didn't say anything. He nodded slightly and said, "Let's talk about it, you may not encounter it in the dungeon."


Chen Anlin's words made Yang Ronger feel relieved.

After a while, everyone was ready and the game started loading.

"Loading the multiplayer copy of Sweet Home..."

Mission introduction:

Major accidents and disasters occurred around the world, and viruses broke out, turning countless people into the monsters they wanted to be.

What used to be sweet home is changing for the worse.

"Main mission: Kill at least 30 monsters."

"Mission duration: one year."

"Task Tip 1: Every monster has characteristics."

"Task Tip 2: The monster is a human, or the human is a monster."


"My name is Li Zhe. I study here. My life here was originally very good. But just today, something strange happened and the school was in chaos..."

The memory of the original owner came back, and Chen Anlin's eyes narrowed. This copy started in school?

According to the plot of the movie, the male protagonist is a school student. After his parents died in a car accident, the male protagonist lost confidence in life, so he deliberately found a remote community to live in and wanted to commit suicide there.

However, the rope used to hang himself broke, allowing him to save his life.

Then the male protagonist lay on bed to rest. One night passed, and when he woke up, he found that the whole world was different.

People infected by the virus will start to have nosebleeds, and then the infected person will change into two types of people.

One is to simply turn into a monster and become bloodthirsty.

The other kind is no different from ordinary people, but a virus power is actually produced in the body. This power makes people have the same power as monsters.

The difference is that physically, he looks like an ordinary person.

And after being infected by the virus, no matter what kind of strength you get, one thing is the same, that is, as long as the body is not torn into pieces, the body will gradually recover over time.

This is the amazing healing power brought by viruses.

"Well, it seems I have deviated from the plot of the movie."

Chen Anlin analyzed that it actually didn't matter to him.

Looking around, it was evening and he was alone in the dormitory.

In my memory, the other roommates all had girlfriends, and they went out to play with their girlfriends.

Chen Anlin got out of bed and immediately began to search the dormitory for weapons.

But at this time, a scream came from outside.

"Well, a monster appears so soon?"

Chen Anlin hurried to the window. To his surprise, it was just a false alarm. The scream just now came from a thin boy.

"Made, the car is idle, you are brave, aren't you? I asked you to wash my socks. You can't do such a small thing well, and my socks are ruined. Can you afford to pay for it?"

A very strong-looking student kicked him hard, and the poor boy on the ground was kicked so hard that he screamed and begged for mercy.

Unfortunately, no one went to help him.

Many people ran out after hearing the shouting. When they saw that Quan Minzai, the famous bully in the school, was bullying others, they all shrank and did not dare to come over.

"Li Zhe, Che Zaixian is your roommate, why don't you go and help?"

People from the dormitory next to me came to the window and asked.

"No time."

Chen Anlin shook his head. Naturally, he had no intention of doing these trivial things. Now he only had one idea, and that was to find a safe place.

Only by having a safe place can we survive the coming apocalypse.

"I, Cao, are so unlucky. Why do you have a nosebleed?"

The classmate who just spoke suddenly covered his nose.

Chen Anlin's pupils shrank, trouble, this guy actually started to have a nosebleed.

This is a sign of a virus, which means that this classmate has been infected and the virus has spread in the air at some point.

Gotta get out of here quickly.

It was too late to look for any weapons. In fact, the control of knives in the study was very strict, and there was no good stuff at all.

Chen Anlin quickly went downstairs. In the corridor, a fat classmate wearing glasses was looking for something in the dim corridor.

"Lens, why are the lenses of my glasses gone? Classmate, can you help me find them?"

In the dim corridor, Chen Anlin saw a large pool of blood on the ground.

Is this guy also infected?

"I'm so tired. I really don't want to run every day."

At this time, three more girls came upstairs.

These three people are on the school's long-distance running team and have to run long distances every day. Their biggest wish is to run fast.

"Hold on, the competition is about to begin, and we will try to get a good name."

"Oh, why is my nose bleeding?"

"Maybe I'm too tired. Hey, my nose is bleeding too."

"Hurry back to the dormitory, maybe we are too tired recently."

The three girls ran towards the dormitory muttering.

Chen Anlin's face became more solemn. More and more people were infected. It won't be long before this place will be occupied by monsters.

Although I have strong attribute points, it will be very troublesome if there are too many monsters.

Gotta leave quickly.

After going downstairs, when passing by the beaten Che Zaixian, Che Zaixian suddenly pointed at Chen Anlin: "Li Zhe, help me."

Chen Anlin and he were just roommates. Strictly speaking, their relationship with him was very ordinary in my memory, so Chen Anlin naturally ignored him.

"Quan Minzai, don't hit me. He broke the socks. It was Li Zhe."

Poor people have their own hateful qualities.

I don’t know if Che Zaixian was having a seizure or something, but he actually wanted to divert the trouble to the east.

Chen Anlin narrowed his eyes and wanted to leave without saying anything, but soon, Quan Minzai actually stopped in front of Chen Anlin.

"Li Zhe, it seems you are from China."

Quan Minzai's eyes were originally small, but when he was asked, he narrowed his eyes, making them look even smaller.

Chen Anlin said: "Yes."

"Oh, I've heard about you a long time ago. You know, I think you're very unhappy."

Chen Anlin looked calm: "What do you want to say?"

Quan Minjae: "Cha Zaixian said you ruined my socks."

Chen Anlin finally figured out that this guy was deliberately looking for trouble.

Chen Anlin: "Do you believe what he says? He said you are a son of a bitch, are you?"

Quan Minzai became angry and shouted: "Boy, what did you say?"


Chen Anlin slapped him in the face.

With his attribute power, this slap can blow away a person's head.

Sure enough, after Quan Minzai was whipped out, his cheeks swelled up in the blink of an eye.

Quan Minzai covered his swollen face and yelled: "You dare to slap me, you dare to slap me."

"Why, you still want to hit me? Let's see who dares."

Chen Anlin looked around.

"What's going on?" At this time, the security guard came over and cursed after seeing this scene: "Classmate, I remember you, you are from China, right? How come the quality of the people there is so poor, you actually beat people."

Originally, Chen Anlin didn't want to cause trouble because it was boring.

But after listening to his words, he realized how deep this country's prejudice against him was.

"Don't you have good eyesight? They were bullying people, but you didn't show up. Then I beat him, and you showed up. As expected, you only bully the weak and fear the strong."

"Classmate, if you have something to say, please say it. How can you curse others?"

"It's you who's scolding me."

Chen Anlin shrugged indifferently and continued: "Is what I said wrong? Why didn't you come out just now? Why don't you come out now? Don't you think I'm easy to bully? It's true that they are all a group of people who bully the weak and fear the strong, but it's no wonder, your national defense is all other people It’s protected.”

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

"That's right, please don't talk nonsense."

Everyone was filled with indignation, and Chen Anlin said: "Let's just tell a joke. Your soldiers are training with American soldiers. Believe it or not, no matter what the US military does, your soldiers don't even dare to fart."

"There is a joke about this. Several American soldiers stationed here were chatting and betting to see who could make you soldiers angry."

"The first soldier said in front of many people: Your wife is really nice."

"You soldiers gritted your teeth, but in the end you lost your smile."

"The second American soldier said: "Xiba, why do you always steal China's history and culture? You are thieves. "

"You soldiers were very angry and your whole body was shaking, but in the end you still lost your smile."

"The third American soldier whispered something to the soldier. At that time, the soldier stared angrily, turned around and started fighting with the American soldier. While fighting back, he cursed: Xiba, you Xiba, you have to be joking. Limit, you actually made such a joke."

Speaking of which.

Chen Anlin looked at the security guard and Quan Minzai in front of him and said, "Guess what joke he made?"

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