Global game evolution

Chapter 378 Sweet Home—The Beginning of Chaos (Additional update)

Seeing that no one spoke, Chen Anlin continued: "Later, many people wondered what the soldier said to make him so angry. The soldier said, I just said that our US military was about to evacuate, but he was so angry. "

Quan Minzai frowned: "You actually said that about us. Let me tell you, they will not evacuate."

The security guard was also angry and shouted: "Yes, let's go to the school affairs office and see if I don't teach you a lesson."

But at this time, Che Zaixian, who had been silent all this time, lowered his head and began to vomit blood.

Chen Anlin said: "Look, even if you take me away, Quan Minzai will beat him until he vomits blood."

"No, you can't help but beat me." Quan Minzai was stunned and instinctively wanted to run away.

"Classmate, are you okay?" the security guard walked over and asked.

"It's... so uncomfortable, so uncomfortable."

Che Zaixian was holding his stomach, his face was covered with blood.

The security guard saw something was wrong with him and wanted to help him up, but suddenly found that Che Zaixian's originally thin body was suddenly covered with muscles.

The bulging muscles burst Che Zaixian's clothes, and Che Zaixian mutated.

"Ah, so strong, so powerful!"

Che Zaixian roared angrily, his head began to swell, and his body began to grow taller, eventually turning into a giant like a stone.


The giant roared, his body filled with explosive power.

Chen Anlin knew what was going on.

Che Zaixian was too thin, so his deepest obsession was to become stronger. After being infected with the virus, he naturally became extremely strong.

boom! The giant's fists collided together, and then he punched the nearest security guard.

The security guard groaned and was knocked away, falling to the ground unable to move.

"Monster, monster..."

Suddenly, everyone was panicked.

Quan Minzai struggled and ran away, but the giant jumped three feet high and landed on him, trampling him to death.

It can be seen that although Cha Zaixian has turned into a monster, he still has a trace of memory from the past. He regards Quan Minzai as an enemy.

Then, Che Zaixian looked towards Chen Anlin.

In his last memory, Chen Anlin also had conflicts with him, so he wanted revenge.

Chen Anlin has quick eyes and quick hands and has already left here.

"I didn't expect it to mutate so quickly."

Chen Anlin was a little helpless, but he had no regrets.

These people should be taught a lesson, they should act like dogs and have a sense of superiority.

Bang bang bang!

The sound of heavy footsteps continued to be heard behind him, and the giant monster that Che Zaixian transformed into chased after him fiercely.

It's a pity that at his current speed, this monster can't catch up.

Chen Anlin estimated that the idle speed of the car after turning into a monster would be about 160 attribute points, and his current speed attribute points were half as strong as his.

Arriving at the school gate, the door was closed.

In the security room, another security guard was lying on the table, trembling all over: "I have a headache. I have another headache."

Suddenly, the security guard raised his head.

His head turned out to be a lot bigger, like a human-shaped hammer.

Then, he stood up and walked unsteadily towards Chen Anlin.

"Do you want to deal with me?"

Chen Anlin stopped. In his memory, this security guard was quite old. He had an old problem, which was that he often had headaches.

His obsession was to stop having headaches, so after being infected by the virus, his head suddenly became so big.

The big hammer monster in front of you doesn't look very strong, so you can consider taking care of him.

After all, the task of this dungeon is to solve at least 30 monsters. If you see the ones that are easy to solve, you should solve them first.

"Try attribute point strength."

At this moment, Chen Anlin was full of fighting spirit.

Clenching his fists, he watched the humanoid monster approaching with a big hammer in front of him.

Suddenly, the monster's huge head was like a spring, hitting here heavily.

Is this an attack method?

Chen Anlin turned his head. He wasn't going to dodge, he kicked his foot and punched out.

At this moment, the powerful attribute point advantage was revealed.

With a left hook, the monster's head was smashed and flew away, like a kite with a broken string.

This monster's neck is very long, and the corresponding hardness is not as strong as the head.

Therefore, as the head flew out, the monster's neck broke, and then just like this, the monster in front of him lost his head and was killed instantly.

"Ding! The number of monsters killed is 1/30."

"Yes, it seems that I have always underestimated my own strength. Even if I encounter that giant monster, I am afraid I will still have a fight."

Chen Anlin turned around and looked at the giant monster not far away and thought.

Since he was out of sight of the giant monster, the giant monster began to attack others, which gave Chen Anlin buffer time.

Go to the hammer-head monster just now and lift the huge head.

This head has undergone mutation and has become extremely hard, especially its weight, which is really like a big hammer.

Hoo ho ho!

After swinging the hammer around for a few times, Chen Anlin found that it was quite easy to use and the size was just right.

"A good weapon." Chen Anlin was very satisfied.

"Da da da……"

At this time, three figures ran out of the stairwell from the dormitory.

These three figures are all very fast. If you identify them carefully, you will find that they are the three running girls you met before.

These three people were also infected by the virus. Because their previous obsession was running, they dreamed of running very fast.

After turning into monsters, their wishes were granted and their legs became slender and elongated.

The leg muscles are solid, like a cheetah's hind legs.

With a strong push, the three of them ran like cheetahs.

"Good guy, he ran so fast, but..."

Chen Anlin thought, "Then let's see who can run faster."


Chen Anlin also ran out.

At this moment, the three girls quickly ran to a dormitory, each found someone to bite.


In an instant, the roar in the dormitory was loud.

Chen Anlin ran to the dormitory in the blink of an eye, looked at the miserable situation inside, and shouted, "Have you eaten yet?"

A mutated girl turned her head and rushed towards Chen Anlin without wiping the blood from the corner of her mouth.

"Go away, you!"

Chen Anlin stretched out his hand to hold down the mutated girl's head and smashed it against the wall next to her.


The girl's head is like a rotten watermelon, falling apart.

The other two mutant girls bared their teeth and turned to look, and they jumped up at the same time.

Due to the small space in the dormitory, Chen Anlin did not use a skull hammer.

He put down the hammer with his skull, stretched out his hands, and held the two mutated girls firmly.


With a hard squeeze, the girl's head shattered.

"So crispy."

Chen Anlin muttered.

Everyone in this dormitory was dead. Looking at the corpses on the ground, Chen Anlin closed the door.

In the battle just now, he realized the power of attribute points. This is the effect increase brought by the average attribute points of more than 300.

But one thing is very realistic. The more power he uses, the greater the drain on his body. In such a short time, he felt hungry and needed to find something to eat.

After checking some salutes in the dormitory, I quickly found some instant noodles and snacks.

Chen An opened a pack of instant noodles and started eating.

While eating, he looked out the window.

It was a mess outside.

Under the black night sky, a large group of strange monsters were staggering on the playground.

Most people are hiding, some in dormitories and some in education buildings.

Many people tried to call the police, but Chen Anlin knew that it was of no use.

After eating and drinking, Chen Anlin found a backpack.

After stuffing the leftover food into it, he carried it on his back.

Just as he was about to go out, there were footsteps outside.

"Bang bang bang!"

Chen Anlin opened the door and saw a thin young man rushing in.

The unpleasant smell of urine made Chen Anlin frown.

This guy was so scared that he peed his pants.

"Wow, brother, I just saw you beat the security guard to death. You are very powerful. I will follow you. I have money. After I leave here, I will give you money."

Although this guy is timid, he is quick-thinking.

He knew that in this case, he could only follow Chen Anlin to get out of here.

It's a pity that Chen Anlin doesn't want a drag bottle.

He shook his head and refused: "I don't want to bring anyone with me, you can handle it yourself."

"Ah, but, but...why."

Chen Anlin paused and said, "Because it's more dangerous for you to follow me."

"What's the meaning?"

"My purpose is to kill those monsters."

After speaking, Chen Anlin came to the dormitory next door.

There is a man here who loves boxing. After he mutated, his hands turned into giant fists.

All the roommates in his dormitory were beaten to pieces, and they all lost their human form. They looked extremely miserable.

Seeing Chen Anlin enter the room, the boxing monster who was eating a big piece of meat slowly turned his head.

This monster looks very similar to the giant monster. The difference is that the boxing monster is smaller in stature but has larger fists.

The fist was still glowing with silver and was as hard as iron.


The boxing monster is attacking like crazy.

Chen Anlin, who had just eaten, was full of fighting spirit and raised his fist to hit it.

His powerful strength and defense gave him the ability to fight against monsters.


The monster was actually defeated.

"It seems that I have become a bug in this copy."

Chen Anlin smiled, this is the benefit of being strong.

A powerful copy that seems difficult to others is so simple in his eyes.

Being repulsed by Chen Anlin, the fist monster was stunned for a while.

Then, the monster became angry.

With his intelligence, what he is thinking about now is not to escape, but to defeat the opponent in terms of boxing strength.

Because he loves boxing, he doesn't allow himself to be defeated.


Another punch came.

"You're really persistent."

Chen Anlin also punched him.

Then, without waiting for the monster to retreat, he quickly raised his leg and hit the monster on the chin.

"Deng Deng Deng!"

The fist monster retreated and fell to the ground.


Chen Anlin jumped up, easily jumped on the monster, and punched the monster in the face.

After several consecutive punches, the monster's head had lost its human shape.

At this time, Chen Anlin noticed the fruit knife on the table, took it off and cut off the monster's head.

This is because after being infected by the virus, it will have a strong healing ability. Sometimes it is necessary to cut the monster into pieces to ensure that the monster will not be resurrected.

After finishing the work, Chen Anlin looked at the time and saw that it was already very late. He planned to be here tonight.

After all, he is still a mortal, and it is impossible for him not to sleep.

Of course, for safety, he locked all the doors and windows, especially the door, which was blocked with a table.

As soon as I lay on the bed, a feeling of exhaustion came over me. I was so tired that I almost fell asleep.

"Chen Anlin, Chen Anlin."

Drowsily, Chen Anlin opened his eyes and was stunned.

"Yang Ronger, why are you here?"

Yang Ronger was actually standing in front of her.

But she doesn't look like she's in good condition.

The clothes were torn, the flesh on the shoulders was rolled, and blood was dripping.

She lay weakly on the bed and murmured: "There are many monsters outside, save me..."

"Bang bang bang..."

At some point, a large group of monsters gathered outside the door.

"The monsters are coming in." Yang Ronger cried so hard: "We are going to die, we are going to die."

"Don't panic."

Chen Anlin got up, and at the same time the door was knocked open.


Chen Anlin faced the difficulty with both fists, almost hitting a monster with one punch.

After the settlement, Chen Anlin closed the store immediately.

"Hero, you are my hero." Yang Ronger cried: "I have decided not to want your video."


"Well, how about another one?"

"it's not good?"

"It's okay, you're of us will follow the other."

"Damn, there are such good things, it must be a dream." Chen Anlin shouted.

"You also know it's a dream?"

"I knew it."

In the room, Chen Anlin opened his eyes and looked at the ceiling of the dormitory: "Hey, this is really a dream."

The sun shone in, showing that it was daytime outside.

The weather is nice today, but what's different from before is that now it's like hell outside.

There are broken limbs and broken arms everywhere, and there are monsters looking for new flesh and blood everywhere.

Now the survivors are hiding in a corner, lingering.

Chen Anlin picked up his backpack and prepared to go out to hunt monsters.

He had solved several monsters yesterday, and the efficiency was quite high, but he was not satisfied.

He believes that anyone with a little bit of ability can do this.

This time, he planned to kill a few more monsters.

The cat hunched over and walked out to the balcony.

There are a few monsters wandering below, not many in number.

Chen Anlin held a knife in his hand and glanced inside the dormitory where he killed three female monsters yesterday.

The boy who begged him for protection was no longer in the house, and he didn't know where he went.

Chen Anlin checked each dormitory, killing monsters and collecting food. His backpack was soon filled.

After the sweep of this floor was completed, Chen Anlin went downstairs.

When he arrived at the first dormitory downstairs, Chen Anlin saw several monster corpses.

One monster's head was smashed, and another monster's limbs were cut off. It was obvious that it was killed by someone.

Human beings are indeed the most adaptable. In just one night, some people have already begun to learn to kill monsters.

"It's human."

The door of a dormitory not far away opened, and a fat man poked his head out.

"It's a person, come out."

The fat man said, walking out first, followed by four boys, each of them covered in blood and looking very embarrassed.

"Brother, where did you come from, alone?" The fat man spoke first.

Chen Anlin nodded: "It's upstairs."

"Upstairs? Last night I saw those three female monsters running very fast were also upstairs. Are you okay?"

The shortest man stood up and said.

Chen Anlin didn't reply and asked, "Are you the only ones on this floor?"

If there were only these few people, then there was no need for him to check here and prepare to go downstairs again.

The fat man said: "It's really just us, brother, do you want to join us?"

The short man said, "Your backpack looks quite heavy. How about I help you carry it?"

In the apocalypse, in addition to avoiding monsters, the most important thing is medicine and food.

But relatively speaking, medicines are not needed all the time, but food is necessary three times a day.

Therefore, after seeing the backpack on Chen Anlin's back, they had evil thoughts.

Compared to going to dormitories where there might be monsters at any time to search for food, it is obviously more convenient to get food directly from Chen Anlin.

"This backpack is not heavy, so you don't need to carry it." Chen Anlin responded calmly.

"Haha, it's okay, you're welcome."

The short man winked at his friend and walked over.

The fat man boasted of his height and came over arrogantly: "What you have in your backpack must be food, right? I happen to be hungry. We are all classmates. Do you mind if you give me some?"

"Sorry, I mind."

Chen Anlin had no intention of retreating.

Just kidding, these little bastards still need him to back down.

"Friend, come downstairs quickly."

At this time, a boy with long hair shouted downstairs.

It seemed that he had been peeking here for a while, and when he saw Chen Anlin being bullied, he had a strong sense of justice and chose to help.

The fat man's eyes flashed and he rushed towards Chen Anlin: "You can leave, but you can stay."

Chen Anlin went up and kicked him.


The fat man's right leg broke instantly, and he screamed like a slaughtered pig. The sound was loud.

This scene frightened several people around and stunned them.

The screams attracted the attention of a monster upstairs.

This monster was lying on all fours, but it was wearing a floral skirt. It was unknown why it evolved into this appearance.

The creature on all fours was faster and knocked the short man down in one fell swoop.

The others were frightened, turned around and ran away.

However, this was a good prey for Chen Anlin, so how could he escape.

Holding a fruit knife in hand, Chen Anlin killed him with one stride.

With the sword raised and lowered, the monsters were dealt with neatly.

", this is a misunderstanding, save me!"

The short man had just been bitten on the shoulder and was bleeding profusely. He asked Chen Anlin for help in horror.

As for the fat man, he was covering his legs and couldn't even speak, and kept wailing.

Chen Anlin looked indifferent: "You should wish yourselves good luck."

He could kill them, but in Chen Anlin's opinion, it might be more painful to let them live in this situation.

Then... let them live.

After going downstairs, the long-haired man had already hid in the dormitory on the first floor. He was shocked when he saw Chen Anlin come out unscathed.

"I just saw the monster coming. Where is the monster?"

"already solved."

This man just wanted to help him. Chen Anlin had a good impression of him and continued: "Sooner or later, you will die if you stay here. Let's go."

Looking behind him, the long-haired man gritted his teeth: "But...but I'm with my girlfriend."


A short-haired woman came out timidly. She was quite good-looking, with thin skin and tender flesh, but her legs were a bit thick.

In this case, it is obviously not wise to bring a girl.

Chen Anlin frowned and said, "Can you guarantee that your girlfriend won't talk?"

"I can guarantee that."

The long-haired man took out a happy ball and said helplessly: "Park Huizhen, if you don't hold this in your mouth, you will be wronged."

"It's okay, I'm worried about myself yelling too."

The woman was very sensible and took the ball in her mouth: "Abba, Abba."

More updates have been added. Thank you everyone for your tips and monthly votes. I’m grateful.

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