Global Genesis Game

Chapter 131 A trace of law power, golden finger ability upgrade

In the endless void.

Chen Zhi originally stood on his own exclusive world, looking down like a god. Wherever his thoughts went, his line of sight changed accordingly.

In the distant void, there are stars, which are exclusive worlds for earth players who also belong to the Blue Star server.

Judging from the distance between them, they are not very far away. If Chen Zhi had the ability to move in the void, he could even pass by in person.

It is a pity that the range of movement of his body is limited to a very small area. He can only move within a spherical range, but it is absolutely impossible to leave here.

If he could really move at will, he believed that he would be able to reach other players as long as he gave himself time.

This is not a meeting between the regional space and the projection in the Arena of Ten Thousand Races, but a real meeting of the body. In other words, if the two sides are enemies, they can truly kill each other!

At this time, a singularity suddenly appeared in the surrounding void that had remained unchanged.

When Chen Zhi clicked [Yes], it suddenly appeared, and before Chen Zhi could react, it absorbed him into it, leaving him alone in his own exclusive world.

At this moment, the Tuohun people who were carrying out various actions in their exclusive world suddenly felt empty in their hearts, but no matter how they searched, they could not find the source of this feeling.

When Chen Zhi regained his sight, his mind was immediately shocked by the magnificent scene in front of him.

I saw that in the infinite distance in front of me, as if within my reach, a colorful irregular body was constantly undulating.

With every fluctuation, it seems that countless worlds are born and destroyed.

In a trance, he seemed to see the entire process of the universe from its birth to its destruction.

"This is the origin of the universe!"

Although there was no prompt, he was able to be so sure at this time.

He stared at the irregular body without blinking. As he concentrated his attention, he seemed to see several types of energy emerging from it.

They are gold, green, blue, red and yellow.

He didn't react at first, but soon he realized that this was the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth!

In an instant, all the forgotten memories that I had seen on Earth came to my mind.

According to the myths and legends of the Chinese ancestors, the world is composed of the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. The five elements are the five origins that make up the world!

"The so-called origin of the universe is the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth!"

An enlightenment was born in Chen Zhi's heart.

He should have been ecstatic, but in this state, he inexplicably maintained a calm state of mind.

He silently felt the power of the five elements.

Gradually, he discovered that the golden energy was getting further and further away from him. Even though he wanted to touch it, it was quickly moving away from him.

"This is not my path."

A new realization came to his mind.

Next he tried the wood walk, which went more smoothly this time, and when his spirit tried to touch it, it didn't move away.

But after a period of time, he found that he and Mu Xing were not completely compatible, so he knew that this was not suitable for his origin.

The third thing he tried was water. The moment he came into contact with the water, an incomparable feeling of harmony immediately appeared in his heart, allowing him to be sure almost immediately that the origin of water was suitable for him!

But to be on the safe side, he tried the remaining two.

The situation of the fire element is similar to that of the metal element. The more you want to get closer, the farther away you will go. This means that there is no point of agreement between the two.

The earth element is similar to the wood element, and even a little bit closer to the water element later on, which almost made him think that he was in line with the two origins, but in the end he was still a little short of being able to fit in.

"My origin is water."

At this point, he was completely sure that he had an origin, water.

He immediately gave up the idea of ​​contacting the four sources, and concentrated all his energy on the blue energy.

At this moment, the blue power suddenly occupied all his sight.

Suddenly, it seemed like a huge wave was coming.

High as high as the sky, crashing down in the waves.

He was so shocked that he subconsciously took a few steps back.

But when he found that the huge wave disappeared as he retreated, he realized that this was the origin manifesting in front of him.

He calmed down and once again chose to focus on the blue energy. A similar scene appeared again. The wild waves came, and the power that destroyed the world came towards him. He was like a lonely boat in the sea, standing on this majestic shore. As small as a mayfly in the face of strength.

But he stood still, not taking a step back despite the force falling on him.

The wave did not bring any destruction to him. Instead, a warm touch entered his body, allowing him to understand many truths in a short period of time.

Water, the power to destroy heaven and earth.

The wild waves disappeared, replaced by a calm tide in his eyes. Various creatures lived in it. From time to time, fish jumped out of the water. With a glance of thousands of years, all races lived and multiplied in it, and communities were born one after another. , the once lonely ocean became bustling.

Water, the power that nourishes all things.

Two completely opposite scenes appeared before him.

At this moment, he knew the meaning of the origin of water: balance.

If gold represents edge, wood represents vitality, fire represents destruction, and earth represents protection, then water can be both offensive and defensive, lying in the middle of the five origins.

If you think about your personality carefully, it is indeed consistent with the origin of water.

When his own strength is insufficient, he tends to silently develop and increase his strength; when his strength is sufficient, he will stand up decisively and give the enemy a thunderous blow.

"In my previous communication with the Son of the Wind, I didn't get any information about the origin. All it told me was to understand the law."

Breaking away from the realization, Chen Zhi looked solemn as he looked at the five-color origin of the universe appearing in front of him.

Is the Son of the Wind deliberately concealing it, or does it itself not know this information?

Almost instinctively, he gave up the previous conjecture and leaned towards the latter.

If the Son of the Wind really wanted to hide it, then it would have been fine if he didn't even tell the information about the law in the first place. Why bother?

"So the Son of the Wind doesn't know the existence of the origin? It seems that I am relatively talented." Chen Zhi showed a smile on his face. This time, he relied on his own gains instead of relying on external forces.

Looking down, he found that there were not many changes in himself, but his whole temperament seemed to be more peaceful than before.

But this was just an appearance. Only he could 'see' that there was a blue aura flowing above his head.

It continuously interacts with the outside world and baptizes itself with its breath. It is changing every moment.

In the dark, he seemed to be able to feel countless threads everywhere in the endless void. They formed a special field and enveloped everything in it.

He had a guess in his mind, but more discoveries were needed to prove it.

I looked at the time and saw that it was 12:17 noon on April 30th, 20 hours since he came here.

After winning ten consecutive victories, the rewarded opportunity to comprehend the origin of the universe is actually a ‘24-hour enlightenment time’.

So at this point he still has 4 hours left.

"The time to understand the origin of the universe is not over yet, I have to hurry up." Chen Zhi raced against time.

It is better to understand the source of nature than to understand the laws.

All laws come from the source.

Each source extends a large number of laws.

Generally speaking, the ultimate origin is found by first understanding the scattered laws and then performing 'derivation'.

But Chen Zhi directly found the source and started from the source to understand the law.

It is equivalent to the former comprehending one and a half moves and then deriving the general outline. He, in turn, gets the general outline and finds one of the moves.

The latter is certainly many times simpler than the former.

"Perhaps this is the correct way to understand the law. The Son of the Wind must have gone astray."

The more he understood, the more Chen Zhi felt the importance of understanding the origin first. After having the origin, countless clues seemed to appear in his mind, and powerful powers of law were about to emerge.

The origin is like a big net, binding the 'fish' like laws within a very small range.

Without the help of the original power, these law 'fish' would have gone to nowhere.

As you can imagine, it would be extremely difficult to forcefully grasp the law without first understanding the source.

Because of this, just over half an hour later, Chen Zhi felt a trace of the power of the law.

"This is... moisturizing."

When a soft blue light was caught in Chen Zhi's hand, he immediately felt enlightened.

This is the power of the law that comes from the biological side of water. It has the energy to nourish all things. It belongs to a law close to the wood element among the five elements.

At first glance, Chen Zhi's progress on this rule is still at a very superficial level. If converted in terms of percentages, it is estimated that it is not even 1%, only 0.01%.

But even so, it has already surpassed countless players. Once it starts, there will no longer be a headless fly behind, unable to find the way forward.

Just like a human being with spiritual roots, he has found a cultivation method.

Now, the corresponding method of understanding has become obvious to him, as if he knew it from birth.

There were still three days left, and Chen Zhi still did not waste it. He devoted himself to understanding. Unfortunately, his progress plummeted at this time. Three hours had little effect, and it did not improve his laws. Basically, Still at the original level.

When the 24 hours were up, the singularity appeared again and sucked Chen Zhi into it.

In the void of the exclusive world, Chen Zhi was ‘vomited’ out.

After returning here, Chen Zhi immediately felt something different. In the exclusive world below, there were strands of pale white threads coming towards him.

He tentatively grabbed a silk thread, and instantly he heard the prayer voice of a Tuohun tribesman.

"Please, ancestors, bless me that I will win Xiaofang's favor."

Suddenly, Chen Zhi knew what the thread was, and quickly went to the nearby threads.

"Please ancestors bless my son with good health."

"Great Father God, may my experiment be successful this time."

His eyes also followed these voices and fell on a citizen in the exclusive world. Everyone was making praying gestures, indeed praying to him!

These lines are lines of faith!

These lines came to him, wrapped around his body, and gradually dissipated after a few turns.

"They have always been there, but I couldn't see them before, but now I can!" Chen Zhi was excited.

Although the players do not regard themselves as gods in front of their relatives, they have invisibly done what the gods do, so they have always received the power of faith from their relatives.

It is a pity that the players are all ordinary people and do not have the corresponding abilities. The power of faith that comes to the body surface can only be dispersed in vain after surrounding it for several times.

And the law is a key to unite them!

When Chen Zhi tentatively came into contact with these powers of faith, they were immediately absorbed by him and entered his body!

In the heart of his chest, when he understood the law, a space had been formed inside, where the power of faith could be stored!

After storing it for a period of time, Chen Zhi found that this method was not feasible because he needed to focus a lot of his attention on it, unable to do other things, and the conversion efficiency was too slow.

"I need to establish an automatically running channel so that the power of faith can automatically enter my body."

Chen Zhi tried to extend his spirit to form half-empty and half-real mental thoughts. But after only three seconds, his expression turned a hundred, and he felt a feeling of soul depletion, which frightened him to stop this operation quickly. .

"I can divide up to a hundred mental thoughts. If I exceed this number, I won't be able to hold on."

Chen Zhi sensed his current state and made such a judgment. Later, when his energy recovered, he tried again. As he thought, he was able to bear it if he controlled his mental thoughts to less than 100.

With every thought, he tried to make contact with the line of faith of a dependent. The process was very smooth, like two connected water pipes, and the power of faith immediately entered his body along the pipe.

In the exclusive world, the family members seemed to feel that a pair of great eyes were looking at them, and they immediately knelt down on the ground in excitement.

“Thank you, Ancestor (God the Father).”

This is the ancestor ‘Father God’ looking at them, this is the supreme radiance.

"It turns out that this is the feeling of gods. Although it is still far from the real creation, it is already a crucial step." Chen Zhi had a smile on his face.

While he was smiling, he suddenly felt that the family members below him had changed in his eyes.

At first he thought this was the reason for the establishment of the Faith Channel, but he soon found out that it was not.

He seemed to see the life essence of this dependent, with eighteen different colors of energy swimming in his body.

Five grey, five white, five blue and three green.

There is no doubt that these are the eighteen entries he gave to his dependents!

When his mind focused on a certain entry, he immediately knew that he could take it out!

If you can take nature, you can let it go. He immediately tried it and ordered a soldier to kill a pig.

Sure enough, I can feel that the entries that appear on the pig can be assigned to the designated dependents.

As many as he wants!

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