Global Genesis Game

Chapter 132 May, team system

After some attempts, Chen Zhi was able to completely confirm that he could specify the entry according to his heart.

What he had been thinking all along had come true!

"I didn't expect that the understanding of the law could lead to the upgrade of Golden Finger." Chen Zhi was naturally surprised. This was a great help to him.

Only by giving targeted entries to professionals can they maximize their combat power. For example, for shield protection, all entries that add defensive capabilities must be added. Entries such as rebound damage after being hit are especially suitable.

However, the rebound damage after being hit is definitely not suitable for the squishy profession. Your own skin is already brittle, so what can it bounce back?

So Chen Zhi immediately took up the challenge and spent thousands of life essence points to get the most suitable entry configurations for all professions.

When configuring entries, it is natural to abide by the principle of the four basic attributes going hand in hand.

However, for entries that add attributes such as physique or strength, the passive effects are often very different. Chen Zhi is making a fuss about this.

Fortunately, he has been operating in the exclusive world for so long, he knows which creatures have which entries, and he knows the configuration process well.

Before I knew it, the time came to six o'clock in the afternoon.

At this time, next month's update announcement appears in front of you.

【Game update announcement! 】

[Blue Star version 1.5 will be updated without downtime at 00:00 in the morning on May 1st. The main content and adjustments of this update are as follows]

[1. Balance adjustment, refresh frequency adjustment of wild resources and dangerous creatures]

[2. Rules adjustment, you may be subject to random invasion. If you successfully resist, you will get a lot of personal points and racial points]

[3. New rules, the team system is officially launched, please check for details]

[4. Added a variety of special props]

[5. The probability of appearance of the War Free Order increases]

[Creation Game, I wish all players a happy game in version 1.5]

[ps: Congratulations on surviving the alien invasion, more exciting content is waiting for you to discover]

After Chen Zhi took a glance, he found that there was only one team system that needed his attention.

[You can now invite friends in the same area to enter your exclusive world at the cost of some game points. The team size can be up to five people]

"Isn't this a two-person trip? The function of this card is directly integrated into it?"

The first time he saw the introduction, Chen Zhi remembered the cards that Su Shuang and Wang Changyu had used on him.

The difference is that this team function can have up to five people.

He carefully looked at how many game points he needed to consume, and found that opening a world passage actually required 10,000 points, and the duration was only ten minutes.

Ten thousand points is naturally not worth mentioning to him, but to other players it is a huge amount!

But even so, it cannot obscure the light of this rule. It is extremely helpful to new players!

It is possible that some players who encountered difficulties themselves were able to overcome them immediately after calling for foreign aid.

For example, if someone is still stuck at the boss in the novice village, he can find a strong person to help him solve the boss, so that he can explore outside and find a neutral stronghold.

Or you may think that you will lose a lot of family members if you conquer the boss alone, so to be on the safe side, look for foreign aid, which is also very useful.

At 0:00 on May 1st, version 1.5 was officially updated.

Suddenly, various messages requesting team formation appeared on the entire Blue Star server.

There are many titles with the title 'Ask for thigh straps'.

These people don't have enough points themselves, so they can only let others enter their own exclusive world. Their chips are also very simple, which are various materials in their own exclusive world. In the end, they get 50/50 from both sides.

This is naturally a matter of killing the goose that lays the egg, and it will have a great impact on their future development, but now many people can no longer care about the future. They can only manage the present well before they can have a future.

Compared with the bustle of others, Chen Zhi's place was completely deserted.

The number of people in his friend list is very small, and these people are the ones who know what they are doing and will not bother him casually.

However, Chen Zhi took the initiative to contact Su Shuang and others this time, uncharacteristically.

His goal is naturally not the resources in their exclusive world, but the existing golden races - currently, in his own exclusive world, there is no second golden race in a short time.

The orcs and dwarves are in the north and southwest of the continent. There are several natural chasms between them to the east, and even the current Tuohun tribe cannot cross them.

Therefore, the easiest place to obtain green entries is in other people's exclusive world.

As long as you set out from the base camp and find a neutral stronghold, you can quickly find the golden race.

The fastest among them are Su Shuang, Du Zhiguo, and Bai Yue. They have all come into contact with the bronze-level race. They can find the silver-level race and the gold-level race by following the clues.

So after communicating, Chen Zhi directly spent 10,000 points to open the space channel.

He sent not many people, only a hundred Destruction Warriors. The levels of these Destruction Warriors have all risen to level 30 or above. If the bronze-level ice troll found in Su Shuang's exclusive world can be solved, the average level should be able to Go up two or three levels.

"sorry to bother you."

When Chen Zhi's figure appeared in front of Su Shuang, Su Shuang whispered.

Chen Zhi smiled and said, "I'm just making a start. After I help you sweep away all the dangerous creatures around you, it will be your turn to help others."

Su Shuang nodded and said, "This is what we should do."

The excuse he told Su Shuang was naturally to help her get through this stage quickly, so as to buy some time and allow human beings to increase their strength faster.

Although Su Shuang will lose the original experience points of these dangerous creatures in the process, she will also lose less family members, so strictly speaking, it is not necessarily a loss, it may still be a gain.

No matter from which perspective, Chen Zhi's choice is a win-win situation.

After chatting for a few words with Su Shuang, Chen Zhi's figure disappeared at this moment and appeared above the exclusive worlds of Du Zhiguo and Bai Yue. He sent out a hundred shield guards and a hundred wind wolf knights respectively.

It would be too slow to provide support one by one. He is now strong enough to help several people at the same time.

The Shield Guards, Wind Wolf Knights, and Destruction Warriors are led by Lao Mo, Chen Ping, and Chen An respectively, so he doesn't have many gods to deal with, and he focuses more on his own exclusive world.

Here, he is letting his Hidden Assassins penetrate inside using Istrel as a bridgehead.

The number of hidden assassins he currently has in hand is one hundred and twenty-seven. Adding the number of first-level assassins, the number of assassin units is close to four hundred.

There are only more than 300 cities in Fengyue Kingdom, and he can arrange assassins in each city.

First-order assassins can handle small cities with a population of less than 100,000, and such cities account for most of the cities in Fengyue Kingdom.

There are 73 medium-sized cities ranging from one hundred thousand to one million, and all of them have second-level hidden assassins lurking, so that more information can be obtained.

As for large cities with more than one million, there were only three in the entire Fengyue Kingdom, and Chen Zhi sent ten Hidden Assassins to each of them.

The assassins have all been 'transformed' by the wizards, and with the function of [Nature's Darling], their appearance is absolutely no different from that of elves. In addition, preparations for this time's lurking began several years ago, so there is a possibility of being discovered. is zero.

When these assassins entered the city, from their perspective, a sophisticated 'surveillance network' immediately appeared in front of Chen Zhi's eyes.

Although the position he could see was very limited, as his thoughts turned around, these assassins would move according to his wishes, roughly letting him know what he wanted to know.

He paid special attention to this surveillance position in the north of the center, because this was the royal capital of Fengyue Empire. As long as the ten Hidden Assassins lurking in looked up slightly, they could see the tree of life that reached the sky.

In front of such a giant tree, human beings become extremely small, and even the clouds are just its decorations.

There are countless powerful people in the capital. Chen Zhi just scanned them casually and found a large number of third-level units. Heroic units were often found. Their equipment was extremely luxurious, and rare-level units were standard equipment.

Even with Tieshan's current strength, it doesn't have much advantage against these veteran third-level hero units.

In order to prevent the Hidden Assassins from accidentally revealing their secrets, Chen Zhidu ordered them to stay away from those powerful professionals as much as possible.

There is no rush to gather information for the time being. They are currently surviving in the royal capital. This time span is very long and may take a hundred years.

Compared with the Tuohun tribe who stayed in the base camp, they paid more, but they were willing to lead the tribe to rise.

This is not Chen Zhi forcing them to use his identity, but their true thoughts.

The power of faith coming from them is also growing.

The power of faith that entered his body could not be used directly. After trying many times, Chen Zhi found that he needed to transform them into a power that he could control.

According to his own familiar understanding, the power of faith is aura, and believers are equivalent to the producers of auras. All they need is to use specific methods to turn these auras into their own.

Naturally, it reminds me of the setting of divine power in Western mythology.

The so-called divine power is the power that gods create by refining the faith of believers. The number of believers and the depth of their faith are closely related to their strength.

According to his current model, it is true that only by gaining enough power of faith can he become stronger and stronger.

It's just that it's not that he doesn't have enough followers, it's that he has no way to establish more channels of faith.

Only when more channels of faith are established can he absorb more power of faith, and vice versa.

Just when Chen Zhi was about to look back, he suddenly felt a huge will sweep over him.

He was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that it was not him who felt this magnificent will, but his dependents!

Quickly focusing on this dependent, he discovered that this was the Hidden Assassin who was closest to the Tree of Life. Just now, he accidentally entered the inner circle of the royal capital while following an elf noble.

There is actually no clear division between the inner and outer circles of the royal capital, and even the streets here are connected.

But it really exists, because in the eyes of Fengyue clan, it is the divided zone of the Tree of Life.

The inner circle is equivalent to entering the gaze of the Tree of Life, while the outer circle is outside the gaze.

There is no doubt that the hidden assassin who accidentally crossed into the inner circle received the attention of the Tree of Life.

The gap in life levels caused his disguise to quickly collapse.

Chen Zhi immediately turned his attention here. Sure enough, in his sight, the originally peaceful tree of life suddenly became much brighter.

The originally swaying leaves also swayed a lot wider.

"No, we will be discovered if we continue like this."

After giving the order to the Hidden Assassin to leave and still not getting rid of the feeling of being locked, Chen Zhi immediately realized that this was not going to work, so after thinking for a few seconds, he immediately tried to use the divine power he had just condensed. Intervention - a large amount of the power of faith that he absorbed into the heart space, after countless attempts, he finally eliminated the external impurities and became part of his strength.

It manifests itself as a small drop of water in the heart space.

The whole body is light gold and has a sacred feeling.

It is completely controlled by Chen Zhi, and he can also feel the powerful power contained in this drop of water.

He identified this drop of water as a bit of divine power.

If the little divine power he finally gathered was wasted just like this, he would naturally not be reconciled, so he tried to use the smallest amount of power to cover up the traces of the Hidden Assassin.

What he didn't expect was that just by showing the power of the water drop a little, the tree of life that was still moving returned to its original appearance, and everything was as if it had never happened.

Looking at the intact water droplets in his heart space, Chen Zhi was extremely surprised that this divine power was so powerful.

If it could all be transformed into pure destructive power, how powerful would it be?

According to Chen Zhi's idea, it is best to be able to cause damage to gods. If something that has taken so much effort to come up with can only have an effect on indigenous life forms, it is too weak.

"No one can enter the inner circle in the future."

After experiencing this incident, Chen Zhi defined a strict scope of activities for the Hidden Assassins.

"The Tree of Life is not a god that the Yuehua clan believes in, but now it has power similar to that of a god. What is going on?" Chen Zhi's eyes fell on the tall Tree of Life, and he was puzzled.

The deity that the Yuehua clan believes in is called the 'Old Woman in the Forest', and she appears as an elderly female elf on crutches. Chen Zhi has seen his temples in many cities, with dedicated priests responsible for preaching.

The entire Yuehua clan has a highly unified belief. Apart from the old woman in the forest, there is no other belief. This means that the number of believers in the other party is tens of millions!

This number was so huge that Chen Zhi couldn't even guess how far the other party's strength had reached!

Just one update today. I was busy with some things and basically didn't sleep for 30 hours. I forced myself to code 4,000 and couldn't stand it anymore.

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