Tai Xuan Dongtian Lu Ze God Realm.

Not long after the battle of the third round of testing entered into intense heat, Lu Ze felt locked by a deep evil thought.

That is the breath of the same demigod.

Following the lock of that breath, the necromancers and ghosts who were originally scattered quickly gathered their formation towards the middle.

A necromancer surrounded in the middle began to emit a large black mist, and his breath climbed up at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Seeing this, Lu Ze didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Originally, he wanted to use the family to force the necromancers to gather together, and use [Junior Kuishui Zhenlei] to solve it all at once.

As a result, the necromancers are gathered together now, but the situation is not the same as he thought.

There is an unexpected presence among the intruders——

A serious Death-type demigod descending from the gods!

[Elementary Kwai Shui True Thunder] Whether it will work on demigods, Lu Ze has no idea.

But now that the arrow is on the string, it has to be launched.

If he doesn't want to terminate the test immediately, he must end the battle before the class teacher Dong Wan senses the breath of the alien gods coming.

That is to say, he had to kill the opponent before the demigod completely descended to God's Domain and interfered with the laws of God's Domain.

This doubled the pressure in Lu Ze's heart.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of the opponent's shrinking front, Lu Ze secretly held three [Elementary Kuishui True Thunder] in his hands while keeping the family members under pressure, and then quietly infused them with the Spiritual Qi simulated by divine power.

He wants to fight with his back!

In a short period of time, the Spiritual Qi poured into the three thunderballs far exceeded the standard Spiritual Qi units required for excitation.

But Lu Ze didn't stop!

The Spirit Power simulated by the divine power is like a flood of water that has opened the gate, pouring into the small lake without stopping, and overflowing the dike in the blink of an eye, but it is blocked by the sudden appearance of a temporary dam and cannot break through.

Until Lu Ze can't continue!

On the other hand, the spiritual aura of death on the Necromancer's body as the medium is also strong as if it were real.

Looking from a distance, it seems that a large cocoon completely condensed by darkness appeared in the dark night.

The rest of the necromancers stopped consuming Magic power early on, and used the power of Death to pull the souls that had not completely dissipated into the leader of the necromancers.

A ferocious lich face appeared in midair.

The surrounding grass withered, the land became scorched black, and the environment began to transform into a Death land suitable for the survival of the undead.

Everything indicates that the Death-type demigod on the opposite side is about to condense into a complete divine incarnation, and the divine power has begun to affect the surrounding area.

Under normal circumstances, as a newborn demigod, Lu Ze would most likely kneel in such a situation.

Even in terms of divinity, both his real body and the opponent's divine incarnation have only a little divinity.

But in the actual battle, he can't hurt the opponent even if he fights to the death.

Because in the battle between the gods, apart from the family members, the most important thing is to rely on each other's understanding of the priesthood and laws.

Now Lu Ze's understanding of priesthood and laws is like a primary school student who has just entered the first grade, but Gruss is a social worker who entered the society early.

Even if the other party asked him to use both hands and feet!

Elementary school students will not be opponents of adults.

However, because Lu Ze had a cannonball that was drawn in a lottery, he wanted to throw a cannonball to try to blow up the opponent before calling the teacher.

If it doesn't kill you, call the teacher immediately.

Anyway, I won't lose!

Hey, it's just so shameless, just playing!

The only miscalculation is that Lu Ze didn't understand the power of the firecrackers he threw.

When the lich Gruss saw the immature newborn demigod throwing three beads exuding an unknown aura, at first, his heart skipped a beat.

He had discovered Lu Ze's secret behavior long ago, but in order to descend to the divine incarnation as soon as possible, he could only watch the other party act like this.

Seeing that it was about to descend completely, the other party took the lead in attacking.

Gruss couldn't help wondering whether the opponent had planned for a long time, and he specially found this moment when he couldn't advance or retreat. At the same time, he also wondered whether the avatar of own could withstand the opponent's attack.

Especially when the three beads exploded on top of his head with a bang.

At that moment, Gross's heart tightened, and he concentrated his whole body's divine power to defend, but after waiting for a few seconds, he only found a faint, if invisible, electric light flickering on and off above his head.

It doesn't look like it's under attack at all.

Gross is dumbfounded!

He couldn't figure out what the hell the other side was doing.

Not only did Gruss not know what Lu Ze was up to, but Lu Ze himself couldn't figure it out either.

The promised Kwai Shui Zhenlei is so powerful?

Three together, it must explode!

What's going on now?

Could it be that Spiritual Qi has been filled too much? !

Just as he was wondering, Lu Ze suddenly saw a jet black as ink flashing, followed by half of the sky with the same jet black as ink scurrying around, covering more than half an acre, baring its teeth and claws like octopus claws waving wildly.

Then there was a dull and loud noise that seemed to explode from the depths of the void, as if it was close in front of you and far away in the sky.

Before Lu Ze could figure out what happened, there was nothing in front of him.

There were nearly ten necromancers and a small group of ghosts left in front of them, as well as the demigod incarnation who had almost completely descended. After the arc flashed, they couldn't even see a single hair.

Even the dozen or so Gnoll Ax Throwers who were accidentally affected were no exception.

It seemed to disappear without a trace.

Only a drop of crystal-like golden light suspended in mid-air kept flickering, exuding divine power fluctuations that Lu Ze couldn't help, vaguely telling what happened just now.

Lu Ze couldn't help swallowing, remembering the description about Kuishui Zhenlei.

This tm is not so powerful, it is simply too big.

True God Strike is estimated to be nothing more than that.

He waved his hand to summon that bit of divinity to his face, and he didn't know whether the expression on his face was joy or worry.

If he had known this earlier, he would not have chosen the third round of testing.

Keeping this thing as a life-saving hole card, isn't it more than a bit of divine fragrance?

You know, from the second year of high school, Lu Ze and the others had to conduct actual combat drills, going to real demiplanes and low-level planes to wage wars and defend wars.

In such a war, not to mention demigods and high-level demigods, even true gods with weak divine power may be encountered.

At that time, every extra hole card for life-saving will give you more hope of surviving when danger strikes.

Gods, too, are mortal!


At the same time, in the dark underground palace, Gruss couldn't help covering his head and let out a painful roar.

Unstoppable divine power burst out in all directions, annihilating the hexagram circle surrounding it.

Without the protection of the magic circle, the tall underground palace began to collapse.

But at this time, Gruss, who had a splitting headache, had no time to take care of it, and let the endless stones drown him.

But along with the endless stones, there is also a red gold spear carrying unparalleled power.

The red gold spear was covered with thick red divine power, piercing through the many obstacles in the ground and hitting Gruss precisely, until the first stage's thick divine power barrier rose from Gruss.

Looking at a few familiar faces in mid-air, Gruss, who had a splitting headache, almost wanted to die, and roared:

"Are you done yet?"

But the three people suspended in mid-air didn't respond to him at all.

With the wave of the jade hand of the blond woman with wings on her back, the red gold spear roared and attacked Gruss again, followed by a bright golden bead and a huge altar.

Gruss didn't dare to face the sharpness directly, and flickered to avoid it.

He remembered the bit of divinity he had lost just now.

I feel like I ate shit!

What the hell have you encountered recently?

A dignified demigod who was kicked out like a stray dog!

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