In the boundless void, Dong Wan was constantly switching between God's Domain and paying attention to the exam status of the students.

The mid-month test lasted for three days in God's Domain, and more than a day has passed by now.

Except for a few students, most of the students have passed the first round of tests and entered the second round.

A few top students such as Xia Qiange, Yan Wei and Yun Yu have even entered the third round, starting the competition for the top three in the class.

However, due to Dong Wan's small adjustments before the exam, Xia Qiange and Yan Wei's exams did not go well in the third round of exams.

Actually is not to say that it cannot be passed, but compared with the first two rounds, the third round seems a bit procrastinated.

The third round of invasion of Xia Qiange God's Domain was 200 second-level primary iron zombies. As one of the typical representatives of low-level undead creatures, iron zombies move slowly, have great strength, strong physical resistance, and thick skin.

Facing Xia Qiange's family of centaur archers, the slow-moving iron-skinned zombies, like the previous intruders, had almost no achievements and were purely moving targets.

But as guys known for their defensive power, they are too "hard"!

Even if the whole body is shot into a hedgehog, as long as the fire of the soul is not extinguished, it still has vitality.

The centaur army, which led to 400 people, almost shot all the feather arrows they carried with them, and there were still nearly 20 iron zombies that were able to move.

Xia Qiange lost his temper!

On the other hand, Yanwei was not much better than Xia Qiange, and was even more angry.

It never occurred to him that the intruder in his third round turned out to be a second-order Harpy with the ability to fly.

The number is no more than one squadron, but they can fly!

Although his family, the lava goblin mage, also has the ability to cast spells from afar, the lava fireballs fired are so slow that they can't even touch the fur of the harpies.

Let him have to do it himself!

But sensing the aura of a demigod, those harpies escaped... escaped!

As a result, a good intrusion test turned into a hide-and-seek game between Yan Wei and the harpies.

Only the battle on Yunyu's side was going smoothly, going on steadily and coming to an end.


While observing, Dong Wan felt the soul tremor coming from the artifact [Teaching Collection], and Dong Wan opened the collection.

Above is a distress message with a red exclamation mark.

[Record]: Your student Qinghui requested to end the test!

Dong Wan frowned, she didn't expect that Qinghui, who was always in the top ten in the class, would be the first to finish the test.

Usually, he mainly focuses on steady and steady play.

Before he had time to think about it, he teleported to the sky above Qinghui's God's Domain. Dong Wan, who was about to rescue him, looked at the nearly collapsed God's Domain in front of him, and his face suddenly became solemn.

This is clearly not due to the mid-month test.

Reminiscent of the rumors among the classmates before, Qinghui used the God's Domain card overload in order to speed up the development of the God's Domain.

Dong Wan sighed.

A good seedling is ruined like this!

In the current situation, being expelled from school is a trivial matter, and whether Qinghui can survive the shattering of God's Domain is still unknown.

Obviously, I told everyone again and again not to use the God's Domain card beyond the carrying capacity, why did some people not listen?

Taking back the second and third rounds of God's Domain cards that have not yet started testing, Dong Wanyu sent the dejected Qinghui out of the lower space with a wave of his hand without looking at it.

Just as she was about to go to the next student God's Domain, she discovered that [Teaching Collection] had received another message.

[Record]: Your student Lu Ze has finished the test!

Dong Wan was even angrier!

Before the exam, I reminded everyone to pay attention to the methods and methods. Unexpectedly, there are still people eager for quick success.

Qinghui is because of the collapse of God's Domain, and you Lu Ze is because of what?

Want to hand in a blank paper again? !

She was full of divine power, waved her sleeves angrily, and her figure dissipated on the spot.

It reappeared in the sky above a gloomy God's Domain.

"What's happening here?"

Dong Wan released Divine Sense, and found that she couldn't observe the situation in the God's Domain in front of her.

God's domain concealment, this is an ability that at least high-level demigods and even true gods can master.

Lu Ze knows this?

Or is it wrong?

But the coordinates of God's Domain displayed in [Teaching Collection] are here!

While wondering, Dong Wan saw a familiar figure appear.

Lu Ze was shrouded in faint divine power.

"Lu Ze, what's going on? Are you sure you want to terminate the test?" Dong Wan looked dignified.

"Terminate the test? No, teacher, I have finished the test. I passed all three rounds!" Lu Ze was puzzled.

"Then you use the teaching communicator... No, you said you passed all three rounds of tests?"

Dong Wan was shocked.

She called out [Teaching Collection] and turned to the latest message.

[Record]: Your student Lu Ze has finished the test!

It really is! ! !

With a big wave of her hand, she grabbed Lu Ze's shoulder, "Go and have a look in your divine domain!"

The golden divine power surged, the two disappeared, and when they reappeared, they entered the Lu Ze God's Domain.

Looking at the towering tree in the middle of God's Domain, Dong Wan was shocked again.

"This is... World Tree? But it doesn't feel like it!"

"Also, Lu Ze, why did your God's Domain suddenly become so large? I remember that when you initially registered, your God's Domain seemed to have an area of ​​only forty square kilometers, and the environment of your God's Domain is also different from what you registered."

Dong Wan opened the [Teaching Collection] to register Lu Ze's god domain data, which is completely different from the reality!

Before Lu Ze could answer, she flashed to the battlefield where the murlocs were defending against the invaders.

Many murlocs were carrying the dead bears and gnolls.

She stretched out her finger, and a light curtain popped up where the portal existed. On it was the picture during the test.


Following her whisper, the screen returned to the beginning of the test, when the wild wolf man had just entered the domain of God.

Afterwards, Dong Wan began to seriously speed up browsing.

While the portal serves as an intrusion channel, it also has the function of recording the exam, which Lu Ze knows.

This is also to allow teachers to better judge the performance of students.

With the passage of time, Dong Wan's expression changed constantly, there were doubts, approval, joy and frowns.

But until the third round of the test battle entered a fever pitch, she did not see what Lu Ze could rely on to pass the third round.

Until the sudden appearance of the demigod incarnation, the pitch-black electric arc...

"Another world demigod, a powerful one-time magic device, it looks as powerful as a real god's blow."

Having found the reason, Dong Wan breathed a sigh of relief.

As a teacher, what she fears most is encountering things out of control.

As for the expansion of the domain of the gods, the heterogeneous world tree, and the last divinity?

None of this is a big deal.

She has led dozens of students, what kind of students she has never seen, everyone has their own encounters, there is no need to make a fuss.

Maybe an ordinary-looking student might be able to establish a relationship with a powerful being.

Even she herself was not or was not favored by the clansmen at first, until she had an adventure later.

As long as it does not violate federal laws, she will not ask or interfere.

This is the job of being a teacher!

After a moment of silence, Dong Wan said:

"Lu Ze, your performance in this test is very good, the teacher is very pleased!"

"It's all because the teacher has misunderstood you and didn't pay enough attention to you."

"But don't worry, I will make up for you in the next time. If you have any questions or difficulties, you can find me at any time. If you have any urgently needed God's Domain Card, you can also contact me, and I will find a way to help you find it."

As a true god, it is really rare to be able to treat a new student demigod like this!

No matter how naive Lu Ze was, he would not complain at this moment.

What's more, Dong Wan has good intentions.

"Thank you teacher! Don't worry, I will definitely trouble you a lot in the future."

As he spoke, Lu Ze showed a bright smile.

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