Global Gods: I Have Loaded The Immortal Cultivation Mod

Chapter 55 Sixteen To Eight, Opponent Yanwei

As the competition time progressed, some students returned to the lounge one after another.

Just like the situation faced by Lu Ze, the victorious students stayed behind, while the failed students turned into phantom light spots and dissipated in the blink of an eye.

Many of the students left behind had joy visible to the naked eye.

After all, there are generous rewards for each promotion round.

Not long after.

Ye Shaohuang and Gu Jianfeng also returned to the lounge.

However, compared to Gu Jianfeng's relaxed expression, Ye Shaohuang's expression seemed to be constipated.

His opponent is Ni Yu.

It seems that he also enjoyed the treatment of Yunshang.

This made Lu Ze wonder, what exactly is Ni Yu's family. Why does every opponent who has fought against her look so ugly.

However, now that Ni Yu has been eliminated, the competition with Xia Qiange who is familiar with her is not over yet.

If Lu Ze wants to know the answer, he can only wait for the game to see if he has a chance!


Time passed bit by bit.

When Xia Qiange and Yan Wei returned to the lounge one after another, all the top sixteen contestants finally came out.

The tense competition rhythm did not give the later students much rest time.

Under the auspices of Ding Zhou, after the students arrived, the draw for the top 16 to advance to the top 8 began immediately.

This time, Lu Ze drew the '8' lottery.

The one who drew the same number as him was Yan Wei.

When Yan Wei found out that his own opponent was Lu Ze, the expression on his face was very strange.

It was difficult for him to connect the classmate who had passed blank papers in six consecutive monthly exams with the current Lu Ze.

The world seemed to be divided, and he always felt that he had missed something.

In a short period of time, Lu Ze has changed so much!

However, the brief absence did not affect Yan Wei too much.

When the system prompt sounded, he immediately entered the game state of full concentration.

No matter who the opponent is, he will win! !


[Championship Competition (16 promotions, 8)]

【Name】: Lu Ze

【School】: Nan Feng No. 2 High School

[Current record] 6 wins/0 losses


【Name】: Yan Wei

【School】: Nan Feng No. 2 High School

[Current record] 5 wins/1 loss

[System broadcast]: The top 16 advances to the top 8, the basic information of the No. 8 lottery has been verified, and the competition room can be logged in!

[Record]: You have entered the No. 8 competition room.

[Record]: Your opponent 'Yanwei' entered the No. 8 competition room.

[Record]: You still have ten minutes to prepare.

[Record]: The families of both sides began to preload...

[Record]: Familia preloading is complete!

[Record]: The terrain is being randomly selected...

[Record]: Terrain extraction completed (plain grassland)

[Record]: Both parties are ready, and the family is officially released...

[Record]: The cast of the family is complete!

[Record]: Consciousness loading...

[Record]: The consciousness is loaded!

[The competition officially begins! 】

Familiar process, familiar feeling.

Flying high in the sky, Lu Ze took a serious look at Yan Wei who was not far away, and couldn't help feeling a little emotional in his heart!

The students who used to look up to have now become competitors on the same stage.

To prove yourself, start by defeating him!


The endless plain grassland.

Compared with the sea terrain that Lu Ze got randomly in the last round of the game, it is more suitable for large-scale legion battles.

Lu Ze was in the sky above God's Domain, carefully observing Yanwei's family.

"A squadron of Tier 2 lava goblin mages, eight squadrons of lava goblin fighters, and six squadrons of lava lizard shooters. There are melee, long-range, spells, and physics. The system is very complete!!"

"If those lava goblin mages are not dealt with, this battle will be difficult!"

After some observation, Lu Ze fell into deep thought as he looked at the slightly old lava goblin mages holding stone staffs.

In fact, despite the fact that Yan Wei's family is not as large as Fu Ze's in the previous round.

But if you don't use [Blessing of the King of Water Elements], Fu Ze is really not Yan Wei's opponent in a head-to-head battle.

Even if Fu Ze has two squadrons of the third-tier Asahi Naga Families.

The key lies in the lava goblin mages in Yanwei's squadron.

The lava goblin of the second-level high rank is a first-level special profession [Devil Mage] after a special ritual transfer.

Although there is only one spell [Lava Fireball], it is still very deterrent.

After all, other people's first-tier spellcasters can't cast [Lava Fireball] with an attack range of 5mx5m, which is comparable to the grenade in Lu Ze's previous army.

And Lu Ze's jackal human soldier [Fireball] pursues the ultimate single-target power.

It can be regarded as two extremes!

If there is no way to solve it in advance, Lu Ze doubts whether the own Skachi murloc fighters will directly collapse under the continuous blow of [Lava Fireball].

After all, most of them are newly born Skachi murlocs after using the [Ten Years Accelerator Card].

Without experiencing the baptism of battle, it is difficult to expect how strong their fighting will is.

If you can't attack, you can only defend! !

Thinking about it, Lu Ze couldn't help but cast his eyes on the twenty stump-like [Tree Guards].

At the same time, he also recalled the words that Lingmu Daoist said after he found him before the start of the game.

"Daozu, Taixuan Cave is now actively preparing for battle, presumably there will be disputes in the near future?"

"Lingmu, I can't leave Taixuan Dongtian because of Jianmu's body, but I also want to do my part for Taoist ancestors."

"If you are going outside the territory, Daozu must take them with you."

Speaking at that time, Lingmu pointed to the boy who was guarding the incarnation of the tree spirit who was picking herbs all over the mountains and plains.

In Lu Ze's puzzled eyes, he explained: "A battle outside the territory definitely needs a garrison. Although the boys are not strong in frontal combat, as wood spirit monsters, under my careful teaching, they can still be used for defense. It works one or two."

"Did Daozu see the layer of blue light covering my medicine garden? That is the [Yimu Qingtian Formation] arranged with the bodies of the boys."

"After taking root in the earth and connecting with the veins of the earth, even if I want to break through the formation, I still have to spend a little effort."

When Lu Ze heard it, his eyes lit up instantly.

Although in the later explanation of Lingmu, it must take root in the ground veins to exert its full effect, otherwise the effect may not exist.

But Lu Ze doesn't care!

In the high school freshman exchange competition, you will never encounter an enemy comparable to the legendary strength of the main world.

As long as you need to defend, you can slightly resist the enemy's firepower.

Lu Ze was satisfied.

No, it's time to use it! !

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