God's domain is high in the sky.

Seeing that Lu Ze was in a defensive posture, Yan Wei had no intention of confronting him.

Even if the number of Lu Ze's family members is far greater than the number of own family members, and there seem to be two third-tier family members with multiple squadrons among them.

He still started the active offensive side.

With the current stage of the competition, the third-tier family is no longer an unattainable existence for Yan Wei.

Because, the number of third-tier family members who died under the fireball of the lava goblin mages has already far exceeded three digits.

What's more, he still has a hole card that has never been used so far.

If Lu Ze can force him to do it, it will be a big surprise! !


The lava goblins and lava lizardmen who live in the harsh volcanic environment are born outstanding fighters.

The food crisis, territorial crisis, and all kinds of tribulations that Yanwei created to increase their beliefs have forged their iron will.

It is precisely because of this that, apart from losing a game against the extremely powerful Gu Jianfeng, Yan Wei has been able to defeat her opponents repeatedly and come to where she is today.

Especially after there were more lava lizard shooters in the family, Yan Wei became more and more fearless.

"Da da da!"

The lava goblin warriors and lava lizardman shooters marched on the grass in neat steps.

Lava goblin wizards with stone staffs are protected in the middle of the team.

In order to accommodate them, the overall speed of the team is not fast.

Moreover, with the high-altitude reconnaissance of their own gods, the lava goblins and lava lizards are not worried about encountering sudden attacks from the enemy.

So, they walk very leisurely.

Every few kilometers forward, I will stop and rest for a while to ensure that I can have sufficient physical strength at all times.

On the other side, Lu Ze didn't let the family members idle when he saw this.

Instead, an order was issued to let the weaker second-line troops, such as kobold blacksmiths and ordinary jackals, dig trenches on the spot, and move the bodies of the dryad guards in the process to build a defensive formation.


Time goes by little by little.

The figures of the lava goblin warriors and lava lizardman archers gradually appeared in the sight of Sha Luo and the others, together with the perfectly protected lava goblin mages.

As they got closer, a Skazi murloc warrior blew his conch horn.

With the sound of the horn, the kobold blacksmith and ordinary jackals quickly entered the rear of the array from both sides of the team.

Unless the main battle family members are all dead, Lu Ze doesn't expect them to play much role.

"Stop advancing!"

About 300 meters away from the position of the Lu Ze family, a tall lava goblin warrior in dark red armor from the Yanwei family shouted orders.

Seeing the team stop, it immediately ran to the middle of the team and reported something to a lava goblin mage with the longest beard.

After getting an affirmative answer, it returned to the front of the battle again: "According to the order of the high priest, the whole army advances, target the group of ugly murlocs on the opposite side, tear them apart!!"

"Tear them apart!!"

"Tear them apart!!"

Howls shouted in the Common Tongue followed one after another.

Hearing this, even though Sha Luo and the others on the opposite side had experienced many battles, their expressions could not help but change slightly.

As for the ordinary Skachi murloc fighters who had no combat experience, fear was written all over their faces.

If it wasn't for the shields held high by the shield warriors that gave them a sense of security, they might have started an uproar on the spot.

Seeing this, after getting Shaluo's approval, Shawa immediately issued an order to the messenger team around him.

Ordered, one by one, the messengers quickly ran to all parts of the position.

Under their orders, the Skachi murloc shield warriors in the front row immediately tilted their shields halfway, picked up the short swords around their waists, and struck the shields, shouting "Wan Victory!"

"Wan Sheng!!"

"Wan Sheng!!"

The voice instantly overwhelmed the opposite side.

This gave the ordinary Skachi murloc warriors great courage in their hearts, allowing them to gradually calm down.

The first round of the battle between the two sides——

At this point, there is no winner! !

However, as the distance got closer, the distance between the lava lizardmen shooters in the front row and the Skachi murloc shield warriors was close to 100 meters.

"Get ready, shoot!!"

Under the command of the leader of the lava goblin warriors, the lava lizardman archers in the front row took the lead in attacking, and arrows rained all over the sky.

"The skill 'continuous shooting' prepares, prepares, shoots again!!!"

Arrows rained more densely than the first round.

"Second row ready, ready, shoot!"

"The skill 'continuous shooting' prepares, prepares, shoots again!!!"

"Third row, get ready, shoot!"

"The skill 'continuous shooting' prepares, prepares, shoots again!!!"

Three waves in a row, two hundred lava lizardman shooters per wave.

Under the multiple rounds of volleys of powerful feathered arrows, almost all the Skachi murloc shield warriors in the front row were shot into hedgehogs.

Even with a shield, the casualties were close to a hundred! !

Fortunately, after several rounds of volleys, as the distance narrowed again, the lava lizard shooters moved from the front of the team to shoot freely on both sides.

The lava goblin warrior on the opposite side reached the front.

Otherwise, Lu Ze will have to activate the magic spell in advance!

"Spearman Throwing Ready, Ready, Shoot!!"

This time, it was Lu Ze's turn to attack.

However, as soon as the short spear throwers threw their first round of short spears, hundreds of [lava fireballs] faintly flew out from behind the lava goblin warriors.

"Scatter! Everyone disperse!! Find cover!!! Dao soldiers immediately cast [Water Mist]."

As soon as Shaluo finished speaking, he heard successive "boom" and "boom" sounds coming from the front of the position.

For a moment, dust was flying in the sight, and stumps and broken bodies flew across.

Seeing this, Lu Ze hastily expended a lot of divine power to release the divine spell above the sky.

If the opponent is allowed to continue bombing like this, the position will be blown apart before the follow-up tactics are implemented.



"Extremely cold!"

The howling cold wind condensed the icy rain into beads, which slammed into the positions of the lava goblins like bullets.

Slow down their attacks!

If there is no blocking, it only takes a few tens of seconds for the Skachi murlocs to organize a counterattack and instantly turn defense into offense.

But as an experienced student, Yan Wei will not let Lu Ze do what he wants.




He also responded with three magic spells, and the high temperature instantly turned the ice beads into rainwater and evaporated.

The remaining howling hot wind blew over the lava goblins and lava lizards, not only did not make them feel uncomfortable, but instead gave them a familiar sense of comfort.

This is the role of the gods!

Can profoundly affect the battle situation!

Therefore, in the last game, Lu Ze was puzzled by Fu Ze's failure to strike from the beginning to the end.

"It's really difficult!"

Seeing that Yan Wei easily defuses own magic attack, Lu Ze is not surprised.

This is the basic skill of an excellent student.

In the battle between gods of the same level, apart from the contest of divine arts, it is more about relying on the family.

Attack and reduce the opponent's family members, preserve and develop your own family members.

Only by ebb and flow can we win the final victory.

Just like the battle between the new gods and the ancient gods, a war can cost hundreds of Thousand Years.

For the immortal gods, this is just a matter of sleeping.

Compared with time, the development of the family, the growth of divine power, and the comprehension of laws are what the true gods pay more attention to.

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