"God's people!"

Within the Divine Domain, the miracle of the God of Thunder appeared again.

"Great God of Thunder."

"Your people listen to your oracles."

A hundred minotaurs knelt on the ground, respectfully waiting for the oracle of the God of Thunder.

"Your valor has not dishonored your blood."

"Your battles are seen by the gods."

"Now, let the forces of nature heal your wounds."

"Divine Skill: Lively."

Nangong Hou's voice penetrated into the body of every minotaur above the nine heavens.

Then, green trees and grass flashed a little green light and burrowed into the body of the minotaur.

The wounds they inflicted during the battle were repaired at this moment.

The wound healed, the blood stopped, and the consumed physical strength was rapidly recovering.

Vibrant and using the power of nature to heal wounds.

Although it has no attack power, it has a good auxiliary effect.

The level reaches the limit, and even the seriously injured and dying can be instantly revived!

This hand is naturally a means to make the minotaur grateful to Dade and marvel at the gods.

Suddenly, the channel of faith increased a lot.

Nangong Hou secretly rejoiced, sure enough, if you want to harvest the faith of these people, you have to learn to pretend to be forced.

"The God of Thunder has heard your hearts."

"I will lead you back to the glory of the gods and demons of yesteryear."

"I feel your devout faith, Niu Guli, and I will grant you the status of a divine messenger."

"Would you?"

Niu Guli is the patriarch of the Minotaur tribe.

It's even more that one fanatical.

"Niu Guli is willing to be a servant of God."

"I just want to be able to serve by the side of the gods."

Niu Guli, who was kneeling in the front, said respectfully.

"Well, from now on, you are the envoy of the God of Thunder."

"I, I will give you strength!"

After speaking, Nangong Hou's divine soul moved, and a little divine power was stripped from the priesthood and imprinted into Niu Guli's body.


Niu Guli roared in pain, and his figure suddenly soared by one zhang, reaching two zhang.

The muscles of the whole body bulged wildly, and the divine pattern became more complicated.

Under a roar, Niu Guli's strength also reached the third-order leader level.

At the same time, the two skills were comprehended by Niu Guli respectively.

Nangong Hou checked the interface of the believers.

Holy Spirit: 0.

Saints: 0.

Fanatic: 1.

Godly believers: 5.

True believers: 35.

Light believers: 59.

Divine Messenger: Niu Guli.

Divine Arts: Thunder Strike LV3, Berserk LV3.

Event: You added nine light believers and gained 900 Faith Points.

Unexpectedly, having Niu Guli be a divine messenger directly made the remaining nine Minotaurs also become believers.

Although there are many shallow believers, as long as Nangong Hou is given enough time, they can definitely all become extremely devout Holy Spirits.

"Niu Guli, the God of Thunder gave you the first oracle."

"Build a temple outside the sacred tree and build a statue of the God of Thunder."

"Daily prayer."

"Ru, can you do it?"

Nangong Hou's majestic voice sounded in Niu Guli's mind.

"Great God of Thunder, rest assured, your servant will successfully complete your account."

Niu Guli replied reverently.

Nangong Hou nodded in satisfaction, and only then did the divine soul withdraw from the God Domain.

"I told you to stop, didn't you hear?"

As soon as Nangong Hou opened his eyes, a voice that was as cold as frost and did not have a trace of temperature came.

"Heard me."

"But, so what?"

"Since you dare to make a move against me, you must be prepared to fall."

Nangong Hou glanced lightly at the wood forest that had fallen to the ground and had become a corpse.

This seems to be a warning to the remainder.

It also seems to be answering Xia Bing's question domineeringly.

"That teacher Xia Bing, classmate Nangong, I'll leave first."

Wang Geng sensed this strong smell of gunpowder and decided to slip away.

As soon as he grabbed Mu Lin's body, Wang Geng disappeared.

"Hmph, Nangong Hou, how do you talk to Teacher Xia Bing?"

"You have violated the Academy's guidelines."

"What awaits you will be the harshest punishment, you are not obediently kneeling and waiting for the trial of the academy!"

Zhang Jin didn't expect Nangong Hou to dare to be so crazy.

"I don't need you to worry about my business."

"Or can you help Teacher Xia Bing make decisions?"

Nangong Hou glanced at him lightly, not putting him in his eyes at all.


"Teacher Xia Bing, this kid has no master."

"Defiance of the academy guidelines, I request..."

Zhang Jin was irritated by Nangong Hou's attitude.


"Sit back and get ready for class."

Xia Bing impatiently interrupted Zhang Jin directly.

If the dean hadn't named him the son of a god, do you think I would have let him go so easily?

Zhang Jin was suddenly reprimanded by Xia Bing, and suddenly closed his mouth.

But at the same time he became angry and uncertain.

This kid is so crazy but has nothing at all, is there any background?

And Teacher Xia Bing has never been so nice to talk to!

Nangong Hou smiled faintly, ignoring the surprises of several of them at all, looked at the futon in front of him, and walked directly towards the first futon.

Then, he sat down under the shocked gazes of the six trainees.

At this moment, Xia Bing's eyebrows actually moved.

Apparently, she was also surprised that Nangong Hou dared to sit on the first futon.

"Daring, Nangong Hou, you are just a freshman who has just entered the school, and you dare to sit first!"

"Do you know who was the first to sit?"

"Even if he is not in the academy, this position is not something you can sit in."

When Zhang Jin saw it, he immediately drank out.

"I want to sit, sit!"

"If you disobey, then fight!"

"Shut your mouth otherwise."

Nangong Hou let out a low roar impatiently.

"Why are you sitting here?"

Xia Bing didn't believe that Nangong Hou couldn't see it, and the futons here were placed according to strength.

The distance between the first futon and the subsequent futon is enough to show the strength of the owner of the first futon.

"Because, this is the closest to the teacher."

"I can listen to the teacher better."

Nangong Hou said it without thinking.

Xia Bing was stunned for a moment, and then an uncontrollable smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

This kid is really simple.

"Teacher Xia Bing, you look so good when you smile."

"Why keep pretending to be an iceberg beauty?"

Nangong Hou couldn't help but be attracted by this smile and blurted out.


"You better think about how to deal with the next crisis."

Xia Bing's smile flashed away, and then he resumed his cold posture.

What an arrogant little ghost!


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