"Demigods cannot be changed after awakening their divinity and choosing a priesthood."

"Under normal circumstances, we only awaken one kind of priesthood."

"But there are also some geniuses, while awakening divinity, will give birth to two divine vocations, or even three divine priests!"

When Xia Bing said the word genius, he glanced at Nangong Hou.

Nangong Hou should be regarded as the first day of the academy at this moment, but only one kind of priesthood was born.

In this class, Teacher Xia Bing mainly talked about some knowledge of priesthood.

This may be important for other participants.

But for him, Nangong Hou, it is not worth mentioning at all.

Because his priesthood is already difficult to explain with the knowledge imparted by the academy!

Killing a god can give birth to a priesthood, who has heard of this kind of thing?

Only he Nangong Marquis, can do it!

The key is that by killing the obtained priesthood, Nangong Hou can easily fuse and directly add a new priesthood power!

Not to mention the double priesthood, the three priesthoods, that is, the four priesthoods are here in Nangong Hou, it is only a matter of time.

A class, so boring, even Nangong Hou felt a little tired.

Finally, after the course ended, Xia Bing did not take care of Nangong Hou, but left in a hurry.

Nangong Hou's birth of the Chosen Race, she also needs to report to the dean.

As for the next trouble, since this kid dares to provoke, then he has the ability to deal with it, she won't care!

"Nangong Hou, as a freshman, you are too arrogant."

"Do you still have us seniors in your eyes?"

"Mu Lin just had some verbal disputes with you, and you killed him like that."

"Are you still human!"

As soon as Xia Bing left, Zhang Jin was the first to jump out as an old student.

His relationship with Mu Lin was not very good.

But Nangong Hou's attitude annoyed him.

Which of them is not considered a genius of the academy and a mainstay in the future?

A freshman dared not to put them in his eyes.

This is trampling on their pride as geniuses!

"Human nature?"

"It's ridiculous."

"Mu Lin, as a 3-turn demigod, launched a divine war with me, why don't you talk about humanity?"

"I think you guys at that time just thought I was dying."

"Why, now that he is dead, as you are as mediocre as him, you are afraid?"

Nangong Hou's face was calm, and he did not have any panic because several people surrounded him.


"You've just given birth to a race, even if your talent is against the sky?"

"We are not wood-foresters, killing you is like slaughtering pigs and dog ears."

Zhang Jin was already proud, but he didn't expect a Nangong Marquis to be even more arrogant than him.

This bit of pride made it difficult for him to swallow.


"Then I, Nangong Hou."

"Courting death."

Nangong Hou's words fell, stepped forward, and faced Zhang Jin directly.

Zhang Jin could even feel the heat exhaled by Nangong Hou.

But it was such an invincible momentum that made Zhang Jin couldn't help but take a step back.

Even if, Nangong Hou is not a 1-turn demigod!

"Hmph, but that's it!"

"At this moment, I just want to say, rubbish."

"Oh, don't take it to heart, I'm not targeting you."

"Rather, everyone here is rubbish!"

Nangong Hou flicked his sleeves, laughed, and turned to leave.

"Nangong Hou, don't be proud!"

"You killed Mu Lin, his kindred, Mu Gan will not let you go."

"Just wait for him to come back and seek revenge on you!"

"Moreover, you privately launched a divine war with Mu Lin and killed him."

"This is already against the rules of the academy."

"You, you will definitely be sanctioned by the academy!"

Zhang Jin looked at his free-spirited back and roared.

The step back just now made him feel ashamed!


"You don't know anything about me!"

"Sanction me?"

"You, too naïve!"

"After the academy knows it, instead of sanctioning, it will only reward me."

"Because of my identity, my strength."

"Doomed to be looked up to!"

Nangong Hou smiled gently, and his back disappeared from the sight of several people.

"Have you heard?"

"There is a peerless genius in our academy."

"Yesterday, on the first day of enrollment, I awakened my divinity and became a demigod!"

"And I heard that ah, he opened up the God Domain on the spot!"

Two classmates walking together were whispering.


"Isn't this?"

"In such a hurry, you must not have opened up the God Domain above Grade B, right?"

"Alas, he wasted such a good talent."

After another classmate listened, he said bitterly.


"That's the difference between genius and us."

"He opened up the Super S-Class God Domain, and I heard..." Speaking

of this, the classmate lowered his voice and looked around before continuing.

"The divine tree was also born."

"It's a complete divine tree!"

This classmate looked envious.


"Super S-Class God Domain!"

"Complete Body Divine Tree!"

"This, this is also too against the sky, right?"

"This kind of God Domain has not been seen in millions of years."

"And isn't the Divine Tree restricted in its growth by the chains of law?"

"You're not fooling me, are you?"

"In this world, how can there be such a stunning person!"

Another classmate apparently didn't believe it.


"One of my distant relatives is a freshman who entered yesterday, and he saw it with his own eyes."

"The dean is also here..."

When this student heard this, he immediately blushed and began to argue.

After Nangong Hou, who was passing by, heard it, he smiled faintly.


This is just the beginning!

At the same time, when Xia Bing told Dean Jiang Shi the news, Jiang Shi confirmed it twice, and only then did he believe that Nangong Hou had actually given birth to the Chosen Race himself.

"Good, good, good."

"My academy can get this unicorn, why worry about not being able to catch up with other academies."

"Super five-star race, this kid really shocked me."

"In that case, exchange my promise for a reward."

"Two Superb God Domain Space Stones, 10 million magical points."

Jiang Shi laughed loudly.

"Aren't you worried that the matter of his killing of Mu Lin will be known by other trainees?"

Xia said coldly.


"Mu Lin, this fool, provokes the son of the academy god himself, and he can't live by himself."

"When you die, you die."

"When you say that, you remind me."

"By the way, give him his god son token as well."

"The identity of the son of the gods is not to be provoked."

Jiang Shi said without question.

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