"Great God of Thunder, the Urals did not fulfill the task you gave him."

"Please bring down the divine punishment."

In the God Domain, Ural's appearance at the moment was a little miserable.

There are large and small wounds on the body.

Even more terrifying is that half of a wing's wing has been petrified.

Nangong Hou looked at the Urals below with a solemn face.

I didn't expect this snake race to be so strong.

Fortunately, this snake race's Mesila is only a five-star race.

Once it successfully evolves into a super five-star race, then the Urals will now be a stone.

At that time, even Nangong Hou would have no way to save him.

Nangong Hou did not speak, and his eyebrows were a little.

The rich wood attribute healing power burrowed into the wings of the Urals like a long river from the air.

This miraculous means brought all the faithful races to their knees.

The wounds on the Urals' body began to heal rapidly.

The stones above his wings also began to peel off.

"Thank you God of Thunder."

The Urals are crawling on the ground.

"Niu Guli, it's time to show the strength of the Divine Enlightenment Sect."

Originally, Nangong Hou also planned to buy some SoftBank from the other party.

Unexpectedly, the other party actually started without saying a word, then it is no wonder to him.

After receiving the oracle, Niu Guli quickly began to mobilize manpower.

One hundred dragon knights sat silently on the Storm Dragon.

Behind them were tall and strong two hundred amethyst Beamon, and their strong fists were their weapons.

Behind them were four hundred centaurs, each with a spear in his hand.

As a ranged attack, centaurs are safer at the back of the line.

As for Xiao Zhan's blue-eyed half-human lion race, Nangong Hou did not move.

In case of enemies going straight to their own God Domain, they still need to be guarded.

Niu Guli was at the front of the procession, and on the side was the Moon Priestess Taranya.

The Urals are constantly hovering in the air.

This time, he vowed to wash away the shame he had just had just in blood.


Niu Guli let out a low roar.

Then a huge team of seven hundred people rushed towards the territory of the snake race.

At the same time, in the other two directions, at least thousands of races have rushed to the territory of the snake people.

"Di Guang."

"Our race has arrived."

"This time, I want to kill this race of demigods."

An extremely cold voice sounded in Di Guang's God Domain.

"Don't worry, Yu Sun."

"Your eighth-order legendary level ice and snow blizzard will not die in vain."

"As long as you slaughter this demigod race, capture this demigod, and take the divine tree."

"Lord God will definitely make up for you."

Di Guang looked at Yu Sun and comforted.

The last time he competed for the super five-star race in the ancient dense forest, it was this Yu Sun's ice and snow blizzard that was killed.

"I'll wait for three to make a move, it's enough."

Another demigod Jiaoqiu said lightly.


"He actually took the initiative to attack?"

Di Guang was about to speak, his brows frowned, and he directly released his soul.

It was Niu Guli who had arrived with the Amethyst Beamons.

"This, these hundred minotaurs are all super five-star races?"

Looking at the divine tattoo on Niu Guli and the others, Yusun and the others became extremely shocked.

There are one or two super five-star races, they can understand.

But this is a hundred!

No, plus that moon priestess, one hundred and one!

What the hell is going on here?

"False god believers, you are going against the True Martial Sect."

"Do you know the consequences?"

An eighth-order legendary-level Blood Terran stood up.

Blood race, looks no different from humans, four-star race, lives on blood.

Speed, strength are their strengths.

Sharp teeth and nails are their weapons.

Extremely self-healing ability.

And the blood-race Augustine in front of him has completely atavized and evolved into a super five-star race.

And he is also the divine messenger of Jiaoqiu.

Behind Augustine, six hundred ice and snow bears stood.

The ice and snow blizzard panted, and its strong body exuded a terrifying momentum.

After six hundred ice and snow bears, there are five hundred blood races.

Their enchanting scarlet eyes looked at the minotaur deadly.

On their bodies, they smelled extremely delicious blood.

More tempting than any blood they've tasted before.

After the Blood Terrans, there are four hundred Snake Terran shooters.

Their arrows are smeared with poison.

And the snake race in the end, is Mesila.

Her eyes were fixed on the dark dragon Ural in the air.

Always looking for the moment to petrify this dragon completely.

"The God of Thunder is the supreme deity."

"You believe in nothing but false gods."

"The Divine Enlightenment Sect upholds the will of the God of Thunder."

"Wait for the false believers to accept the wrath of the God of Thunder."

"Dragon Knight, charge."

When Niu Guli heard it, it turned out to be from the True Martial Sect.

This is a meeting between enemies, and it is very red-eyed.

Niu Guli's voice just fell.

A sound of breaking through the air sounded.

A sharp arrow shot out of Tyranya's hand.

Target, the super five-star race Bloodman Augustine.

"Blood Shadow Escape."

As a super five-star race, Augustine's reaction could not be described as unhappy.

It's just that his blood shadow hasn't formed yet.

A desperate force began to erode Augustine directly.

He froze in place, and his heart began to struggle wildly.


"Wake up."

The shrill neighing of the Serpent Terran Mesila tried to wake Augustine directly.

It's just too late.

The sharp arrow pierced Augustine's throat directly.

The original atavistic blood people have a strong ability to heal themselves, as long as they are not broken bones, they can slowly recover.

It's just that Augustine was too unlucky.

The power of despair continued to devour him, making it impossible for him to resist.

Directly fell to the ground, blood flowed out like a fountain along the arrows.

One arrow, the same eighth-order legendary super five-star race, the blood race Augustine, die!

"Damn it, damn it."

"How can the female sacrifice be so strong this month!"

"My Augustine swallowed the blood of ancient dragons."

"Why did you die like this!"

Jiao Qiu saw his super five-star race die and let out an angry roar.

It's just that he can't do anything.

The battle of the Barbarian Continent, demigods, cannot interfere.

Augustine's death caused chaos on the side of the Zhenwu Sect.

At the same time, the earth began to tremble.

Star Diamond level, Dragonless Knight, showing his fangs for the first time.

"Don't mess around."

"Ice Blizzard, Blizzard Wall."

Mercilla's shrill voice kept ringing.

At the same time, she watched the Moon Lady sacrifice vigilantly.

One arrow of her was terrifying.

With the Mercilla organization, the ice and snow blizzard quickly stabilized.

I saw that their thick arms lit up with snow-white light, and then smashed the ground.

A wall of blizzard, at least a meter thick, rose from the ground.

Exudes an icy cold.

"Poisonous arrow, put."

Four hundred Snake Terran archers began to draw their bows and release arrows.

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