Nothing exists, no survival under the charge of the dragon knight, none of them survive.

Only a loud bang was heard, and the one-meter-thick wall of blizzard was directly pierced.

The momentum of the hundred Star Diamond Level-free Dragon Knights did not weaken in the slightest, and they directly rushed into the ice and snow storm bear pile.

Heading forward, the indestructible momentum directly rushed these six hundred ice and snow blizzard bears to the ground.

Like a sharp knife, it continued to impact the formation of the Blood Race.

At the same time, the earth began to tremble.

Amethyst Beamon began to run wildly.

Facing the rain of arrows in the air, I saw them roar, and their whole bodies began to crystallize.

Purple crystals not only enhance their defenses, but also increase their strength.

The tinkling sound is endless.

The highly poisonous arrows did not have any harmful effect on these Amethyst Beamons.

"Spear of Divinity."

The centaur at the back raised his spear high.

The spear flashed with a silver brilliance and flew out with the sound of breaking the sky.

Centaurs are a divine race, and their spears carry divine attributes.

For a race like the Blood Race, there is an innate restraint.

Spears shining with silver brilliance pierced directly through the body of the Blood Terrans.

The silver light made a sizzling sound inside them.

Countless screams came.

Talanya's Moon Shadow arrows shot out one by one.

She targets races with higher levels of strength.

The eighth-order legendary level, the super five-star blood race Augustine was all killed by an arrow from Tyranya.

Not to mention that other strength is not as good as his.

The Urals were full of vengeful anger, and their mouths of dragon breath continued to fall.

The numerical superiority of the three races of Di Guang was not reflected at all.

On the contrary, he was killed by the Divine Enlightenment Sect without any ability to fight back.

Amethyst Beamon, who rushed into the ice and snow storm bear herd, was even more simple and rude.

Raise your fist and smash it down.

From the very beginning, Di Guang's side was crushed by the Divine Enlightenment Sect.

Mercilla saw the situation of the war being one-sided.

Her pupils couldn't help but turn gray.

Petrified rays are emitted again.

An amethyst Beamon did not have time to dodge, and directly became a gray-white stone.


A dragon groan came.

Ural breathed a dragon breath towards Mercilla.

This enemy who had previously hurt him made him particularly jealous.

Mercilla did not dodge, and her gray-white pupils looked towards the sky.

The dragon's breath was directly hit by the petrified ray, turned into a stone and fell weakly.

Just as she was about to petrify the Urals, a sound of breaking through the air sounded.

The huge crisis made the countless thin snakes on her head stand up directly.

"It's not good, it was the moon priestess who made a move."

Mercilla's reaction must be unpleasant.

Her gray pupils quickly looked in the direction of the void.

Before the arrow of despair arrived, it had already made her begin to breed despair.

Now she finally knew why Augustine was so easily killed by that arrow.

A petrified ray shot out of her pupil.

A clicky sound sounded.

Mercilla breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately, the arrow of despair was petrified by her petrified rays.

It's just that as soon as she lowered her mind, a sharp arrow pierced her chest.

The arrow of the moon shadow, without a trace!

This Moon Shadow Arrow is shot together with the Arrow of Despair.

And the arrow of despair is nothing more than to attract Mercilla's attention.

The Arrow of the Moon Shadow is the real killing move.

With the death of Mercilla, the faith race joined by the three demigods was even more collapsed.

It turned directly into a one-sided massacre.

"No, it can't be."

"Why is this Divine Enlightenment Sect so strong?"

Di Guang roared unwillingly.

The other two demigods had already been killed in horror.

Without even saying hello, he returned directly to his own God Domain.

At the same time, they quickly communicated with the God Lord, reported the situation of the battle here, and asked for support.

When Niu Guli stepped on Diguang's temple.

At this moment, Di Guang only felt that his strength of the 6-turn demigod was directly suppressed by half.

In a flash of his eyes, a figure appeared.

It was Nangong Hou.

"Who is your god lord?"

"What strength?"

Nangong Hou looked at him and asked lightly.


"You know you're scared?"

"It's late, the God Lord won't let you go."

Di Guang's eyes flashed with madness.

Deep in his pupils, there was even a trace of extreme fear.


"Maybe you misunderstood."

"In that case, let's kill you first, I want to see if this God Lord of the True Martial Sect can help me?"

Nangong Hou shouted, and the endless thunder began to crackle.

10% of Thunder's control deepened his understanding of Thunder.

Just relying on the power of the Thunder Divine Position, Nangong Hou easily killed Di Guang in front of him.

Looking at the Wood God Divine Priesthood flashing in front of him, Nangong Hou did not rush to fuse, but took it back.

Because, there are still two enemies who are not dead yet!

This side had turned into a one-sided slaughter, and Niu Guli directly led a hundred dragon knights to rush in the direction of the Yusun race.

Tyranya rushed towards the ethnic territory of Jiaoqiu with a hundred and a half centaurs.

The two of them had already sent most of the elites in the God Domain this time.

In the face of the Divine Enlightenment Sect that was attacking non-stop, they simply had no power to fight back.

Both of them are 6-turn demigods, and under the situation of a sharp drop in strength, they are not Nangong Hou's opponents at all.

Soon they were killed one by one.

And Nangong Hou received two more priesthoods.

Wind God Priesthood.

Ice God Priesthood.

The next thing was to clean up the end of the war, and Nangong Hou did not pay attention to it.

At this moment, he looked at the three newly acquired priesthoods and fell into deep thought.

The priesthood of the God of Wind, he has not yet fused, can be fused.

The priesthood of the Wood God he already has, if it is fused again, it can only increase the control of less than 5%, and the practicality is not very large.

The same is true of the priesthood of the God of Ice and Snow.

Glancing at the Moon Shadow War Ancient Tree below.

Nangong Hou suddenly had a flash of light.

Since the Moon Shadow War Ancient Tree was already a ninth-order demigod level, its strength had reached its peak.

Can I give him the priesthood and continue to cultivate?

Once this idea breeds, Nangong Hou can't control it.

Don't care, give it a try, it's a big deal to waste a priesthood.

Thinking of this, Nangong Hou first extracted the power of faith in the Wood God Divine Priesthood, and then faced the War Ancient Tree a little.

The priesthood turned into a colorful rainbow and flew directly into the body of the Moon Shadow War Ancient Tree.


At this moment, the Moon Shadow War Ancient Tree felt an unprecedented powerful force constantly washing his newly born divine soul.

At this moment, he actually had a trace of understanding, and the road to becoming a god seemed to have been opened to him.

There was originally only one forbidden fruit on his branch.

Under the fusion of the Wood God Divine Profession, there were two more forbidden fruits growing rapidly.

"Tails thanks the God of Thunder for the gift."

The Moon Shadow War Ancient Tree knew that it was definitely the handiwork of the God of Thunder just now.

"Tails, what you just incorporated into is the priesthood of the God of Wood."

"Concentrate on cultivation, sooner or later you can also become a god."

Nangong Hou didn't expect to really succeed.

From the Moon Shadow War Ancient Tree, he saw a faint trace of divinity.

As long as you cultivate slowly, you can definitely demigod nine turns.

What the?

Just now, it turned out to be the priesthood of the God of Wood?

The Moon Shadow War has lived for 10,000 years, and naturally knows such a thing as a priesthood.

Unexpectedly, this kind of thing Thunder God actually rewarded him, which made him more firm in his faith.

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