Qi Zhen shook his head while changing his clothes: "Don't think about it, Jiang Yun can refuse to leave two bottles of spirit liquid in our Jiang Province, I, the governor, if I can't even get two drops of spirit liquid, how can I stay in such an office to enjoy blessings, so during my absence, Xiao Li, this governor's mansion, will be handed over to you, if I have an accident, you will open this letter."

After placing another letter on his desk, Qi Zhen also left.

On the other side, Jiang Yun, who left the Governor's Mansion, did not immediately report to the Wuda University in Jiang Province, but found a very high-grade martial arts hall and rented a practice room.

The martial arts hall is a hotel rented by warriors, in addition to normal hotel facilities, there are also some martial arts cultivation equipment.

"Finally, I have time to refine that Cleansing Pill."

After opening the room and entering the practice room, Jiang Yun took out the Cleansing Pill.


tendon and cutting the pith pill】Item introduction: Qidan with the effect of washing the tendon and cutting the pith and rebirth, refining time: 48 hours.

That's right, this Cleansing Pill takes a full 2 days to refine.

Previously, Jiang Yun had two days to eat this thing, so he kept it until now.

Jiang Yun, who had eaten and drunk, had prepared before, and also asked the service staff of the martial arts hall not to disturb him.

The phone is also turned off directly, leaving only the wake-up alarm at five o'clock every morning.

After making these preparations, Jiang Yun, who was stripped naked, sat in the large bathtub and swallowed this Cleansing Pill into his stomach.

The most consequence was exactly the same as Jiang Yun thought, within a few hours after eating this Cleansing Pill, Jiang Yun's whole body began to emerge as if it were detoxifying.

After this day and night passed, these "dirt" were just like the "silt", directly sticking to Jiang Yun's body.

"I lean! There are so many impurities in my body! Feeling

the glue on his body and smelling the foul smell, Jiang Yun retched for a long time, and immediately turned on the shower.

After a simple rinse, Jiang Yun spent five minutes to do today's task first, and then closed his eyes and meditated, and continued to refine this Cleansing Pill.

["Ding" washing tendon cutting pill refining is completed. 【

"Ding" your muscles, bones, and bone marrow have been strengthened. 】

【"Ding" your strength, agility, and physique attributes have been improved by 50%! 】 【

"Ding" You can now perform secondary quenching. "

Secondary quenching?"

Jiang Yun, who looked at this, was confused, thinking what did this second quenching bone mean?

"It seems that I have to go to Wuda in Jiang Province and ask Principal Feng Chuan."

As for now, Jiang Yun immediately opened his properties panel.

Character: Jiang Yun. (Strength: Warrior. Not certified)

Strength attribute: 224. (It can burst into 2128~2576 pounds.) Agile

attribute: 192. (Increase agility attribute points to increase punch speed, leg speed, reaction speed, dodge speed, etc.) Physical

attributes: 196. (Can increase physical strength, and increase the upper limit of physical strength, current physical fitness 189/390.)

Qi and blood attributes: 293. (The higher the qi and blood, the stronger the eight veins of the five internal organs and six qi meridians, and the physical strength and strength can be improved, and this attribute affects everything in the warrior.) Intellectual

attributes: 135. (Current savvy value +2, the higher the character's intelligence attribute, the higher the IQ,)

Mental attribute: 62. (This attribute reaches a certain level and can activate some special abilities.) Exercises

: "Stake Gong".

Martial arts learned: "Chong Fist", "Rushing Fist", "Whiplash Leg", "Divine Shadow Step", "Wind Extreme Step", "Bajiquan".

Special advanced attribute - knife mastery (normal) 5/100, mastery points full, can reach the entry level.

"I leaned, my highest strength, actually directly broke 2500!"

This directly made Jiang Yun's whole person look stupid, thinking that the effect of this Cleansing Pill was too against the sky.

In addition, Jiang Yun also found that after the impurities in his body were expelled, he even felt fluttering when he walked.

The actions of the whole body and the bottom seem to have been liberated,

as for the muscles and bones, Jiang Yun clenched his fists and stepped down to feel it, and the skeleton in his body was no longer the bone, but the steel bar!

The power of the last punch burst out, and the stake in this practice room, which was directly blocked by him, was broken in two.

And Jiang Yun's hand didn't have any scars.

"The degree of flesh has also increased a lot!"

"The benefits brought to me by this Cleansing Pill are too great!"

After being so excited, Jiang Yun completed today's daily task.

"First step up, and show me the experience."

That's right, Jiang Yun can read martial arts experience while walking on a horse, so as to complete two tasks at once.

["Ding" You have completed the daily task squatting for three minutes, and you have gained a little physique attribute points. 】

【"Ding" You have completed the daily task to see the experience of Bajiquan martial arts in one minute, and your Bajiquan proficiency has increased by 100 points.

This is followed by ten sit-ups followed by thirty leg lifts.

After doing this, Jiang Yun, who had carefully washed up, set off for Wuda in Jiang Province.

At this time, at the gate of Wu in Jiang Province, banners, balloons, and various standing signs welcoming the champion of the Wu Examination, it was a whole pile, as if for fear that others would not know, Jiang Yun joined their Jiang Province Wu Da.

This is naturally a huge honor for Jiang Province Wuda, but for Jiang Yun himself.

"This is too dead!"

"I even engaged in two-dimensional character standing cards, this..." Looking

at his two-dimensional cartoon big standing card, directly placed in the center of the gate of the entire Jiang Province Wu University, Jiang Yun was completely embarrassed.

Thinking that I am not an idol star, is it necessary to do this?

In the end, fortunately, Jiang Yun had already prepared.

Taking out the mask and hat from before, Jiang Yun thought to himself, you should not recognize me now.

At the gate of the martial arts school, some students holding the welcome flag at this time complained a little impatiently: "Senior Brother Zhang, it's been three days, so Jiang Yun still can't come?" Also, is it necessary for us to make such a big pomp to welcome him? I really served too!

"People who know, know that we are students of Jiang Province Wu University, don't know, and think that we guys are clowns invited by which circus, it's a shame."

"Not old, this pomp and café is not small, I said it a few days ago, but I haven't seen anyone until now, this champion is really a cow!"

"For the sake of one person, let so many of us wait for him, and welcome him, Mad, I won't do this errand anyway, who you love will come!"


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