Just as everyone was complaining, a warrior with a wooden sword on his back and a cyan martial uniform directly volleyed a big kick in the air, kicking Jiang Yun's cartoon big standing card to the ground like a family member.

At the same time, at the gate of Jiang Province's Wu University, several students led by the leader said: "A few of you, quickly call Jiang Yun out to Lao Tzu!" You guys just said that Pengcheng Martial Continent came to challenge! "

Senior Brother Zhang Xing, he was already holding the fire in his stomach, because he was also very upset that he was called here to be the captain of the welcome ceremony of some shit.

So when he saw Lu Zeng, who suddenly arrived, he was so arrogant and arrogant.

Zhang Xing was angry, and directly roared out on the spot: "Lu Zeng, your teacher of Pengcheng Wuda, didn't teach you the number of gifts to visit?" Since Pengcheng Wuda did not teach, let Zhang Xing of Jiangda teach you well today! Saying

that, Zhang Xing jumped up directly, and kicked Lu Zeng's body with a whip.

Lu Zeng was rude by Dao, and he didn't teach anything from Pengcheng Wuda, so naturally he was also angry, and turned over a palm and slapped the whip leg kicked by Zhang Xing.

The other students of Jiang Province Wu University around were all laughing when they saw that Lu Zeng had no intention of dodging and wanted to face Zhang Xing head-on.

"This Lu Zeng, the Great Martial Master of Pengcheng, I'm afraid he's not a fool, he actually used the strength of the early stage of the martial artist to fight against Senior Brother Zhang Xing in the middle stage of the martial artist!"

"Forget about the rude number, this brain is not enough, I really don't know how Pengcheng Wuda became the top three martial arts universities."

"Senior Brother Zhang, give me a kick to kick this Lu Zeng down!" Look if he dares to go crazy again! At

this time, everyone present thought that Zhang Xing, who was more powerful, could crush this Lu Zeng.

However, when Zhang Xing's whip leg and Lu Zeng's sharp palm and fist fight were finished, everyone was shocked to find that Zhang Xing was actually shocked back, so not to mention, Lu Zeng actually followed the trend with a side kick and kicked on Zhang Xing's knee joint.

Immediately, there was a crisp bone breaking sound, which was all the people who laughed at Lu Zeng before, and their expressions froze.

And Lu Zeng, who had not even let go of Zhang Xing's meaning, immediately pulled out the wooden sword behind him, and said to Zhang Xing, who was lying on the ground, covering his left leg and screaming: "Today I will break your legs first, if you dare to insult me Pengcheng Wuda again, I will take your dog's life!" Saying

that, the wooden sword in Lu Zeng's hand directly slashed towards Zhang Xing's right leg.

The ruthlessness of the means directly made the students of Jiang Province Wu University present all at a loss.

Because everyone didn't expect that this inconspicuous Lu Zeng would break people's legs and feet as soon as he came up.

"Boy, you dare!"

During this period, someone scolded Lu Zeng and called a stop.

However, Lu Zeng was not afraid at all: "Look if I dare!" Also, after he broke his legs, it will be your turn next, and I will clean you up one by one until Jiang Yun appears!"

As soon as Lu Zeng's words came out, some of the people present who were not as strong as Zhang Xing all took a step back with trepidation.

Lu Zeng saw this scene and unconsciously raised the corners of his mouth: "This is the second-year student of Jiang Province Wu University?" I see it's nothing more than a bunch of trash! "

Break me!!"

Lu Zeng was ready to kill chickens and monkeys, so that these people knew how big the gap between their Pengcheng Wuda and ordinary third-rate universities was.

However, at the last second when the wooden sword in Lu Zeng's hand was about to cut off Wang Xing's leg, a teenager wearing a cap, a mask on his head, suddenly appeared behind Lu Zeng.

First, he grabbed Lu Zeng's right hand holding the sword, and even swept his legs, knocking Lu Zeng to the ground.

However, this Lu Zeng's reaction was also extremely fast, and he actually supported the ground with his left hand in the last moment when he was knocked down by Jiang Yun.

Seeing this, Jiang Yun directly sat down on Lu Zeng's body, suppressed Lu Zeng's whole person at the same time, and used his right elbow to slam into Lu Zeng's left hand joint.

"Whether to lie down for me or waste my left hand, you choose one!"

Lu Zeng was originally very glad that his left hand had made a great achievement, and he was not allowed to be thrown to the ground.

Now as soon as he heard this, the whole person's face changed greatly, but he also immediately gave up resistance, and finally his face came into contact with the concrete floor.

During this period, Lu had struggled and resisted countless times, but Jiang Yun was like a mountain, and he couldn't move at all when he was suppressed.

"Lunge step" plus "curved style", superimposed on Jiang Yun's 2,500 pounds of strength at this time, in the end, it is really not Jiang Yun blowing, and the martial artist with a strength of less than 4,000 pounds will definitely not be able to break free.

"If you have the ability, let me go, and fight me with dignity, what kind of good man is this sneak attack!"

In the end, it is estimated that there is no rut, and this Lu Zeng also began to speak, saying that Jiang Yun, who sneaked up just now, is not a good man.

["Ding" system prompt: let go of Lu Zeng, play with him dignifiedly, task rewards, random attribute points. ] Around

, when they saw Lu Zeng, who was arrogant before, being suppressed by a mysterious person who suddenly appeared, the martial arts disciples of Jiang Province who were present breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time they all clapped their hands and applauded, thinking that someone could finally give this Lu Zeng some color.

As for letting go, what a fool to let go!

It is definitely to suppress this Lu Zeng until exhausted, gnaw the cement floor with his mouth, and gnaw directly until he dies.

Everyone present at this time thought so.

At the same time, they all felt that Jiang Yun would definitely not fall for such a big situation.

Because of this low-level agitation method, even if you give it to them, they will not be fooled.

As a result, before they could slow down, they saw Jiang Yun say, "Okay."

Then the whole person got up from Lu Zeng's body and liberated Lu Zeng, who was originally bound to the ground and motionless.

This commotion was a foolish operation that directly made everyone present look stupid.

I thought this person was probably not a fool.

You don't know how you just won?

Big brother, you just got a sneak attack.

You should be a little forced in your heart.

In the end, if this is a head-on battle, to be honest, everyone present does not think that this guy with a cap, a mask on his face, can win against Na Lu Zeng.

After all, in the past, Lu Zeng had crossed the steps and crushed their senior brother Wang Xing.

"This kid, is it a brain show?"

"The lock technique suppression just now, it is simply perfect to use, as long as it is locked in the end, this is absolutely stable, why this guy, to lift the suppression and Na Lu Zeng one-on-one, I really don't understand."

"Although people are a little stupid, this freshman still has two brushes."

"How did you know he was a freshman?"

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