"Lord Qin Feng!"

As soon as the Azure Dragon Territory Lord appeared, he smiled and stepped forward to meet Qin Feng.

Qin Feng also asked happily:"Brother, you just said, do you know where to find the Taiyin Star Essence and the Sun Star Essence?"

Qinglong Territory Lord smiled and said:"I do know! In fact, the location of these two objects is not a secret. In the past, it would have been extremely difficult for outsiders to get their hands on it. Nowadays, it is extremely easy to get!"

Speaking of this, the Qinglong Territory Lord's tone was somewhat proud.

Xiao Luan'er couldn't wait to say:"Senior Qinglong, hurry up and say it! I'm so anxious!

The Qinglong Territory Lord smiled and said,"Okay!" good! I said! I said! In fact, the Taiyin Star Spirit and the Sun Star Spirit are in the Dark Demon Realm and the Light God Realm."

"The main star of the Dark Demon Realm, the Dark Heaven Realm, produces the Taiyin Star Essence!"

"The main star of the Light Divine Realm, the Light Heaven Realm, produces the Sun Star Spirit of Creation!"

"If it were changed to the past, when both the Light Territory Lord and the Dark Territory Lord were alive, it would not be easy to obtain those two materials! Now it is something that can be easily achieved."

Hearing this, Qin Feng was overjoyed.

That is to say, he smiled and said:"I didn't expect that these two peak-level materials of creation are in the dark demon realm and the light god realm! I originally planned to destroy these two star realms, so I can kill two birds with one stone!"

Xiao Luan'er's eyes Yiliang:"Dad! Do you want to destroy the Dark Demon Realm and the Light God Realm?"

Qin Feng sneered:"That's natural! If people don't offend me, I won't offend others! Since the Light God Realm and the Dark Demon Realm dare to collude to sacrifice to the heaven, it is not good for me! How could I just let them go!"

As soon as he said these words, Xiao Luan'er, Yu Xuanji and other confidants all showed great joy!

Even the Azure Dragon Territory Master looked happy!

He also felt that destroying those two star regions would be a good thing for the Qinglong Star Region!

In short, Qin Feng is not a kind person!

He never shows mercy to his enemies!

When it’s time to cut the grass and root out the roots, it’s natural to cut the grass and root out the roots!

What's more, by destroying those two star regions, you can also get the Sun Star Essence and the Taiyin Star Essence, which is killing two birds with one stone!

At this time, Liu Xuan asked excitedly:"Boss, when will we capture the Dark Demon Realm and the Light Divine Realm?"

At this time, Liu Xuan couldn't wait.

Not only him, but also the more than 500 Star Territory Lords behind him were impatient.

When the boss gets those two materials, the boss can refine the divine whip, and they will hopefully be promoted to the main god realm.

At this time, Qin Feng smiled slightly.

He also wants to refine the Divine Whip as soon as possible, which will be of great help to improve his strength!

Besides, refining the divine whip is also one of the hard-core conditions that he must complete to be promoted to the top master of the universe.

With this in mind, he said:"It won't be too late! The sooner we destroy it, the better! Let's set off immediately! Having said that, those two star regions are on my way to the Judgment God Realm, so I won't delay the business!

" Fall, everyone is overjoyed!

At this time, Feng Xi asked curiously:"Master, do you plan to drive to the Blue Star Realm this time?"


With this reminder, Qin Feng's eyes couldn't help but fall on the Blue Star Realm below.

In the inheritance assessment of the Judgment Territory Lord, the power of the planet cannot be used.

He drove the Blue Star Realm forward, but it was of no use.

As for moving the Blue Star Realm into the Qin Yuan Universe, he has already tried and failed to move it.

He needs to become the master of the universe of Hongyuan Universe so that he can freely move planets between the two universes!

Thinking of this, Qin Feng said:"Leave the Blue Star Realm in the Azure Dragon Star Territory and let the four clones protect it! At the same time, let the four clones also protect the home base of the Azure Dragon Star Territory!"

"We have all left. There is no guarantee that the Great Sacrifice will not cause harm and send people to sneak attack the Blue Star Realm and Qinglong Star Realm! With four clones guarding me, I can feel more at ease!"

Hearing this, the Azure Dragon Territory Master breathed a sigh of relief.

He was worried about this!

Now that the four major clones are guarding him, he is relieved!

Regarding the strength of the four major clones, the Azure Dragon Territory Master is very clear.

There is no five skills. With strength, I'm afraid I won't be able to break through the Qinglong Star Territory.

"Without further ado! It's time to go!"

At that moment, Qin Feng said no more, and with a wave of his hand, he took his subordinates into the Qin Yuan Universe.

Then, he and the Azure Dragon Territory Master flew out of the Blue Star Realm.

Before leaving, Qin Feng looked back at the Blue Star Realm. The star world is a little sad.

Without the power of the planet from the blue star world to feed back, his strength will drop a lot. If he encounters a strong man like Wu Jue again, he will not be able to kill Kun Ancestor as easily as he did.

What a pity!

Judgment Territory Lord The assessment does not require these external forces.

More importantly, if he drives the planet to the Judgment God Realm, his movement speed will be greatly reduced, and it will take at least a month before he can reach the Judgment God Realm. In that case, he will miss""Three Worlds Book" five times the mission reward.

Time is still very precious to Qin Feng!

At the moment, Qin Feng no longer thinks about it, and flies towards the Dark Demon Realm with the Azure Dragon Territory Lord....


But at this moment, Qin Feng's sea of ​​consciousness suddenly roared, and his body also lit up with a spiritual light.....

A reminder came from heaven....

【Reminder: Your mind body has successfully refined the 'Eternal Halberd', and you have become the master of the 'Eternal Halberd'!】

【Reminder: You gained insights into the Way of Decay from the 'Eternal Halberd' and began to awaken to the acquired Way - the Way of Decay.....】

【Reminder: You have obtained the enlightenment of the Blue Road from the 'Eternal Halberd' and begun to awaken to the acquired road - the Blue Road....】

【Reminder: You gained enlightenment on the Avenue of Eternity from the 'Eternal Halberd' and began to awaken to the Avenue of Acquired Day - the Avenue of Eternity.....】......

Qin Feng is overjoyed!

The Eternal Halberd is finally refined!

At this moment, the spiritual light in his body continued, and his momentum began to increase...

After a while, he awakened 15 acquired avenues!


Soon, the jade disc of creation was also activated.....

【Reminder: The Jade Disk of Creation automatically records your perception of the 'Road of Decay', and you receive a permanent feedback of 100 million star combat power!】

【Reminder: The Jade Disk of Creation automatically records your perception of the 'Blue Road', and you receive a permanent feedback of 100 million star combat power!】......

【Reminder: It has been detected that the number of avenues recorded in your 'Good Fortune Jade Disk' has reached 1812. It has met the requirements for advancement and will automatically enable advancement.....】

【Advancement successful! Your Creation Jade Disc is promoted from level 19 to level 20!】

【Congratulations on getting the assistance of the 20th level Jade Disc of Creation. Your refining efficiency of Dao Crystal has been increased to 2000.%】

【Congratulations on getting the assistance of the 20th level Jade Disc of Creation. Your understanding of the Great Scroll has increased by 2000.%】

【Congratulations on receiving the blessing of the 20th-level Jade Disc of Good Fortune. You have once again received the power of the Taoist artifact in return, permanently increasing your combat power by 160 billion stars.!】

【Reminder: After your Creation Jade Disc is promoted to level 20, the Taoist Skill will be automatically awakened! Activate the Jade Disk of Creation, and your attack and defense will increase by 100%!】

【Reminder: After the Jade Disk of Good Fortune is promoted to level 20, it can only be promoted to another level for every 300 additional avenues! 】


As the prompt sounded, Qin Feng's momentum began to soar crazily!

He couldn't help but stop, closed his eyes, and felt the advancement of the jade dish of creation.....

At this time, the Qinglong Territory Lord was also alarmed and quickly turned back to look at Qin Feng....

Huh! This momentum....

No way!

Lord Qin Feng's strength has improved again?

Feeling the increase in Qin Feng's momentum, the Qinglong Territory Lord's face showed a look of envy....

After a long time, the advancement of the Jade Disc of Creation ended!

Qin Feng also slowly opened his eyes, his eyes filled with joy.

In just a moment, his combat power soared to 17.92 trillion stars, and his strength has improved a lot!

What's even better is that after the Jade Disk of Creation is promoted to level 20, the attack and defense increases are increased from 50% to 100%!

This is of great help to Qin Feng! correct!

The growth rate of the Jade Disk of Creation has been increased, so the combat power target he needs to increase should be less, right?

Thinking of this, Qin Feng took up the seal and started to deduce it again.

After a moment, he finished his deduction, and his face showed joy.

According to this deduction, he only needs to increase his combat power to 23 trillion stars to have a 50% chance of winning the inheritance.

This is 200 million less than the previously derived target of 25 trillion. really!

The advancement of the Creation Jade Disc brings great benefits.

However, after the Jade Disk of Good Fortune is promoted to level 20, it becomes more difficult to advance to subsequent levels.

It needs to understand 300 avenues before it can advance to the first level!

Qin Feng is already very satisfied with this!

If the sacrifice power of his subordinates is included, he only needs to increase his combat power by another 1.1 trillion to increase the chance of obtaining the inheritance to about 50%.

Increase combat power by 1.1 trillion!

This is much less difficult than before!

Qin Feng's eyes lit up, as if he saw hope.

All in all, everything is going in a good direction!

"Lord Qin Feng, has your strength improved again?"

At this time, the voice of the Azure Dragon Territory Lord sounded next to him.

Qin Feng looked up and saw the Azure Dragon Territory Lord looking at him curiously.

He couldn't help but smile:"That's right! The Lord of Qinglong Territory suddenly said with envy:"

Master Qin Feng, if Qing is not mistaken, you have just increased your combat power by at least 100 billion!" How enviable!"

Qin Feng smiled and said nothing.

Then, he glanced at the Azure Dragon Territory Lord

"Brother, your strength has improved a lot this time in retreat. Now it has reached the peak of half-step eternity!"

Hearing this, the Qinglong Territory Lord also smiled:"I also want to thank you for the Taiqing Dao Crystal you gave me last time! If it weren't for those Dao Crystals, I wouldn't have been able to break through!"

It turns out that the Azure Dragon Territory Lord's previous combat power was only infinitely close to the half-step peak.

After he refined the Dao Crystal rewarded by Qin Feng, his strength broke through the threshold in one fell swoop and reached the half-step peak.

This also made the Azure Dragon Territory Lord's future plans There was a lot more to look forward to in the inheritance assessment!

Afterwards, the two of them stopped talking and continued to rush towards the Dark Demon Realm.....

The vast starry sky!


However, the Dark Demon Realm is very close to the Qinglong Star Realm!

For half a step of eternal power, it is only one day's journey at most.....

Qin Feng and Qin Feng were faster, and it only took them most of a day to arrive near the Dark Demon Realm....

At this moment, it is at the edge of the dark demon realm's lair.

Qin Feng looked at the huge galaxy in front of him and was filled with emotion.

This Dark Demon Realm lair is very huge, comparable to two or three times the size of the Azure Dragon Star Realm lair!

There are more than 7,000 large and small planets!

This is the size of the medium-sized star field, which is naturally much larger than the Qinglong star field.

"Lord Qin Feng, have you seen the black planet in the center of the star field? That is the main star of the Dark Demon Realm - Dark Heaven Realm, and there is the Taiyin Star Essence you want on it!"

At this time, the Lord of the Azure Dragon Territory pointed at the center of the Dark Demon Territory.

Qin Feng followed the sound and saw an extremely huge black planet.

Visually observing the size of the black planet, it was the main star of the Azure Dragon Star Territory - the Azure Dragon Realm. It is twice as big as

Qin Feng’s Blue Star Realm. But compared with Qin Feng’s Blue Star Realm, it is less than one percent of the Blue Star Realm!

Qin Feng’s Blue Star Realm is a Hongmeng-level planet, and not any planet can compare with it. of

"Look at the size of this Dark Demon Realm! There should be a lot of resources, right?"

Qin Feng mentioned it casually.

The Qinglong Territory Lord smiled and said:"This is natural! After all, it belongs to the medium-sized star field, and its resources are naturally extremely rich! Sir, you have destroyed the Dark Demon Realm this time, so you might as well plunder its resources!

Qin Feng smiled:"Let's destroy it first and then talk about it!""

As soon as he finished speaking, Qin Feng flew towards the Dark Heaven Realm!

The Azure Dragon Territory Lord followed closely behind....

At the same moment, in the Dark Heaven Realm, the sky was above the Territory Lord Temple.

An old man in black robes with a yellow beard is looking at the distant starry sky with an anxious look on his face....

This old man's name is Mass. He is a quasi-half-step eternal boss and the second strongest person in the Dark Demon Realm.

Since the Dark Territory Lord left, he has been in charge of the Dark Demon Territory.

Behind him, there were hundreds of god kings standing.

These are the top leaders of the Dark Demon Realm!

"It’s been nearly three days! Why hasn’t the Territory Lord returned yet?"

At this time, Mass could not help but murmur in a low voice, and the anxiety on his face became even stronger.

It turned out that he was worried about the Lord of Darkness.

At this time, a man's voice sounded behind Mass

"Second uncle! Don’t worry! My dad will be back soon! The people they went to this time were all super powerful. How could a small Azure Dragon Star Territory be able to withstand it?"

The person who spoke was a man in black with an arrogant look. He was none other than Salem, the son of the Dark Territory Lord!

As soon as Salem finished speaking, many god kings followed suit.

"Miss Mass! The Young Territory Lord is right! Our Territory Lord will definitely be fine!"

"yes! The Qinglong Star Territory is just a small star territory! Even with the help of the power of heaven and earth, the Azure Dragon Territory Master could barely reach half a step of perfection. But this time, there were several Dzogchen experts who went with the Territory Lord!"

"No doubt! The Azure Dragon Territory Lord will definitely die this time!"

"yes! That guy dared to defend that little thief Qin Feng. I wonder what he was thinking?"

At this moment, the gods and kings all agreed with Salem.

They were full of confidence in the Dark Territory Lord's trip.

After all, the strength of the Dark Territory Lord and his party was too powerful.

From the beginning to the end, they felt that the Dark Territory Lord The Lord and his party will not lose.

At this time, they don’t know that in addition to the four La Shen people, Kun Zu, one of the Five Jue, has also gone.

If they knew that Kun Zu had also gone, they would be more confident.

But the fact is, The Dark Territory Lord has fallen!

At this time, Mass took a deep breath and said:"You are right! Theoretically, the Territory Lord and his party will win! It stands to reason that the Territory Lord and others should also return, why have they not returned yet? This is inevitably worrying!

Saleng said indifferently:"Second uncle, you don't think that the Azure Dragon Territory Lord can withstand the siege of the four La Shen people, right?" That guy is not that powerful yet!"

Masi nodded slightly:"I also think that the Azure Dragon Territory Lord is not that strong! But the target that the Territory Lord and others went to deal with this time was a man named Qin Feng. We don't know the details of Qin Feng!"

"Now, the Territory Lord and his party have not returned at the agreed time, which is inevitably worrying!

Sa sneered and said:"Second uncle, did you forget to receive the introduction from Mr. Yin?" He said that Qin Feng was just a master god! How powerful can a small Lord God Realm be?"

Salen is a powerful God-King Dzogchen man!

Naturally, he looks down on a main god!

Then, he said:"Second uncle! From my point of view, that Qin Feng is not worth mentioning at all, so the Azure Dragon Territory Lord is a trouble! However, the Qinglong Territory Lord is also dead this time!"

"It is estimated that before long, my father and the others will come back with the head of the Azure Dragon Territory Lord!"

Whoosh~! Whoosh~!

Just after saying this, white lights flashed above everyone's heads, and two figures appeared out of thin air!

Saleng and others were startled, and they all looked up.


Everyone was dumbfounded at this sight.!

I saw that one of the people who came was the Qinglong Territory Lord they were discussing!....

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