At this moment, Saleng and others looked at the Azure Dragon Territory Lord in astonishment!

"It''s you!"

"Azure Dragon Territory Lord!"

Sa Leng and the others never expected that the Azure Dragon Territory Lord would suddenly appear.

The next second, they subconsciously retreated!

But then, they saw the planet barrier in front of them, and their originally frightened hearts calmed down again. Come down.

The planet barrier in the Dark Sky Realm has extremely strong defense and has reached the peak level of half-step eternity.

They suddenly thought that the Azure Dragon Territory Lord was only half-step eternity and was not yet able to break through the planet barrier in front of him.

Since it cannot be broken, then What else are they afraid of?

With this thought, Salem and others looked at each other and did not retreat.

After all, there is a planetary barrier between them and the Azure Dragon Territory Lord, which is where their confidence lies.

This At this time, Mass took a deep breath and looked at the Lord of Qinglong Territory with a solemn face.

"Azure Dragon Territory Lord, why are you here?"

Mia asked carefully.

Qinglong Territory Lord smiled coldly:"Can't you guess why I am here?"

Masi frowned:"How do I know? Qinglong Territory Lord, if you have something to say, just say it! No need to beat around the bush!"

The Qinglong Territory Lord sneered:"Diffuse! Your domain master colluded with others to attack our Qinglong Star Domain! Naturally, I am here to take revenge!"

As soon as these words fell, everyone's expressions changed slightly.

Immediately, Mass asked hurriedly:"It seems that you have encountered my domain lord! By the way, what about my domain master?"

Qinglong Territory Lord sneered lightly:"Of course he is dead!"


As soon as these words came out, the whole audience was shocked!

But the next second, Salem roared:"Qinglong! What nonsense are you talking about! This time, my father went with Ra, Shiva, Brahma and Vishnu. How could he die? If you want to die, it can only be you!"

"correct! You managed to escape here alive! He must have discovered something was wrong in advance and abandoned his nest and fled. My dad and the others haven't come back for a long time, they must be looking for you everywhere!"

"Right now, you just want to take advantage of the emptiness of my Dark Demon Realm lair to take revenge, right?"

As soon as these self-righteous words came out, the eyes of all the disciples of the Dark Star Territory lit up, and they felt that it made sense.

At that moment, several God Kings joined in!

"Young Territory Lord, your analysis is so right! With what you said, we finally know why the Territory Lord has not returned for so long! It turns out that they were looking for this guy!"

"yes! I’ll just say it! With the strength of the Territory Lord and his party, they shouldn’t have returned so late! After working on it for a long time, this guy escaped!"

"Azure Dragon Territory Lord, don’t think that you can take revenge on us just because my Territory Lord is not here! This planet barrier alone is not something you can break through in just half an eternity!"

At this moment, all the God Kings mocked the Azure Dragon Territory Lord, as if they were convinced that the Azure Dragon Territory Lord could not do anything to them. The

Azure Dragon Territory Lord was also speechless!

He told the truth, but these guys still don't believe it, they are really self-righteous. Ah!

At this time, Mass also sneered:"Lord Qinglong Territory, I would like to advise you! Since you are lucky enough to escape, then escape quickly!!"

"Salem also said before, can you break the planet barrier of my Dark Heaven Realm? If it can't be broken, what's the point of staying? If you wait for my domain master and the others to come back, you won't even have a chance to escape! If you know what's going on, get out of here!"

Hearing this, the Lord of Qinglong Territory was furious!

These guys really didn't take him seriously!

No matter what he said, he was still the Lord of the Star Territory. How could he be compared to Mass and others?

Don't just rely on the planet barrier Protection, do you really think you can’t break it?

"snort! You wait for Xiaoxiao! Do you really think that I can't do anything to you?"


As soon as he finished speaking, the Qinglong Territory Lord's momentum suddenly exploded, and with one powerful punch, he blasted towards the planet barrier in front of him! But

Mass and others all showed disdain on their faces!

They all knew that the Azure Dragon Territory Lord was only half a step into eternity. , trying to break through the barrier in front of them is just in vain!

Therefore, they are not worried at all!


In the blink of an eye, the punch is close to the barrier, and the surging force of the sky crushes it down!

But across the planet barrier World, Mass and others could not sense how strong the Qinglong Territory Lord was!

They thought that the Azure Dragon Territory Lord was only half a step into eternity.

Saleng even sneered with a look of gloating on his face!

He wanted to see , the Qinglong Territory Lord was so embarrassed after being unable to break through the barrier, he even thought of some sarcastic words!


At this moment, the Qinglong Territory Lord’s punch hit the planet barrier hard!

Bang~ ~!

There was a shocking muffled sound!

The entire Dark Heaven Realm was trembling violently!

The next second, the extremely solid planet barrier was severely distorted and deformed in front of everyone's eyes...

Click~! Click~! Click~!

And then! , with that punch as the center, a series of fine cracks emerged...

Saleng and the others were immediately dumbfounded, their eyes widened!

Even Mass opened his mouth wide!

Oh my god~!

Master of Qinglong Territory He actually broke the barrier with one punch!

Could it be that he had broken through to the half-step eternal peak?

Before everyone could think about it, the Qinglong Territory Lord withdrew his fist.

The originally cracked barrier was automatically repaired at a speed visible to the naked eye. The dim light shield returned to its original state again.

Mass and the others were secretly relieved! After all, the Azure Dragon Territory Lord was still just a few steps away from breaking through the barrier!

However, they no longer dared to underestimate the Azure Dragon Territory Lord, and each of them panicked. Looking at the Azure Dragon Territory Lord, he didn't dare to speak.

With the Azure Dragon Territory Lord's current strength, he can still break through the barrier as long as he continues to attack for a while.

In other words, the Azure Dragon Territory Lord must have broken through to the halfway peak.!

This thought made Mass and the others even more uneasy!

At this moment, the Azure Dragon Territory Lord raised his fist again and was about to attack with a second punch…..

Mass and others suddenly became nervous, and they all stared closely at the fist.

"Let me do it!"

But at this moment, a faint voice sounded from behind the Azure Dragon Territory Lord.

Qin Feng finally spoke!

As soon as these words came out, Mass and others couldn't help but look at Qin Feng and frowned.


This talent master is in the divine realm. The ant actually said to let him come!

What do you mean?

This tone is a bit loud!

Before Mass and others could think about it, the Lord of Qinglong Territory put down his fist and quickly saluted Qin Feng respectfully.

"Lord Qin Feng! Qing is ashamed! It’s still up to you to take action!"


As soon as these words were said, Mass and others were dumbfounded again!

They thought they had made a mistake!

The majestic Azure Dragon Territory Lord, who was already halfway to the peak of power, actually called a Lord God Ant as 'Sir'!

What on earth is going on?

By the way!

Qin Feng!

Just now, the Azure Dragon Territory Lord called this young man 'Qin Feng'!

Isn't that the target that their Territory Lord and his party want to deal with!

Mass and others suddenly thought of this...

But At this moment, Qin Feng had already taken action...


He flicked his finger, and a white light shot out from his fingertips, directly bombarding the enchantment mask...

Ka~cha ~!

A crisp sound!

The light shield was like thin ice, shattered by a single blow, completely destroyed!

Mi San and others were shocked again!

Before they could react, Qin Feng waved his hand again, and hundreds of light arrows fired at them. Shoot away...


Bang~! Bang~! Bang~!

Suddenly, there was a series of explosions!

Blood splattered continuously!

Miserable screams came one after another in the field!

Only one person met, Qin Feng slaughtered everyone in the audience, even the mass was no exception!

The Azure Dragon Territory Lord was dumbfounded, and his heart was extremely shocked!

This is really too powerful!

I am afraid that Yuan Feng, who ranks first among the Five Ultimates, will also It can't be done so neatly!

The next second, the blood mist gradually dispersed!

The fragments of the true spirit of the mass condensed one Taiqing Dao crystal one after another, and in the blink of an eye, 17 crystals were condensed, and there was another harvest!

Qin Feng smiled slightly , he waved his hand and put away the Dao Crystal.

After a brief inventory, he found that there were 6 avenues that could be refined!

At that moment, he happily put away the Dao Crystal and sent it into the Qin Yuan universe for his mind body to refine.

Do it. After finishing this, Qin Feng raised another seal and activated the secret technique...

Countless devouring powers instantly enveloped the entire audience.….

【Luck Devouring Success! You have swallowed all the luck in the mass, and your luck value +11,000 times...]

Another good harvest!

At this point, Qin Feng's luck value has reached 1.109 million times!

Qin Feng opened his eyes happily.

At present, with his strength, he can only swallow the luck of more than half a step of eternity. The luck of Salem and other god kings can no longer be swallowed, and they have dissipated in the heaven and earth and been recovered by heaven.

It was at this moment that the Qinglong Territory Lord calmed down.

He hurriedly stepped forward and said:"Sir, the Taiyin Star Essence you want is in the forbidden area of ​​​​the Dark Heaven Realm. Their forbidden area is in the west direction!" The

Azure Dragon Territory Lord pointed in a certain direction.

He did a very good job in the intelligence investigation of the Dark Sky Realm.

Qin Feng nodded with satisfaction:"Very good! By the way, you go activate the star field teleportation array on this main star and transfer all your subordinates here! There are a lot of resources in this dark demon realm, you can search as much as you like!"

Hearing this, The Qinglong Territory Lord was shocked!

Immediately, he was ecstatic:"Thank you, sir! I will activate the teleportation array right now!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the Azure Dragon Territory Lord flew towards the teleportation array!

The star field teleportation array will only be opened in the main star realm of each star field.

This is the decree of heaven!

Non-star regions are not eligible to create!

Those who are qualified to create can only create one!

Qin Feng's Longyuan Sanctuary can naturally be created, but he has not yet collected all the materials and has not built it yet.

After the Azure Dragon Territory Lord left, Qin Feng waved again, and white light flashed around him!

Hundreds of thousands of Longyuan's disciples appeared out of thin air one after another, gathering densely in the sky!

Di Jiang, Gou Mang, Xiao Luan'er and others are right in front of the crowd!

As soon as they appeared, they looked around and found that they had arrived in the Dark Demonic Realm. They were all overjoyed!

Xiao Luan'er even flew forward and asked:"Dad! Have you reached the Dark Demon Realm?"

Qin Feng smiled:"That's right! The power above the God King in this Dark Demon Realm has basically been eliminated! You go Let’s search for resources!"

As soon as these words were said, everyone in Longyuan was overjoyed!

The next second, everyone was like a tide, killing the major planets in the Dark Demon Realm...

Of course, they not only wanted to plunder resources, but also kill the children of the Dark Demon Realm!

This dark demonic realm is against Qin Feng, how can Long Yuan let it go?

And with the current strength of Long Yuan's disciples, even the weakest ones have reached the main god realm.

Ran Deng, Ming He, Di Jiang, Ju Mang, Yu Xuanji, Feng Xi and others even surpassed the God King Dzogchen.

Under their leadership, it would be easy to sweep across the Dark Demon Realm!

What's more, the reinforcements from the Qinglong Star Region will arrive soon.

The high-level officials above the God King of the Dark Demon Realm have been almost killed by Qin Feng with one move, and there is no resistance left...

Thinking of this, Qin Feng took a step forward and disappeared in place.

The next second, he appeared above a valley, which was the forbidden area of ​​the Dark Sky Realm!

At this time, Qin Feng was hanging in the air, overlooking the forbidden area.…..

He saw at a glance that in the center of the forbidden area, there was a sky-reaching spiritual tree, hundreds of millions of feet tall, emitting a spiritual light like the moonlight!

Small yellow flowers like stars bloomed on it, exuding a refreshing fragrance, which looked extremely extraordinary!

Qin Feng's heart moved and he spied on the sacred tree.….

【Laurel tree: the pinnacle level of creation, the spiritual root of heaven and earth, has recognized its master】

【This thing contains the power of three avenues: the Avenue of the Moon, the Avenue of the Sun, and the Avenue of the Bright.]

This is actually a spiritual root of heaven and earth!

Qin Feng was quite surprised!

Of the three avenues contained in this spiritual root, two of them were beyond his grasp, and they just happened to pass by.

However, Qin Feng did not take action immediately, but his eyes fell on the ground next to the laurel tree.

I saw a lot of black crystal minerals growing around the laurel tree, exuding a faint spiritual light and a strong yin power.…..

Qin Feng spied on those crystal mines.….

【Taiyin Star Essence: Peak level of creation, materials! 】

Sure enough!

This is the Taiyin Star Essence material he wants!


Qin Feng took one step and teleported to the laurel tree...

He did not fire out the Taiyin Star Essence immediately, but walked directly to the laurel tree!

He wants to get the laurel tree into his universe!

After all, this is the spiritual root of heaven and earth, which has a strengthening effect on his small universe!

Although the laurel tree has recognized its owner, Qin Feng has the magical power of 'spiritual root robbery' and can forcibly plunder the spiritual roots...

As soon as he gets close to the sacred tree, he presses his palm on the trunk!


The next second, a dazzling white light lit up in his palm, and the secret technique was successfully activated!


Suddenly, the laurel tree trembled violently and slowly rose from the ground...

Tiandao also sent a prompt at the same time.….

【The spiritual root plunder was successful! You have forced 'Laurel' to recognize you as master】

【Congratulations on gaining the enlightenment of the 'Dao of Xi' from the laurel tree, and beginning to awaken to the Dao of the day after tomorrow - the Dao of Xi.…..】

【Congratulations on gaining the enlightenment of the 'Bright Avenue' from the laurel tree, and beginning to awaken to the acquired road - the Bright Road.…..】

In just a moment, Qin Feng awakened to two avenues and realized that the number of avenues reached 1814!

At this time, the laurel tree had broken out of the ground and was completely floating in the air!


As soon as Qin Feng waved his hand, the laurel tree turned into white light and was sent into the Qin Yuan universe.

The next second, there was a roar in the Qin Yuan Universe, and the Moon Hanging Tree had taken root in the Qin Yuan Universe...

Qin Feng's momentum increased again, and after a while it reached 18.94 trillion stars, another improvement!

But at this moment, a shocking roar came from deep in the forbidden area!

"who?! Who stole my laurel tree?"


As that roar sounded, there was a rapid sound of breaking through the air deep in the forbidden area!

In just a moment, an old man in gray robe rushed to the scene.

He is the guardian of the forbidden area and the Dark Demon Realm. The third strong man! As soon as the old man arrived, he saw Qin Feng, and he was furious!

He thought the intruder was a strong man, but he didn't expect that he was just a Lord God Realm!

This damn Lord God Realm kid Thief, you deserve to be damned for daring to snatch his moon-hanging tree!


Without saying a word, the old man slapped Qin Feng with one palm!

Qin Feng waved his hand casually, and a burst of energy swept out, directly knocking the old man away. It exploded on the spot!

For a moment, blood mist flew all over the sky! The screams echoed in the valley!

The next second, the old man’s broken true spirit fragments automatically condensed 13 Taiqing Dao Crystals!

This old man was actually an accurate Half-step eternal powerhouse!

Qin Feng happily put away the Dao Crystals. After taking stock, there were 4 available.

Adding this to the previous 6, there are 10 that can be refined.

Qin Feng put away the crystals with satisfaction. Dao Jing devoured the luck in the field and obtained 9,000 times the luck value.

At this point, his luck value reached 1.11 million times!

There was no longer any blocking force in the forbidden area, and he started mining Taiyin. Star spirit is coming....

A quarter of an hour later, Qin Feng finished mining!

He poached all the lunar stars and made a lot of money again....

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