The ranking monument suddenly showed that the 7th Heaven Domain was ranked 21st!

Millions of players were stunned to see it!

The 7th day domain!

It’s just a lower-grade heaven!

But this lower heaven realm actually won the 21st place, surpassing most of the upper heaven realms!

There are 4 super heavens and 37 superior heavens in the Cangtian Realm!

Currently, there are only 4 super heavens and 16 superior heavens ranked in front of the 7th heaven!

Calculated in this way, doesn’t the 7th Heaven Realm surpass most of the upper Heaven Realms!

Millions of players find this thought unbelievable!

Who would dare to believe all this unless they saw it with their own eyes?!

At this moment, the atmosphere in the venue is a little quiet!

After a while, everyone gradually came to their senses and started talking about it one after another!

"What a strange thing! What a wonder! How could a lower-level heavenly realm break into the top 100?! In the past, it would have been impossible!"

"Fellow! It’s not just as simple as breaking into the top 100! They have reached 21st place, surpassing most of the upper heaven realms!"

"yes! This 7th Heaven Realm is a bit weird, I don’t know how they did it?"

While speaking, many players began to look for traces of the 7th Heaven Domain!

At this moment, in the southeast of the square, in an inconspicuous corner.

The children of the 7th Heaven Domain were still cheering excitedly.

Look at the 7th Heaven Domain on the side. The disciples of Domain 44 all kept their mouths shut and looked embarrassed!

When they thought of the previous ridicule, they felt that they had been severely slapped in the face. They were really ashamed!

Ku Rong and Zi Xun were even more embarrassed!

They had ridiculed them before. The one who gets the most irritation!

And the more fierce the ridicule, the worse the slap in the face!

After a while, the two of them swallowed bitterly and looked at each other.

After a while, Zi Xun whispered in a low voice

"Brother Ku Rong, why do you think Tianyu got the first place? This is unreasonable!"

"yes! I also think it’s unreasonable! Before that, they were still ranked 812th, and there were only about 40 Ultimate Creators. Why did they suddenly rush to 21st place? Could it be that Heaven's calculations were wrong?!"

"this....No way! The way of heaven usually makes no mistakes! However, if there is no mistake, this ranking is too unreasonable! If it was ranked 100th, I could barely accept it, but why did it suddenly jump to 21st?!"

"yes! It’s really confusing! Isn't it because of cheating?"

"I doubt it too!"

At this moment, the two people spoke sourly.

But their mutterings were very quiet, for fear of being heard by the people in the 7th Heaven Domain.

In fact, their previous arrogance had long since disappeared!

At this moment, they did not dare to say anything to The 7th Tianyu was arrogant, for fear of being slapped in the face again.

But their habitual jealousy made them unwilling to accept the facts before them.

It’s just that these two people underestimated Qin Feng’s strength!

Although their murmurs were very small, Lian Huang Nidu couldn't hear it, but he couldn't hide it from Qin Feng's ears!

Qin Feng looked at the two of them and sneered in his heart.

The next second, he continued to look at the sacred monument and looked directly at the top heavens.

Only the first one could be seen It is the Borderless Heaven Realm, the second place is the Moye Heaven Realm, the third place is the Chengqian Heaven Realm, and the fourth place is the Chixiao Heaven Realm!

The points have all exceeded 70,000 points!

The Borderless Heaven Realm has even exceeded 90,000 points!

Looking at the fifth place is Kun Tianyu!

It is an extremely excellent upper-level Tianyu, but it has only broken 50,000 points!

The gap between it and the top four can be seen at a glance!

It can be seen that the Super Tianyu is different in terms of strength. It is much better than the best superior heaven domain!

Not only that, the points scores of the four super heaven domains are more than twice that of the 7th heaven domain!

The boundless heaven domain is even close to three times that of the 7th heaven domain. Times!

Seeing this, Qin Feng was filled with emotion!

It seems that it is not easy for him to lead the 7th Tianyu into the top three!

Just now, Qin Feng learned from Huang Nie.

After the second round of assessment , only the top thirty ranked Tianyu can get the reward!

In other words, the ranking rewards are getting harder and harder each round!

In the end, only the top three Tianyu can get the reward.

Therefore, bring the 7th Tianyu Being in the top three is one of Qin Feng's next goals!

He doesn't want to miss any reward opportunities!

Just when Qin Feng was thinking about it, the discussion about the 7th Heaven Realm in the square has become heated!

There are also four super heavens. The disciples of the domain are indifferent!

Even if the 7th Heaven Domain reaches the 21st place, it cannot shake their status.

The rest, no matter the middle, lower or upper heaven domain, are discussing why the 7th Heaven Domain can Winning the 21st place?!

At this moment, the eyes of millions of players are all falling on the children of the Seventh Heaven Realm!

Some of those eyes are envious, some are jealous, and most of them are confused.

At this time, they look carefully They are looking at the disciples of the Seventh Heaven Domain, trying to find out the answers they want.

Huang Nie, Chen Fang, Wushan, and Mooshuang are the focus of everyone's attention!

They suspect that the excellent results of the Seventh Heaven Domain mainly come from these four Human contribution!

As for Qin Feng, no one pays attention at all!

A young man in the Holy Realm is the most ordinary existence in the field. Who will pay attention?!

Paying attention to a Holy Realm is not as good as paying attention to those who are quasi-supreme. players.....


At this moment, the sky above the square shook again!

The voice of heaven sounds again....

【Announcement: Tianyu ranking rewards will be issued soon! Reward specifications are as follows...】

【Beginner, intermediate and advanced creators will be rewarded with 30,000 trillion star combat power!】

【The ultimate creator is rewarded with 100,000 trillion star combat power! 】


As soon as this announcement came out, the whole place was in a sensation!

Those Tianyu disciples who entered the top 100 all let out excited cheers!

The disciples of the 7th Heaven Realm are even more ecstatic!

They are going to get Tianyu ranking rewards!

And this reward is much richer than the clearance reward. It can greatly improve their strength and be of great help to them in the next assessment!

Even Qin Feng smiled!

The 100,000 trillion combat power reward is a big improvement to his strength!


Soon, the sky shook!

Thousands of reward beams of light fell from the sky and fell on the contestants from the winning realm one after another!

Those silver light pillars are rewards for beginner, intermediate and advanced creators!

Those golden light pillars are awarded to the ultimate creator!

At this moment, a thousand Tianyu contestants looked at the winners with envy!

Especially the eyes looking at the 7th Tianyu are even more envious.

Of course, there are more heavenly realms that are not convinced!

Especially those in the middle heaven realms!

Why can a low-level heaven realm enter the top 100, but they can't?!

But they didn't dare to say these words.

This feeling is felt most profoundly by the disciples of Domain 44!

At this time, Ku Rong and Zi Xun looked at the children of the 7th Heaven Domain, enjoying the rewards happily, and felt particularly uncomfortable!

You know, they are also the ultimate creators!

Fortunately, now, a junior creator in the 7th Heaven Domain can receive a combat power reward of 30,000 trillion, which is equivalent to three times the reward they received before!

To put it simply, the benefits they have received so far are not as good as the weakest disciples in the 7th Heaven Domain!

This naturally makes them mentally unbalanced!

When they saw that Qin Feng had also received a golden reward beam, which was a reward of 100,000 trillion combat power, Ku Rong and the others felt even more uncomfortable!

A small Holy Realm, which is still a lower heaven realm, the benefits obtained are actually several times that of their taxis!

How could they accept it?

The more they think about it, the more uncomfortable they become!

In fact, this time it’s not just Examination Room 33, it’s full of shocks!

The outside world, the territory of Cangtian, has long been in a state of commotion.

The 7th Heaven Realm won the 21st place, and the whole Heaven Realm knew about it! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

At this time, in the Seven Kills Square in the 7th Heaven Domain.

Millions of children cheered excitedly!

Feng Bo and Mingyi looked at the rankings on the monument with great excitement, fearing that they had seen it wrong.

After a long time, Feng Bo was convinced that the 7th Tianyu Realm had really won the 21st place in the finalist assessment!

At that moment, Feng Bo touched his smooth chin and kept smiling without saying a word!

Mingyi said with excitement:"Lord, we have reached the 21st place this time! This must be the credit of Master Qin Feng.!"

Feng Bo smiled and said:"Of course! Besides him, who else can be so defiant and change the fate of a lower heaven domain!"

Ming Yi nodded repeatedly:"That's right! That's right! Territory Lord! This Once, our Tianyu achieved such excellent results, can we get a lot of merits?"

Feng Bo smiled and said:"It is indeed a lot! Far beyond my imagination! Just now, I counted it, and the total number of merits has skyrocketed by more than 10,000. Points!"

Mingyi was overjoyed:"That's great! With so many merit points, then we are not far from being promoted to the middle heaven realm, right?"

Feng Bo smiled and nodded:"It is indeed not far! If Qin Feng, little friend In the following personal rankings, if we can enter the top three, we can collect enough merit points and be directly promoted to the middle heaven realm!"

Mingyi was ecstatic:"Oh my god! We can be promoted to the middle heaven realm so soon.! If the upgrade is successful, not only we will benefit! Master Qin Feng and the othersYou can get great benefits!

Feng Bo sighed:"Yes!" The creators who participate on behalf of our 7th Heaven Domain are equivalent to having the official status of the 7th Heaven Domain!"

"If the Seventh Heaven Realm is upgraded, they will naturally benefit too! Especially the ultimate creator, who has gained the most benefits! Mingyi nodded repeatedly:"

Yes!" If our players have all benefited. That will also be of great benefit to them in the next game! Feng

Bo took a deep breath:"It all depends on whether Qin Feng can enter the top three this time." If he hadn't entered, we would probably have to wait for another round of assessments to upgrade our Tianyu!

Mingyi also took a breath:"Indeed!" It is extremely difficult to enter the top three personally! I hope Master Qin Feng can succeed this time!"

As soon as these words were said, the two of them looked at the monument, looking a little nervous.....

They know that personal rankings will be announced next!

At the same moment, in the land of alienation, Examination Room No. 33!

Tianyu ranking rewards have been distributed!

The winning contestants opened their eyes one after another, with joy on their faces.

Qin Feng also opened his eyes with joy!

In just a moment, his combat power surged by another 100,000 trillion, and his strength increased to 23.02 trillion!


At this moment, the voice of heaven sounded again in the sky above the square...

【Announcement: Tianyu ranking rewards have been distributed! This round’s personal ranking rewards will be distributed soon!】

【The list of players ranked 100,000th to 10,000th will be announced first....】


As soon as this prompt came out, everyone became excited again!

Personal ranking rewards are coming out!

That’s the highlight!

Even Wucheng, Xiehai, Chengying, and Qiongxiao, who looked aloof and arrogant, all looked serious.

That person's ranking reward is what they value most!


At this moment, the golden light of the Ranking Monument shines brightly!

The heavenly domain ranking above it fades away at a speed visible to the naked eye and disappears quickly.....

Immediately afterwards, a line of shortlisted points ranking (individual level) appeared at the top!

Buzz~! Buzz~! Buzz~!

The next second, golden light flashed at the bottom of the monument!

Lines of ranking information are emerging one after another!

That is exactly the ranking information from 100,000 to 10,000!

After the rankings were fully announced, the contestants quickly opened their eyes to check to see if they had made the list!

After a while, some people in the crowd cheered and some sighed!

More people are lamenting that it is too difficult to break into the personal rankings!

If you want to be among the top 100,000, the weakest one must have the ultimate strength of the Holy Saint, and nearly half of them have quasi-supreme strength!

Soon, Tiandao issued another announcement.....

【Announcement: The list of players ranked 100,000 to 10,000 has been announced!】

【Congratulations to these players for winning the tenth level of rewards. The reward specifications are as follows:....】

【Reward all players with +3 trillion star combat power!】

【Reward all players with +1 Extreme Eternal Pill (quasi-unparalleled level)! 】


As soon as this reward was announced, the whole audience was in an uproar!

Some in the crowd were amazed, some cheered, and even more envious!

Soon, beams of reward light fell from the sky and landed on the winning contestants.....

At this time, Huang Nie approached Qin Feng and muttered excitedly

"Lord Qin Feng, this year’s ranking rewards seem to be even more generous than the last! The tenth level reward includes 30,000 trillion combat power and a very precious Extreme Eternal Pill!"

Speaking of this, Huang Nie sighed!

Qin Feng nodded slightly, and felt that the reward was more generous than expected!

He had some knowledge about the Extreme Heng Pill before.

The effect of ten Extreme Everlasting Pills is equivalent to one Supreme Pill!

It is the top treasure that enhances the true meaning of eternity!

At this time, Huang Nie said again:"Sir, this tenth level reward is already so rich! I wonder how generous the best first-level rewards will be?! It’s just hard to imagine! Hearing this

, Qin Feng smiled slightly:"It's really exciting!" Unfortunately, only the top three can get the first level reward! Huang Nie smiled and said,"Sir, you should have a chance!""

Qin Feng took a deep breath:"It's hard to say! Just afraid...."


Before Qin Feng could finish speaking, Tiandao came out to make another announcement....

【Announcement: The tenth level of rewards has been distributed! Now announce the list of players ranked 10,000 to 3,000....】

Buzz~! Buzz~! Buzz~!

As soon as the prompt came out, the list of numbers 10,000 to 3,000 began to appear on the monument!

All the players gathered around excitedly again!

Soon, the rankings were announced, and another reminder came from Tiandao....

【Announcement: The list of players ranked 10,000 to 3,000 has been announced!】

【Congratulations to these players for winning the ninth level of rewards. The reward specifications are as follows:...】

【Reward all players with +6 trillion star combat power!】

【Reward all players with +2 Extreme Eternal Pills (quasi-unparalleled)! 】


As soon as the rewards were announced, the audience was once again in an uproar!

Countless players exclaimed with envy!

The rewards of this ninth level are equivalent to twice those of the tenth level!

It’s so generous!

Soon, the ninth level of rewards will be distributed!

Tiandao has announced the list of winners for the eighth level, as well as the reward specifications!

The specification of the eighth level is that the combat power reward is 100,000 trillion and 3 Extreme Eternal Pills.

This naturally caused a lot of exclamations and envy!

Just like that, personal ranking rewards are constantly announced and distributed!

The exclamations in the audience were endless!

Everyone is getting more and more excited!

Because the higher up the ranking, the only ones who can enter are masters, and the rewards become more and more amazing!

Before you know it, the rewards will be announced to the fourth level, which is the top 100 individuals!

The atmosphere in the venue has become extremely heated!

In fact, not only was the atmosphere in the examination room heated, but all the heavens in the Cangtian Realm were simultaneously paying attention to the personal rankings!

Starting from the top 100, every player will be the mainstay of the Cangtian Realm in the future!....

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