At this time, the entire audience was eagerly staring at the monument!

Buzz~! Buzz~! Buzz~!

At this moment, white light flashed on the monument!

The lists from 100th to 31st are emerging one by one!

Everyone immediately held their breath and started checking it one by one!

Qin Feng also looked over curiously...

But at this moment, Domain 44 on the side burst into earth-shattering cheers!

"quick! Look! Number 99 is Lord Kuron!"

"Huh! It really is!"

"Oh my god~! Our 44 domain actually has a top 100 expert!"

At this moment, the disciples of the 44th domain were extremely excited!

That Ku Rong was so excited that his old face turned red!

Seeing this, Qin Feng was surprised!

Immediately, he looked at the 99th place, it was really Ku Rong!

That Ku Rong Rong is a supreme mid-level extreme powerhouse, so it is reasonable for him to be among the top 100! Up to now, Qin Feng has secretly observed that there are probably about a hundred players in the field who are above the level of third-grade Zhitian. Looks like.

However, there are some players with second-grade Zhitian strength who have surpassed some players with third-grade Zhitian and entered the top 100!

Ku Rong is one of them!

This should be because Ku Rong’s true spirit level is very high, and he is shortlisted. Only when the assessment is favorable to him can he achieve such excellent results!

This phenomenon is very rare!

At this moment, the players in the 44th domain are extremely excited and proud at the same time!

Not to mention Ku Rong!

He can break into the front One hundred, it is worthy of pride to be ranked alongside many third-grade Heaven-holding experts.

Not to mention them, even Huang Nie, Chen Fang and others are envious!

This time, Huang Nie got 7th place!

Chen Fang, Wu Shan and Mooshuang were both between 260 and 300.


At this moment, the voice of Tiandao sounded over the square again…

【Congratulations to these players for winning the fourth level of rewards. The reward specifications are as follows:…】

【Reward all players with +300,000 trillion star combat power】

【Reward all players, +1 Supreme Pill (Supreme Level)】

【Reward all players, +1 group true spirit embryo light (no superior)]


As soon as this reward was announced, the audience was once again amazed!

The rewards for the fourth level are really generous!

The combat power alone was rewarded 300,000 trillion!

There are also two supreme treasures that are hard not to be envied by!


Soon, seventy reward beams of light fell from the sky and landed on Ku Rong and other winners...

Everyone looked at it with envy!

When all the rewards were over, the whole audience was still sighing!

Ku Rong also proudly put away the Supreme Pill and the True Spirit Embryo Light!

Zi Xun stepped forward to compliment him with an envious look on his face.

"Brother Kuron! You are so awesome! Then there are more than 460 third-grade Heaven-holding experts, and you can actually break into the top 100! admire! admire! Zi is really impressed!"

"A prize! A prize! I'm just lucky!"

Although Ku Rong's mouth was modest, his eyes couldn't hide the look of pride.

He felt a little elated!

The bad mood brought to him by the 7th Heavenly Territory before, which was severely slapped in the face, disappeared at this moment..At the same moment, he also saw the disciples of the 7th Heaven Domain, all casting envious looks at him!

Even Huang Nie!

This made him even more proud, as if he was elated.

But at this moment, he He saw Qin Feng out of the corner of his eye.

He saw that Qin Feng was looking at the sacred monument, not paying attention to him at all, let alone showing envy in his eyes.

This kid didn't seem to take him seriously!

With this in mind , Ku Rong was a little unhappy!

Immediately, he came close to Zi Xun’s ear and whispered in a low voice.

"Brother Zi Xun, if I remember correctly, that parallel importer in the Holy Realm didn't seem to have received any personal ranking rewards, right?!"

Zi Xun was stunned at first!

Then, he followed Ku Rong's gaze and happened to see Qin Feng.

He immediately understood who Ku Rong was talking about.

At that moment, he also whispered:"Brother That’s right! This guy really didn’t get any personal ranking rewards! I didn’t even get the worst tenth level reward! Ku Rong sneered:"

I just said so!" This person is a parallel importer! He relied on the protection of his elders to get the title of Ultimate Creator. With his true strength, he can't even get into the top 100,000!

Zi Xun nodded repeatedly:"That's right!" If he could get in, he would have been rewarded long ago! The fourth level of rewards has been released now, and it will be even more impossible later! Ku

Rong chuckled:"You can't even get the tenth level. How do you expect him to get the first three levels of rewards?" It’s just a holy realm. Is this possible? I'm afraid the probability is not even one in a billion!"

As soon as these words were said, the two of them showed a knowing smile.

They all thought it was impossible!

In their view, Qin Feng couldn't even get into the top 100,000!

But at this moment, Qin Feng turned around. , and looked at the two of them coldly...

Ku Rong and Ku Rong were stunned for a moment, obviously a little surprised.

Soon, Qin Feng slowly withdrew his gaze.

Ku Rong and Ku Rong could not help but look at each other.

"Brother, that kid just turned back and looked at us! Did he hear our conversation? Zi

Xun muttered in a low voice.

Ku Rong frowned:"This is impossible!" I have set up a soundproof barrier. I am afraid that even the third-level Zhitian strength cannot hear our conversation, let alone he is an ant in the Holy Realm!"


Zi Xun opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something.

He always felt that something was wrong...


But at this moment, Tiandao's voice sounded again…

【Announcement: The fourth level of rewards has been distributed! Now the list of players ranked 30th to 11th is announced...]

Hearing the prompt, the whole audience became excited again!

Everyone stopped talking and looked at the sacred monument...

Buzz~! Buzz~! Buzz~!

Soon, white light flashed on the monument!

The lists from 30th to 11th all appeared on the monument!

Everyone immediately checked it out!

Soon, some people in the crowd were amazed, some were envious, and some were filled with emotion!

The voice of heaven also came again…

【Congratulations to these players for winning the third level of rewards. The reward specifications are as follows:…】

【Reward all players with +500,000 trillion star combat power】

【Reward all players, +2 Supreme Pills (Supreme Level)】

【Reward all players, +2 True Spirit Embryo Light (no superior)] As soon as this prompt came out, the whole audience was amazed again!

A moment later, twenty reward beams of light descended from the sky one after another!

The twenty winning contestants were enjoying their rewards under the envious and awed eyes of everyone...

In the southeast corner, Ku Rong was also watching all this and couldn't help but show envy!

Not long after, the rewards are over!

The voice of heaven sounds again!

【Announcement: The third level of rewards has been distributed! The list of players ranked 10th to 4th is now announced.】


As soon as the news came out, the whole audience was excited!

Because everyone knows that the final ranking results will be announced soon.

There are only 4 fourth-grade heaven-level experts in the audience!

As long as you know who among these four got 4th, then wouldn’t the remaining three be the top three?

At this moment, everyone thinks so!

The four bosses Wucheng, Xiehai, Chengying, and Qiongxiao also thought so, and they also became nervous.

Only the children of the 7th Heaven Domain have some different ideas.

At this moment, they were looking at the sacred monument with great nervousness, and they were muttering in their hearts. Whether Lord Qin Feng can be in the top three depends on the announcement of the list this time.

Huang Nie approached Qin Feng and said with some uneasiness:"Master Qin Feng, the next announcement of the list is the key!"

Qin Feng nodded knowingly, feeling nervous in his heart.

He doesn't know yet, did he break into the top three?!


At this moment, the sacred monument shook!

A line of white light slowly lit up, and everyone held their breath and looked…

【No. 10, Linglong, 10,000 points, Long Tianyu (Superior Tianyu)]


A well-known strong man in the Cangtian Realm!

Everyone takes it for granted that he can enter the top ten!


At this time, the second white light lit up…

【No. 9, Pei Ji, 10,000 points, Ji Tianyu (Superior Tianyu)]

Another veteran and powerful person with a great reputation!


Immediately afterwards, the third white light lit up…..

Just like that, white lights lit up one after another!

Lists of strong men emerged one after another!

In the blink of an eye, the sixth white light lit up on the monument…

【No. 5, Qiongxiao, 10,000 points, Chixiao Tianyu (Super Tianyu)]


As soon as this information came out, the whole place was in an uproar! (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

How is this possible?!

Lord Qiongxiao is one of the fourth-grade Heaven-level experts!

No matter how bad he is, he should be ranked 4th, not 5th!

At this moment, all the players almost thought they had seen it wrong!

Qiong Xiao was stunned on the spot!

This result was completely beyond his expectation!

Wu Cheng, Xie Hai, and Cheng Ying were also a little confused!


But before they could think too much, the seventh white light lit up on the monument.…

【No. 4, Chengying, 10,000 points, Chengqian Tianyu (Super Tianyu) (cgcd)]


At this time, the whole audience was completely shocked!


Lord Chengying didn’t even make it into the top three!

After this calculation, only two adults, Wu Cheng and Xie Hai, were in the top three.

Who is the other person?!

At this moment, everyone looked at each other and felt incredible!

Cheng Ying was even more stunned!

He had received the opportunity of the secret land before, but neither Xiehai nor Qiongxiao got it.

In his opinion, his strength is still very good, and he will definitely be in the top three!

Unexpectedly, he only got 4th place!

At this moment, not only Chengying was stunned!

Qian Lu and Huang Li, who had been pursuing him, were also dumbfounded!

On the other hand, the disciples of the 7th Heaven Domain were so excited that they all looked at each other.

They didn't see Master Qin Feng's name in the list from 10th to 7th!

This also made them realize what was going to happen next.

Thinking of this, all the disciples smiled knowingly!


At this moment, the voice of Heaven once again sounded over the square…

【Congratulations to these players for winning the second level of rewards. The reward specifications are as follows:…】

【Reward all players with +700,000 trillion star combat power】

【Reward all players, +3 Supreme Pills (Supreme Level)】

【Reward all players, +3 True Spirit Embryo Light (no superior level)]

As the prompt sounded, beams of reward light fell down!

Everyone also came to their senses!

Then, they couldn't help but start talking about it one by one.

"Strange! Why did Lord Chengying and Lord Qiongxiao only get fourth and fifth place?! Logically speaking, one of them should be in the top three!"

"yes! I really can’t figure it out!"

"There must be a strong person who broke into the top three and pushed the two adults down!"

"No way! In this square, apart from Lord Wu Cheng and Lord Xiehai, is there anyone better than Lord Chengying and Lord Qiongxiao?!"


Everyone was talking about it, but they couldn't tell a reason.

Soon, the second level of rewards was distributed!

Those players who got the rewards were very happy.

Cheng Ying and Qiong Xiao's expressions were ugly!

Especially Cheng Ying, he has a dark face!

He is fourth!

If he had not been squeezed out, he should be third and get the first-level reward!

Who squeezed him out? What?!

The more Cheng Ying thought about it, the more annoyed he became!

At this moment, Qian Lu’s voice sounded next to him

"Sir, this ranking is weird! With your ability, how come you are ranked fourth?! Who on earth stole your third place!

Cheng Ying sneered:"I want to know too!" I want to see who the master is?!"


As soon as those words were spoken, the voice of Heavenly Dao sounded over the square again.…

【Announcement: The second level of rewards has been distributed! Now announce the list of the top three players...]

Let’s begin!

It’s finally starting!

Everyone held their breath and stared at the monument nervously!

They also want to know which unknown master broke into the top three!

Chengying, Qiongxiao, Wucheng and Xiehai are no exception!

The atmosphere in the field was actually a little tense at this moment!


At this moment, the sacred monument trembled slightly!

A line of extremely dazzling white light slowly lit up!

As the white light passed by, a line of ranking information emerged!

Everyone quickly opened their eyes and looked extremely nervously.…

【Third place, Qin Feng, 30,000 points, 7th heaven domain (lower heaven domain)]

As soon as this information came out, the whole audience was shocked!

Oh my god~!

The strange strong man who broke into the top three turned out to be from the lower heaven!

The four big guys were also completely dumbfounded!

They thought of countless answers, but they didn't think of this one.

Qian Lu and Huang Li in the crowd were even more stunned on the spot!

They had always looked down upon Qin Feng before, but they never expected that the guy who took away Master Zi's third place turned out to be Qin Feng!


Soon, everyone reacted and the whole place was completely blown away!

"Oh My God! The 7th day domain! It’s this seventh day domain again!"

"yes! No wonder they were able to finish 21st, it turned out that they had a top three player!"

"This...who is this Qin Feng?!"

At the same time as he spoke, everyone looked towards the 7th Heaven Domain.

At this moment, the children of the 7th Heaven Domain were already cheering!

Looking at the children of the 44th Domain, they were all turned to stone on the spot!

Especially Ku Rong and Zi Xun, even more He was at a loss!

The self-confidence that Ku Rong finally recovered was completely beaten again!

Zi Xun also suddenly came to his senses.

He figured out why he felt something was wrong before.

The 7th Tianyu could win the 21st place in the Tianyu There is no reason why there cannot be a top ten strong man!

Now that a top three strong man has emerged, that should be expected!

But who is this Qin Feng?

At this moment, everyone in the audience is curious , who is Qin Feng?

Maybe some people have heard of Qin Feng's name. After all, he is a wanted target in Tianjing!

But there are many wanted people in Tianjing, and Qin Feng is definitely not the only one.

Most people in the square are still Not knowing the existence of Qin Feng, it was natural to wonder who Qin Feng was?

At this moment, the disciples of the 7th Heaven Domain became the focus of everyone's attention!

At this moment, the lists of the first and second place were also announced. The first place is Wu Cheng!

The second place is Xie Hai!

This is also what everyone expected!

As soon as the list was announced, Tiandao sent a reminder…

【Congratulations to these three contestants for winning the first level of rewards! Reward specifications are as follows…】

【Reward three players with +1 million trillion star combat power】

【Three players will be rewarded with +5 supreme elixirs (no superior level).】

【Reward three players, +5 True Spirit Embryo Light (no superior)] As soon as the reward message came out, Qin Feng showed a satisfied smile.

The first-level rewards are indeed extremely generous!


At this moment, the sky shook!

Three golden reward beams fell from the sky!

Everyone quickly looked towards the direction where the light pillar landed!

The first one fell on Wu Cheng, the second one fell on Xie Hai... and the third one suddenly fell on a noble young man!

That young man is Qin Feng!

Everyone looked at Qin Feng and left.

"Huh! Only... just reached the holy realm!"

But once they saw Qin Feng's cultivation, the whole place was in an uproar!

"It''s him!"

After Ku Rong and the two saw Qin Feng clearly, they seemed to have thought of something, but their faces became extremely ugly!...

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