
As soon as this thought came up, Qin Feng's body heard an earth-shattering roar...

Tiandao also sent a prompt at the same time.

【Reminder: Your Hongmeng Universe has absorbed a lot of resources and successfully promoted to level 32. You have received 1.5 billion Beijing Universe power in return.】

【Reminder: Your Hongmeng Universe has absorbed a lot of resources and successfully promoted to level 33. You have received 2 billion Beijing Universe power in return.】

【Reminder: Your ancient universe has absorbed a lot of resources, successfully promoted to level 32, and you have received 1.5 billion of the power of the universe in return.】

【Reminder: Your ancient universe absorbed a lot of resources and was promoted to level 32 93.17%…】

After hearing the prompt, Qin Feng was pleasantly surprised!

Enhanced by that large amount of resources, both universes have been upgraded!

Among them, Hongmeng Universe has been continuously upgraded and has suddenly reached level 33!

Ancient Universe has also been promoted to level 32 with 93.17%, which is not far from level 33.


At this moment, Qin Feng's body was roaring continuously, and his momentum was soaring crazily!

After a long time, all the commotion gradually subsided!

Qin Feng also slowly opened his eyes, his eyes filled with joy.

Just like this, his combat power has increased by 50 trillion yuan!

The benefits brought by this cosmic upgrade are comparable to swallowing up the blood mist energy and Tao cores of several Tiandao realms. It is really awesome.

Of course, this is also because Tiandao has distributed the salary today, and with the additional issuance of a large amount of resources, he can collect so many cosmic resources.

For example, all the cosmic resources in the Cangtian Realm were completely taken away by him, and only two major universes were upgraded.

Normally, he wouldn't have gotten so many cosmic resources!

Of course, this also requires him to have enough merit points

"Right now, Tiandao Resources has just issued additional shares! There must be a lot of new resources at the Yellow Sky Realm headquarters. I wonder if exchanging them at the Yellow Sky Realm headquarters can upgrade Ancient Universe to level 33 or even level 34?"

Thinking of this, Qin Feng couldn't help but look in the direction of the"593" Huangtianjing headquarters....

This additional issuance of resources will only be issued at major Tianjing headquarters.

Many public officials who have received salaries have to rush to the Tianjing headquarters if they want to redeem resources.

Qin Feng asked the Phantom Mirage clone to rush to the Huangtianjing headquarters more than an hour ago, just to get to the Huangtianjing headquarters as soon as possible.

Having said that, he is currently level 33 in Hongmeng Universe and 93.17% at level 32 in Ancient Universe.

If everything goes well, he has a chance to promote the two universes to 34!

After all, he still has 24.75 million merit points. It depends on whether the resources of the Yellow Heaven Realm are enough?

"Hey~! This is...."

At this moment, Qin Feng took out the communication jade talisman with a feeling.

After reading the contents of the jade talisman, he showed a look of surprise.

It turned out to be a message from Yanli.

Yanli told him that among the additional resources issued by the Huangtianjing headquarters this time, there was a ball of water-attribute spiritual energy!

That's exactly what he needs!

As long as he refines the source of water-attribute spiritual energy, he is expected to upgrade the power of the five elements to level 9 Great Perfection.

At that time, he can obtain the second realm - the spiritual realm!

With this Dao Domain here, as long as his combat power reaches 50 billion Beijing, he can easily kill Luo Zu.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng was looking forward to it!

He couldn't wait to get to the Yellow Sky Realm headquarters.

However, he hasn't finished dealing with the matters in the Heaven Realm yet, and he can't leave now.

Besides, the source of spiritual energy is extremely valuable and most people cannot afford to redeem it.

He doesn’t have to be so impatient!


But at this moment, Qin Feng's body roared again!

Tiandao once again sent a reminder....

【Reminder: The mind body has refined 44 Extreme Realm Cultivation Pills. Your body’s combat power is +710 million Beijing stars.…】

【Reminder: The mind body has refined 44 Extreme Realm Cultivation Pills, and the realm of your body has been raised to 71.36 of the Master Realm.%….…】

Qin Feng was pleasantly surprised again!

In this resource exchange, he also exchanged for 44 Extreme Realm Cultivation Pills, which were also refined at this moment.

In this way, his cultivation finally returned to the advanced level of the Taoist Master Realm.

Then after he returns to Huangtian Realm, he can sign a contract with Yanli again.

What's even better is that his combat power has skyrocketed by 710 million, and his strength has improved a lot!

With this in mind, Qin Feng opened the panel....

【Realm Progress]: Zhang Dao Realm 63.13%

【Basic combat power]: 48.7 billion Beijing. After reading the data, Qin Feng showed a satisfied smile.

Unknowingly, his combat power surged to 48.7 billion Beijing, which was another big step closer to his goal of 55 billion Beijing!

Of course, if he obtains the spiritual power domain, he only needs to break through 50 billion Beijing in combat power, or even break through 50 billion Beijing in combat power.

Just to obtain the realm of spiritual power, he needs to obtain the source of spiritual power first.

The refining of the origin was extremely slow, and he could not guarantee that it would be completed before entering the Tianxu secret realm.

In this way, he still set the combat power target at 55 billion Beijing, which is more reliable!

"There is still a gap of 6.3 billion in combat power! If we get some more cosmic resources in the Yellow Sky Realm, this gap will narrow. But my biggest problem right now is that I can’t find a guide to the Tianxu secret realm!"

When he thought about this, Qin Feng became a little anxious again.

For him, the secret realm of Tianxu is not only a place of opportunity, but also a must-go place to find the root of his family's destiny.

As long as he can find the root of his clan's destiny and the other three lineage disciples, , the Tianlong clan is truly resurrected!

"A guide? Where should I find it? Hey~! This issue....Hey~! This is..."

Qin Fengzheng felt anxious.

It was at this moment that he sensed Antarctica and Ying Falcon coming hand in hand.

He immediately remembered what Antarctica had mentioned before.


At that moment, his figure flashed and disappeared into the side hall...

A few minutes later, he was in the reception hall.

Nanji and Ying Falcon saluted Qin Feng respectfully.

Both of them looked terrified!

Qin Feng smiled and nodded, as if he had met the two of them.

Then, he curiously asked:"Elder Nanji, what do you have to report?"

Nanji took a deep breath and said:"God, have you ever heard of the Tianxu Secret Realm?"

Qin Feng's heart was moved!

It can't be such a coincidence, right?

Thinking of this, Qin Feng nodded slightly:"I've heard of it!"

Nanji took a deep breath again:"God, you must also know. In the secret area of ​​Tianxu, there is an opportunity to be promoted to the Heavenly Dao Realm. Rumor has it that Have the opportunity to be promoted to the fourth transformation, or even to the fifth transformation"

"There are even more opportunities to advance to the first, second, and third changes. Because of this, many powerful people in the Heavenly Realm want to enter and have a look. After all, such an opportunity is rare in billions of years!"

"The Tianxu Secret Realm will be opened in a few days, and that will be the last time it is opened. At that time, no matter whether anyone has the opportunity to get the core place, it will be permanently closed and completely disappear from the source world!"

"Therefore, the opening of Tianxu Secret Realm this time will be grander than ever before. The number of participants and the intensity of competition will be far higher than before!"

Speaking of this, Nanji sighed!

Qin Feng was surprised:"Elder Nanji, you are so familiar with the secret realm of Tianxu. It seems that you have some connection with this secret realm, right?

Nanji smiled bitterly:"Don't hide it from God!" The origin is very deep!"

Qin Feng's eyes lit up and he immediately became interested.

At that moment, he smiled and said:"It's interesting! Is it possible that you came to find me just to enter the secret realm of Tianxu?" (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Anji took a deep breath:"The heart of God is like a bright mirror! My subordinates are here this time just to invite you into the secret realm of Tianxu to compete for the last chance!

Qin Feng was surprised:"As far as I know, only guides can invite outsiders into the secret realm." Are you the guide?

Nanji nodded calmly:"I am a passerby!" In other words, only those who have the corresponding bloodline, have a cultivation level above the palm level, and hold the Tianxu Order can become a guide."

"A guide can only invite one outsider to enter. In other words, a Tianxu Order can only allow two people to enter. This time, I would like to invite you to the secret realm of Tianxu. I wonder if adults would like to go?"

Speaking of this, Anji looked at Qin Feng with an uneasy look.

The same was true for Ying Falcon!

They were afraid that Qin Feng would not want to go.

If Qin Feng was unwilling to go, they would not be able to find a more suitable candidate.

And Qin Feng Hearing those words, he was overjoyed!

He was worried that he could not find a guide.

Unexpectedly, the guide came to his door on his own initiative, and he was a subordinate he trusted.

At that moment, he smiled and said:"Such a chance, I Of course I would like to go! Hearing this

, Ananda was very happy:"This is great!" God! With your participation, my subordinates can finally rest assured!"

As soon as he said this, he breathed a sigh of relief. Ying Falcon on the side also showed excitement.

Then, Anji also said proudly:"God, your strength is definitely the best among the participants this time.. If you want to tell me, you can definitely break into the core area and challenge the most core opportunities!"

"If God’s challenge is successful, the benefits you will receive will be immeasurable! Ying Falcon also echoed:"

Yes!" Lord God, the Tianxu secret realm has existed for so many years, and there are only a few who are qualified to break into the core area, and you must be one of them!"

Qin Feng's heart moved:"Listen to what you mean, you must have at least the strength of the fourth transformation to have a chance to enter the core place?

Nanji nodded with a smile:"That's right!" In fact, every time an opportunity opens, someone breaks into the core place, but no one can get the core opportunity!

Qin Feng asked curiously:"Why is that so?""

Anji took a deep breath and said:"It is rumored that only when the comprehensive strength reaches the fifth transformation threshold, there is a 30% chance of obtaining the core land. This is too difficult. No one who has entered the fourth transformation can do it! Qin

Feng was puzzled:"If the fourth transformation can't be done, then the fifth transformation can go there!" Nanji smiled bitterly:"

God, you don't know something." This Tianxu secret realm is opened, and only those with the fourth transformation and below are allowed to enter. The fifth transformation is powerful. Even if there is a guide, it is impossible to enter!

Qin Feng suddenly said:"That's it!""

Immediately, he showed a smile.

Such a rule is beneficial to him!

However, only those who have reached the threshold of the fifth transformation can obtain the opportunity of the core land. This is more difficult than killing Luo Zu!

He also You have to work hard!

"correct! Since you are the guide, you must know a lot about the secret realm of Tianxu. Can you tell me the origin of the secret realm of Tianxu?"

At this time, Qin Feng asked curiously 0........

After all, Tianxu Secret Realm also has a connection with the Tianlong Clan, so he naturally wants to know the details.

Nanji took a deep breath:"God, if others ask, I won't tell you. But I will tell you everything you ask about!""

"The subordinate comes from the Ying clan and is also the current patriarch of the Ying clan. Ying Falcon and I are from the same race."

Hearing this, Qin Feng nodded slightly.

He somewhat understood why Ying Falcon had a close relationship with Anji and why they came to visit together. It turned out that they were from the same clan.

At this time, Nanji continued:"My Ying clan had many years ago. , once attached to Emperor Ziwei and recognized him as his master!

Qin Feng was shocked:"Emperor Ziwei?"! Anyone who can be called a great emperor in the source world must be a lord who replaces the sky!

Anji smiled bitterly:"That's right!" Emperor Ziwei is a substitute for heaven! The Lord of the Heaven is called the Great Emperor, and the being above is called the Emperor. At the beginning, Emperor Ziwei supported Emperor Tianlong!"

"But I don’t know what happened later. Emperor Tianlong fell and Emperor Jiutian came to the throne. And Emperor Ziwei, who supported Emperor Tianlong, ultimately failed to escape the claws of Emperor Jiutian, and unfortunately fell!"

"After the death of Emperor Ziwei, the universe within his body gathered the essence, blood and aura of his body and transformed into the secret realm of Tianxu. It is rumored that the secret realm has reached the level of the middle-grade heaven-level world. Even the existence of the eighth transformation of heaven will be difficult to break through the secret realm!"

"In fact, Emperor Ziwei was a seventh-transformed being during his lifetime, and the universe in his body had already entered the lower-grade heaven-level world. After his death, the universe inside his body was promoted to a middle-grade heavenly world."

"As a result, it seems that no one in the world except the Jiutian Emperor can break into the secret realm of Tianxu. However, Emperor Jiutian was trapped, and no one could forcefully break into the secret realm of Tianxu. It has been operating according to its rules."

"This is also the reason why no one has ever obtained the core opportunity within the secret realm of Tianxu."

Hearing this, Qin Feng felt a sense of clarity in his heart.

At the same time, he was also extremely emotional! No wonder the root of the Tianlong clan's destiny was hidden in the secret realm of Tianxu.

That Emperor Ziwei was actually a loyal ally of the Dragon Ancestor!

What a pity this The allies have also fallen!

At this time, Anji continued:"Emperor Ziwei has fallen! In order to preserve the many races that once relied on him, he set a rule to guide the way. Only the children of one's own race are qualified to be guides!"

"Back then, there were three low-grade origin tribes and twenty-nine ordinary races, all of whom recognized Emperor Ziwei as their master. The children of these thirty-two tribes are all qualified to serve as guides."

"In order to have the opportunity to enter the secret realm of Tianxu and obtain the resources left by Emperor Ziwei, the lackeys of Emperor Jiutian did not kill the thirty-two tribes quickly, and they did not even dare to kill them too harshly!"

"After all, the person who guides the way needs to be in the realm of palm master. If the cultivation level is not reached, it is useless to have blood. Because of this, the thirty-two tribes were not fatally destroyed. This is all the wisdom of Emperor Ziwei, which has saved us!"

Speaking of this, Anji showed his true feelings, and his eyes were filled with gratitude to Emperor Ziwei.

Even after countless generations, they still recognized Emperor Ziwei as their master.

Qin Feng was also moved when he heard this!

Emperor Ziwei really has good intentions!

At this time, Anji continued:"Because of this, basically 1.2 of those thirty-two races have survived. However, people's hearts often change, and many of these families have betrayed their masters!"

Speaking of this, Nan Ji looked sighing.

Then he continued:"We, the Ying people, have always regarded Emperor Ziwei as our master and have never betrayed him. Back then, I, the Ying clan, was one of the three lower-class origin clans who were dependent on my master."

"It's a pity that our Ying clan has been in decline for many years, and our fortune has plummeted to the half-step Ziji level, and we are no longer a low-grade Yuan clan. However, it is rumored that within the secret realm of Tianxu, there is an opportunity for our Ying clan to return to the lower-grade Yuan clan!"

"Therefore, our clan attaches great importance to this opportunity. correct! There is also a rumor within our clan that as long as someone can obtain the core opportunity of the Tianxu secret realm, the three major low-grade Origin clans of the year will recognize that person as their master!"

"Just like back then, the three lower-ranking Origin Clan recognized Emperor Ziwei as their master! This is the result of discussions between Emperor Ziwei and the three source tribes. The other two tribes don’t know what happened, but I, the Ying tribe, have always kept this promise!"

Hearing this, Qin Feng was moved again!

If this is really the case, he has obtained the core opportunity, which is equivalent to getting three lower-grade source clans!

This is definitely a good thing!

Thinking of this, he hurriedly asked:"The ones in the Yellow Heaven Realm Was the Bi clan one of the three low-grade origin clans back then?

Anji shook his head:"No!" They are one of the twenty-nine ordinary races!"

Qin Feng nodded slightly:"That's it!"

Nanji said:"However, there are three entrances to the Tianxu secret realm. There is one near Cang Tian Realm, and there is also one near Huang Tian Realm. Entering from different entrances will give you different peripheral opportunities! Qin Feng's eyes lit up:"

There is such a thing!" If you enter the two entrances at the same time, can you get two peripheral opportunities?

Nanji smiled and said,"That's the theory!" But we only have one piece of Tianxu Token in our hands, so we can only choose one entrance to enter!"

After hearing this, Qin Feng couldn't help but smile.

He also had a piece of Tianxu Token in his hand.

At the same time, he could split it into two parts and turn into the Extreme Yang and Extreme Yin bodies....

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