Hearing this, Qin Feng couldn't help but smile.

There is also a piece of Tianxu Token in his hand.

At the same time, he can be divided into two parts and transformed into the extreme yang and extreme yin bodies.

In this way, he can enter from the two entrances at the same time and obtain the peripheral opportunities of the two areas at the same time.

Thinking of this, he curiously asked:"Strange! Why are there three entrances to the Tianxu secret realm?"

In Qin Feng's habitual knowledge, there is often only one entrance to the secret realm.

Nanji took a deep breath and said:"It's a long story! Back then, the Cang Tian Realm, the Yellow Tian Realm, and the Qing Tian Realm were all the territories of Emperor Ziwei. There was a moving secret space node in these three heavens, and Emperor Ziwei’s own universe docking"

"Those three entrances are extremely secretive, and even the power of the Eighth Transformation of Heavenly Dao would be hard-pressed to discover them. And it's still mobile, with no fixed position at all. Only when it opens automatically can people discover its location"

"After the death of Emperor Ziwei, these three mobile space nodes are still wandering within the three heavens. They have become the three entrances to the secret realm of Tianxu. Every time a fixed time arrives, the three major entrances will automatically open."

"The Tianxu Order is a token that senses the location of the entrance. At the same time, it is also a token of entry into the secret realm."

Hearing this, Qin Feng's heart moved:"Emperor Ziwei's method of entrance is very useful!

Anji took a deep breath:"That's right!" With this secret entrance method, Emperor Ziwei can return to his home territory at any time through his own universe no matter where he is."

"It’s just that this secret entrance method is only known by Emperor Ziwei! Since his death, this method has been lost! However, it is rumored that this method is hidden in the opportunity at the core of Tianxu Secret Realm!"

Hearing this, Qin Feng's eyes lit up!

He is very interested in this secret method!

If he masters this secret method, he can connect one of his universes to the Cangtian Realm and the Yellow Heaven Realm at the same time.

In this way Come, the safety of the two universes will be guaranteed.

As long as something happens, he can return to the two heavens at any time!

It seems that he has to find a way to obtain this secret technique.

With this thought, Qin Feng is very interested in obtaining the core He longed for the opportunity of the land even more.

Then, he asked again:"That's right! You said before that the Blue Sky Realm, the Yellow Sky Realm, and the Cangtian Realm were once the territory of Emperor Ziwei. The Huangtian Realm and the Cangtian Realm have declined a long time ago, which must be related to the fall of Emperor Ziwei."

"But the Qingtian realm has never declined, and its status has even increased. The Lord of Qingtian whom I killed in 08 before was from the Qingtian Realm! What's going on here?"

When this matter was mentioned, Anji looked strange.

After a long time, he sighed:"Hey~! The fall of Emperor Ziwei is closely related to the betrayal of Qingtian Realm. In fact, there were thirty-three clans originally attached to Emperor Ziwei, not just the thirty-two clans."

"It’s just that the Tan clan betrayed Emperor Ziwei! Otherwise, Emperor Ziwei would not have fallen so easily!

Qin Feng was moved:"It turns out there is something inside!" Then why did the Tan clan betray Emperor Ziwei? Anji had a complicated expression:"

Maybe it's because of the imbalance in my heart!" In fact, the Tan clan is also a low-grade Yuan clan. Including the Tan clan, there are four lower-grade Yuan clans attached to Emperor Ziwei."

"But there are only three heavenly realms in the territory under the command of Emperor Ziwei. The god of each heavenly realm is served by a patriarch of the low-grade Yuan clan. For example, the leader of our Ying clan is the new Lord of Heaven."

"The masters of the other two heavenly realms are the heads of the other two source clans. However, the Tan family did not get the position of God. The ancestor of the Tan clan back then had always had an extraordinary destiny. He did not obtain the position of God, and he has always been upset about it!"

"In fact, Emperor Ziwei is seeking the fourth heaven and earth territory. If he succeeds, he will also become the God of the fourth heaven."

"Who would have thought that the ancestor of the Tan clan would betray him midway! It was precisely because of his betrayal that Emperor Ziwei secretly created a poisonous plot and fell!"

Speaking of this, Nanji was filled with grief and anger!

He hated that traitor very much!

Qin Feng nodded slightly:"No wonder there are only thirty-two tribes who lead the way. Presumably the Tan clan has been eliminated by Emperor Ziwei!

Anji nodded:"That's right!"

Qin Feng said again:"That's right!" Isn't the Lord of Qingtian a member of the Tan clan?

Anji smiled bitterly:"That's right!" he is the one! However, he is not the ancestor of the Tan clan. He is the only person in the Tan clan who is second only to the ancestor of the Tan clan. It is rumored that after so many years, the ancestor of the Tan family has broken through to the first transformation of heaven!

Qin Feng frowned slightly:"Such a traitor has actually achieved a breakthrough in cultivation." He really deserves to die! Antarctica sighed:"

Yes!" That traitor is doing great harm! Every time the Tianxu secret realm is opened, he will go in. Because he is familiar with the secret realm, the Jiutian Emperor's people will also enter from the entrance of the Blue Sky Realm. Qin

Feng was confused:"The Tan clan has been removed from the list by Emperor Ziwei. Can he still enter?""

Nanji smiled bitterly:"There is no intelligence in the secret realm, and they will accept orders but not people. As long as he finds the guide, he can also enter! In short, because the ancestor of the Tan family had meritorious service in betrayal, the Jiutian Emperor rewarded him with the Blue Sky Realm!"

"We must not get close to the entrance to that heaven. Otherwise, we will encounter the strong men from the Jiutian Emperor's side!"

Qin Feng was silent!

He didn't plan to go to the Qingtian realm.

However, if he had the opportunity to kill the ancestor of the Tan clan, he would be very happy!

Killing the ancestor of the Tan clan was not only to avenge Emperor Ziwei, but also to seize Qingtian. The key point of the realm.

After all, the Blue Sky Realm and the Yellow Sky Realm are at the junction. Obtaining the Blue Sky Realm is convenient for him to govern!

And after killing the ancestor of the Tan clan, the Blue Sky Realm will have no resistance.

Of course, these are all things for later!

Thinking of this, Qin Feng sneered:"Don't worry! This time, if the ancestor of the Tan family dares to enter the secret realm of Tianxu, I will definitely kill him to comfort Emperor Ziwei’s spirit in heaven!"

Nanji was very happy:"If God can kill the ancestor of the Tan family and avenge the master of my clan, I will be grateful!"

Qin Feng sighed:"That's not necessary! Emperor Ziwei also has a deep connection with our clan! I should avenge him!"

Speaking of this, Qin Feng was also sighing!

The Dragon Clan owes Emperor Ziwei a lot of favors!

Even though Emperor Ziwei died, he still protected the three major branches of the Dragon Clan and some of the roots of the clan's destiny.

This is definitely a life-and-death relationship!

How could he? Not to avenge it?

"correct! Antarctica! You just said that the entrances to the three major secret realms have different peripheral opportunities?

Anji nodded:"That's right!" The three entrances are three peripheral areas, and the opportunities to obtain them are naturally different! As long as we don't go through the entrance of Qingtian Realm, we won't encounter the Jiutian Emperor's people so quickly! Qin

Feng smiled and nodded:"The Qingtian realm is so far away, and I don't want to sacrifice the near for the far!" However, if we can enter from the Yellow Sky Realm and the Cangtian Realm at the same time, wouldn’t we have the opportunity to obtain the peripheral opportunities of the two regions? Nanji smiled bitterly:"

That requires two Tianxu Tokens!"

Qin Feng asked hurriedly:"Is the only thing missing is the Tianxu Order?"

Anji nodded:"That's right!" As long as there is a Tianxu Order, Ying Falcon can become the second guide. His cultivation and bloodline meet the requirements! It's a pity that the number of Tianxu Tokens is limited! It’s almost impossible to get a second one!

Qin Feng smiled and said,"Look what this is?""

As soon as he finished speaking, he turned over his palm, and there was an extra token in his palm.

Nanji and Ying Falcon couldn't help but look at it, and saw the word Tianxu suddenly engraved on the front of the token!

"Hey~! This is...."

"Tianxu Order!"

Anji and Ying Falcon exclaimed at the same time!

Then, they both looked at Qin Feng in disbelief.

"God, why do you also have the Tianxu Order? Nanji asked curiously.

Qin Feng smiled slightly:"It's a long story, so I won't mention it for now!" Ying Falcon, would you like to be the second guide?"

"willing! Of course!"

Ying Falcon answered without hesitation, his eyes full of excitement.

Being a guide means that he also has the opportunity to obtain the secret realm of Tianxu!

How could he miss such a great opportunity!

Anji also said with excitement :"God! If Ying Falcon can enter the secret realm, then two people from my Ying family will enter. If he and I join forces, maybe we can really restore the Ying clan to the lower-grade Yuan clan!

Qin Feng said with a smile:"It would be a good thing if it succeeds!" Anji said with a grateful face:"

God, I have to thank you for this!" If you hadn't given him the Winning Falcon Token, he wouldn't have had this opportunity!

Ying Falcon also looked grateful and said,"Thank you God!" That’s right, God! You prepared this second Tianxu Token because you want to invite another friend to enter?

Qin Feng smiled and shook his head:"I can't believe it when you invite outsiders." What's more, I have no one to invite. This time, everyone entering from the two entrances is the deity! Hearing this

, both Ying Falcon and Anji were stunned!

Immediately, Anji realized:"God, do you want to send a clone to enter from another entrance?" But only the main body can enter the entrance of this secret realm, not the clone!"

Qin Feng smiled slightly:"I have two bodies!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a faint white light lit up on his body, and he split into two, turning into the extreme yang body and the extreme yin body.

Seeing this scene, the two people in Anji quickly looked at the two bodies.

This look , the two of them were shocked!

The two gods in front of them were indeed the same entities!

Immediately, Anji sighed with a look on his face:"God, your methods are really unbelievable! This way, you can enter from both entrances at the same time!

Ying Falcon was even more happy and said:"Chief, God is extremely powerful!" With the protection of two bodies, we can all gain a lot!"

As soon as these words were said, the two of them showed joy and excitement.

Qin Feng was also in a good mood!

The token is there!

The guide is there!

In the future, when he enters the secret realm, he will get double the benefits of others!

"correct! Entering the secret realm, the stronger you are, the better! Ying Falcon, I think your cultivation has been stabilized and you are fully capable of challenging the position of elder. It just so happens that Cang Tian Realm still lacks the position of an elder from Xiji!"

"From now on, I will start the elder assessment to help you obtain the position of elder in the West Pole. With the blessing of being promoted to elder, your next trip to the secret realm will be of great benefit!"


After hearing this, I won the show!

Immediately, he was ecstatic:"Thank you God!

Qin Feng said with a smile:"Stop gossiping!" Let’s start the assessment now!"


Both of them agreed!

At that moment, Ji Yin led the two Nanji people out of the reception hall.

After a while, Qin Feng (Ji Yang) was the only one left in the hall. (Read the Baoshuang novel and fly Lu Novel Network!)

Qin Feng (Jiyang) looked at the leaving figures of Ying Falcon and the others, his eyes filled with anticipation.

However, it’s time for him to go to the Yellow Heaven Realm!

The sooner he gets to the Yellow Heaven Realm Headquarters, the more cosmic resources he can redeem!

Cosmic upgrades are a major channel for him to improve his strength!

If he takes a step late, he is afraid that the resources will be much less.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng no longer lingers.


I saw a flash of white light, and he disappeared out of thin air!

The next second, he appeared in the vast void.

The phantom mirage clone was beside him.

He summoned reversely through the space and rushed to the phantom mirage in an instant.

The phantom mirage was always there. Rushing saved him a lot of time!

Qin Feng glanced at the mirage and waved his hand to take it into his body.


In the next breath, he turned into a rainbow light and rushed towards the Yellow Heaven Realm...

And At the same moment, over the headquarters of the Blue Sky Realm, three powerful figures were looking in the direction of the Yellow Sky Realm.

Among the three figures, the one on the left was an old man in green clothes, with a sinister expression, and his facial features were somewhat similar to those of the Lord of the Blue Sky..

He is the ancestor of the Tan family, known as Tan Ancestor, the most powerful person in heaven.

On the right side of the three figures, there is a skinny old man with a pale face and a string of white bone necklaces hanging on his chest.

This guy is Bone. Ancestor, the third most powerful person in Heaven.

The one between the two of them is a middle-aged man with a majestic expression and regular facial features.

His aura is like an abyss, making it impossible to tell the depth.

This person is Luo Zu!

The fourth in Heaven The peak power in transformation!

At this moment, the three ancestors were all looking in the direction of Huangtian Realm, with gloomy expressions.

After a while, Tanzu asked cautiously:"Lord Luozu, the dark master really fell in Huangtian Realm Headquarters? Luo Zu took a deep breath:"

He was ordered by the Emperor to take over the Heaven Realm." But the result was that he never came back. After the Emperor's careful calculation, it is very likely that he was murdered!

Tanzu was surprised:"Isn't this impossible?" After all, he is the second transformation of Heavenly Power! How could it be so easy to fall? 267 Besides, the whereabouts of the Heavenly Dao Realm cannot be calculated. Life and death cannot be calculated! Could His Majesty the Emperor have made a miscalculation? Luo Zu sneered:"

His Majesty Tai Huang is always cautious!" There is enough basis for his inference. For example, the Jiuhuang under his command fell. This is the real thing. The Emperor holds Jiuhuang’s life card in his hand!"

"At that time, Jiuhuang and Honglian, the concubine of the Dark Lord, went to the Yellow Heaven Realm together, and eventually both died. The answer was that the two were killed by Qin Feng. The dark master was angry and took his two disciples to the Yellow Heaven Realm for revenge!"

"But just a few days ago, the life cards of the two disciples of the dark master also shattered. Inferring from this, the dark master is naturally in danger!"

After hearing this analysis, both Tan Zu and Gu Zu's expressions changed slightly.

Tan Zu still couldn't believe it:"No way? The Dark Lord is the second transformed power. Can Qin Feng kill him? Did the Emperor overestimate Qin Feng's son?"

Speaking of this, Tan Zu's tone was sour.

Thinking that after so many years of cultivation, he has only just changed the way of heaven, and he is far from the opponent of the dark master.

Now, Luo Zu said that Qin Feng killed the dark master, he is really heartbroken He was jealous.

Bone Ancestor also said sourly:"Tan Ancestor is right! I also think it’s impossible! Not long ago, it was rumored that Qin Feng's child was only at the extreme level of strength. How could he be able to kill the dark master now? Luo Zu sighed:"

Yes!" I don’t believe it either! But His Majesty the Emperor said it very firmly!

Tanzu also said:"It should be more than the extreme realm!" The Lord of Qingtian of our clan was killed by that little thief. Judging from this, he at least has the strength to reach the threshold of the Heavenly Dao Realm!"

Speaking of this, Tan Zu was very sad and angry.

Bone Zu still said sourly:"If this is really the case, then the little thief has progressed too fast, which is indeed a big hidden danger! correct! Do you think there is someone secretly helping me? Those Lords of the Heaven Substitute are not of the same mind as the Emperor!"

As soon as these words were said, both Luo Zu and Tan Zu were moved.

They looked at each other and felt that it was very possible.

But then, Luo Zu said again:"Even if someone is helping secretly, it is an unfavorable sign. The Emperor Taihuang said that the little thief Qin Feng will definitely enter the secret realm of Tianxu this time. He asked the three of us to kill the little thief in the secret territory and never let him go!

The Bone Ancestor smiled and said,"I'm just afraid that Qin Feng's son won't go!" If he dares to go! I will never spare him! Tan Zu also agreed:"

Yes!" Don’t say that the three of us joined forces. Even one of the two can easily kill him! Let me see, as long as that little thief enters the secret realm, he will definitely die!

Luo Zu also smiled and said:"You will definitely die!" This time, the Emperor was determined to kill Qin Feng!"

"He not only asked the three of us to join forces to kill Qin Feng. He also ordered the three of them to forcefully leave the customs and rush to the three major exits to guard the Tianxu before it closes. No matter which exit Qin Feng, the little thief, comes out from, he will encounter one of them!"

Hearing this, the two Bone Ancestors were greatly moved.

Later, the Bone Ancestors asked in shock:"Even those three are going to be dispatched?"

Tan Zu also opened his eyes wide and couldn't help but look at Luo Zu.

Luo Zu nodded slightly!

Seeing this, Gu Zu Er took a breath of air.

The three they mentioned were the top three among the nine accomplices. Existence.

These three people are all powerful in the fifth transformation or above!.....

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