After saying these words, the Supreme Emperor flashed his figure and rushed straight towards the Human Emperor Valley.…..

The two Qingya demons followed closely behind....

At the same time, in the Human Emperor Valley.

Qin Feng entered the forbidden area of ​​Walong tribe under the guidance of Wa Qianye.

At this moment, in the forbidden area.

Qin Feng looked at the altar in front of him with joy.

I saw a divine mirror lying flat inside the altar, with a golden frame, a silver mirror surface, and glowing light!

Its appearance is very similar to that of the Earth Emperor Mirror!

【Human Emperor Mirror: Dao Tian level, inherited artifact!】

【Reminder: This object hides part of the roots of the Dragon Clan’s destiny, and is one of the keys to unlocking the inheritance of Emperor Ziwei!】

【Additional function: can mirror and copy the Three Thousand Avenues once....】

After reading the message, Wa Qianye’s voice sounded from the side

"Young Ancestor! This divine mirror is the Human Emperor Mirror that our clan guards. Please Young Ancestor collect it as soon as possible so that the root of our clan's destiny can be perfected!"

Qin Feng smiled and nodded.

Then, he broke his finger to coagulate blood and bounced towards the Human Emperor Realm.…..


A soft sound!

A drop of the supreme dragon ancestor blood fell on the mirror and was completely absorbed at a speed visible to the naked eye!


Immediately afterwards, the entire mirror shone brightly!

The Human Emperor Mirror made an extremely cheerful sound and began to shrink rapidly!

Click~! Click~! Click~!

The protective mask over the human emperor's bones also cracked inch by inch and automatically shattered!


With a crisp sound, the protective mask was completely shattered!


The Human Emperor Mirror also shrunk to the size of a palm, and turned into a golden light, which quickly poured into Qin Feng's body!


For a moment, Qin Feng's body roared continuously, and purple energy rose throughout his body... The wonderful feeling that the roots of his family's fate were being repaired spread throughout his body again!

Heaven also keeps sending reminders….

【Successfully recognized the master! Congratulations on refining the inherited artifact - the Human Emperor Mirror!】

【Congratulations on obtaining the root of clan destiny in the Human Emperor's Mirror and integrating it into the dragon clan's clan destiny. Its clan destiny has been upgraded to the highest grade of purple 107.43.%..】

【Reminder: Your clan luck has exceeded 100% of the highest level of Ziji. After you have repaired the roots of clan luck, you can try to be promoted to the highest level of Ziji!】

【Announcement: It was detected that player Qin Feng obtained the Human Emperor Mirror and successfully refined it!】

【Congratulations to contestant Qin Feng for completing the second step of the task and receiving the following rewards!】

【Reward player Qin Feng with +60 billion Beijing-star combat power…..】

【Reward player Qin Feng with +600 Luck Pills….】

【Reward player Qin Feng, +2 Emperor Spirit Pills….】


After hearing the prompt, Qin Feng was suddenly pleasantly surprised!

The reward obtained this time was suddenly twice that of the last time!

It seems that every time he harvests a mission artifact, the reward will be doubled.

This is so awesome!


Before Qin Feng could finish being happy, a beam of reward light fell from the sky and landed on him!

At that moment, his combat power and momentum began to skyrocket crazily.....

Wa Qianye and others were filled with envy!

It took a long time for the combat power rewards to end!

Qin Feng also slowly opened his eyes, his eyes filled with joy.


At this time, the second reward beam fell...

The 600 Transformation Divine Pills and 2 Emperor Spirit Pills slowly fell in front of him along the beam of light.

Qin Feng put away the Fortune Transformation Pill, and his eyes fell on the two Emperor Spirit Pills, and his eyes couldn't help but reveal joy.

Emperor Spirit Pill!

One of the resources he needs most!

Now, his true spirit Dao transformation has reached 80.73%, and he still needs a dozen Emperor Spirit Pills to complete the Dao transformation.

Now that he has obtained 2 pills, he only needs to obtain 8 more Emperor Spirit Pills to complete his transformation.

Once this transformation is completed, he will be able to obtain the sixth realm - the true spirit realm, and his ability to withstand domain seals will skyrocket.

That's even more powerful than breaking through the fourth transformation!

Breaking through the fourth transformation, his power to withstand the seal increased by three levels.

After activating the True Spirit Realm, his power to resist the seal can increase by four levels.

It was supposed to increase by 50%. In fact, when Qin Feng's True Spirit Dao Domain was not activated, his True Spirit Dao Transformation power continued to show its power and resisted a layer of seals.

Calculated in this way, the True Spirit Realm is fully awakened, which naturally increases the resistance by four levels.

In short, the awakening of the True Spirit Realm is more powerful than breaking through the fourth change.

However, it would be more difficult for him to awaken to the True Spirit Realm than to break through to the fourth level!

After all, he has broken through to the fourth transformation, and there is no bottleneck anymore. He only needs to refine enough divine pills.

However, it is extremely difficult to improve the true spiritual level. If he wants to improve quickly, he can only rely on the Emperor Spirit Pill.

At present, he still needs to obtain 8 more Emperor Spirit Pills before he can hope to awaken the True Spirit Realm.

"When I got the Earth Emperor Mirror, I was rewarded with 1 Emperor Spirit Pill. When I got the Human Emperor Mirror, I got 2 Emperor Spirit Pills, doubling the reward! Then when I get the Emperor's Mirror, will the reward be doubled again?.?"

At this time, Qin Feng murmured in his heart while putting away the Emperor's Spirit Pill.

Naturally, he hopes to double the reward, which would be more beneficial to him!


As soon as the thought came up, Qin Feng's sea of ​​consciousness shook!

A reminder came from heaven....

【Fusion successful! Your mind body merged the Human Emperor Mirror and the Earth Emperor Mirror into one, and obtained a new inherited artifact - the Unparalleled Emperor Mirror!】

【Unparalleled Imperial Mirror: Daotian Middle Grade, it can be replicated multiple times through the mirror to construct a mirror space of nine thousand avenues!】

【Reminder: In this mirror space, the time it takes for you to refine a batch of luck-transforming pills will be shortened from 15 minutes to 10 minutes! ]

Hearing this, Qin Feng couldn't help but laugh!

Speeding up the efficiency of alchemy is exactly what he desires!


At this time, Tiandao continued to send reminders....

【Reminder: The Wushuang Emperor Mirror is a Daotian-level artifact and comes with two Daotian-level magical powers!】

【The first type of heaven-level magical power - mirror space!】

【The second type of heaven-level magical power - the body of the emperor!】

【Emperor's Body: Absorb the power of the divine mirror to build a body and transform into a double dragon emperor's body. After this body is attacked, it will double the enemy's attack!】

【Reminder: You must first withstand the opponent's attack before you can get double the rebound attack! 】


After hearing the prompt, Qin Feng was pleasantly surprised!

After entering the Heavenly Dao Realm, he gradually understood that the ordinary true meaning magical powers were ineffective against the Sixth Transformation of Heavenly Dao.

Because the Sixth Transformation has reached the Small Perfection of Taoism, he can obtain the means of retreat from the Great Dao, but he can only retreat three feet.

Of course, this avenue of escape only appears in the hands of human monks.

The Ruins Demon of the same level has not been mastered yet!

However, all kinds of true meaning magical powers are also ineffective against the Sixth Transformation Ruins Demon!

Only unique magical powers and Taoist-level magical powers can be effective against powers above the sixth transformation.

The ultimate magic power is extremely rare, and it is not easy to obtain one!

The same is true for Taoist-level magical powers!

And the amount of magical power you master directly affects your combat effectiveness!

Because of this, Qin Feng naturally wants to obtain more such magical powers.

He never expected that after the fusion of the Human Emperor Mirror and the Earth Emperor Mirror, he would gain a Taoist-level magical power.

This is also his first Taoist-level magical power!

I wonder if after fusing the Emperor's Mirror again, will I gain another heaven-level magical power?

Thinking of this, Qin Feng felt even more excited.

At this moment, Wa Qianye's voice sounded next to him

"Congratulations to Young Ancestor for successfully collecting the Human Emperor Mirror! There is hope for the revival of our dragon clan!"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Hearing this, Qin Feng couldn't help but look at Wa Qianye and others, and saw that everyone's faces were full of joy!

They knew very well that when Young Ancestor collected all three major The artifact represents the reunion of the nine lines of the Dragon Clan, and the revival has officially begun.

"Young Ancestor, what should we do next?"

At this time, Wa Qianye came againAsk for instructions.

Another elder smiled and said:"Clan leader! Next, the young ancestor will definitely go to the Qianlong Department to collect the last artifact of suppressing luck."

Wa Qianye suddenly said:"Yes! After collecting three artifacts of suppressing luck, we can This is the top priority right now! Young Ancestor, we have to speed up the time!"

Qin Feng smiled slightly:"My other body has already gone to the Qianlong Department! Calculating the distance, we are almost there!"

Wa Qianye Surprised and mixed:"That's great! In this way, Young Ancestor can save a lot of time!"

But then, she was surprised:"Young Ancestor, you can actually separate two bodies, your method is incredible! It's just that Will such an operation weaken your strength?"

Qin Feng nodded slightly:"It will indeed affect my strength! However,....Hey~! That is....."

Halfway through his words, Qin Feng raised his head and looked away from the Human Emperor Valley.....

Outside the valley, in the void hundreds of thousands of miles away, there were three black spots the size of sesame seeds, rushing towards the direction of the Human Emperor Valley.

"Hey~! Those three are...."

Wa Qianye and others also followed Qin Feng's gaze and saw the three black dots.

It's just that the distance is too far, so they can't see clearly what the black dot is, but they can feel that the black dot is escaping very quickly.[]

Seeing this, Wa Qianye couldn't help but look at Qin Feng

"Young Ancestor, those three black spots are...."

Qin Feng smiled coldly:"It should be the Taoist envoy who is here!"

Upon hearing this, all the senior officials were moved.

Later, Wa Qianye said with excitement:"Young Ancestor, they came just in time! This time, you will fight on behalf of our Wa Long Tribe, and they will definitely be defeated!" As soon as he said this, all the senior officials showed a knowing smile.

They also thought about how Young Ancestor taught those special envoys. Over the years, they had been humiliated by many Taoist envoys, and it was time to feel proud.

Qin Feng also smiled and said,"Let's go! Let's go meet the special envoy!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he dodged and took off into the air.

The senior officials followed closely...

In just a moment, the group flew out of the forbidden area and flew over the Human Emperor Valley.

This scene was seen by countless children in the valley!

They immediately looked up curiously!

Especially Qin Feng's back was looked at curiously by countless disciples.

They all knew in their hearts that it was Young Ancestor!

After Qin Feng and his party reached the sky, they stopped and waited for the enemy to come.

Looking at the three small black dots in the distance, they are getting closer and closer.

In the blink of an eye, the three little black dots were only a hundred thousand miles away from the Human Emperor Valley.

Wa Qianye and others finally saw clearly the appearance of the three black spots.

The black dot at the head suddenly turned out to be a demon wearing a purple royal robe, a purple gold crown, and a third divine eye between his eyebrows.

The demon's aura was extremely extraordinary, and he was none other than the Supreme Emperor, the head of the Three Emperors!

When Wa Qianye and others saw the person coming clearly, they all frowned slightly, with doubts on their faces.

The same goes for Yin Longcheng on the side!

Obviously, they all saw that the Supreme Emperor had an extraordinary temperament, but they did not recognize him.

At this time, several elders couldn't help but murmured

".Who is this special envoy? Why is it so unfamiliar!"

"right! I also think it looks very cool! However, we have all seen the two giant ruin monsters behind it! They are the special envoys Qingya and Lanjiao!"

"That's right! Just the two of them! strangeness! As agreed last time, wasn't the special envoy they sent to wager Yin Lin? Why is it that the leader is not Yinlin?"

"right! Everyone! Are these three guys really here to bet?"

As soon as these words were said, all the senior officials were a little confused.

When Qin Feng heard Yin Lin's name, his heart moved.

The next second, he looked at the Supreme Emperor, thoughtful in his heart.

No wonder this guy has such extraordinary momentum. Ah!

Could it be the Supreme Emperor?

Because of the distance, Qin Feng couldn't judge the Supreme Emperor's cultivation level. He could only sense his extraordinary temperament.

But now, he judged from all aspects of information that the person coming was probably the Supreme Emperor. The Supreme Emperor.

Just looking at his temperament, he is similar to the Uncrowned Emperor and the Impermanent Emperor.

If the other party is really the Supreme Emperor, then he is afraid of a fierce battle.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng couldn't help but take a deep breath..

He didn’t expect that the Supreme Emperor would arrive so quickly!

According to his plan, it was best for him to break through to the fourth transformation and then encounter the Supreme Emperor.

In that way, he could easily kill the opponent.

But contrary to expectations, he Encountered in advance.

With his current strength, it is not easy to kill the Supreme Emperor!

Thinking of this, Qin Feng looked forward seriously.....


At this moment, a shocking roar suddenly sounded within his consciousness!

Tiandao also sent a reminder (from Zhao)….

【Refining successful! YourThe mind body has refined 52 fortune-transforming pills, and your combat power is +15.6 billion Beijing stars.....】

【Refining successful! Your mind body has refined 52 fortune-transforming pills, and your cultivation level has been upgraded to the third transformation of heaven, 87.44%...】

After hearing the prompt, Qin Feng couldn't help but smile!

The benefits of Renhuang Mirror are beginning to show!

It would take him a few more minutes to refine this batch of magical elixirs, but now he has refined them ahead of schedule.

He obtained the Human Emperor Mirror, and after fusing it with the Unparalleled Emperor Mirror, his alchemy efficiency increased.

In this way, he refined another batch of magic pills!

All in all, he would be able to break through to the fourth transformation after refining 7 more batches of divine elixirs.

Now, it only takes him 10 minutes to refine each batch.

In other words, he can break through to the fourth change after 70 minutes.

In other words, as long as he spends 70 minutes with the Supreme Emperor, he will have a chance to kill him.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng suddenly felt confident.

By the way, his combat power has been continuously improved this time. It should have increased a lot, right?

Thinking of this, Qin Feng couldn't help but open the panel and check his latest status.....

【Realm Progress]: The Third Transformation of Heaven’s Way 87.44%

【Basic combat power]: 2.416 trillion Beijing. Sure enough!

His combat power has improved a lot!

Qin Feng showed a satisfied smile.

Then he closed the panel.....

"Hey~! This is...."

At this moment, he looked in the other direction with emotion.

The next second, the joy in his eyes became even stronger.

It turned out that he sensed that Jiyin's body had entered the Qianlong Department's station and had already contacted the senior officials of the Qianlong Department.

Huh~! Huh~! Huh~!

But before Qin Feng was happy, there was a rapid sound of breaking through the air in front of him!

Qin Feng quickly turned around and saw that the three demons of the Supreme Emperor had arrived near the Human Emperor Valley.......

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