At this time, Qin Feng was finally able to clearly see the Supreme Emperor's cultivation.

It is indeed the sixth transformation of heaven!

Qin Feng couldn't help but take a deep breath, his expression a little serious.

At the same time, there were murmurs from the senior officials around him.

"Everyone! What kind of cultivation is the guy who takes the lead? Why can't I see through this?"

"Yes! I can’t see it either!"

The senior officials looked at the Supreme Emperor with doubts on their faces. Wa Qianye and Yin Longcheng also looked at each other with doubts in their eyes.

They didn't see the Supreme Emperor's cultivation level either!

The Supreme Emperor's cultivation level is really too high. , they couldn't see through it!

Only Qin Feng in the field could see through it.

At this time, another elder's voice sounded in the field

"Everyone, we don’t care what the person’s cultivation level is. It's supposed to be the replacement for Silver Scale. In other words, it is most likely the existence of the second transformation of the way of heaven. But we have Young Ancestor here, so we don’t have to be afraid of it at all!"

As soon as these words were said, the senior officials couldn't help but smile knowingly.

They thought it made sense!

Qin Feng didn't explain, but he felt a little more pressure in his heart.

Having said that, this is the first time the Supreme Emperor has come to the core world.

After all, Before this, the Taoist God had not developed the secret talisman to resist the Daotian realm, so the Supreme Emperor would naturally not come. Because of this, people such as Wa Qianye did not recognize it.

Soon, the three demons of the Supreme Emperor arrived at the Human Emperor above the valley, and continued to approach Qin Feng and others, but the speed slowed down a lot.

Seeing this scene, Wa Qianye and others did not dare to neglect.

They waited solemnly one by one.

Below, hundreds of millions of children of the Wa Long Tribe , also watched this scene.

When they saw that the two sides were about to confront each other, the disciples began to get nervous.

There was a lot of discussion in the crowd!

"Everyone! Who do you think the three people are?"

"Is there any need to guess? It must be the Taoist envoy! They come to gamble and fight!"

"right! Who do you think our ministry will send to fight this time? Is he the clan leader??"

"He must be the clan leader! After all, the strongest person on our side is the clan leader!"

"That’s right! However, the contestant sent by the Taoist God is a second-transformation existence of the way of heaven. Do you think the patriarch can win?"

"this…..This...hey~! This is really hard to say!"

"yes! After all, the patriarch is the first being to change the way of heaven! It is really difficult for her to defeat the existence of the second transformation!"

"Of course, our clan leader has extraordinary means, so he may not have no chance of winning, but the probability of winning is relatively low, only about 10%!"

As soon as these words were said, the expressions of all the disciples were not good-looking.

At this time, the disciples did not know Qin Feng's strength.

They only knew that Qin Feng was the successor of the Dragon Ancestor, but they did not know that Qin Feng's strength was in the eyes of the disciples. , the Young Ancestor is so young, his strength should not be as strong as the clan leader.

What’s more, they didn’t expect the Young Ancestor!

Just as everyone was discussing 230, the three demons of the Supreme Emperor finally met Qin Feng and others.

The two sides faced off in the air!

Seeing this scene, All the disciples stopped talking and watched nervously.…..

In the air, Wa Qianye and other senior officials also looked at the three demons seriously.

The three demons of the Supreme Emperor looked down at the senior officials with arrogance.

Especially the Supreme Emperor, who just glanced at everyone lightly, and then his eyes fell on Wa Qianye and Yin Longcheng.

Both of these people are the first to transform from Heaven's Way, and must be the highest level of the Walong Tribe.

As for Qin Feng, his gaze swept over him without stopping at all.

It thought Qin Feng was just a junior and not worth mentioning at all.

After looking around, the Supreme Emperor's eyes finally fell on Wa Qianye

"Are you the clan leader of the Walong Tribe—Wa Qianye?"

The Supreme Emperor spoke slowly.

He knew that the leader of the Walong Tribe was a woman, so he guessed like this.

Wa Qianye did not dare to neglect:"That's right! The little girl is none other than Wa Qianye! Are you a special envoy sent by the Taoist God to gamble?"

"On gambling?! Ah~!"

The corners of the Supreme Emperor's mouth curled up slightly, his eyes full of disdain.

To it, Walongbu's bet was a joke.

It can kill the Walong tribe's players with a snap of its fingers.

And its main purpose in coming to the Walong Division is to hunt down the players from the outside world.

Of course, although Silver Scales has fallen, the Walong Division's bet is still in effect.

The Taoist God also asked him to complete the gambling incident and seize the Human Emperor Mirror.

That’s what Master Dao Shen needs!

Thinking of this, the Supreme Emperor sneered:"I am indeed here for gambling, but that is secondary. I have a more important thing to ask you!" Wa

Qianye was surprised:"Fellow Taoist, there is also What is more important than gambling?"

The Supreme Emperor said coldly:"Of course! Stop gossiping! I would like to ask you, are there any outside players who have come to your Walong Division?"


As soon as these words were spoken, the entire audience was moved.

The target of this guy's inquiry is none other than Young Ancestor!

Could it be that this guy is here for Young Ancestor?

Thinking of this, many disciples secretly glanced at Qin Feng and stopped looking at him.

Wa Qianye frowned slightly:"Little girl, don't you understand what you are talking about?"

She would not reveal the identity of the young ancestor until she knew the details of the incoming enemy.

The Supreme Emperor looked suspicious and said:"Wa Qianye! Do you really don't understand, or do you just don't want to say it?"

Wa Qianye took a deep breath:"Little girl….."

But before she could finish speaking, Qin Feng on the side spoke.

"This envoy! If you want to get information about outside players, you will have to pay some price. In this world, retribution has a price."

As soon as this was said, everyone was stunned!

The Supreme Emperor looked at Qin Feng with a look of astonishment. It seemed that it did not expect that a junior from the Dragon Clan dared to talk to it like this. It was really no big deal.

Thinking of this, The Supreme Emperor said with a cold face:"Boy! who are you? Do you have any say in this place?"

As soon as he said this, Wa Qianye said with a displeased look on his face:"What he meant! This is what our Walong Department means!"


The Supreme Emperor was stunned at first!

When he saw the serious look on Wa Qianye's face, it seemed that he was not lying.

He immediately looked at Qin Feng with a puzzled face. Strange! What is the origin of this junior? Why is Wa Qianye so fond of him



Until now, the Supreme Emperor thought that Wa Qianye was just doting on a descendant.

After all, this young descendant did have an extraordinary temperament.

Thinking of this, it took a serious look at Qin Feng.

Before that, it But it didn't even look at Qin Feng.

After looking at it, it was stunned.

It couldn't see the young man's cultivation level.

As his cultivation level continued to improve, even the Sixth Transformation Ruins Demon It was difficult to see through Qin Feng's realm.

However, the Supreme Emperor still didn't take it to heart.

Because it could see that the young man's age was definitely no more than seven thousand years old.

The Supreme Emperor's judgment on Qin Feng's age was based on More accurate than others.

And for such a young existence, it is already a huge miracle to have the cultivation level of Palm Dao, so it will not be very strong.

Thinking of this, the Supreme Emperor secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he looked at Qin The wind's eyes also became disdainful.

In its view, Qin Feng was just a descendant who was spoiled by Wa Qianye and had no idea how high the world was.

After a while, it would let this kid know what it means to be worse than life. Death.

Thinking of this, the Supreme Emperor looked at Qin Feng again

"Boy! You should tell me! What price does it cost to obtain that information?"

The Supreme Emperor's tone was joking.

Qin Feng smiled slightly:"100,000 Eternal Sky Crystals!"


As soon as these words came out, the whole place was in an uproar!

The Supreme Emperor was even more shocked and said angrily:"Boy! Do you really dare to speak like a lion?!

Qin Feng smiled:"As far as I know, Eternal Sky Crystal is of little use to your envoy." And with your status, you should be able to get 100,000 Eternal Sky Crystals! The Supreme Emperor smiled coldly:"

I can get it, but your information must be worthy of its value." If you make up a lie, won’t I be deceived out of 100,000 Eternal Sky Crystals by you?

Qin Feng smiled and said,"Don't worry about this!" It was also by chance that I discovered the traces of an outside player and learned his current location. As long as you are willing to pay the price, I am willing to tell you the information!

The Supreme Emperor was surprised and uncertain:"Do you really know the whereabouts of that player?"

Qin Feng said with certainty:"Of course!" I can swear that as long as you pay enough Eternal Sky Crystal, I will tell you the whereabouts of that person immediately."

This firm tone confused the Supreme Emperor.

Could it be that this junior really knew?

It did not notice that the expressions of Wa Qianye and others were a little strange.

At this time, Qingya quietly came to the side of the Supreme Emperor and whispered murmured

"His Majesty! Could this guy be fooling you? As a junior, he will know more information than Wa Qianye?"

The Supreme Emperor pondered:"Not necessarily! Seeing that Wa Qianye is very protective of him, he might know some inside information. Otherwise, I will agree to his conditions first. After all, the whereabouts of that player is extremely important! The Human Emperor Mirror should be on that person!

Qingya nodded slightly:"That makes sense!""

After the two demons communicated, the Supreme Emperor looked at Qin Feng again

"Boy! I can agree to your conditions! 100,000 Eternal Sky Crystals in exchange for a piece of information! However, if your information is false, I will kill you on the spot. Do you dare to agree?"

The Supreme Emperor's tone was very serious.

Qin Feng smiled calmly:"Why don't you dare? I guarantee the information is true!"

"good! Since you dare to guarantee that it is true, you and I will make an intelligence contract. If you break the contract, I can kill you. The emperor can't stop it. Do you dare to make this agreement?"

It turns out that the Supreme Emperor has always been afraid of the Great Emperor Can Nian.

After all, the Great Emperor Can Nian has been guarding the three dragon clans in the core world, and he does not dare to attack easily.

However, the Great Emperor Can Nian will not protect the outside players.

He can directly kill them.!

In addition, the three disciples who have signed corresponding contracts will not be protected by the Emperor's Cannian as long as they breach the contract. It can also kill them.

Because of this, the Supreme Emperor made such a suggestion

"Boy! Do you dare to make such a contract?"

The Supreme Emperor asked again.

Qin Feng smiled slightly:"Why don't you dare?! As long as you are willing to pay Eternal Sky Crystal, I will sign the contract immediately!"

"Hey~! you….."

The Supreme Emperor was a little surprised. (If you want to read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It looked at Qin Feng in surprise, secretly thinking that this kid really had the information!

At this time, Qin Feng said again:"Of course! I also have a condition!"

The Supreme Emperor hurriedly asked:"What condition?"

Qin Feng asked:"As far as I know, you will bet against our Walong tribe this time and lose. If you want to win, you will have to pay 200,000 Eternal Sky Crystals, I wonder if that is the case?"

It turns out that the Taoist envoy also had to put up a bet for the Waolong tribe, and it was more generous than the Yinlong tribe.

After all, the Xu monsters attacked by the Walong tribe are stronger.

The Supreme Emperor sneered disdainfully:"That's right! What? You don't think you can win the bet, do you?"

As soon as these words were said, Qingya and Lanjiao both showed knowing smiles.

Before, the one they sent to bet was Silver Scale.

With Yin Lin taking action, the Walong tribe still has a 10% chance of winning.

Now, if they are replaced by His Majesty the Supreme Emperor, the Walong Division will definitely lose.

This kid still wants to win their bet, which is extremely ridiculous!

Thinking of this, the two Qingya demons shook their heads repeatedly, feeling that Qin Feng really didn't know the heights of the world.

At this time, Qin Feng said:"Did you bring your bet?"

The Supreme Emperor was speechless.[]

This little thief is serious!

It immediately sneered:"Bring it! I have a collection of Eternal Sky Crystals myself. In addition to the 200,000 yuan bet given by Master Dao Shen this time, the Eternal Sky Crystals on my body are no less than 500,000 yuan!"

500,000 yuan ?!

Qin Feng's eyes lit up!

His heart was full of surprises!

He is now very eager to have Eternal Sky Crystal resources, but he did not expect that the Supreme Emperor has more than 500,000 yuan.

That's so important to him!

Maybe if you get these 500,000 yuan, you can promote Hongmeng Universe to level 36.

Of course, if he wants to get them all, he must kill the Supreme Emperor first.

After this trial, he learned some details about the Supreme Emperor, which was really useful.

This also made him healThe plan to kill the Supreme Emperor is determined!

"Say it! Boy! What conditions do you have?"

The Supreme Emperor urged again.

The whereabouts of the Human Emperor Mirror are unknown!

It urgently wants to know where the players from the outside are?

Qin Feng smiled:"It's very simple! You give me 100,000 Eternal Sky Crystals first! I will tell you the whereabouts of that player after the bet is over. The Supreme Emperor frowned:"

We still have to wait for the gambling to end?"

Qin Feng smiled and said:"No matter what the outcome of the bet is, I will report it truthfully!" You just have to wait a little longer! As long as you are willing, I can sign the contract now! Of course, after signing the contract, you have to pay the Eternal Sky Crystal first! The

Supreme Emperor pondered for a while and said:"As long as you dare to make a contract, I will pay you the Eternal Sky Crystal!""

As long as Qin Feng signed the contract and the Emperor Cannian could not interfere, the Supreme Emperor would have nothing to fear.

If this little thief dares to deceive, he can kill him on the spot with one palm!

Until now, he has not realized it. It turns out that the junior in front of it is the player it is looking for.

When it knows the truth, it will be so angry that it will vomit blood on the spot.

At this time, Qin Feng said cheerfully:"Okay! I will make a contract now!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he beckoned and took out a contract scroll, then broke his fingers and coagulated blood to write the contents of the contract.

In just a moment, the contents of the contract were drawn up!

Qin Feng directly threw it to the Supreme Emperor.

After the Supreme Emperor glanced at the contents of the contract, he He showed a satisfied smile.

The content of this boy's contract was not false.

At that moment, the Supreme Emperor broke his finger and coagulated blood, leaving his own mark on the scroll!


Soon, the contract was signed!

The scroll turned into two Golden light poured into the bodies of Qin Feng and the Supreme Emperor respectively.

At this point, the Supreme Emperor secretly breathed a sigh of relief. In its view, as long as the contract is completed, Qin Feng will lose the protection of the emperor's remnants.

In fact, Qin Feng from the beginning to the end If you don't have the tail, you will not be protected by the emperor's remnants.

This is equivalent to Qin Feng's empty hand and the white wolf!

"The contract is done! Can you give me the 100,000 Eternal Sky Crystals?"

At this time, Qin Feng looked at the Supreme Emperor with a smile.

"Easy to say!"

The Supreme Emperor threw out a storage ring readily.

Qin Feng took the ring and saw that it was densely packed with Eternal Sky Crystals. Sure enough, there were hundreds of thousands of them.

He couldn't help but laugh!

Before the fight started, he started He deceived a batch of resources.

With this in mind, he sent the storage ring into the small universe and let his mind body digest it.


Just after Qin Feng finished doing that, a shocking roar suddenly sounded in his sea of ​​consciousness!

Heaven's Way There are also constant reminders….

【The body of Jiyin was attached to the Walong Order, successfully conquered the Walong tribe, and received the energy of the Qianlong Order in return.…..】

【The energy feedback is successful! Your Tao body is nourished and strengthened by the inherited essence, and your combat power is +1 billion Beijing stars!】

【The energy feedback is successful! Your Jiyin body begins to build a soul bond with the Yijing descendants of the Walong tribe.…】


After hearing the prompt, Qin Feng was pleasantly surprised!

The reason why he has been dealing with the Supreme Emperor so far is to delay time and buy time for Ji Yin's body!

Now that Jiyin has obtained the Qianlong Order, he can collect the Emperor Mirror in the next step.

By then, he will have received the third wave of mission rewards, and his strength will be greatly increased.

After Ji Yin completes his mission, he can summon Ji Yin to fight against the Supreme Emperor together.

After all, with his current strength, it is not difficult to defeat the Supreme Emperor, but it is too difficult to kill him.

Maybe he merged with Ji Yin's body and became the strongest state, so that he could be killed!

This is Qin Feng’s real purpose!.

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