Hearing that, God was surprised and happy!

By now, he already knew that in order to find his whereabouts, the Peeping God Realm had divided its forces into two groups.

Along the way, Venerable Pu Yin went to the Dark God Realm to find him.

The other way is to lead the Venerable to find him in the God of Light Realm!

The Venerable Jie Yin rushed to the Light God Realm first. Naturally, he was not found, but instead alarmed the Lord of the Light God Realm!

Later, Venerable Puyin found him and sent the news to Venerable Jieyin!

Venerable Jie Yin and the Lord of Light Territory also knew his whereabouts together!

After some discussion, the two powerful men came together.

This makes God secretly happy!

He followed the Venerable Puyin, always trembling.

If the owner of his own domain could come, it would be a deterrent.

Presumably, Venerable Puyin will not renege on what he promised before.

"Senior, I'm afraid that before my domain master and senior Jie Yin arrive, we will have already killed Qin Feng first!"

Yeshen said with excitement.

Now that things have happened, he is becoming more and more confident in annihilating Qin Feng.

Venerable Puyin stroked his beard and smiled and said:"Those two have just set off! At least he'll arrive half a day later than us! Without waiting for them, we continue on our way! It is estimated that in half a day, the little thief Qin Feng will come out of the Holy Land!"

As soon as the words fell, the three of them continued to rush towards the Qinglong Star Territory...

At this moment, Ye Shen was in a very good mood, thinking that Qin Feng would definitely die this time!

The living book he wanted should be able to get it.

After all, Pu Yin The Venerable has previously analyzed that even if Qin Feng’s Holy Land Star’s strength increases even more, it will not exceed 150 billion stars!

With such strength, facing a terrifying existence like Venerable Pu Yin, he can only be killed instantly It’s my share!

This thought made Ye Shen look forward to it even more!

Ye Shen didn’t know that Venerable Pu Yin had greatly underestimated Qin Feng before!

Not to mention that Qin Feng’s combat power could not reach 150 billion stars, even if it was It’s more than doubled!

Now, Qin Feng’s basic combat power has reached 319.7 billion stars!

What’s more, he still has many great opportunities that he has not yet digested!

For example, he has not yet harvested the ‘Tian Zhuang Sword Formation’ mission!

At this moment , in the Holy Land.

In the western canyon passage, at the entrance to the Star Map Secret Realm.


At this time, light and shadow flashed!

A majestic figure emerged from the Star Map Secret Realm!

That person was Qin Feng!

Qin Feng Show up and look around!

"It’s finally out!"

He breathed a sigh of relief and looked towards the end of the canyon.

There was also a light curtain at the end. As long as he walked out of the light curtain, he could reach the land of divine heritage and complete this round of opportunity assessment!

He thought about it Then, with a flash of his figure, he rushed towards the end of the passage…

"Huh! By the way..."

Just when Qin Feng was only ten thousand feet away from the end of the passage, he seemed to have thought of something and suddenly stopped!

The next second, he waved, white light flashed in front of him, and two people suddenly appeared. Little babies.

The two little babies are both one or two years old!

One has red hair and is wearing a red jacket, the other has black hair and is wearing a black jacket. Both are white, tender and fat. Dudu’s cute appearance!

They are Zhu Rong and Gonggong!

"Huh! dad! dad!"

"dad! hug! hug!"

As soon as the two little guys saw Qin Feng, they rushed over happily, and then each hugged one of Qin Feng's thighs and acted coquettishly.

Qin Feng fondly touched the heads of the two little guys, and at the same time looked at Zhu Rong. go…

【Gods and Demons]: Zhu Rong (war pet)

【Realm]: True God Realm

【Level]: Level 13

【Combat Power]: 2.3 billion star levels.

Look at Gonggong, he is also at level 13, and his combat power is 2.3 billion star levels!

Qin Feng suddenly showed a happy smile!

In such a short period of time, the two little guys rose from level 1 when they were born to level 13!

The combat power has been increased from 2 billion to 2.3 billion stars!

This progress is so fast!

This also makes Qin Feng extremely satisfied!

Thinking about it, Qin Feng is extremely rich today, and has countless resources in his personal universe!

For example, the Jiuyang Spiritual Dew in the Taiyang Tangchi, the jade liquid in the Yaochi Wonderland, and the Renshui flat peaches picked before.

These are all extremely valuable resources, and they are all above the high-grade god level!

Qin Feng's mind body used these resources to cultivate the two little guys, which naturally made them progress rapidly!

In other words, if there is a rich second generation in the spiritual world!

Zhu Rong and Gonggong are the rich second generation among the rich second generation!

The two of them have a father who is the Lord of the Universe!

"dad! dad! Why are you looking for us?"

At this time, Zhu Rong's voice sounded in the field.

His big and clear eyes were full of curiosity.

Qin Feng smiled slightly and was about to speak... boom~long~long~!

But at this moment, the sky suddenly shook, and two The beam of light fell from the sky and landed in front of Zhu Rong and Gonggong one after another.

Then two black tokens slowly fell along the beam of light...

Seeing this scene, Zhu Rong and Gonggong both opened their eyes wide and felt curious...

Qin Feng showed a knowing smile, and he breathed a sigh of relief...

Everything was as he expected. As soon as the two little guys appeared, Tiandao recognized their identities and issued them Holy Land tokens.

"Little ones, take the tokens! This is Heaven’s recognition of your identity!"


The two little guys obediently caught the token, and then looked at it curiously...

Their names and information were indeed in the token.…

"OK! You go back to the small universe first, and when you reach the end, dad will call you out!"

"OK! dad!"

The two little guys nodded obediently.

Qin Feng smiled slightly and sent the two little guys into the small universe.

After doing this, he split into two, turning into the extreme yang body and the extreme yin body.

The next second, the two little guys The big body took a step forward and rushed towards the end...

Whoosh~! Whoosh~!

I saw light and shadow flashing. The Jiyang body passed through the light curtain first, followed by the Jiyin body... This time passed through the light curtain, Jiyang body passed through the light curtain. The Yang body felt its eyes light up, and its field of vision suddenly became wider!

In front of the two bodies, a huge square appeared!

Looking behind the square, it was actually connected to the endless starry sky.

There were stars everywhere in the starry sky The wreckage is like a starry sky battlefield, exuding the atmosphere of the ancient times, giving people a sense of desolation and majesty!

That starry sky battlefield is the land of divine relics!

In other words, the huge square in front is connected to the Holy Land passage at one end. One end is connected to the land of divine relics!

At this moment, there is no one in the square!

The two main bodies quickly walked towards the square!

In just a few seconds, Jiyang's main body was the first to step onto the square.

He had just stepped on it, and over the square, The voice of heaven echoed…

【Congratulations to contestant Qin Feng (Jiyang body) for reaching the finish line and winning first place in this round! Reward 30,000 reputation points!】

【It is detected that the player's holy land points reach 7337 points, and the player will be rewarded with a pass order of 7 pieces of the Nine Heavens Temple.!】

【Reminder: Players’ holy land points can be used to enter the Nine Heavens Temple to exchange for corresponding resources.!】

【Reminder: Only players below the True God realm can enter the Nine Heavens Temple with a token!】

【Reminder: The ranking rewards for this round will not be distributed until this round of opportunities is over! 】


After hearing the prompt, Ji Yang's body was filled with surprises!

At this time, the voice of heaven sounded again…

【Congratulations to contestant Qin Feng (Jiyin body) for reaching the finish line and winning second place in this round! Reward 20,000 reputation points!】

【It is detected that the player's holy land points reach 2736 points, and the player will be rewarded with a pass order of 2 pieces of the Nine Heavens Temple.!】


Buzz~! Buzz~!

As soon as the prompt ended, two white light pillars descended from the sky and landed on the two clones...

There were 7 golden tokens in one light pillar, and 2 golden tokens in the other light pillar!

Those are the general orders of Jiuzhen Temple!

Soon, the rewards are over!

The two entities merge into one!

Qin Feng appears!

At this moment, he looked at the 9 tokens in his hand with joy, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

He won both the first and second places in this round of opportunities!

At the same time, he also gained 50,000 reputation points, bringing his total to 490,000 reputation points.

As long as he gains another 10,000 reputation points, he can be promoted to the ultimate evangelist!

All in all, everything went as he wished and he was very satisfied!

At this moment, another reminder came from Tiandao…

【Mission reminder: You have left the secret realm of the Star Map. You can let the 'Zhutian Formation Map' recognize its master and submit this mission! ]

Qin Feng's eyes lit up, and he quickly waved his hand, and a formation diagram appeared in front of him, exuding an amazing aura of the avenue!

That is the Heaven-Destroying Formation!

The next second, Qin Feng broke his fingers and coagulated blood, and flicked towards the Heaven-Slaying Formation... pop~!

A soft sound!

As soon as the essence and blood landed on the formation diagram, it was completely absorbed by it!


Immediately afterwards, the array diagram trembled, and the aura shone brightly, brightening the entire square!

Heaven also sent reminders…

【Mission reminder: Zhutian Formation has taken the initiative to recognize you as its master】

【The Heaven-Destroying Formation Diagram: The pinnacle level of creation, containing the Avenue of Time, the Avenue of Space, and the Avenue of Virtual Killing】

【Congratulations on getting the mission reward for this stage: Awakening the Avenue of Virtual Killing】

【Congratulations on understanding the 100% Tao Rhythm of the Virtual Killing Avenue, your combat power +200 million stars】

【Congratulations on your awakening to the acquired avenue—the avenue of virtual killing! You have been blessed by the power of the avenue, and your combat power has increased by +250 million stars.】

【Your universe has successfully integrated the Avenue of Virtual Killing and has been greatly strengthened. You will permanently receive 250 million stars of cosmic power in return】


At this moment, Qin Feng's momentum began to skyrocket crazily...

But before those things ended, another reminder came from Tiandao…

【It has been detected that you have awakened the Avenue of Virtual Killing. You have mastered six avenues of killing. Your magical power"Seven Killing Divine Body" is automatically advanced.…】

【Advancement successful! Your Seven Kills Divine Body is promoted from the top level to the god level】

【Seven Killing Divine Body (god level): Awakening the six killing avenues can be activated】

【When turned on, the attack power increases by 70% and lasts for 4 hours.】

【Reminder: Only after the Seven Kills Divine Body is completed, it can be stacked with 'Knowing Blow' or 'Six Prisons to Suppress the Sky'】


At this moment, Qin Feng's momentum continued to surge!

It took a long time for everything to calm down!

Qin Feng also slowly opened his eyes, his face full of joy!

His Seven Killing Divine Body has finally been promoted to the god level. As long as he masters another killing method, he can reach the Tao level, which is the state of perfection.

At that time, he can be superimposed with Liu Jie Zhentian, and his attack power will increase by leaps and bounds!

Of course, the Seven Kills Divine Body can only be superimposed with the Six Hells Suppressing Heaven, or it can only be superimposed with a knowing blow!

The three magical powers cannot be superimposed together!

Unless both the Six Prisons Heaven-Suppressing and the Knowing Blow reach the perfect state, they can be superimposed together!

The consummation of the Six Prisons and the Heaven must at least awaken the Six Realms Avenue!.

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