At this time, the system sent another prompt...

【Reminder: The Jade Disk of Creation automatically records your perception of the 'Virtual Killing Road', and you receive a permanent feedback of 100 million star combat power! 】

The Jade Disk of Good Fortune is automatically activated!

Another 100 million combat power has been given back!

Qin Feng showed a satisfied smile!

So far, the number of avenues he has mastered has reached 114, and his basic combat power has reached 320.5 billion stars!

At this time, another reminder came from Tiandao....

【Mission Reminder: Congratulations on completing the SS-level 'Tian Zhuang Sword Array' mission. SS-level mission rewards will now begin.....】

【Reward players with 20 billion star combat power!】

【Reward players with 3000 times their luck value!】

【Players will be rewarded with 3 Chaos Treasure Chests (complete)!】

【The players will be rewarded with 4 Chaos Energy (Chaos Level)!】

【Reward the player with the 'World-Destroying Dao Crystal' (Xiantian)! 】


Qin Feng's eyes lit up! Surprised and delighted!

The reward this time was so generous that it exceeded his expectations!


Before he could think about it, a golden reward beam fell from the sky and landed on him.....


The next second, his combat power and luck skyrocketed like crazy!

After a long time, the combat power and luck rewards are over!

Qin Feng's basic combat power skyrocketed to 340.5 billion stars, and his luck value also skyrocketed to 20,000 times!

This greatly improved his overall strength!

Having said that, after he killed Yaotai Xuannv, he did not absorb her luck.

That's because the true spirit of Yaotai Xuannv, after being reincarnated into the Yaochi Golden Mother's spiritual egg, automatically absorbed the luck of her previous life.

Now that Yaochi Golden Mother has become his battle pet, he will naturally no longer absorb her luck.

Besides, a battle pet born with great luck is destined to achieve extraordinary things and will be of great use to Qin Feng!


At this time, the sky trembled, and another beam of light fell....

Then, three chaos treasure chests, four groups of gray spiritual energy, and a black Dao Crystal slowly fell down along the beam of light.....

When the treasures fell in front of him, Qin Feng happily took the three chaos treasure boxes.

So far, he has a total of 9 Chaos Treasure Chests (complete state) in his hand!

As long as he gets one more, he can condense a Dao-level treasure chest.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng put away the Chaos Treasure Box with satisfaction.

Then, he continued to look at the four gray auras in front of him!

【Chaos energy: Wonderful objects from heaven and earth, Chaos level!】

【Integrating this energy into a creation-level artifact can promote it to a creation-level artifact!】

"Huh! This chaotic energy is pretty good!"

Qin Feng's eyes lit up!

His Heaven-Destroying Sword, Heaven-Destroying Sword, Heaven-Destroying Sword, and Heaven-Trapping Sword are all creation-level artifacts.

He can just integrate these four 'energy of chaos' into the four divine swords , and promote them all to the pinnacle level of creation!

In this way, and paired with the Heaven-Slaying Formation, the power of the Heaven-Slaying Sword Formation will definitely be greatly improved!

At this thought, Qin Feng's eyes widened. Guang, his heart felt hot.

He was still looking forward to the Heaven-Slaying Sword Formation!

It was a weapon capable of both offense and defense, and could also be used for group attacks.....

At that moment, he put away the four chaotic energy and looked at the last treasure....

【World-Destroying Dao Crystal (Xiantian): By refining this Dao Crystal, you can awaken the Xiantian Dao - the World-Destroying Dao! ]

If there is creation in the Xiantian Dao, then there is destruction!

This time I got another innate avenue!

Qin Feng laughed!

The Xiantian Dao is the key to his growth and what he needs most!

Qin Feng waved his hand and sent the 'World-Destroying Dao Crystal' into the small universe, allowing his mind body to refine it.....

After doing this, he breathed a sigh of relief!

All the trivial matters have been taken care of, and now it’s time to leave the subordinates and come out.....

Thinking of this, Qin Feng waved his hand again, a white light flashed in front of him, and Feng Xi appeared out of thin air.

I saw that Feng Xi was as graceful and beautiful as ever, but there was a hint of fatigue in her eyebrows!


When Feng Xi saw Qin Feng, she was happy at first and then ashamed. At this moment, her pretty face was slightly red, but her beautiful eyes were full of tenderness and a little shy.

Qin Feng looked at her slightly tired expression and felt a little distressed.

Before, In order to break the curse, he spent thirty hours at a time

"Xi'er, I've suffered a lot this time!"

Qin Feng's eyes were soft and he felt deep in his heart.

"Master, it is my honor to be able to help you."

Feng Xi said a little shyly, but she was extremely happy in her heart.

Now, the master's name for her has been changed to 'Xi'er', and the relationship between the two has become even closer.

"are you OK? You look very tired."

Qin Feng looked at her with a distressed expression.

Feng Xi's heart warmed:"Master, I am just a little tired. I can recover after a short rest. It's not a serious problem!"

"That's good!"

Qin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.


At this moment, the sky above the square shook!

The voice of Heavenly Dao sounded....

【Congratulations to contestant Feng Xi for reaching the finish line and winning third place in this round! Reward 10,000 reputation points!】

【If it is detected that the player has 67 holy land points, he or she can enter the Nine Heavens Temple in exchange for corresponding resources.!】

【Reminder: Only players below the True God realm can enter the Nine Heavens Temple with a token! 】

As the prompt sounded, a beam of reputation reward light fell on Feng Xi.....

"Huh! Owner! We have reached the final point!"

Feng Xi was overjoyed!

It wasn't until this moment that she realized that she had reached the finish line and the surrounding scene had changed drastically.

In fact, she couldn't be blamed for this!

All she saw was Qin Feng, and she didn't pay attention to everything around her. In his heart, he realized it later.

Qin Feng smiled, waved his hand again, and white lights flashed in the field.....

Dijiang, Jumang, Xiaoluan'er, Yuxuanji, Qiyue, Zhurong, Gonggong, Qingchengzi, Minghe, and Randeng appeared one after another!

Tiandao’s prompts also came one after another, and the rankings were also determined one after another.....

Dijiang finished fourth! Jumang ranks fifth!

Xiaoluan'er is sixth! Jade Xuanji seventh!

The eighth Qiyue! Zhu Rong is ninth!

Gonggong ranks tenth! Qingchengzi is eleventh!

Styx Twelve! Ran Deng thirteenth!

The top thirteen in this round of opportunity were all taken by Qin Feng and his party!

Di Jiang and others were overjoyed!

However, starting from fourth place, there are no reputation rewards.

Di Jiang and others are extremely satisfied with this!

"Wow! Dad, we have reached the finish line!"

"It seemed like we were the only ones and no one else had arrived!"

"Master, you won the first and second place this time, right?"

At this moment, all the subordinates asked excitedly.

Qin Feng smiled and nodded.

"correct! Dad, the rankings are out. When will Tiandao issue ranking rewards?"

At this time, Xiao Luan'er asked expectantly.

The little girl couldn't wait for a long time.

Qin Feng said with a smile:"This ranking reward will not be distributed until the end of this round of opportunity. Before that, we still have the opportunity to obtain the 'Nine Heavenly Divine Realm'!"

"right!", Xiao Luan'er slapped her head.

With this reminder, she remembered this great opportunity!

Going to the Jiuzhen Temple will allow them to be promoted to the True God Realm, which will greatly help them improve their strength!

Thinking of this, she can't wait He asked:"Dad, where is the Nine Heavens Temple?"

Qin Feng looked up with a smile:"Look at the other end of the square, that is the land of divine heritage. The Jiuzhen Temple is deep in the land of divine relics. Holding the True God Token, you can get route guidance and find the temple!

Xiao Luan'er was overjoyed:"Wow!" It turns out to be so simple! Dad, when will we go to Jiuzhen Temple? Qin Feng replied:"

Of course the sooner the better!" In half a day, the opportunity in the Holy Land will end, and we will be forcibly sent out of the Holy Land. Therefore, we must use the remaining time to advance to the true god realm!"

Having said this, he waved his hand, and the seven True God Tokens flew into the hands of Dijiang, Jumang, Xiaoluan'er, Fengxi, Yuxuanji, Qiyue, and Qingchengzi respectively.

As for Zhurong, Gonggong, Minghe, and Ran Deng has already reached the True God Realm or above, so there is no need to go to the Jiu Tian Temple. As soon as everyone got the token, they were overjoyed!

Qin Feng also breathed a sigh of relief and said:"Okay! The token has been issued to you! You guys should go to Jiuzhen Temple first!

Xiao Luan'er was surprised:"Dad, aren't you going with us?"

Qin Feng smiled:"I still have to deal with some trivial matters, and I'll be there soon!" After all, time is precious, you go first, I can arrive at any time through space summons!"


Xiao Luan'er suddenly realized.

Being reminded by this, everyone suddenly felt a sense of urgency in their hearts, for fear of delaying the important event.

"Dad (Master)! Then let’s set off first!"

"Um! You go!"

At this moment, Xiao Luan'er, Feng Xi and others left one after another and prepared to go to the land of divine heritage.

"Huh! Dad, this is the younger brother Zhu Ronghe and Gonggong!"

At this time, Xiao Luan'er suddenly noticed the two little guys

"So cool! We have two more brothers!"

Di Jiang and Ju Mang ran over curiously and touched the heads of the two little guys.

Zhu Rong and Gonggong kept their eyes wide open and looked at everything curiously.

These two little guys were still a little confused!

However, they could see that their brothers and sisters seemed to like them very much.

Qin Feng smiled:"Time is precious now, so hurry up and go!" When you have time in the future, you can play together again!"


"dad! We walked!"

At that moment, the group of people said goodbye and left.

After a while, only five people, Qin Feng, Zhu Rong, Gonggong, Ming He and Ran Deng, were left in the field.

"dad! Where are your brothers and sisters going to play?"

At this moment, Zhu Rong looked at the backs of Xiao Luan'er and others, and actually wanted to follow him.

Qin Feng touched his little head lovingly

"Brothers and sisters are here to break through the realm, not to play! Little one, just stay in seclusion in this square with Gonggong!"


Zhu Rong and Gonggong all nodded obediently.

Then Qin Feng looked at Ming He and Ran Deng again.

"This square is a safe area. You two are also in retreat here, waiting for this opportunity to end! Remember, take good care of these two little guys!"

"yes! Owner!"

"My subordinates understand!"

Styx and Ran Deng all took orders one after another! After giving all these instructions, Qin Feng dodged and disappeared out of thin air.

There was only a golden light spot the size of a soybean left in the field, and the one facing Qin Feng was the node of the universe.

He He has returned to the center of his own universe to search for treasures and resources in the Lingxiao Temple.......

PS:It's the beginning of the month. The author would like to ask all readers for some monthly votes. Thank you in advance!!!

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