At this moment, in the Blue Star Realm, above the floating city.

All the disciples of Longyuan were terrified!

However, they did not back down.

Even though they know that the situation is extremely unfavorable, they still firmly believe that as long as Qin Feng returns, all crises can be solved!

At the same time, the millions of onlookers were also terrified!

They didn't know what Ye Shen would do with them after dealing with Qin Feng?

They don't care about Qin Feng's life or death at all!

But it was related to their safety, which made them panic!

As a result, more and more onlookers are complaining that Qin Feng is causing trouble everywhere and bringing huge disasters to the Blue Star Realm!

More and more people died cursing Qin Feng, and the words became more and more unpleasant. Some people even stopped covering up and cursed loudly.

Those curses spread, and many Long Yuan disciples heard it, which made everyone in Long Yuan very angry!

Of course Jesus and Mary heard it too!

The two of them found it very interesting and immediately started watching the show in a leisurely manner!

Especially when they saw the leaders of the guardian forces disrespecting Qin Feng so much, they felt inexplicably relieved, and they felt even more that they had looked up to Qin Feng before!

In fact, in addition to these people, there was also a special group of onlookers gathered at the venue.

Those special onlookers had cultivation levels ranging from earth level to heaven level.

Their location is very close to the floating city, only a few hundred miles away.

They are none other than the leaders of the guardian forces who chose to seek refuge in Longyuan City and have signed a contract with Longyuan City!

There are only a few hundred of these leaders!

At this moment, their faces were extremely ugly!

At the beginning, they ignored the unfavorable situation and stood on Long Yuan's side with all their might. They didn't expect this to be the result!

Having said that, these leaders could still choose to side with Qin Feng in such a situation, so they are obviously very courageous people!

But the current unfavorable situation is almost unbearable even for them!

"Everyone, did we make the wrong choice? The current situation is extremely unfavorable to Longyuan City!"

A leader had a wry smile on his face!

"Why! yes! Originally, it was difficult for Master Qin Feng to deal with Ye Shen alone! Now there is another peak god king, Lord Qin Feng is in danger!"

"Everyone, no more words! Now that we have made our choice, let’s stick to it and advance and retreat together with Long Yuan! Now that things have happened, do we still have room to regret it?"

"That’s right! Right now, we can only pray that when Master Qin Feng returns, he will have the strength to repel powerful enemies!"

"yes! Everything is up to Master Qin Feng!"

The leaders sighed, and all of them were extremely uneasy!

Now, they can only pray that Qin Feng will not let them down!

Their full support is not in vain!.....

At the same time, above the stars!

Jesus and Mary also started whispering

"oh! Dear Maria! The group of ants below were all cursing Qin Feng, each one more harshly than the other! How wonderful!"

Jesus said with a beaming smile.

At this moment, he was in a very good mood, and even called Maria"dear".

Maria also smiled when she heard the long-lost nickname.

Over the years, Yeshen has been complaining that she gave birth to the 'Son of Light', which brought him an invisible cuckold.

The relationship between the two of them, which was originally a close Taoist couple, also had a big rift, and it is only now that it finally seems to be repaired.

This For everything, I have to thank that Qin Feng!

Maybe once Qin Feng dies, she and Ye Shen can reconcile as before.

Thinking of this, Maria smiled and said:"Those guys dare to scold Qin Feng, which is enough to show Qin Feng's prestige Not enough, there is no absolute authority in this Blue Star Realm!"

"yes! Look at those old men, they are really scolding each other more harshly than the other!"

Yeshen smiled and looked at the millions of onlookers.

Those who scolded Qin Feng came from this group of people.

Maria smiled slightly, but looked towards the floating city.

"Jesus, have you noticed that those who scolded Qin Feng were the millions of onlookers. And among the 100,000 Void Gods here, not a single one scolded Qin Feng."

"They talked about the boss and the master, and their voices were full of respect. Could it be that the boss or master they are referring to is Qin Feng?"

Maria expressed her doubts.

"Huh! It seems to be true!"

Yeshen also quickly turned his head and looked down at the disciples of Long Yuan....

After a moment, he had a strange look on his face:"Maria, if these people are all under Qin Feng, then Qin Feng's power is not weak! Although there are no strong ones among these people, they are all virtual gods. Realm, the potential is not small!"

Maria nodded slightly:"That's true! However, no matter how many False God realms there are, if there are no top masters to take over, they will still be like the moon in the mirror, and it will still be nothing in the end!"

Yeshen nodded:"Say Yes! However, there are too many people in this False God Realm, and I feel unhappy about it! Why don’t I kill a group first and then talk about it!"

When he said this, his eyes showed a fierce look!

Maria hesitated:"This...Yes God! Senior Puyin asked us to trap the people on this planet and not let any of them escape, but he didn't let us go on a killing spree! If they are all killed, will Qin Feng be left unfettered?"

Yeshen didn't take it seriously:"Don't worry! I won’t kill them all, I will leave some of them as bait! By the way, Senior Puyin’s space seal should be ready soon, right?"

"Probably soon! Counting the time, the Territory Lord and Senior Jie Yin are almost here! They can arrive in two and a half hours at most!"

"hehe! I really can't understand that it's just a little Qin Feng, but these powerful people are making such a big show of it, as if Qin Feng can escape this disaster!"

Yeshen's tone was a little disinterested.

On the way here, after listening to Venerable Pu Ying's words, he was still wary of Qin Feng.

But after arriving at the Blue Star Realm, he saw the attitude of the onlookers towards Qin Feng. , making him look down on Qin Feng again!

"That’s it! Maria, you stay here and guard! I'll kill a batch first and then talk!"

As soon as he finished speaking, God Ye was about to fly towards the Long Yuan crowd!

Seeing this, Maria no longer stopped him!

But at this moment, something changed again in the field!

Among the millions of onlookers, there was actually An old man with yellow hair and an old man with white hair flew out and flew straight towards them....

Yeshen couldn't help but stop and look at the two of them!

He was also curious, what were these two old men doing here?

After a moment, the two old men flew close to them, their bodies trembling, and they saluted respectfully to the two gods!

"Small...The little old man has met two adults!"

The voice of the yellow-haired old man at the head was trembling.

He stood in front of Yeshen, completely intimidated by Yeshen's aura, and he didn't even dare to raise his head.

Yeshen frowned slightly:"You ants, come and see me. Why?"

Being scolded as ants in front of their faces, the two old men were so frightened that they did not even dare to smile bitterly, let alone get angry.

At this time, the white-haired old man was so frightened that he could not speak.

The yellow-haired old man was bold, With a trembling voice he said:"Yeah...Yeshenda...grown ups! Are the two of us here to surrender to you on behalf of the many guardian forces in the Blue Star Realm?"

"surrender?!"Yeshen was a little surprised.

Immediately, he sneered:"How can you say this?

The yellow-haired old man said hurriedly:" Big...grown ups! That traitor Qin Feng offended you! It's entirely his fault and has nothing to do with Blue Star World like us! We and all the forces in the Blue Star Realm have reached consensus and firmly support you in destroying that evil thief!"

"For this reason, all the guardian forces of our Blue Star Realm are willing to take refuge in your command, and are willing to help you destroy Qin Feng and his influence.!"

Hearing this, Yeshen suddenly laughed!

Little thief Qin Feng is really unpopular!

The entire Blue Star Realm’s guardian forces will turn their backs on him!

As a result, he, the invader, became a righteous master, and even the guardian forces came to join him!

However, God did not take these people seriously.

He smiled coldly:"I want to destroy Qin Feng! How can I use you ants! Besides, what help can you ants do?"

After hearing this, the two old men suddenly panicked!

This obviously means not accepting their surrender!

Plop~! Plop~!

At that moment, the two of them knelt down in fear and bowed to God repeatedly!

"yeah...Lord Jesus! this...All this is Qin Feng's fault! It has nothing to do with me!"

"yes! We support you in destroying Qin Feng! I also support you in destroying his forces! Please let us innocent Blue Star forces go!"

The two old men kept begging!

"Ha ha!! Stop making noise! I have my own plan on how to deal with you! correct! Tell me, who are Qin Feng’s forces?"

Hearing this, the two old men rushed to point at the floating city as if they had grasped a life-saving straw!

"big...grown ups! Those guys are Qin Feng’s men!"

"Their power is called Longyuan City! big...grown ups! We support you in destroying Qin Feng and Longyuan City! It's all their fault! It has nothing to do with us!"

The two old men screamed at each other!

"It was indeed them!"

Yeshen immediately looked at the floating city, with a hint of jealousy in his eyes!

Even if the forces under his command do not have so many False God realms, it is really unpleasant that the little thief Qin Feng has cultivated so many.!

Immediately, he sneered:"Humph! I'm going to kill a wave of Long Yuan's disciples right now! You two old guys, go back! Stop making noise here!"

"I...let's get out of here! Get out of here!"

The two old men rolled around and retreated with panic on their faces.....

Ye Shen glanced at the two of them with disdain and ignored them.

The next second, he flew straight towards Longyuan City....

He didn't know that everything that happened in the starry sky was seen by the phantom mirage clone.

Even the Venerable Jie Ying and the Lord of Light that he inadvertently mentioned were also learned by the phantom mirage clone!

Just like that, God Ye flew towards the floating city with murderous intent!

On the other side, the two old men were worried and flew back to the crowd.

As soon as they returned, everyone gathered around them

"Mr. Huang, how is the situation?"

Everyone asked with great concern.

The yellow-haired old man smiled bitterly:"Hey! Lord Jesus didn’t say let us go, nor did he say he wouldn’t let us go. I don’t know what he meant!"

"Ah~! Mr. Huang, didn’t you say that all the guardian forces in our Blue Star Realm are willing to surrender to him? The yellow-haired old man smiled bitterly again:"

I said it!" But Lord Yeshen doesn’t like it at all!"

As soon as these words were said, everyone's hearts sank, almost freezing!

Then, the crowd burst into resentful curses!

"damn it! It's all Qin Feng's fault! It was he who harmed the Blue Star Realm! It was he who killed us all!"

"That's right! It was him who caused it! He deserves to die! What does it have to do with us?!"

At this moment, the people were scolding each other more and more viciously!

They had forced all their grievances on Qin Feng, and wished that Qin Feng would die immediately to appease the anger of God!

They didn't know that their faces were all illusory. The mirage clone can see clearly!

"Everyone, don’t worry! Qin Feng is dead this time! Longyuan City is also dead! Look! Lord Ye Shen has gone to Longyuan City!"

At this time, the yellow-haired old man said something again.

With this reminder, everyone turned their heads to look, and sure enough they saw Ye Shen heading towards Longyuan City.....

"Huh! It really is!"

"Very good! I hope Lord Ye Shen can kill all Long Yuan! Perhaps, he killed all the people in Long Yuan! It will relieve your anger!"

"right! That makes sense!"

As soon as these words came out, many people's eyes lit up and looked expectant.

Many people even looked gloating!

They had blamed Qin Feng for all their grievances, and even all the Long Yuan disciples also hated him.!

They wish that Ye Shen could kill all Long Yuan’s children!

In addition, many people also have their own small thoughts!

If Ye Shen destroys Long Yuan City, then the resources of the Blue Star Realm will fall to them.

At that time, they no longer have to look up at Long Yuan City’s breath! Thinking of this, they hope that Ye Shen can kill all Long Yuan’s children in one fell swoop!

At the same time, Long Yuan saw Ye Shen up and down. The god unexpectedly came to kill, and I felt bad!

Everyone was extremely frightened and nervous!

Hundreds of miles away, the hundreds of leaders of the forces supporting Longyuan City were also panicked!

Now Lord Qin Feng has not returned, but Ye Shen is We need to take the first step. The situation for Long Yuan's children is not good!

Of course they don't know that the Phantom Mirage clone is watching this scene coldly, waiting for Ye Shen to approach the floating city.....

In just a moment, Ye Shen flew above the floating city and looked down at the people in Long Yuan....

Long Yuan immediately held his breath, not daring to take a breath!

Many people had cold sweat on their foreheads!

Yeshen looked at this scene proudly, with an extremely aloof expression!

He glanced at the audience with disdain and said disdainfully:"You ants are Qin Feng's subordinates?"

Hearing these contemptuous words, all the disciples frowned.

Liu Xuan was even more determined:"So what?"

Ye Shen smiled coldly:"Then go to hell!"


As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly took action and slapped it down with a wild palm!

When that palm was shot, it immediately turned into a giant palm that reached the sky, instantly covering the entire floating city......

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