Ye Shen smiled coldly:"Then go to hell!"


As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly took action and slapped it down with a wild palm!

When that palm was shot, it immediately turned into a giant palm that reached the sky, instantly covering the entire floating city.....

Click~! Click~! Click~!

The giant palm fell, and wherever the wind passed by, the void was shattered, and the momentum was shocking!

"not good!"

"quick! quick! Let’s take action together!"

Everyone in Longyuan screamed in shock!

But the next second, they were horrified to find that the surrounding space had been imprisoned!

They were unable to move, let alone resist!

Click~! Click~! Click~!

That terrifying palm , and continued to fall crazily!

Its explosive momentum suddenly reached 100 billion stars, and its power was extremely terrifying! Before the palm fell, its invisible palm power had already pressed down from the air, crushing it in the square of the floating city!

Click~! Click ~!Click~!

The next breath, the square of the floating city could not withstand the pressure, and cracks appeared!

This terrifying scene fell in the eyes of everyone!

Hundreds of miles away, the hundreds of leaders who supported Long Yuan , their faces turned pale with fright!

They were very close to the floating city, and they could clearly feel that the attack power of that palm reached 100 billion stars!

How could the people of Longyuan resist such a terrifying power!

This time , Long Yuan is about to be wiped out by one palm!

It's over! It's over!

It's completely over now!

The leaders screamed in their hearts!

On the other side, the millions of onlookers also sensed the terrifying power of that palm!

They were horrified The ground's eyes widened!

They also didn't expect that the power of Ye Shen's attack could exceed his own combat power, reaching the terrifying 100 billion!

Then Long Yuan was definitely dead this time!

They really didn't expect it , Longyuan City, which is so powerful, can't even resist the palm of Lord Ye Shen!

Thinking of this, many people's eyes showed excitement!

They wish that Long Yuan City could be destroyed by Ye Shen with one palm!

Ka~! Ka~!Click~!

In the blink of an eye, the palm fell over the heads of the Long Yuan people!

The Long Yuan people were still unable to move, and could only watch the palm approaching!

They suddenly felt despair, and their eyes were dim!

Look! At this scene, Ye Shen was extremely proud!

His eyes were full of joking, and there was also an inexplicable jealousy!

Qin Feng actually had more False God Realm subordinates than him, which made him extremely annoyed!

Today, he We must destroy these ants and destroy Qin Feng's foundation!

Thinking of this, the look in Ye Shen's eyes became more violent!

That palm also accelerated and struck down wildly.....

Just looking at it, everyone in Long Yuan was about to be beaten into pieces with one palm!

In the distance, the millions of onlookers were already gloating about the misfortune!

Even Maria in the sky showed a faint smile!

In her opinion, everyone in Longyuan is dead!

But as soon as this idea came up, a sudden change occurred in the field!

"court death!"

A faint cold snort!

Like the voice of the Nine Heavens, it suddenly came from the floating city! As soon as the voice came out, the world stopped and the road stopped!

Within a radius of hundreds of millions of miles, time suddenly stopped!

That palm of the Lord God actually He was imprisoned in place and couldn't move even a little bit!

Even Ye Shen was imprisoned in place!

He was suddenly horrified!


Before he could think about it, a giant hand that reached the sky rushed out from the floating city. The child was slapped on his body!


There was a shocking muffled sound!

Blood mist was flying in the sky!

Before God even had time to scream, he was slapped on the spot and turned into blood mist!

The whole audience was dumbfounded.!

Maria was also stunned!

In the next breath, she reacted, turned around and ran away!


But just as she turned around, there was a flash of white light behind her! A majestic figure appeared out of thin air and appeared behind her in an instant!

She was horrified!

While shouting in terror, she ran away towards the stars....

"Puyin senior! save...."


Before she finished shouting, the person slapped her on the back!


There was another shocking muffled sound!


A shrill scream! Echoing in the starry sky!

Maria was also blasted by a palm and turned into a bloody mist!

The whole audience was completely dumbfounded!


This person is too strong!

With just two palms, he defeated the two great god kings at their peak!

This is definitely a quasi-half-step of eternal power!

Oh My God!

When did the Blue Star Realm hide such a terrifying existence?

Everyone was frightened and looked at the visitor one after another!

Seeing this, the millions of onlookers were dumbfounded again!

The person coming is clearly Qin Feng! what happened?!

Isn't Qin Feng in the Holy Land?

How could he appear here!

At this moment, the people of Longyuan below finally recognized the person and let out earth-shattering cheers!

"That...that's the boss's clone!"

"yes! He is a phantom mirage clone!"

"The boss’s clone is finally out!"


Hearing these shouts, the onlookers were shaken and completely shocked!

Oh my god~!

This person is just Qin Feng's clone!

Qin Feng's clone is so strong, so his true body should have How strong are they?!

Then before they....

When they thought of what they had done before, these people suddenly panicked!

At this moment, the phantom mirage clone looked at them coldly....

Those people are even more frightened!

Everyone was so frightened that their faces turned pale and their bodies were trembling!

They are even scared to death of God Ye, and naturally they are even more afraid of the phantom mirage clone!

The next second, several cunning old men reacted and hurriedly stepped forward to pay their respects.....

"Gong...Congratulations Qin...Master Qin Feng killed the invading powerful enemy! We have been waiting for you here for a long time!"

"Qin...Lord Qin Feng! We are willing to become your affiliated force and want to sign a contract with you!"

"Lord Qin Feng! I...We are willing to swear allegiance to you!"

At this moment, those people expressed their loyalty one after another!

Among them was the old man with yellow hair from before!

The Phantom clone smiled coldly and looked at these people with disgust!

He could clearly see their ugly faces before!

For He didn't even bother to say a word to these shameless wallflowers!

At that moment, he snorted coldly and slapped the millions of onlookers with his palm.....

That slap!

All sounds! All wind! All the time! Stop it all!

It was as if the world was frozen in that moment!

Millions of onlookers could not move at all!

The next second, the palm of the Phantom Mirage clone turned into a giant palm that reached the sky and enveloped them!


"Qin...Master Qin Feng, spare your life! Spare me!"

Those people looked at the oncoming giant palm and were so frightened that they begged for mercy!

The Phantom Mirage clone ignored it and struck down with a horizontal palm!


That palm fell!

Millions of people were immediately turned into powder!

No one survived!

The blood mist dyed the sky red!

The atmosphere was filled with a strong smell of blood!

Everyone in Longyuan was stunned!

Whoosh~! Whoosh~!

At this moment, the blood transformed by Ye Shen and Maria In the fog, two white lights flew out one after another and poured into the body of Phantom Mirage.....

【You killed the sinner 'Yeshen' (the peak of the God King), and your body gained +4.3 trillion energy points!】

【You killed the sinner 'Yeshen' (the peak of the God King), and your body gained +92,000 gold judgment points.】

【You killed the sinner 'Mary' (the peak of the God King), and your body gained +4.1 trillion energy points!】

【You killed the sinner 'Mary' (the peak of the God King), and your body gained +89,000 gold judgment points.】

【Your level is promoted to level 97】

【Your vocation is promoted to Level 96 Hongmeng Supreme (Advanced)】

【Your strength index increases by 50,000 points!】

【Increase your agility index by 50,000 points】

【Your energy index increases by 50,000 points!】

【Your body mass index increases by 50,000 points!】

【Reminder: You can get judgment points by killing sinners who have attacked the 'Judgment God Realm'! 】

Buzz~! Buzz~!

At this moment, the Phantom clone's body lit up with an upgraded white light!

Qin Feng's level and vocation have been upgraded!

This surprised him!

At the same time, he also knew that those who had attacked the Judgment God's Domain would be judged as sinners!

Killing criminals can gain judgment points!

And Jesus and Mary are the sinners!

Therefore, you can gain judgment points by killing the two of them!

After figuring this out, the Phantom clone smiled.

Upgrading your vocation is an unexpected blessing!

You must know that the higher the level of the vocation, the greater the help for Qin Feng in obtaining the inheritance of the 'Judgement Territory Lord'!

After figuring this out, the Mirage clone waved again, and two storage rings flew out of the blood mist of Ye Shen and Maria respectively, and fell into his hands... Those were Ye Shen and Maria's. Leah’s storage ring!

Phantom Mirage's clone picked up Ye Shen's storage ring and looked at it briefly before revealing a look of surprise.

Inside the storage ring were the upper and lower pages of the"Book of the Future" that Qin Feng wanted.

In this way, the"Future Book" can be integrated and completed.

However, these are things later.

Phantom Mirage's clone put away the two storage rings, made a seal with his hand, and activated a secret technique again....

The next second, an invisible force instantly enveloped the entire audience.....

【Luck Devouring Success! You have swallowed all the luck of God, and your luck value will be +1100 times....】

【Luck Devouring Success! You have swallowed all of Maria's luck, and your own luck value is +900 times....】

After a while, the luck was completely devoured!

The phantom clone opened its eyes with satisfaction!

It was at this moment that everyone in Long Yuan recovered from the shock and suddenly cheered excitedly!

On the other side, the hundreds of leaders who supported Long Yuan also recovered from the shock!

At this moment, they looked at each other, their eyes filled with disbelief!

"Everyone...everyone! Is everything that just happened true? I'm not dazzled, right?"

A majestic old man couldn't believe what he just saw!

Another man with an imposing figure swallowed his saliva and said:"Old Sheng! You read that right! Master Qin Feng's clone really used only two palms to destroy two peak god kings!"

As soon as he said this, another person sighed:"Not only did he destroy the two peak god kings, he also destroyed millions of guardian force leaders with one palm!"

"Oh My God! Just one clone is so powerful! Then how powerful Master Qin Feng must be!"

"yes! Unthinkable! It’s unimaginable!"

At this moment, everyone was sighing!

At the same time, they were extremely excited!

Sure enough!

Master Qin Feng did not let them down!

They stood in line so correctly!

At this thought, these people were very happy!


But at this moment, the mutation reappeared!

Deep in the distant starry sky, there was suddenly an earth-shattering roar, causing the starry sky to tremble, and even the Blue Star Realm was affected!

Everyone was suddenly startled and looked up one after another.....

Long Yuan was also shocked and looked up into the air!

At the same moment, above the starry sky.

The phantom mirage clone slowly raised its head and looked into the depths of the starry sky.....

He has already felt that a super powerful aura is coming towards the Blue Star Realm!

That should be Venerable Puyin arriving!

Obviously, Maria's last scream still alarmed him!


The real powerful enemy is coming!

The phantom mirage clone took a deep breath and quickly prepared for the attack!

Phew~! Phew~! Phew~!

At the same moment, white light flashed behind him!

The three clones of Moon Spirit, Wood Spirit, and Ice Spirit appeared at the same time, each holding a spiritual flag in their hands!

The next second, the three clones made seals with their hands and began to use the spiritual flags in preparation.....

The hundreds of powerful leaders were dumbfounded!

They originally thought that Qin Feng only had a clone of Huan Mirage!

At this time, three more clones appeared, all with exactly the same aura, and their strength must be the same!


So how strong is Master Qin Feng?!

At this moment, they could no longer imagine.....

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