But it was said that after Qin Feng and his party entered the passage, they flew forward along the passage.

The passage was composed of countless white lights, which was very magical!

A quarter of an hour later, Qin Feng and others arrived at the end of the passage.

With a flash of white light, everyone passed through the light door at the end of the passage and appeared in a temple hall.

As soon as he appeared, Qin Feng looked around and saw white light flashing all around, and figures appeared one after another!

In the blink of an eye, thousands of people appeared in the hall!

These are the players who came to take part in the assessment....

"dad! dad! Here we are!"

At this time, Xiao Luan'er's excited voice sounded next to Qin Feng.

"yes! This should be the Hall of Gods!"

Qin Feng smiled slightly and continued to look at the audience.

Soon, he saw a huge black monument in the center of the hall, with golden divine inscriptions engraved on it.

At this moment, many players were walking towards the monument...

"Let's go over and take a look!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Qin Feng also walked towards the monument.

Di Jiang and others followed closely behind!

After a while, Qin Feng and others came to the bottom of the monument to watch.....

At this time, hundreds of players have gathered under the god monument, all of them are in the true god realm!

These are all here to participate in the promotion of the Lord God Realm!

It didn't take long for Qin Feng to read the contents on the sacred monument and look astonished.

It turns out that there are three major branch halls in this 'Shenxun Hall'.

The first one is the God Palace, which is the place where the main god is promoted. As long as you are a player in the true god realm, you can enter!

The second is the Star Lord Hall, which is the place where the Star Lord is assessed. Only contestants holding the 'Star Lord Assessment Order' can enter.

The third one is the Merit Pavilion, which is where the Temple Mall is located, where merit points can be exchanged for resources.

There are two ways to obtain merit points!

One is the main god assessment, in which you can obtain some merit points.

One is the Star Master assessment, in which you can also obtain some merit points.

Of course, if the assessment fails, the merit points obtained will be cleared.

In addition, if players have 'Star Lord Token' and 'Domain Lord Token', they can also redeem some merit points from the mall.

Seeing this, Qin Feng was quite excited!

He has the Territory Lord Token of the Bright Territory Lord in his hand. It is an intermediate Territory Lord Token, which should be able to exchange for a lot of merit points!

Domain owner tokens are also divided into four levels: elementary, intermediate, advanced and super!

The higher the level of domain master token obtained, the more resources the star domain will obtain!

Just like the Qinglong Territory Lord’s token, it’s only at the elementary level!

Therefore, the Qinglong Star Territory is only a small star territory, and its initial development is limited.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng couldn't wait to go to the Meritorious Service Pavilion to have a look!

"dad! dad! See the above reminder, the Star Master assessment will not start until three hours later! You can take part in the Lord God Realm assessment at any time!"

At this time, a milky voice sounded next to Qin Feng.

It was Hou Tu who spoke!

Qin Feng looked down and saw the little guy raising his little face and looking at him seriously.

For Hou Tu Qin Feng also likes this little daughter very much.

Her talent is also the best among the children, even better than Di Jiang.

Tianwu and Hongyun, who were born at the same time as her, have just exceeded 20 billion star combat power.

This The little girl has already exceeded 27 billion stars, which is equivalent to Zhu Rong and Gonggong.

According to her progress, it won't be long before she can catch up with Qingchengzi.

"Well, Dad saw it! I also plan to go to the Divine Lord Palace first, and then go to the Star Lord Palace to have a look after completing my promotion!"

As soon as Qin Feng finished speaking, several strange looks came to him from the side.

Finally, the old man couldn't help but remind him:"Little brother, Star Lord Pavilion is the place where Star Lords are assessed! You need to have the 'Star Master Assessment Order' to enter! Real gods like you and me are not qualified to enter!"

As soon as these words came out, people immediately echoed them.

"That's right! Little brother, I'm afraid you have some misunderstandings about the 'Star Master Assessment'. Not just anyone can become a Star Lord. Those who can obtain the 'Star Lord Assessment Order' are basically strong men above the Lord God!"

"Not to mention the main god, even a quasi-god king, a god-king, or even a quasi-half-step eternity is not uncommon!"

"yes! The Star Master assessment is too difficult! That is dozens of times more difficult than our test for promotion to Lord God! Even if you enter the Lord God Realm, it is extremely difficult to get the worst fifth-level Star-Lord!"

Seeing the enthusiastic reminders from the players around him, Qin Feng was a little bit dumbfounded.

It seems that his True God Realm cultivation has misunderstood these players, thinking that he is not worthy of participating in the Star Master assessment!

Qin Feng smiled, naturally too lazy to explain.

"Step aside! Step aside! Get out of my way!"

But at this moment, there was an arrogant scolding from the outside of the crowd.

Everyone was startled and turned their heads to look, and saw a majestic old man walking over with an arrogant look.

Look at the old man's realm aura. , suddenly it was the God King Realm!

All the contestants changed their expressions, and quickly retreated to both sides, leaving a way.

Those who can enter the God King Realm must be here to participate in the Star Master assessment.

Not only did those contestants dare not He provoked and even cast an extremely envious look at the majestic old man!

It seemed that those who could participate in the Star Master assessment were already superior.

The old man also had a proud look on his face.

The corner of his mouth curled up slightly, and he strode to the bottom of the sacred monument. , look at the rules.

This scene reveals all the distinctions between noble and humble in the temple!

"Let's go!"

Qin Feng was too lazy to pay attention and turned around to leave.

Di Jiang and others followed closely...

After they were far away from the crowd, Qin Feng heard Xiao Luan'er's voice next to him.

"Dad, do you plan to advance to the Lord God Realm first and then take the Star Lord assessment?"

The little girl was very concerned!

All the subordinates also looked over.

Qin Feng nodded slightly:"Yes! Promoting to the Lord God Realm first will be very beneficial to my next actions!"

According to his deduction, after his combat power exceeds 4 trillion stars, he will trigger a big opportunity in the Star Master assessment.

Now, his combat power is only 2.94 trillion stars, which is far away from 4 trillion. Gap!

In this case, he naturally has to advance to the Lord God realm first, try to increase his combat power to 4 trillion stars, and then take part in the Star Master assessment.

He doesn't want to miss that big opportunity!

"Dad, follow the rules of that temple! In three hours, the Star Master assessment will begin! If you fail to participate in the Star Master assessment on time, it will be deemed as giving up the current assessment, and you will have to wait for the next one!"

Xiao Luan'er reminded seriously.

Feng Xi also said worriedly:"Yes! Master, don’t miss the time! If you miss it, you will have to wait for thousands of years!"

Qin Feng nodded slightly:"Yeah! I will strive to complete the promotion to Lord God within three hours! By the way, I also want to go to the Merit Pavilion! You guys should go to the God’s Palace first!"


"Dad, let’s go to the God’s Palace first!"

Xiao Luan'er, Feng Xi and others said goodbye reluctantly.

Then, the little girl and her group walked towards the God's Palace first....

Looking at Xiao Luan'er and others leaving, Qin Feng took a deep breath, turned around and walked towards the Gongxun Pavilion.....

He knew very well that just by being promoted to the Lord God Realm, he might not be able to break through 4 trillion!

Therefore, he had to go to the Merit Pavilion to see if there were any resources that could improve his combat power.

If there was one, he would naturally want to get it first!

Besides, he has a ready-made Domain Lord Token in his hand, which he can use in exchange for resources.

In this way, Qin Feng quickened his pace and walked towards the Meritorious Service Pavilion.....

When he reached the entrance of the Merit Pavilion, there were some mutterings coming from behind.

"Huh! Look at thatson! He actually went to the Merit Pavilion!"

"Going to the Merit Pavilion so early? Does he have merit?"

"Definitely not! No one has started the assessment yet! He was probably just curious and went to take a look!"

"hehe! That’s boring enough! There are no merit points, so you can go and see what's going on, but you can't exchange for resources!"

Now that the Shenxun Palace has just opened, more and more people are coming in, and there are also many nosy people!

Qin Feng is too lazy to pay attention to those gossips.

The most important thing for him now is to get ahead of everyone and gain something first.!

Obtaining resources first is also an advantage!

Soon, Qin Feng entered the Merit Pavilion!

The entire palace was empty except for him.

Looking at the center of the palace, there were three altars!

Each altar There is a translucent crystal ball on it.

Those are the communication points of the Temple Mall!

At that moment, Qin Feng walked to the nearest altar and pressed the crystal ball with one hand....


The next second, the crystal ball vibrated softly and activated instantly.....

Soon, a cold spiritual thought was connected to Qin Feng's thought through the crystal ball.....

Heaven also sent reminders....

【Your idea has been successfully connected to Gongxun Shopping Mall!】

【Reminder: This mall resource needs to be redeemed with 'merit points'!】

【Reminder: If a player has an unowned Star Lord Order (Domain Lord Order), they can exchange it for merit points!】

【Reminder: Star Lord Orders (Domain Lord Orders) cannot be exchanged for merit points! 】

Hearing this, Qin Feng suddenly felt at ease.

Only unowned tokens can be redeemed, and owned tokens cannot be redeemed!

In this way, only by killing those Star Lords (Domain Lords) can one obtain the Star Lord Order (Domain Lord Order) without a master!

The way of heaven seems to be changing its direction and encouraging them to kill those star lords or domain lords.

At this moment, Tiandao continues to send reminders...

【Token exchange rules are as follows...】

【Fifth-level Star Lord Order: Can be exchanged for 100 points of merit points】

【Fourth-level Star Lord Order: Can be exchanged for 200 points of merit points】

【Third-level Star Lord Order: Can be exchanged for 400 points of merit points】

【Second-class Star Lord Order: Can be exchanged for 900 merit points】

【First-class Star-Lord Order: Can be exchanged for 2,000 merit points】

【Junior Domain Lord Order: Can be exchanged for 20,000 merit points】

【Intermediate domain master command: can be exchanged for 40,000 merit points】

【Advanced domain master command: can be exchanged for 90,000 merit points】

【Super Domain Lord Order: Can be exchanged for 200,000 merit points]


After listening to the prompt, Qin Feng was surprised and happy!

It can be seen from this exchange table that if you pass the Star Lord assessment and get the fifth-level Star Lord, you will probably get 100 merit points.

Nowadays, Qin Feng seems to be able to obtain 40,000 merit points without doing anything, which is twenty times more than the first-class star-lord in the assessment. It feels good to think about it!

It seems like I made a lot of money this time!

Of course, these are Qin Feng's speculations!

He didn't know if he would only get 100 merit points if he won the fifth-level Star-Lord.

However, he estimated that it should be about the same.

If his speculation is accurate, the merit points he received for winning the special star-lord should be comparable to the junior domain master order.

By analogy, if there is a Star-Lord who can compete with the Super Domain Lord, he will probably get 200,000 merit points!

He didn't want to think so much, he had to complete the resource exchange quickly!

After all, the Star Master assessment will begin in three hours.

He must complete the promotion to the Lord God within three hours, otherwise he will have to wait another thousand years.

At this thought, Qin Feng felt a sense of urgency in his heart.

At that moment, with a thought in his mind, he started to exchange tokens…..

【Reminder: You traded a piece of 'Intermediate Domain Lord Order' to the Merit Mall. Congratulations on getting 40,000 merit points! 】

Qin Feng is overjoyed!

40,000 merit points are obtained so easily.

Then, as soon as his mind moved, his mind was immersed in the mall…..

The next second, the mall interface appeared in his mind!

Lines of resource information also emerged.….

【Demon Flower: Creation level, containing 10% of the Taoist charm of the 'Demon Spirit Avenue'】

【Price: 40 merit points】

【Huangquan grass: Creation grade, containing 10% of the Taoist charm of 'Yellow Spring Avenue'】

【Price: 40 merit points】

【Immortal Grass: Creation level, containing 10% of the Taoist charm of the 'Dao of Immortality'】

【Price: 40 merit points】


After just a brief glance, Qin Feng showed surprise!

Tsk! Tsk!

Merit Mall is extraordinary!

When you open the home page, there are rows of spiritual grass, spiritual flowers, and spiritual fruits, all of which are creation-level spiritual plants containing various Taoist charms!

This is perfect for Qin Feng!

With these spiritual herbs, he can quickly increase his combat power.

That will also be of great help to his next assessment!

However, Qin Feng did not rush to redeem, but continued to browse...

He browsed six or seven pages, all of which were spiritual plants.

And further onChemical grade materials, as well as various artifacts and equipment...

Qin Feng has little interest in these!

What he lacks most now is those materials or equipment!

When he browsed to the tenth page, he finally saw the treasure he wanted.….

【Taiqing Dao Crystal (Curse Spirit): Creation level, containing the complete Curse Spirit Dao (the day after tomorrow)】

【Price: 500 merit points】

【Taiqing Dao Crystal (Change): Creation level, containing the complete Dao of Change (the day after tomorrow)】

【Price: 500 merit points】


Ha ha!

Taiqing Daojing appears!

Qin Feng took a quick look and saw that the rows of lists were all Taiqing Dao Crystals!

The resources of this mall are so abundant!

However, a Taiqing Dao Crystal requires 500 merit points. I am afraid that I have to obtain a second-class Star Lord before I can hope to exchange for one!

Of course, it is very easy for Qin Feng!

Qin Feng continued browsing...

Soon, he reached the last page and saw a treasure that surprised him….

【Taixu Dao Crystal (Xiantian): The pinnacle level of creation, containing the complete Xiantian Dao - Taixu Dao!】

【Price: 2000 merit points! 】

The innate avenue!

This is what Qin Feng wants most!

Having said that, the further he went, the more Qin Feng discovered that the innate path was hard-won!

He must get this Taixu Dao Crystal!

Fortunately, he came to the mall in advance. If he came back after the assessment, who could guarantee that the Taixu Dao Crystal would still be there?

After being excited, Qin Feng looked at the last treasure in the mall....

【Hongmeng Purple Qi (half group): the foundation of the great road!】

【The exchange price is 10,000 merit points! 】

No way?!

It turned out to be Hongmeng Purple Qi!


After watching this, Qin Feng was shaken all over, and his eyes were so excited that they shone!

To him, Hongmeng Purple Qi means 100 billion star combat power, as well as 1 innate avenue and 10 acquired avenues!

Although this is only half a group, its value is definitely much higher than the two innate avenues!

"So many good things! Unfortunately, the merit points in my hand are limited and I can only exchange a small part of them!"

At this moment, Qin Feng sighed helplessly!

According to his goal, he wants all the treasures in the mall!

It's a pity that his merits are not worth enough!

"Huh! This is..."

Suddenly, Qin Feng's mind scanned and saw a line of words on the last page of the mall.

He quickly looked at it....

Seeing this, Qin Feng was pleasantly surprised!

【Reminder: For those who have the title of 'Lord of Ultimate Destiny', the price of all treasures in the mall will be discounted by 70%!】

【Reminder: For those who have the title of 'Substitute of Heaven', the price of all treasures in the mall will be discounted by 50%! 】

Huh! What a good thing!

Heaven is indeed favoring him!

Qin Feng is overjoyed!

He is the substitute for heaven, so if he exchanges all the treasures, it will be half price!

As soon as he thought about it, he started exchanging.....

【Redemption successful! You spent 5,000 merit points and exchanged half a group of Hongmeng Purple Qi...】

【Reminder: The other half of Hongmeng Purple Qi is hidden in the assessment for promotion to the Lord God Realm, and players need to trigger the opportunity!】

【Reminder: Only a complete ball of Hongmeng Purple Qi can be refined, half a ball cannot be refined! 】


After hearing the prompt, Qin Feng's eyes lit up and he looked surprised again.....

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