It turns out that there was actually half a ball of Hongmeng Purple Qi hidden in the Lord God Realm assessment!

Qin Feng was pleasantly surprised!

If his guess is correct, if he challenges the highest level Lord God, he will have a chance to obtain half of the Hongmeng Purple Qi!

Qin Feng's goal was to obtain the highest level of Lord God!

All this is exactly what he wants!

"It seems that if I go to be promoted to Lord God this time, I must get the highest Lord God rank!"

Qin Feng smiled slightly and stopped thinking about it.

He had to exchange resources quickly.

With this in mind, he continued to exchange...

【Redemption successful! You spent 1,000 merit points to exchange for Taixu Dao Crystal (Xiantian)....】

【Redemption successful! You spent 20 merit points and redeemed the Magic Flower....】

【Redemption successful! You spent 20 points of merit and exchanged it for Huangquancao....】

【Redemption successful! You spent 20 merit points and redeemed the Immortal Grass....】........

A quarter of an hour later, Qin Feng spent all the 40,000 merit points in his hand.

His gains are also extremely huge!

This time, he obtained a total of half a ball of Hongmeng Purple Qi, a Taixu Dao Crystal, and 1,700 creation-level spiritual plants!

There are a total of 5,000 good fortune spiritual plants and 300 Taiqing Dao Crystals in this mall!

After this exchange, there are still 3,300 good fortune spiritual plants and 300 Taiqing Dao Crystals left in the mall!

Qin Feng naturally wants all these resources! pity!

There is no merit left in his hands!

It seemed that he had to quickly earn some merit points and exchange them for whatever he could.

In fact, Qin Feng was extremely satisfied with his exchange results.

All his treasures are redeemable at half price!

The result of exchanging 40,000 merit points for someone else's 80,000 merit points is already a big advantage!

Thinking of this, Qin Feng happily put away the Hongmeng Purple Qi and Taixu Dao Crystal, and then waved his hand....

Phew~! Phew~! Phew~!

I saw white light flashing in the field, and 1,700 creation-level spiritual flowers, spiritual grasses, and spiritual fruits were densely arranged in front of me, emitting various colors of rays of light!

At this moment, 1,700 spiritual plants merged into one piece of glow!

The entire temple hall is illuminated with splendor and splendor, creating an extraordinary atmosphere!

The air is also filled with a strong fragrance, refreshing!

Seeing this, Qin Feng felt happy!

The next second, he made a seal with his hand, activated the Devouring Spirit Plants, and engulfed the seventeen hundred Spirit Plants.....

【Devouring success! You devoured the origin of Huangquancao (creation level) and gained the Taoist understanding of the 'Way of Demonic Spirits'....】

【Devouring success! You swallowed the origin of the Immortal Grass (creation level) and gained the Taoist understanding of the 'Dao of Immortality'....】......


At this moment, Qin Feng's momentum skyrocketed crazily, and a new spiritual light shone on him.....

At the same time, those spiritual plants of creation quickly withered away at a speed visible to the naked eye......

At the same moment, hundreds of thousands of contestants had gathered in the main hall of Shenxun Hall, and the scene was very noisy!

A quarter of an hour has passed since the entrance to Daluo Tianjing opened.

After a quarter of an hour, the entrance will automatically close!

All the players who should come in have already come in!

Among the hundreds of thousands of players, there are about 100,000 True God Realm players, and almost all of them are here to participate in the Main God Realm assessment!

The remaining more than 300,000 people are all going to take the Star Master assessment!

The Star Master assessment that takes place once in a thousand years has naturally accumulated a huge number of people, including many who are accurate to half-step eternity, and there are even more contestants in the God King realm!

At this moment, in a corner of the main hall.

A man with curly brown hair was looking around, seemingly looking for something.

Next to him, there was a blond old man wearing a white robe.

The blond old man's realm aura suddenly revealed the Great Perfection of the God King!

With such strength, he is already considered the best among all the players!

There were less than a hundred people in the audience who had reached the perfection of the God-King!

But the old man stood beside the brown-haired man, looking respectful and in awe of the curly-haired man.

At this time, the old man whispered:

"Lord Brahma, that little thief Qin Feng seems not to be in the hall! I don’t know where he went?"

It turns out that the man with brown curly hair is Lord Brahma!

However, he has changed his appearance.

After all, he is also a famous figure in this universe, and many people have seen his portrait.

In order not to attract attention, He quietly changed his appearance!

And the old man in white robe came from the Light God Realm, named Abel, the powerful God King of Great Perfection!

This time he came in, he was going to the first-class Star-Lord, and at the same time he wanted to assist the Lord Brahma!

At this moment , Brahma also withdrew his gaze and turned to look at Abel

"It is estimated that the little thief went to the Divine Noble Palace to be promoted to the Lord God Realm!

Abel's face changed slightly:"Sir!" If that little thief were promoted to the realm of the Lord God, would it be more difficult to deal with him?

Brahma said indifferently:"Even if he is promoted to the realm of the Lord God, I can still handle him easily!" Unless his basic combat power can exceed 3 trillion, there will be no chance of struggle in my hands!"

Speaking of this, Brahma's tone was extremely proud!

Abel also secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Immediately, he smiled and said:"Sir, if you look down, even if the little thief is promoted to the main god realm, his combat power cannot exceed 2.5 trillion. , let alone break 3 trillion!

Brahma also smiled proudly:"That's about it!" Ignore the little thief for now, let’s go to the Star Lord Palace first!"

"yes! grown ups!"

Abel quickly agreed.

Immediately, he said again:"Sir, do you think that little thief missed the Star Master assessment because he was promoted to Lord God? Brahma's eyes lit up:"

If you miss it, wouldn't it be better?" If he missed it, he would have to wait another thousand years! The losses will be extremely heavy!

Abel also smiled and said,"Yes!" In two and a half hours, the Star Master assessment will begin. I'm afraid it won't be that easy to complete the main god assessment in such a short period of time!

Brahma smiled and nodded:"Indeed!" Generally, it takes about a day to complete the main god assessment! It's not easy to be promoted to the main god realm in just two and a half hours!"

Abel said with a proud smile:"It depends on whether that little thief Qin Feng is stupid enough! If he chooses to be promoted to Lord God, he will probably suffer disaster!"

"yes! Let's go! Let’s enter the Star Lord Palace early!"

As soon as these words were said, the two of them smiled knowingly and walked towards the Star Lord Hall.....

At the same moment, inside the Merit Pavilion.

Qin Feng's devouring has finally ended!

All the spiritual plants withered away, some turned into mud, and some turned into powder.....

The entire hall was filled with a faint aura of death, with no trace of aura left!

At this moment, Qin Feng slowly opened his eyes, his face full of joy.

After all this devouring, his combat power increased by 130 billion, and his basic combat power reached 3.07 trillion stars in one fell swoop!

In addition, he also awakened 47 acquired avenues!

As a result, the number of avenues he mastered reached 577!

"I really didn’t expect that 1,700 creation-grade spiritual plants would be so powerful!"

Qin Feng showed a satisfied smile!

Creation-level spiritual plants can not only provide energy, but also contain various Taoist charms, which can help people awaken to the Dao. It is extremely rare!

Qin Feng is extremely satisfied with this harvest!

What a pity!

Still There were a lot of good fortune spiritual plants and 300 Taiqing Dao Crystals, which he couldn't exchange for.

Qin Feng looked at the mall altar in front of him with some unfinished thoughts.

It seemed that he had to hurry up to earn merit points.

By the way!

He was After all, it took more than half an hour.

At this moment, it was less than two and a half hours before the Star Master assessment.

He had to hurry up and complete the promotion of the Lord God!

ThisThinking about it, Qin Feng realized that time was running out and quickly turned around and left.....

After a while, he left the meritorious service pavilion and returned to the main hall.

At this time, Brahma and Abel had entered the Xingjue Palace, and the two sides had not met.

Afterwards, Qin Feng walked towards the God's Palace again....

I'm afraid Brahma and the two people didn't expect that Qin Feng's combat power had exceeded 3 trillion before he was promoted to the main god realm!

It didn't take long for Qin Feng to enter the God's Palace!

As soon as he stepped into the hall, he found that there were tens of thousands of contestants in the hall, and the scene was very lively!

At this moment, all the players were looking up at the sky above the hall.

There is a huge tower floating in the sky, connected to the sky and the earth, and the end of the top of the tower cannot be seen at a glance!

The height of each floor of the giant tower is comparable to the diameter of a moon. It is extremely majestic and magnificent!

Looking at the tower body again, it is completely black, with its own colorful rays of light, blooming with endless power of heaven!

At this moment, many players were completely shocked by the giant tower in front of them!

Qin Feng's heart moved and he spied on the giant tower.....

【Pagoda: A weapon of the great road, its owner cannot be recognized, only the owner of the universe can control it!】

【This tower suppresses the extraterrestrial demons that invade from the 'Chaos Realm Sea'. Killing those demons will earn you merit points.】

【This tower is divided into ten floors!】

【The first level: It is recommended that the combat power reaches 100 million stars before entering. Merit points will be obtained this time. Those who enter the top 1,000 will receive the title of seventh-level Lord God! (Seventh grade is the weakest)】

【Second level: It is recommended that the combat power reaches 300 million stars before entering. Those who get the merit points and enter the top 500 this time can obtain the title of sixth-level Lord God!】

【The third level: It is recommended that the combat power reaches 1 billion stars before entering. Those who get the merit points and enter the top 200 this time can obtain the title of fifth-level Lord God!】

【The fourth level: It is recommended that the combat power reaches 3 billion stars before entering. Those who get the merit points and enter the top 100 this time can obtain the title of fourth-level Lord God!】

【The fifth level: It is recommended that the combat power reaches 10 billion stars before entering. Those who get the merit points and enter the top 50 this time can obtain the title of third-level Lord God!】

【The sixth level: It is recommended that the combat power reaches 30 billion stars before entering. Those who get the merit points and enter the top 20 this time can obtain the title of second-level Lord God!】

【Seventh level: It is recommended that the combat power reaches 100 billion stars before entering. Those who get the merit points and enter the top 7 this time will get the title of first-level Lord God!】

【The eighth level: It is recommended that the combat power reaches 300 billion stars before entering. Those who get the merit points and enter the top 3 this time will get the title of top god!】

【Ninth level: It is recommended that the combat power reaches 1 trillion stars before entering. The top one with merit points this time will be awarded the title of Taoist Master God!】

【The tenth level: It is recommended that the combat power reaches more than 3 trillion stars, and you need to pass the 'Dao Grade Divine Noble' assessment to be eligible to enter. There are great opportunities hidden within!】

【Reminder: The maximum time a player can stay on each floor cannot exceed 48 hours!】

【Reminder: The number of outside demons suppressed in each tower is limited! Once all the demons inside are slaughtered, all the assessments on that level are over!】

【Reminder: Each player has only one chance to choose, please choose the tower level carefully!】

【Reminder: If a contestant dies while slaying the demon, he can be resurrected outside the tower, and the assessment ends at this point. The merit score will be based on the time of death!】

"So this is ah!"

After this peek, Qin Feng suddenly understood!

Each player only has one chance to choose, so he must go to the ninth floor to challenge for the title of Lord God. There is only one title for that title, and it is recommended that the combat strength reach 10,000 Only if there is more than 100 million can he hope to obtain it!

Qin Feng has no problem!

However, his time is limited!

He must kill all the demons on the ninth floor within 2 hours so as not to miss the Star Master assessment!

Of course, he Hope it can be completed within an hour!

Because he still wants to get to the tenth floor!

Thinking of this, Qin Feng looked towards the tenth floor....

If you want to enter the tenth floor, you need to pass through the ninth floor first, and it is recommended that the combat power reach more than 3 trillion stars!

3 trillion stars!

He just reached this threshold!

I wonder if he can complete the challenge after entering the tenth floor?

Thinking of this, Qin Feng couldn't help but take a deep breath, feeling a little nervous.

If his prediction was correct, the chance of half a ball of Hongmeng Purple Qi would be hidden on the tenth level.

Not thinking about it so much, he went to the ninth floor first and tried to pass it within an hour!

With this in mind, Qin Feng is ready to take action!


But at this moment, there was an exclamation in the hall!

"Wow! Everyone, look! That man went to challenge the third floor of the pagoda!"

"Huh! It really is!"

"Oh My God! Those who dare to challenge the third level must have a combat power of over 1 billion stars!"

"Tsk! Tsk! Just in the true god realm, the combat power can exceed 1 billion, which can be said to be one of a million!"

"yes! This guy is really awesome!"

At this moment, the audience was amazed!

Qin Feng was curious and looked at the sound, and saw a man in yellow robe with an arrogant expression, flying towards the entrance of the third floor pagoda with his hands behind his back....

Below, tens of thousands of players looked at him in amazement, with admiration in their eyes.

In this world where strength is respected, no matter where you are, the value of respecting the strong is demonstrated!

Thinking about it, 99% of the players present only dare to enter the first level, and less than 1% have the strength to enter the second level!

As for being able to enter the third floor, it is even more rare, probably less than one in a thousand!

Because of this, the appearance of the man in yellow robe shocked the entire audience and attracted countless admiring looks!

Seeing this, Qin Feng smiled, took one step forward, and flew towards the top of the pagoda.......

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