Unconsciously, Qin Feng and Brahma stopped and faced each other!

At this moment, Brahma was very nervous!

He was showing off his momentum all the way here!

When the players and demons saw that he was a half-step Dzogchen master, they all retreated in shock.

So, he had a smooth journey!

But he never thought that at this time, he would encounter a troll of the same level!

At the same time, he also clearly sensed that as soon as the power of Taixu in the evil mist touched the troll in front of him, it was completely eliminated!

It can be seen that Tiandao's reminder is correct. The power of Taixu has no effect on the demons, but only restrains the players!

With this thought, Brahma became even more convinced that there was an extraterrestrial demon in front of him, and he had no doubt that it was Qin Feng who had transformed it.

At the same time, he was extremely depressed!

Under the suppression of Taixu's power, he could only exert 70% of his combat power.

But it has no effect on the troll in front of me!

In this fight, he will definitely suffer!

Having said that, if he could avoid fighting, he wouldn't want to fight at all!

If this fight starts, I'm afraid it won't end for a while!

Even if he wins, he will miss the opportunity to get double rewards!

What's more, he may not win!

The more Brahma thought about it, the more depressed he became, but there was nothing he could do!

The initiative in the current situation is not in his hands!

If the troll on the opposite side wants to start a war, he can't even think about not fighting! really!

As soon as Brahma's thoughts came together, the troll on the opposite side moved and came directly towards him.

Brahma became more and more nervous and couldn't help but tighten his grip on the sword hilt!

At the same moment, Qin Feng saw all the details of Brahma's performance.

However, there was no expression on his face, and he still approached Brahma unhurriedly!

Thirty thousand feet....Twenty thousand feet....ten thousand feet......

The distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer!

The atmosphere in the field became tighter and tighter, reaching a tense level!

Qin Feng still had no intention of stopping and continued to approach him!

In the blink of an eye, the two sides were only more than a hundred feet apart, and the atmosphere was extremely tense!

Brahma held his breath and stared closely at the troll in front of him. Beads of sweat had appeared on his forehead, and veins were popping out of the hand holding the sword hilt!

He can't wait any longer!

As long as the troll in front takes one step closer, he will take the lead and strike first to gain the upper hand!


As soon as this thought came up, the troll in front stepped forward!

The distance between the two sides suddenly shortened by more than thirty feet!

Brahma's face changed slightly and he was about to take action....

But at this moment, the troll took the second step and passed him directly......

Brahma was stunned and couldn't help but turn his head to look.

The troll also happened to look back, and the two sides faced each other again!

The troll looked at him with a strange look, then dodged and fled straight towards the end of the sea of ​​fog.....

In the blink of an eye, it disappeared into the vast sea of ​​fog....

Brahma stared blankly at Qin Feng's leaving figure, unable to react for a long time.

After a long time, he gradually came to his senses.

"This troll is so weird! It passes me by without stopping me? Brahma muttered in his heart.

He thought for a while, but still couldn't think of a reason, so he had to smile and shake his head.

Then, there was another burst of joy in his heart!

Fortunately, the troll didn't stop him!

Otherwise, fighting in this unfavorable environment, He will definitely suffer a big loss and even miss the opportunity for rewards!

Thinking about it this way, his luck is pretty good!

It seems that God is helping him!

Brahma is secretly proud in his heart!

Then, he flashed and continued towards the finish line Rush in the direction....

At the same moment, hundreds of millions of miles away.

Qin Feng is running away towards the finish line at full speed....

At this moment, he vaguely sensed that Brahma was moving forward again.

He smiled coldly, ignored it, and continued to fly faster!

Before, when he was close to Brahma, he also wanted to take action against him.

But a little impatience will mess up a big plan!

That Brahma is a strong man!

He was not sure of killing Brahma in a very short period of time.

If it takes too much time, it will make him miss out on double the extra rewards, which is not worth it!

In this case, he might as well get the reward first and then turn back to deal with Brahma!

Besides, his biggest crisis now is not himself, but coming from the Blue Star Realm!

Dajitian is about to attack the Blue Star Realm, so he must quickly improve his strength so that the four clones can become stronger!

With this in mind, Qin Feng took one step forward and accelerated toward the finish line.....


Suddenly, the sea of ​​fog rolled and figures flashed!

As he accelerated his escape, the distance between him and Brahma suddenly became wider and wider!

His speed is originally faster than Brahma, and since the power of Taixu has no control over him, his speed is even faster.....

In just a moment, Qin and Brahma were tens of billions of miles apart, and the two sides could no longer sense each other.....

Just like that, Qin Feng escaped quickly all the way, showing off all his momentum!

Along the way, he actually met two half-step eternal demons.

When the two heavenly demons saw his momentum, which was half a step to perfection, they were so frightened that they retreated away, not even daring to come close to him.....

In this way, Qin Feng will have a smooth journey!

In this way, after running away at full speed for eleven minutes, he finally reached the finish line.

At this moment, Qin Feng looked at the finish line with excitement....

All I could see was that the final destination was a huge square.

In the center of the square, there is a white light door a hundred feet high!

That is the entrance to the 'Taichu Heaven'.

As long as he enters Taichu Heaven, he will have completed the first round of assessment and will receive generous rewards!

Thinking of this, Qin Feng's figure flashed and arrived at the entrance!

The next second, he took a step forward and got into the light door!

With a flash of white light, Qin Feng passed through the light door, and his eyes lit up!

He looked around and found himself in a huge square again.

The square was deserted and he was alone.

The square is surrounded by silver-white evil mist, which is somewhat different from the gray Taixu evil mist....


Without waiting for Qin Feng to look further, the sky began to shake, and the voice of Heavenly Dao also came.....

【Congratulations to contestant 'Qin Feng' for entering 'Taichu Tian'! You passed the first round of Star Lord assessment and received the 'Fifth Level Star Lord' reward!】

【Reminder: Fifth-level Star-Lord reward points: 'Personal reward' and 'Planet reward'’!】

【Personal rewards are distributed in the secret realm; planet rewards must be returned to the planet before the planet where they are located will receive heavenly rewards!】

【The individual rewards of the 'Fifth Level Star-Lord' will now begin, as follows:...】

【Reward players with +10 billion star combat power!】

【Reward players with +10,000 reputation points!】

【Reward players with +1000 times their luck!】

【Reward players with +2000 merit points!】

【Reward players to randomly awaken 1 acquired avenue! ]

Qin Feng was slightly startled!

The personal reward of this fifth-level star-lord is nothing more than this!

Thinking about it, some of the best in the Lord God Realm have the opportunity to obtain the fifth-level Star Lord, so naturally they will not be very strong!


Before Qin Feng could think about it, a beam of reward light fell from the sky and landed on Qin Feng.....

His combat power, reputation, luck, and merit points all increased, and a new aura of greatness shone on his body.....

In just a moment, the reward is over!

Qin Feng slowly opened his eyes and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

No matter what, he still gained something, various indices increased, and he also awakened to a new avenue!

In this way, the number of avenues he mastered reached 767!


Before Qin Feng was happy, another reminder came from Tiandao....

【It was detected that player 'Qin Feng' spent 11 minutes arriving at Taichutian and received double extra rewards for this round.】

【Additional rewards are as follows...】

【Reward players with 100 billion star combat power!】

【Reward players with +20,000 reputation points!】

【Reward players with +5000 times their luck value!】

【Reward players with +5000 merit points!】

【Reward players to randomly awaken 10 acquired avenues!】

【After the reward is doubled, the content will be changed as follows:...】

【Reward players with 200 billion star combat power!】

【Reward players with +40,000 reputation points!】

【Reward players with +10,000 times their luck value!】

【Reward players with +10,000 merit points!】

【Reward players to randomly awaken 20 acquired avenues! 】


After hearing this prompt, Qin Feng was shocked and surprised!

No way?!

This additional reward is so generous, far exceeding the personal reward of a fifth-level Star-Lord!

Thinking about it, as long as you cross 10 trillion miles in 7 hours, you can obtain the fifth-level Star Lord.

As an extra reward, it takes 30 minutes to reach the finish line!

The difficulty is hundreds of times different!

As for double extra rewards, it’s more difficult.

It’s understandable that there would be such a gap in rewards! correct!

Will there be additional rewards like this in the following rounds of assessments?

If so, we will make a lot of money this time!

Qin Feng's eyes lit up, as if he saw hope of breaking through 6 trillion in combat power!


Before he could think about it, a golden reward beam fell and enveloped his whole body.....


In an instant, his combat power, momentum, reputation, luck, and merit points skyrocketed all the way!

Dozens of avenue auras also lit up on his body...

After a long time, all the rewards were over!

Qin Feng slowly opened his eyes, his face full of ecstasy.

With this reward, his basic combat power has skyrocketed to 4.86 trillion stars, and his strength has improved a lot!

In addition, his luck value soared to 294,000 times, his reputation reached 3.34 million points, and the number of avenues reached 787!

Qin Feng is extremely satisfied with this improvement!


At this moment, Tiandao sent another reminder....

【Assessment Reminder: It is detected that the player has obtained the 'Fifth Level Star Lord', and you have automatically activated the assessment rules for the 'Fourth Level Star Lord'...】

【Rules: The player enters the evil spirit of Taichu and keeps heading west. At the end of the fog sea, there is the entrance light door leading to 'Tai Shi Tian'!】

【Rules: Players who break into 'Tai Shi Tian' within 5 hours will pass the second round of assessment and can immediately receive the personal reward of 'Fourth Star Lord'!】

【Reminder: From here to the entrance of 'Taishitian', it is about 13 trillion miles! 】like】

【Players who arrive at Taishitian within 30 minutes will receive additional rewards! Arrive within 15 minutes and get double extra rewards! ]

13 trillion miles!

This distance is 3 trillion miles longer than the first round, and the difficulty of obtaining additional rewards is also 30% greater!

Qin Feng couldn't help muttering in his heart!

Fortunately, he received double extra rewards in the first round. His strength has improved a lot, and he is still expected to get double extra rewards in the second round!

Having said that, the difficulty of the second round has been increased, and the rewards will probably be more generous!

At this time, Tiandao’s reminders continued to come….

【Reminder: Those Taichu evil mist contains the 'Power of Taichu', which has a certain curb on the strength of the players! Mastering the 'Taichu Avenue', players can be unchecked】

【Reminder: There are a large number of extraterrestrial demons hidden in the Taichu evil mist. Their strength ranges from quasi-god king to the half-step eternal peak, and they are not restrained by the power of Taichu! 】

Taichu evil mist?!

It should be the strange silver-white fog outside!

Qin Feng looked at the white fog outside the square and smiled.

He has mastered Taichu Avenue and is still not affected by these evil fogs!

【Reminder: After the contestants leave the square, the second round of assessment will be automatically activated......】


At this time, the Star Master Assessment Order in Qin Feng's hand lit up with a faint golden light, and the information in it had been updated.....

He thought about it and quickly spied on it....

【Player]: Qin Feng

【Merit points]: 12,000 points

【Fifth-level Star-Lord]: Obtained

【Fourth Class Star-Lord]: To be assessed.....

Qin Feng smiled slightly and put away the assessment order.

He is not in a hurry to take the second round of assessment now. It is time to go back and take care of Brahma......


With a thought in his mind, Qin Feng transformed into an extraterrestrial demon again, and his momentum once again increased to its strongest state.....

This time, his momentum reached 10.4 trillion stars, which was much stronger than before!

Qin Feng was overjoyed!

Immediately, he turned around and walked towards the entrance light door of Taichu Tian.....

After he passed through the light gate, he returned to the terminal square of Taixu Tian.

Qin Feng raised his head and looked ahead, where there was a strong Taixu evil spirit.

"I don’t know when Brahma will arrive? He wants to get a double reward, but he probably only has the last minute left, right?"

Qin Feng muttered in his heart.

Then, his figure flashed and rushed into the evil mist ahead......

At the moment he entered the thick fog, his eyes lit up and he looked ahead with a look of surprise.......

He sensed that hundreds of millions of miles away, a figure was rushing towards this direction. It should be Brahma!

That guy's strength was suppressed by the power of Taixu, and his speed was slower than Qin Feng expected!

This time, Qin Feng wants to kill Brahma back so that he will not get additional rewards, let alone get double rewards.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng dodged and went towards Brahma to greet him......

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