At the same moment, deep in the Taixu evil mist.

Brahma was on his way at full speed.

At this moment, his face showed joy.

He could sense that there were still 700 million miles left before he could reach the end.

And the time he spent was only 14 minutes and 17 seconds, which was 43 seconds short of 15 minutes!

43 seconds is enough for him!

It's only 700 million miles away, and he can arrive there in just twenty seconds!

Ha ha!

Double extra rewards are coming soon!

With this in mind, Brahma speeds up and rushes towards the finish line!

In the blink of an eye, 10 seconds passed and he was still 400 million miles away from the finish line!


At this moment, the sea of ​​fog ahead suddenly billowed!

Then a hundred-foot giant demon flew out of the sea of ​​fog and was heading towards him!

"There it is again!"

Brahma was shocked!

He recognized at a glance that this giant demon was the half-step Dzogchen Demon from before.

"Why did we encounter it again!"

Brahma's expression suddenly became tense.

He didn't want to fight the troll at this time.

What's more, he had less than 30 seconds left.

"The last time we met, this troll didn't bother me. I wonder if this time, I will also pass by? Brahma muttered in his heart and couldn't help but slow down a bit.

According to his idea, it's best to just pass each other this time and not get entangled with each other.

That way, he can get the double reward!

If it happens If he gets entangled, he will be in vain.

Thinking of this, Brahma began to pray in his heart, hoping that everything would be safe!

Soon, the two sides got closer, and they were only a hundred thousand feet apart!

At this time, both sides could see each other's expressions!

Both sides were wary and slowed down.

At this moment, Brahma was very anxious and secretly counting the time......

He has 20 seconds left!

As long as you give him 10 seconds, he can reach the finish line and win double rewards.

But now, he has to get over the troll first!

Thinking of this, Brahma stared closely at the troll's every move, and the hand holding the sword hilt was sweating......

Suddenly, something moved in his mind, as if he thought of something.

The next second, he smiled, his eyes full of good intentions.

This strange scene stunned Qin Feng.

After a while, Qin Feng finally figured out that this guy was trying to show his favor to him!

Isn't this a little too abrupt?!

I'm afraid this guy doesn't know yet, but he is Qin Feng!

In this case, it is better to...

Qin Feng's heart moved, and a hint of joking flashed across his eyes.

The next second, he also pretended.

The originally cold expression also softened a bit.

Seeing this, Brahma was overjoyed!

It seems that his overtures are effective, and the trolls are beginning to express goodwill.

Maybe we can get along well this time!

In the blink of an eye, the distance between the two sides was only more than 7,000 feet!

The troll's mood has always been very stable!

Brahma also gradually felt relieved.

As long as you get past these seven thousand feet, you'll probably be fine.

But as soon as this idea came up, a sudden change occurred in the field.

The originally calm-looking troll's eyes just fell on the hilt of the sword in his hand.

The next second, the troll looked tense and looked at him coldly, with a hint of hostility.

Brahma's heart suddenly suddenly thought, secretly it was not good!

This troll must have misunderstood, thinking that he held the hilt of the sword and was harboring evil intentions.

He must not make any mistakes in the last seven thousand feet.

With this in mind, Brahma put the long sword in his hand into the storage ring and opened his hand to the troll to show that he had no hostility.

Seeing this, Qin Feng quickly pretended to be relieved, and his originally tense expression relaxed.

Seeing this scene, Brahma also breathed a sigh of relief!

Everything was as he expected!

The troll just misunderstood!

In this way, the two sides continued to get closer.... five thousand feet....three thousand feet....One thousand feet....

In the blink of an eye, the two sides were only more than a hundred feet apart!

Brahma still smiled to show his kindness, but deep down he was extremely nervous.

He has been secretly on guard!

As long as something goes wrong, he will fight back immediately!

At this moment, the troll in front stepped forward....

Brahma quickly held his breath and stared at the troll's every move with all his attention!


The troll fell down in one step, passed him by, and was a hundred feet behind him in the blink of an eye.....

The trolls didn’t take action!

Brahma was surprised and couldn't help turning his head to look.

The troll was looking back, too.

The two sides faced each other again!

Then the troll gave him a slight nod of friendship.

The next second, the troll ducked out of the way and was thousands of feet away in the blink of an eye, and walked away without looking back.

Brahma looked at the troll's leaving figure and breathed a sigh of relief.

This is truly a troll who keeps his word!

Now that the troll is gone, he doesn't have any worries anymore.

There are 12 seconds left, enough for him to get double rewards.

At this thought, Brahma's guard completely relaxed, and he felt a little proud.

I encountered trolls twice and everything was fine!

It seems that God is helping me!

At that moment, Brahma ignored the troll and turned to look at the finish line.

Time is running out, he must get to the finish line as soon as possible!

With this in mind, he raised his feet and prepared to set off....

But at this moment, a sudden change occurred in the field!


I saw a flash of white light!

A demonic figure suddenly appeared behind him! not good!

Brahma is horrified!

He quickly turned around and saw that the person coming was the troll who had just left!

This demon suddenly teleported over!

Before Brahma could react, the troll suddenly took action!


I saw the troll holding a giant ax in both hands and slashing with all his strength!

"Damn it!"

Brahma roared in shock!

This sudden change caught him off guard!

What's even more disgusting is that in order to show his goodwill to the troll, he put away his long sword.....

Now, it was too late for him to use his sword!

Without the help of the sword, his attack would be greatly reduced.

Not only that, there is also the power of Taixu all around, suppressing his combat power!

But the troll's attack has already come, and he can't dodge it, so he can only resist it!


Brahma roared and punched out, facing the giant axe!

The attack momentum of that punch suddenly reached 24 trillion stars, which was astonishing!

This is an attack that has been weakened layer by layer!

This shows that Brahma is extremely powerful!

At this moment, his eyes were full of boundless anger!

He felt like he was being played by a troll!


At the same moment, Qin Feng also slashed down with his ax with all his strength!

Wherever the giant ax passed, the sea of ​​fog rolled and the world trembled!

Buzz~! Buzz~! Buzz~!

At that moment, Qin Feng activated the amplitude skills of the two great weapons!

A knowing blow! Activate simultaneously!

Attack increase by 250%!


The ax blade suddenly lit up with a dazzling golden light!

The attack momentum of his ax instantly soared to 36.4 trillion star levels, which was extremely terrifying~!

Click~! Click~! Click~!

The ax blade shines with cold light! Crossed the void!

Wherever the blade light passed, the space boundary wall of Taixu Tian was shattered inch by inch, and its momentum destroyed the heaven and earth!

Brahma finally sensed the terrifying attack of that axe, and his face turned pale with horror, and his eyes showed boundless terror!

But it was too late, he didn't even have a chance to escape!


With a roar, the two sides attacked and collided!


A crisp sound!

Blood splatters!

Qin Feng split Brahma in half with one axe!

The screams echoed in the fog!

The attack gap between the two sides is too big!

Brahma couldn't even withstand a single blow!

Of course, if Brahma hadn't fallen into Qin Feng's scheme and took the weapon back.

Of course he can withstand that axe!

But now it's too late!

At this time, Brahma's corpse, which was split in half, began to try to fuse and was about to be resurrected!

How could Qin Feng let him get his wish!

He rushed forward with a lunge, and the giant ax in his hand danced wildly!

Huh~! Huh~! Huh~!

Click~! Click~! Click~!

In the blink of an eye, Qin Feng struck out dozens of axes, splitting Brahma's corpse into nearly a hundred pieces!

In the field, blood mist splashed all over the sky!

The screams echoed in the blood mist!

It is also mixed with the roars and curses of Brahma!

"You despicable bitch! How dare you sneak attack on me... ah~!"

Faced with Brahma's curse, Qin Feng ignored it and continued to chop crazily!

He hacked for a full minute before finally cracking Brahma's soul!

At the moment when Brahma's soul exploded, his true spirit was forcibly transported away by the way of heaven.....

Brahma's last curse still echoed in the field!

"Bastard devil! I will never let you go! I will definitely come back again! ah~~!"

When the screams dispersed, Qin Feng breathed a long sigh of relief!

Finally killed!

He finally breathed a sigh of relief!

At this moment, the blood mist in the field began to turn into starlight and gradually dissipated....

Qin Feng quickly raised a seal and activated his luck to devour....

【Luck Devouring Success! You have swallowed all the luck of Brahma, and your luck value +16,000 times...】

Qin Feng is overjoyed!

Ha ha!

16,000 times the luck value!

This is equivalent to an increase in combat power of 16 billion stars!

He made a lot of money this time!

As a result, his luck value skyrocketed to 310,000 times!

"Ah~~! I am so angry!"

At this moment, a shocking roar came from the starting point of Taixu Tian!

The roar was full of monstrous rage, making the entire Taixu Tian tremble!

At this moment, countless players and demons were alarmed, Everyone looked at the starting point in horror.

Qin Feng naturally heard it!

But he smiled slightly and raised his eyes to look at the starting point.....

He knew that it was Brahma who was resurrected!

At this moment, that guy must be furious!

However, Qin Feng didn't bother to pay attention.

Brahma was killed by him and was destined to miss out on the extra rewards.

Next, it was time for him to complete the assessment for the fourth-level Star Lord.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng rushed to Taichutian....

At the same moment, the security square at the entrance to Taixu Tian.

Brahma stood blankly in the center of the square, feeling extremely sad and angry!

In the last ten seconds, he can get double the reward!

But unexpectedly, he was plotted by a troll!

If it hadn't been for the troll's sneak attack, he wouldn't have died on the spot.

It can be said that if you are not careful, you will lose everything!

He is really unwilling!


At this point, he can't get double rewards, but he still hopes to win extra rewards!

After all, there are still about 14 minutes left before the 30-minute time limit!

If he tries his best, there is still a glimmer of hope and he can get extra rewards!


Thinking of this, Brahma ducked out of the square and entered the sea of ​​fog!

But the next second, Brahma's shocking roar could be heard again in the foggy sea!

He was horrified to find that all his luck had been lost.

As a result, his strength has dropped invisibly, and his speed has also slowed down!

Then his wish to win extra rewards was completely shattered!

Now, he can only get the worst fifth-level star-lord reward....

Brahma is extremely unwilling!

The entire examination area continued to echo with his roar!

All the players were shocked!

At the same time, Qin Feng has rushed back to the end of Taixu Tian.

Hearing Brahma's roar again, he felt extremely happy!

It seems that the guy is desperate!

The next second, he smiled slightly, crossed the light door in front of him, and entered the Taichu Heaven.....

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