That Tongtian troll is the leader of the demon in this examination room!

When it saw Qin Feng, it was also stunned!

But the next second, a look of horror appeared in its eyes.

It turned out that it sensed that the combat power and aura exuded by Qin Feng suddenly exceeded the limit of half-step perfection!

And its combat power is only 7 trillion stars, and it is only at the bottom of the Half-Step Great Perfection!

This strange troll in front of me is much stronger than it! its not right!

According to the arrangement of heaven, it is the strongest guardian of this Fangkao area!

Why is there another troll stronger than it at this moment?

The demon leader was a little confused!

It seems that it should be questioned, otherwise... boom ~ boom ~ boom ~!

But before it could think about it, an earth-shattering roar came from ahead!

The demon leader was startled and quickly looked up and saw Qin Feng approaching!

At this time, the distance between the two sides was only a million feet!

The demon leader suddenly became nervous and involuntarily put himself on alert.....

At the same moment, Qin Feng was extremely anxious!

He has spent 14 minutes and 57 seconds, and is only 3 seconds away from missing the double reward....

At this time, the demon in front actually made a defensive posture. Did he want to stop him?

As long as this demon blocks a blow, he is afraid that he will be delayed for 2 seconds, and then he will miss the reward!

Thinking of this, Qin Feng became more and more nervous.

At the same time, he did not slow down his speed at all, and still rushed towards the entrance at full speed.....

In the blink of an eye, the two sides were only a thousand feet apart!

Qin Feng only has 2 seconds left!

"This, you...."

At this moment, the leader of the demon started to speak, trying to stop him.

But before he could finish speaking, Qin Feng spoke first!

"I am entrusted with the imperial decree of heaven! Head to Taiyitian! No guardian can stop you!"


As soon as he finished speaking, his whole body's aura erupted again!

The power of the four great ways, Taixu, Taichu, Taishi, and Taisu, soared into the sky from him!

The light of the four great ways!

Layered on top of each other, bright and clear. Heaven and earth!

When the leader of the Heavenly Demon saw the four-color light, his eyes were horrified!

According to the arrangement of Heaven, all the Heavenly Demons in the Taixu Heaven Examination Hall have mastered the Taixu Avenue! The Heavenly Demons in the Taichu Heaven have mastered the Taichu Avenue!

The Heavenly Demons in the Taishi Heaven have mastered the Taichu Avenue! , mastered Taishi Avenue!

The demons of Taisu Tian have mastered Taisu Avenue!

Because of this, those demon guardians are not suppressed by the evil mist!

But the demons in different examination areas also master one of the innate five Taisu avenues. Great avenues!

A person like this, who has mastered four of the five innate avenues, is definitely a being above them. Rumor has it that in the

'Special Star Lord' exam area, there is someone who has mastered multiple of the five innate avenues!

Could this guy really be a strong man sent by Heaven?

At this moment, the leader of the demon was shocked!


At this moment, Qin Feng was approaching a thousand feet, and he was about to collide in the next second!

"Step aside!"

Qin Feng was already roaring anxiously!

He was just in time!

The leader of the demon was so panicked that he subconsciously stepped aside to make way for a vacancy!

Whoa~! A rainbow light flashed, and Qin Feng passed him by in an instant! In the blink of an eye

, he passed by him!

, he arrived at the entrance light door of Tai Yitian!

The leader of the demon looked at his back, opened his mouth, and wanted to find out more....

Qin Feng has taken one step forward and got directly into Taiyi Tian!

At this point, his figure disappeared at the end!

The demon leader stared blankly at the empty light door, inexplicably feeling that he had missed something.....

At the same moment, Taiyitian’s starting point square.

At the entrance light door, the light door flashed and Qin Feng appeared!

As soon as he appeared, he hurriedly picked up the assessment token and looked inside....

【Player]: Qin Feng

【Merit points]: 70,000 points

【Second Class Star-Lord]: 14 minutes and 59 seconds (assessment score)


14 minutes and 59 seconds!

Just got double the reward!

What a blessing!

After reading this, Qin Feng was ecstatic!


At this moment, the reminder of the reward came....

【Congratulations to player 'Qin Feng' for entering 'Tai Yi Tian'! You passed the fourth round of Star Lord assessment and received the 'Second Class Star Lord' reward!】

【Your 'Planet Reward' will be automatically promoted to the second level and will be distributed after you return to the planet....】

【The personal rewards of 'Second Class Star-Lord' will now begin....】

【Reward players with +70 billion star combat power!】

【Reward players with +40,000 reputation points!】

【Reward players with +4000 times their luck!】

【Reward players with +7000 merit points!】

【Reward players to randomly awaken 7 acquired avenues! 】


As the white light beam falls, the title reward will come soon!

Qin Feng closed his eyes and accepted the reward happily.....


As soon as the title rewards are over, a reminder will be sent for additional rewards.....

【It was detected that player 'Qin Feng' spent 14 minutes and 59 seconds arriving at Taiyitian and received double extra rewards for this round.!】

【After the reward is doubled, the content will be changed as follows:....】

【Reward players with 500 billion star combat power!】

【Reward players with +100,000 reputation points!】

【Reward players with +40,000 times their luck value!】

【Reward players with +40,000 merit points!】

【Reward players to randomly awaken 50 acquired avenues! 】


The golden reward beam fell and enveloped Qin Feng's body....


Immediately, his combat power, reputation, luck, and merit points skyrocketed again....

After a long time, this wave of rewards ended!

Qin Feng also opened his eyes happily....


At this moment, the Jade Disc of Good Fortune was activated again....

【Reminder: It has been detected that the number of avenues recorded in your 'Good Fortune Jade Disc' has reached 925, which meets the requirements for advancement and will automatically enable advancement.....】

【Advancement successful! Your jade plate of creation has been upgraded from level 14 to level 15!】

【Congratulations on getting the assistance of the 15th level Jade Disc of Creation. Your refining efficiency of Dao Crystal has been increased to 1500.%】

【Congratulations on getting the assistance of the 15th level Jade Disc of Creation. Your understanding of the Great Scroll has increased by 1500.%】

【Congratulations on receiving the blessing of the 15th-level Jade Disk of Creation. You have once again received the power of the Taoist weapon to feed you back, permanently increasing your combat power by 65 billion stars!]


At this moment, Qin Feng's momentum soared crazily again!

After a long time, all improvements ended!

Qin Feng also slowly opened his eyes, his face full of joy.

With these successive improvements, his basic combat power soared to 6.45 trillion stars!

Ha ha!

It finally exceeded 6 trillion stars!

Qin Feng felt extremely happy! correct!

He had deduced the secret before, and after the combat power exceeded 6 trillion, there was a 50% chance that the Blue Star Realm could be preserved!

Now, his combat power has reached 6.45 trillion, so is the chance of reaching 60%?

Thinking of this, Qin Feng quickly touched the seal and deduced it again.....

Buzz~! Buzz~! Buzz~!

Suddenly, stars lit up on his fingertips!

Tianji Avenue is moving rapidly!

After a while, he calculated the result, with a smile on his face....

The derivation result was close to what he expected.

The chance that Blue Star Realm can keep is close to 55%. If he wants to reach 60% chance, his combat power must reach 7 trillion!

Having said that, even if the probability is 60%, it is still a bit low!

What Qin Feng wants is to absolutely protect the Blue Star Realm.

Only by protecting the Blue Star Realm can we have a chance to obtain the inheritance of the Lord of the Universe from Hongyuan Universe.

According to his calculation just now, if he wants to have a 90% chance of preserving the Blue Star Realm, he must have at least a combat power of over 9 trillion!

9 trillion!

This is very difficult!

It seems that he has to continue to improve his strength!

With this in mind, Qin Feng dare not relax!

After all, the Blue Star Realm is too important to him.What a mistake!


At this moment, a reminder came from Tiandao....

【Assessment reminder: It is detected that the contestant has obtained the second-class Star Lord! The first-class star-lord assessment is automatically activated, and the assessment rules are now announced....】

【Rules: It is too easy for players to enter and keep moving westward. At the end of the fog sea, there is the entrance light door leading to the 'Supervisor Temple'!】

【Rules: Players who break into the 'Supervisor Temple' within 5 hours will pass the fifth round of assessment and receive the personal reward of 'First Class Star Lord'!】

【Reminder: From here to the entrance of the 'Supervisor Temple', it is about 30 trillion miles!】

【Players who arrive at the Prison Temple within 30 minutes will receive additional rewards! Arrive within 15 minutes and get double extra rewards! ]

30 trillion miles!

The difficulty of this round has increased by more than 30%, to almost 40%!

Qin Feng is a little depressed!

However, it is not a problem at all for him to get extra rewards.

But with the double reward, there is no chance....


At this moment, Tiandao’s reminder came again....

【Opportunity reminder: It is detected that the player 'Qin Feng' is the challenger, and the following title opportunities can be automatically triggered....】

【Special Star Lord: Challengers who pass the 'First Class Star Lord' assessment can activate the 'Special Star Lord' challenge!】

【Supreme Star-Lord: Challengers can receive additional rewards in the 'First-class Star-Lord' assessment and can activate the 'Supreme Star-Lord' challenge!】

【Supreme Star Lord: Challengers can receive double extra rewards in the 'First Class Star Lord' assessment, and can activate the 'Supreme Star Lord' challenge!】

【If the special star-lord challenges successfully, he can randomly awaken 1 innate avenue and a corresponding number of acquired avenues.】

【The Supreme Star-Lord succeeds in the challenge and can randomly awaken 2 innate avenues and a corresponding number of acquired avenues.】

【If the Supreme Star-Lord succeeds in his challenge, he can randomly awaken 3 innate avenues and a corresponding number of acquired avenues.】

【Reminder: The special holy domain promoted by the special star-lord can compete with the medium-sized star domain!】

【Reminder: The Supreme Saint Domain promoted by the Supreme Star Lord can compete with large star domains!】

【Reminder: The Supreme Sacred Domain promoted by the Supreme Star Lord can compete with the Super Star Domain! 】


After hearing this prompt, Qin Feng was shocked and surprised!

Knew it!

Above that special star-lord, there are two higher-level star-lords!

That is the Supreme Star-Lord and the Supreme Star-Lord!

Qin Feng was excited!

If he can obtain the Supreme Star Lord, he can target the Super Star Domain and obtain countless resources from Heaven.

In this way, Longyuan will gain unimaginable benefits!

Likewise, he can gain great benefits!

This will be of great help to him in his next trip to the Judgment God Realm!

"It turns out that the activation of those two types of Star-Lords is to obtain additional rewards!"

Qin Feng murmured in his heart and looked at the golden sea of ​​fog outside the square.

The next second, he spied the golden fog.…..

【Taiyi evil mist: the evil mist containing the power of Taiyi, one of the special evil mist at the boundary of the universe!】

【Reminder: Taiyi Shawu has a certain suppressive effect on the player's strength, but it has no effect on players who have mastered the 'Taiyi Avenue'!】

【Reminder: There are a large number of extraterrestrial demons hidden in this evil mist. Their strength ranges from the peak of the God King to the half-step of Great Perfection, and they are not suppressed by the Taiyi evil mist!】

【Reminder: There are three half-step perfect demons hidden in this level, and they have the ability to see through the disguise of everything! 】

After this peek, Qin Feng frowned!

This level requires mastering Taiyi Dao so that you will not be affected by the evil mist!

It’s just that he didn’t master Taiyi Avenue!

What makes him even more depressed is that there are three half-step Dzogchen Demons hidden in this level, and they have the ability to see through the disguise of everything!

All these things are extremely detrimental to his breakthrough!

"Looking at this situation, my possibility of getting double rewards is very slim! correct...."

Qin Feng's heart moved, and he quickly made seals with his hands, and once again deduced the secret!

After a while, he finished his deduction, with a sad look on his face.

After deducing just now, his probability of receiving additional rewards can reach 100%, but his probability of receiving double rewards is not even half a percent!

This is too exaggerated!

If he doesn't get the double reward, he won't be able to activate the 'Supreme Star Lord' challenge!

This is definitely not what he wants to see!

According to Qin Feng's calculation, if he awakens Taiyi Avenue, there is a 30% chance.

If his combat power is further increased to 6.6 trillion stars, the possibility will increase by 10%!

Currently, his combat power is 6.45 trillion, which is still 150 billion short of the target of 6.6 trillion!

Now, he has basically used up all the means to improve his strength!

Does he still have the means to increase his combat power by another 150 billion?

Huh! correct!

Suddenly, Qin Feng's eyes lit up, as if he thought of something.

The next second, he turned around and walked towards the entrance of Taisutian.....

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