Soon, Qin Feng walked to the entrance light door!

Buzz~! Buzz~!

With a thought in his mind, he activated the two great weapons and unleashed the Seven Kills Divine Body!


Immediately, his momentum skyrocketed, instantly soaring to 13.7 trillion stars!

Qin Feng is overjoyed!

Unknowingly, his strength has increased to such an extent!

This made him extremely satisfied!

The next second, he took a step forward and got into the light door in front of him!


With a flash of white light, Qin Feng passed through the light gate and entered Tai Sutian's terminal square!

At this moment, he felt a gaze looking towards him.

Qin Feng quickly followed the light and saw that a million feet away, the leader of the demon was still there.....

At this moment, the demon leader was looking at him in surprise, his eyes full of doubts!

This troll has just entered Taiyitian not long ago, why is he back again?

In addition, it vaguely felt that Qin Feng's aura was a little different from before.

As for the difference there, it couldn't see why.

Just when the leader of the demon was thinking wildly, Qin Feng took the initiative to fly close to it. The two sides were only ten thousand feet away from each other, and they continued to get closer...

The leader of the demon suddenly became nervous, and his whole body secretly tensed up.

After all, its strength is not as good as the guy in front of me!

When this guy rushed towards the entrance, the momentum he erupted was infinitely close to 12 trillion stars!

Its combat power is only 7 trillion!

How can this not make it nervous!

At this moment, Qin Feng was already a thousand feet closer.

The demon leader finally couldn't hold himself back any longer.

After it took a deep breath, it said politely:"Friend, why are you back again?"

Qin Feng said seriously:"I have returned here! It is the spirit of heaven, here to convey a new mission to you!"

"new task?! What is the mission?"

The leader of the demon immediately became solemn and did not dare to neglect.

"This is a mission order! look by youself!"

Qin Feng casually threw a mission token....

The demon leader subconsciously caught the token, lowered his head, and saw the word 'Star Lord' engraved on the front of the token, and the word 'Hongyuan' engraved on the back.....

Hey~! Isn’t this the Star Master assessment order for the players!

The demon leader looked stunned!

Just when it was feeling confused, Qin Feng suddenly took action!


At that moment, Qin Feng struck down with an axe!


The demon leader was shocked and raised his head suddenly, his eyes filled with shock and anger!


At this moment, Qin Feng's whole body's momentum exploded, covering hundreds of millions of miles!

The 13.7 trillion combat power and momentum are fully displayed!


The face of the demon leader changed drastically, and his eyes were full of disbelief!

Before this, it had sensed Qin Feng's momentum, which was less than 12 trillion!

But it’s only been a few minutes!

This guy actually jumped to 13.7 trillion!


Before it could think about it, Qin Feng’s ax had already struck!


At that moment, the ax blade lit up with a dazzling cold light!

Taoist skills! A knowing blow! Activate them all!

The momentum of that ax suddenly reached 48 trillion stars, which was extremely terrifying!


The demon leader was so frightened that his face turned pale, and his eyes were full of boundless terror!

It was originally shocked by Qin Feng's momentum!

Unexpectedly, Qin Feng was actually better at attacking, far beyond his expectation!

Generally, the attack amplification of the Eternal Realm is two to three times that of one's own momentum!

At this moment, Qin Feng did it three and a half times!

It doesn't know that this is not Qin Feng's strongest attack!

If it weren't for the help of his subordinates who were restricted by this assessment, if Qin Feng used 'Six Prisons to Suppress the Sky', his attack increase would have reached four and a half times!


The blade flashed!

Click~! Click~! Click~!

The ax light struck down wildly!

Wherever it passed, all the space walls were shattered inch by inch, locking the demon tightly!


The demon roars in despair!

At this moment, it was too late to escape, and everything fell into Qin Feng's plan!

In despair, it had no choice but to attack with all its strength, meet the attack of the ax, and make its final death struggle.…..

But its full punch has less than 20 trillion attack momentum!

It was at this moment that the ax that reached the sky fell!


A flash of cold light!


A crisp sound!

Blood splatters!

The screams echoed in the void!

Qin Feng killed the demon leader in half with just one axe!

Then, the demon's body exploded into blood mist that filled the sky, gathered and surged, and actually tried to resurrect!


Qin Feng struck again with his axe!


There was a crashing sound in the blood mist, and the screams echoed again!

Qin Feng also destroyed the soul of the demon leader!

With just two axes, he killed a half-step Dzogchen demon!

Qin Feng was very satisfied!

Of course, this demon also belongs to the bottom of the half-step of Dzogchen!

Compared with it, Brahma is much stronger than it!

At this moment, the blood mist transformed by the demon began to disappear, and a dazzling white light flew out of the blood mist and poured into Qin Feng's body.…..

【You successfully killed a demon leader (half-step to perfection) and obtained +15 million gold judgment points! 】

The information prompt is over, and the feedback ends here!

Qin Feng was stunned, a little stunned!

He originally wanted to kill these demons to see if he could gain anything.

If he gains anything, it might be able to improve his strength so that he can achieve his goal of exceeding 6.6 trillion in combat power!

The current result made him very disappointed!

Killing these demons only rewards you with judgment points and no other rewards!

With just a brief thought, Qin Feng understood the will of Heaven.

The way of heaven encourages the players to break through the levels, but does not encourage them to fight against the devil!

Therefore, the way of heaven has been greatly reduced, and the benefits of killing the demons have been greatly reduced!

"Why! It seems that if I want to improve my strength, I have to think of another way!"

Qin Feng smiled helplessly!


At this moment, an upgraded white light lit up on his body!

【Your vocation is promoted to level 108 Hongmeng Supreme (Advanced)】

【Your strength index increases by 100,000 points!】

【Increase your agility index by 100,000 points!】

【Your energy index increases by 100,000 points!】

【Increase your body mass index by 100,000 points!】

【It is detected that your vocation level is at full level. You have reached the vocation promotion standard and are now starting to advance.…】

【Successfully advanced to the vocation! You have been promoted to the full level Hongmeng Supreme!】

【Congratulations on becoming the 'Full Level Hongmeng Supreme'. Your combat power has increased by 100 billion stars.】

【Congratulations on becoming the 'Full Level Hongmeng Supreme'. Your vocation skill 'Sharing Faith' has been promoted to the full level.】

【Sharing of Faith (Full Level): The number of times you can gain enlightenment from your subordinates is increased to 10 times】

【Congratulations on becoming the 'Full Level Hongmeng Supreme'. You have automatically received 18,000 times the luck blessing.】

【Congratulations on becoming the 'Full Level Hongmeng Supreme', you have automatically obtained 100% of the Dao Yun of the Dao of Law (Xiantian)….】


Upon hearing the prompt, Qin Feng's eyes lit up with surprise!

He finally promoted his vocation to the full level!

This will have unimaginable benefits for him to obtain the 'Judgement Territory Lord' inheritance in the future!

In addition, he also received a combat power reward of 100 billion, as well as insights into the Law of Law!

The avenue of law is the innate avenue!

Master the rules of heaven and earth, control the order of gods and demons!

The law is permanent, but the law is impermanent! Everything in the world is like a cud dog!


At this moment, the sky shook!

A reward light plant fell from the sky and landed on Qin Feng....

In a short time, his momentum skyrocketed crazily.....

At the same time, a dazzling blue light lit up between his eyebrows!

The Seal of the Universe emerges and automatically condenses the twenty-nine petals!

After a long time, all the rewards ended!

The petals of the Seal of the Universe were condensed and then quietly disappeared between the eyebrows.

Qin Feng also slowly opened his eyes, his face full of joy!

The next second, he opened the panel and checked the latest status....

【Full level human]: Substitute (intermediate level)

【Qin Yuan Universe]: Lord of the Universe (Intermediate)

【Full level vocation]: Full level Hongmeng Supreme (seed level)

【Luck]: 430,000 times

【Reputation]: 3.67 million points

【Basic combat power]: 6.553 trillion stars

【Xiantian Avenue]: 29

【Total number of avenues: 926

【Merit points]: 117,000 points.

After reading this, Qin Feng showed a satisfied smile!

Both the vocation and level are at full level.

He is still short of the 6.6 trillion target by about 47 billion. pity! He has no choice!

Qin Feng felt helpless!

The level and vocation are both maxed out!

If he goes to kill those guardian demons again, he won't even get the judgment value, so there is nothing to gain!

Therefore, he does not plan to kill the demon anymore!

With this in mind, Qin Feng waved his hand and sucked the Star Master Assessment Order that he had thrown back into his hand.

He took a quick look and found that it was indeed intact!

This type of assessment token cannot be destroyed.

Because of this, he used this order to divert the attention of the demon leader.

That’s it!

Since there will be no more gains from killing the demon, he should go back to Taiyitian and think of a solution!

At present, if he wants to get Tai Yitian's double extra reward, the chance is still less than 10%!

If you want to succeed, the best way is to awaken to Taiyi Dao!

That way, he has at least a 30% chance!

"Why! How to understand this Taiyi Dao? correct! I previously obtained a beam of Hongmeng Purple Qi, which is about to be refined. I wonder if this refining can help me awaken to the Great Way of Taiyi?"

Qin Feng's eyes lit up, and he seemed to see hope again.

Refining the Hongmeng Purple Qi will inevitably awaken an innate avenue and ten acquired avenues.

Qin Feng has sensed that the Hongmeng Purple Qi has been refined by 90%. It was not far from complete refining.

This made him look forward to it even more!

But then, he was a little worried! After all, after refining the Hongmeng Purple Qi, the awakened avenue is random.

It only awakens the avenue that the refiner has not yet awakened, but Qin There are 20 kinds of innate avenues that Feng has not yet awakened!

But they may not necessarily awaken the Taiyi Avenue!

In other words, the probability of awakening the Taiyi Avenue is only one-twentieth, that is, 5%!

That’s all!

Can it be awakened? Taiyi Avenue depends on luck!

In any case, he has to wait until the 'Hongmeng Purple Qi' is refined this time before he goes to the level of Taiyi Tian!

Thinking of this, Qin Feng dodged and started again. Returned to the terminal square and walked towards the entrance of Taiyitian.....

"Huh! This is…."

Suddenly, he felt something in his heart and couldn't help but close his eyes.

At the same moment, in the Qin Yuan universe.

In the heaven among the three realms.

A Qin Feng's mind body appeared out of thin air.

As soon as the thought body appeared behind him, he raised his eyes and looked outside the three realms.....

Beyond the three realms, there is the vast universe, with hundreds of thousands of star fields in it....

Among the hundreds of thousands of star fields, 926 more star fields began to give birth to a trace of life!

This is in line with Qin Feng's awakening of 926 avenues!

In short, today's Qin Yuan Universe has become extremely large and magnificent in scale!

After sighing, the mind body looked towards the boundary of the universe.

At that boundary is an endless sea of ​​chaotic fog!

In addition, the mind body also saw that there were four kinds of evil spirits outside the sea of ​​fog, forming a four-layer barrier.

They are the gray enchantment formed by Taixu evil mist, the white enchantment formed by Taichu evil mist, the black enchantment formed by Taishi evil mist, and the cyan enchantment formed by Taisu evil mist!

It turns out that after Qin Feng awakened the Taixu, Taichu, Taishi, and Taisu avenues, four evil mist barriers were automatically condensed around the Qinyuan Universe, which was equivalent to a protective layer for the Qinyuan Universe!

"Huh! It turns out that my understanding of the Five Innate Empresses can actually make the universe automatically condense the evil mist barrier. Then I..."

Qin Feng slowly opened his eyes, and an inexplicable thought came to his mind.

The next second, he quickly walked into the light door in front of him!

After passing through the light gate, Qin Feng returned to Taiyitian's starting square!

Then, he quickened his pace and walked to the edge of the square, looking at the golden Taiyi Sha mist that was constantly surging in front of him!

At this time, he was only half a foot away from the evil mist!

As long as you step out, you can enter the sea of ​​fog, and the assessment will be automatically activated!

Naturally, Qin Feng didn't want to take the test now. He had no chance of winning double the reward!

After taking a deep breath, he stretched out his palm and faced the sea of ​​fog.....


The next second, his palm lit up with light, and a black hole gradually formed in his palm!


Immediately, a huge amount of swallowing power was generated, sucking wildly at the sea of ​​fog ahead!

The sea of ​​fog suddenly surged violently. Under the pull of violent suction, it actually penetrated the barrier around the square and continued to pour into Qin Feng's palm.....


The next second, a huge roar came from the universe in Qin Feng's body, and a faint golden light lit up on his body.....

Tiandao also sent a prompt….

【You are forcibly swallowing the 'too easy evil spirit'...】

【Taiyi Shawu has been forcibly integrated into the boundary of the 'Qin Yuan Universe', and blends and overlaps with the Four Taishawu...】

【Qin Yuan's universe fusion was successful! Qin Yuan Universe received a hint of strengthening from the power of Taiyi Dao....】

【Congratulations, you have automatically awakened 0.1% of Taiyi Dao's insights from that strengthening! 】


Upon hearing this prompt, Qin Feng was shocked and surprised!

Ha ha!

Everything was as he expected!

Taiyi evil mist is also a rare resource!

It’s just that most people can’t digest this kind of resource!

And he is the Lord of the Universe and can forcibly fuse this resource!

And through fusion, he gained insights into Taiyi Avenue!

Qin Feng was ecstatic about this discovery!

He finally found a way to awaken Taiyi Avenue!


At that moment, Qin Feng closed his eyes and swallowed the evil mist in front of him with all his strength....

【Congratulations, you have gained +0.1% Taiyi Dao Insight from the fusion of Taiyi Shawu....】

【Congratulations, you have gained +0.1% Taiyi Dao Insight from the fusion of Taiyi Shawu....】

【Congratulations, you have gained +0.1% Taiyi Dao Insight from the fusion of Taiyi Shawu....】

At this moment, Qin Feng's understanding of Taiyi Avenue was improving crazily along the way.....

A golden aura gradually lit up on his body, which was the unique aura of Taiyi Avenue......

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