At the same time, Tai Yitian was in the assessment area.

Brahma is running through the thick fog at full speed!

Beads of sweat broke out on his forehead!

In order to get to the Prison Temple as early as possible, he also tried his best.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up and he looked ahead with surprise...

Billions of miles ahead, he saw a huge square with a light gate in the center!

That is the entrance to the Prison Temple!

Ha ha!

He finally made it to the finish line!

The second place this year is still mine after all!

Thinking of this, Brahma couldn't help but look back. His eyes were filled with thick fog, and Jialuo could no longer be seen!

This made him feel happy!

Although he didn't win first place, it's not bad to win second place! correct!

Then what happened to little thief Qin Feng?

The special star-lord assessment has probably been activated!

Thinking of this, Brahma felt another wave of annoyance in his heart.

He has always been angry about Qin Feng's first place!

If the troll hadn't blocked it, the first place in this session would have been his.

And Qin Feng will be blocked to death by him, and he will never expect to get a first-class Star Lord, let alone win the first place in this year!


Thinking of this, Brahma rushed towards the finishing square, with a look of sullenness on his face.

He secretly resented that Qin Feng had robbed him of his opportunity!

In his opinion, if Qin Feng can take first place this time, there is a 90% chance that Tiandao will take advantage of the challenger!

He didn't believe that a person in the main god realm could surpass him in strength!

This time, he will enter the prison temple to find out what's going on!


Thinking of this, Brahma's speed speeded up again!

In the blink of an eye, he was only tens of millions of miles away from the terminal square...

At this moment, the entrance light door of the square flashed, and a handsome and tall figure walked out of the light door!

Brahma quickly took a closer look and showed a look of ecstasy!

Isn't this guy just the little thief Qin Feng!

Why did he come out?

At this moment, shouldn't he be in the temple, activating the special star-lord challenge?

Did he fail to activate?

At this moment, countless thoughts came to Brahma's heart, but his eyes became brighter and brighter!

In his opinion, this little thief must have failed to activate the challenge and had to come out of the prison temple!

Thinking about it, this little thief is only in the Lord God realm, so why can he activate a higher Star-Lord challenge?!

From this point of view, this little thief is not that powerful!

Now that he met him at this moment, he just happened to kill the little thief and let out the sullen feeling in his heart!


Thinking of this, Brahma killed Qin Feng crazily...

At the same time, Qin Feng also saw Brahma!

The next second, Brahma was seen rushing toward him...

The corners of Qin Feng's mouth curled up slightly, revealing a hint of joking.

Knew it!

This Brahma still doesn’t know that the previous troll was transformed into him!

That's why this guy dared to take the initiative to kill him!

If it's just right, he doesn't have to take the initiative to chase him, he can just wait for this old guy to come and die!

Thinking of this, Qin Feng stood there, waiting for Brahma to come to his door!

This scene fell into Brahma's eyes, and he thought Qin Feng was afraid!

This immediately made Brahma even more excited! hehe! Everything was as he expected!

This little thief is not that strong at all!

Otherwise, how could you be intimidated by his momentum!


In just a few seconds, Brahma arrived above the square, only a million feet away from Qin Feng!

At this moment, his face looked ferocious!

The jealousy in his heart soared to the sky, and he could no longer contain it!

In the blink of an eye, the distance between the two sides has narrowed again, and they are no more than a thousand feet apart!

Brahma's face was flushed with excitement!

He just felt that Qin Feng was stupid, standing there waiting for him to approach!

Now that they are far apart, he can finally take action!

"Little thief! Die!"


As soon as he got close to Wan Zhang, Brahma took action with all his strength!


The sword flashed!

Brahma slashed towards Qin Feng's head with all his strength!

The Wan Zhang sword light shot up into the sky with overwhelming momentum. Jedi!

At this moment, Brahma's face became extremely ferocious, and his eyes were full of madness.

He wanted to split the little thief in front of him in half to relieve the hatred in his heart!

In the blink of an eye, the sword struck close to him!

At this moment, Qin Feng also took action!


I saw a flash of blue light!

A giant ax suddenly appeared in Qin Feng's hand, and a light connecting the sky lit up, reaching the sky and the earth!

"Huh! This giant axe..."

When Brahma saw the giant axe, he felt that it looked very familiar.

The next breath, his whole body was shaken, and his eyes were frightened, as if he had thought of something!

Then, he looked at Qin Feng in disbelief...

It turned out that at this moment, He recognized the giant ax!

Isn't this the weapon of the troll!

How could it be in Qin Feng's hands?

Could it be...


At this moment, Qin Feng's whole body's momentum exploded, and all the momentum of 20.87 trillion was revealed!

Brahma's face changed drastically!

He was so frightened that his face turned pale!

Oh my god!

This explosive momentum was actually stronger than the previous troll!

Could it be... buzz~!

But before he could think about it, the giant ax lit up dazzlingly The aura!

Taoist skill! A knowing blow! Activate at the same time!

Qin Feng used all his strength to slash away with an ax!

The cold-light ax blade immediately lit up with a dazzling golden light!

The next breath, the light of the ax passed by!

Click ~!Click~!Click~!

Wherever the ax blade passed, the space wall was fragile, like an egg shell, being cut open inch by inch! The attack momentum of the ax reached 83.5 trillion stars. The horror reached the limit of the universe!

Oh my god~!

Brahma instantly sensed the momentum of that axe, and was immediately frightened to death!

But it was too late!

The momentum of that ax covered the sky and the earth, locking him to death!


The light of the ax flashed!

The ax slashed down!


Brahma roared in despair!


A crisp sound!

Blood splatters!

Qin Feng split Brahma in half with one axe!


Immediately afterwards, the sound of soul bodies collapsing came from the blood mist!

That ax not only split Brahma, but also split Brahma's soul!


But in the next breath, there was another soft sound from the collapsed soul fragments!

Qin Feng clearly felt that the true spirit hidden in the soul was also destroyed by an axe!

He was stunned immediately!

This is the first time he has destroyed the true spirit of Brahma!

Previously, as soon as Brahma's soul collapsed, his true spirit would be transferred to him by heaven and he would be resurrected!

Unexpectedly, Qin Feng's attack this time was so powerful that he chopped his true spirit into pieces with an axe...

Before he could think about it, a sudden change occurred in the field!

The chopped true spirit fragments began to condense with each other, and one complete Taiqing Dao crystal was taking shape...

Tiandao also sent a reminder…

【You destroyed the true spirit of Brahma, and the fragments of the true spirit condensed into the Taiqing Dao Crystal (holiness)】

【You destroyed the true spirit of Brahma, and the fragments of the true spirit condensed the Taiqing Dao Crystal (wisdom)】


In the blink of an eye, all the blood mist in front of me dissipated!

All the soul fragments disappeared!

90% of the true spirit fragments also disappeared out of thin air!

Only 10% of the true spirit fragments condensed into thirteen Taiqing Dao Crystals, which were quietly suspended there...

At this moment, another reminder came from Heaven!

【Reminder: If you kill the player's true spirit during the assessment, you will get 10% of the player's avenue! Players who are eliminated will also lose their fortunes】


After hearing this prompt, Qin Feng suddenly realized and was pleasantly surprised!

He didn't expect that there was such a rule hidden in this assessment.

Never heard of it before!

Come to think of it, who could destroy a player's true spirit in the past?

Those who possess the true spirit are at least half-step to eternal power!

And to destroy the true spirit, you must have the strength to kill the true spirit instantly.

As long as a single blow fails to kill him instantly, his true spirit will be teleported away by heaven...

How many people can possess such strength?

Qin Feng happens to have such terrifying strength!

After thinking about this, he quickly waved his hand and sucked 13 Taiqing Dao Crystals into his hands.

After just a brief glance, a look of joy appeared on his face.

Among those 13 Dao crystals, there were 9 avenues that he had not comprehended.

This time, he made a lot of money again!

Otherwise, Brahma will suffer heavy losses!

Brahma has fallen five times and has been eliminated!

Not only did he not get the first-class Star-Lord, but he also lost 13 avenues, which is miserable!

Qin Feng smiled and sent the 13 newly obtained Taiqing Dao Crystals into the center of the universe.

Then, he looked into the depths of the thick fog with some unfinished thoughts!

Now that he has discovered this rule, if he kills other players, can he also get some Taiqing Dao Crystals?

Unfortunately, time is running out!

It's time for him to take part in the Supreme Star-Lord challenge.

With this in mind, Qin Feng gave up the idea of ​​killing other players.

After all, the challenge of the Supreme Star Lord is more important than obtaining the Dao Crystal!

What's more, other players don't have a mortal grudge against him, so just let them go!

Thinking of this, Qin Feng turned around and walked towards the Prison Temple...


At this moment, the sky suddenly shook!

Is Tiandao going to make another announcement?

Qin Feng couldn't help but stopped!

At the same moment, vibrations in the sky resounded in all examination areas... all the contestants were startled!

At this moment, Taichutianfield!

The players all looked up to the sky!

There was a murmur in the crowd!

"Everyone, there is another movement in Heaven! The second place must have been born this year!"

"yes! The second place is finally here!"

At this moment, all the contestants seemed very excited.

They wanted to know who would be the second place this year.

In the crowd, Abel's eyes shone with excitement!

There was something happening in the heaven!

Counting the time, it was just right. One minute has passed!

That was the time when Lord Brahma entered the Supervisor Temple!

Obviously, Tiandao was going to announce that 'Lord Brahma' had won the second place.

Thinking of this, Abel became even more excited and looked forward to Tiandao's announcement! ~Long~Long~!

At this moment, a reminder came from Tiandao…

【Announcement: Player 'Brahma' has died 5 times and will be eliminated immediately! The final result of contestant 'Brahma' - Second Class Star-Lord]


As soon as this announcement came out, all the players were shocked!

All the examination areas were in an uproar!

Abel was even more stunned!

The whole person was stunned and turned to stone instantly!

There was also deathly silence in the square!

It’s as if the air has frozen!

After a long time, everyone calmed down and looked at each other one by one!

"I really didn’t expect that! Lord Brahma is really here!"

"yes! What's more, he didn't expect that he only got a second-class Star-Lord and was eliminated!"

As soon as these words were said, the whole audience was in awe!

Everyone shook their heads secretly, as if they couldn't believe it.

At this time, Abel also recovered.

His eyes were blank, and he seemed a little lost!

This... what on earth is going on? What's going on?

Master Brahma is a half-step perfectionist!

How could he be eliminated early?!

I can't figure it out! This is really incomprehensible!

At this moment, Abel felt sad and angry, even a little desperate.

He would have given everything All his hopes were pinned on Brahma, but he never imagined that it would be like this! As a result, his mission to obtain a first-class Star Lord would be impossible to complete! The more

Abel thought about it, the more desperate he became!

At this time, there was another sound all around. some murmurs

"Everyone, let’s take action too! Even Lord Brahma has failed, what are we still waiting to see? Anyway, what should fail will eventually fail! You have to fight what you have to fight for!"

"That's right! We can't waste any more time! Give it a try!"

As soon as these words were said, everyone responded one after another!

The fall of Brahma seemed to stimulate them and made them risk their lives.

At that moment, the crowds in the square surged.

Thousands of contestants poured into the sea of ​​fog ahead...

Abel's heart moved!

Everyone has set off, why is he still hesitating?

He just mingled with everyone, maybe he can still pass this level!

Thinking of this, Abel followed everyone and walked into the sea of ​​fog...

In just a moment, Hundreds of players entered the sea of ​​fog together...

Abel was among the crowd, feeling lucky for his clever plan!

Swish~! Swish~! Swish~!

But at this moment, a sudden change occurred in the field!

Thousands of players Tens of thousands of black shadows flashed forward one after another, surrounding all the players!

Everyone was shocked and looked at the black shadows.

At this sight, their faces changed drastically!

They saw those black shadows, it was this one Guan's guardian demon!

It turns out that the army of demons has been hiding in the sea of ​​fog at the exit of the square, waiting for the players to come in!

Being surrounded, the players panicked!

At this moment, a sky-reaching giant flew out of the demon , the aura on his body suddenly reached the half-step eternity level!

That was the leader of the demon in this level - Ye Luo! As soon as Ye Luo appeared, his aura enveloped the entire audience!

All the players immediately held their breath, terrified!

Still! Before they could think about it, Ye Luo looked at the crowd, and finally landed on Abel!

When it saw Abel, its eyes lit up!


The target appeared again!

At that moment, it pointed at Abel. , making a hoarse sound

"This old man stays! Let humans leave quickly!"


After hearing this, all the players were surprised and happy!

The next second, all the players rushed to escape...

Abel was desperate!

The previous scenes were repeated again!

He was targeted by these demons again Ah!

At that moment, he could no longer bear it and roared at those demons!

"Why?! Why do you demons like me attack me as soon as I leave the safe zone?"

"Why don’t you devils stop there are so many players! Just intercepted me alone?"

"What did I do wrong? Why are you doing this to me?"

At this moment, Abel was furious!

He felt it was so unfair!

These demons obviously did it on purpose!

He didn't know that all this was done by Qin Feng!

These demons did it on purpose!

Before Abel could vent, After that, Ye Luo became impatient.

"Do it!"

It just waved its hand, and all the demons rushed towards Abel.

Boom~! Boom~! Boom~!

Suddenly, earth-shattering sounds of fighting and explosions were heard in the field!

"! No~~! ah~~~!"

Abel also let out shrill screams for the first time!

When the escaping players heard the screams, their faces turned pale with fright, and they immediately ran away faster!

At this moment, they just want to stay away from the battlefield so as not to implicate themselves...

At the same moment, Tai Yitian's terminal is in the square!

Qin Feng was looking at the sky in surprise.

Just now, he heard the announcement from Heaven, announcing that Brahma had been eliminated.

Until this moment, he didn't know that as long as a player who obtained the Star Lord was eliminated in the assessment, Tiandao would announce the information.

After thinking about this, Qin Feng smiled and felt inexplicably relieved!

Then, he ignored the trivial matters and continued to walk towards the light door in front...

A moment later, he broke through the light door and returned to the hall of the Prison Temple.

At this moment, Qin Feng raised his head slightly and looked at the Starry Sky Gate above the hall...

Entering this Starry Sky Gate, he could start the 'Supreme Star Lord' challenge.

With this in mind, Qin Feng was ready to take action... boom~boom~boom~!

At this moment, the sky trembled, and another reminder from Heaven came…

【Announcement: Player 'Abel' has died 5 times and will be eliminated immediately! Contestant 'Abel''s final score - fifth-level Star Lord! 】

Hearing the prompt, QinMy eyes lit up and I was overjoyed!

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