After hearing the prompt, Qin Feng's eyes lit up and he was overjoyed!

Very good!

Abel was also eliminated!

In this way, his enemies will be eliminated, and he can go on the assessment with confidence and boldness.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng smiled slightly, stepped forward, and reached the star gate in an instant.

The next second, his figure flashed and he got in...

Entering the starry sky gate, Qin Feng saw a long starlight tunnel in front of him, leading to a mysterious place.

At that moment, he flew forward along the starlight tunnel...

At the same time, outside the secret realm.

In the Divine Realm of Light, in the meeting hall.

Jie Yin, Shiva, and Moses are discussing this Star Lord assessment.

At this moment, Jie Yin said with a smile on his face:"You two, calculate the time, Brahma should have obtained the first-class Star Lord by now, right?"

Moses smiled and nodded:"With Lord Brahma's strength, he should have arrived at the Supervisor Temple at this time. Next, it depends on how he intercepts the little thief Qin Feng!"

Shiva also smiled and said:"If Brahma takes action! Little Qin Feng will definitely not be able to get the first-class Star Lord! By then, he will be very desperate!

" Falling, all three of them showed gloating smiles!

Even the god kings around him showed knowing smiles.

They are full of confidence in Brahma's strength!


But before they were happy, the sound of the stars shaking could be heard outside the hall!

The whole audience was shocked!

Jie Yin, Shiva, and Moses all raised their heads, looking through the temple and looking at the starry sky outside the temple.

"Huh! This is..."

Seeing this, all three of them looked strange.

Shiva frowned:"Let's go! Go out and have a look!"


As soon as he finished speaking, he teleported and disappeared into the hall out of thin air.

Whoosh~! Whoosh~! Whoosh~!

When everyone saw this, they teleported away one after another.

The next second, white lights continued to shine above the meeting hall. Flash, one after another figures appeared out of thin air!

Shiva, Jieyin, and Moses all appeared.

Behind the three of them, hundreds of god kings followed.

At this moment, everyone looked up at the sky... and saw the sky. Above, the starry sky vibrated and roared continuously...


At this moment, a dazzling white light lit up above the starry sky!

A huge door to the starry sky was slowly opening, and emanating from it The unique atmosphere of the secret realm!

Seeing this, everyone was shocked!

Moses even exclaimed:"This seems to be the starry sky door leading to the Daluo Heaven Realm! Why did the door to the secret realm suddenly open? Is the Star Master assessment over?"

Jie Yin frowned:"This is absolutely impossible! There are still twenty-seven hours until the Star Master assessment ends, so it won’t end so early! Moses became even more surprised:"

Then...then why did the star gate open in advance?""


As soon as he finished speaking, the star gate opened completely, revealing a white starry sky passage...

Everyone couldn't help but raise their heads and stared at the passage...

The next second, a white light flew out of the passage and fell in front of everyone.

That white light As soon as it fell, a figure emerged, and suddenly it was Brahma!

"Huh! Lord Brahma!"

"It’s fellow Taoist Brahma!"

As soon as Moses and the three saw Brahma, they rushed forward to greet them... When they got closer, they discovered that Brahma looked lost and his eyes were a little empty...

Moses was stunned!

Jie Yin quickly asked:"Fellow Brahma, Why did you come out early?

Shiva was also curious:"Yes!" Logically speaking, there are still more than twenty hours before the Star Master assessment is over. Why did you come out early?"

After asking this question, Brahma recovered from his loss.

His eyes were focused again, and he looked at Shiva and the other three with a bitter look on his face.

The three of them also looked at him eagerly, wanting to know the answer.

The gods and kings around him also Everyone showed curiosity.

After a long time, Brahma smiled bitterly and said:"Three of you! Fan is ashamed! I was eliminated early!"



As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked!

Everyone was dumbfounded!

After a while, everyone calmed down.

Jie Yin couldn't believe it and said:"Fellow Brahma! Are you kidding me? With your strength, how could you be eliminated early?! Shiva also said:"

Yes!" Fellow Taoist Brahma, did something special happen that made you come out early? And you just want to joke with me?"

"yes! Lord Brahma, your joke is not funny!"

Moses also quickly agreed.

Up to this point, the three of them still don't believe it. Brahma has been eliminated.

Not only do they not believe it, but the gods and kings around them also show doubts.

Brahma smiled bitterly, knowing that it would be useless to talk more.

He waved his palm Turning over, a golden token appeared in his palm...

Everyone looked at it and saw the words 'Second Class Star-Lord' engraved on the front of the token!


After reading this, everyone was covered in blood again I was so shocked that I almost couldn’t believe my eyes!

Oh my god!

Master Brahma actually only got a second-class Star-Lord! With his strength, winning a first-class Star-Lord was easy, right?! Why did he only get a second-class Star-Lord



Is Master Brahma really eliminated?!

At this thought, the whole place became extremely quiet!

It was as if the air was a little solid!

I guess so, in this Star Lord assessment, the eliminated ones will be eliminated from the secret realm in advance and lose their use. Merit points can be exchanged for resources at the Merit Pavilion.

Only players who have completed five levels and obtained a first-class Star Lord are eligible to exchange merit points for resources.

Brahma only received a second-class Star Lord, so he was obviously eliminated early. It’s out!

The facts were in front of them, and they had no choice but to believe it!

After a long time, Venerable Jie Ying finally spoke.

"Fellow Taoist Brahma, what happened? Could it be that you were eliminated because you violated the rules set by Heaven?"

As soon as these words were said, everyone's eyes lit up and they felt that it was very possible.

Only this possibility could explain why Brahma was eliminated early.

Until now, these guys have not doubted that Brahma was killed by Qin Feng Out.

Seeing everyone's eager eyes, Brahma smiled bitterly and felt very unhappy.

However, he still had to tell everyone the truth.

At that moment, he sighed:"Hey~! Fellow Taoist said it wrong, I didn’t break the rules and was eliminated!"

Jie Yin said in surprise:"Are you not violating the rules? Then you encountered a group of powerful demons attacking you?

Brahma smiled bitterly and shook his head:"That's not the case!" I am..."

Just as he was about to tell the truth, something changed in the field!


Another white light flew out from the star gate, landed in front of everyone, and turned into a white-haired old man!

"Huh! Abel!"

"It’s Master Abel!"

As soon as the old man appeared, Moses and the king of gods exclaimed.

Brahma also looked at Abel with a look of astonishment!

He didn't seem to expect that Abel also came out early.

At this time, Moses asked anxiously Said:"Abel, why did you come out early?"

As soon as this question was asked, the kings of gods also looked at Abel, with uneasiness in their eyes.

This time, in order to cultivate a first-class star master, the Light God Realm spent a lot of resources and efforts on Abel.

If Abel failed, which was a big blow to the Light God Realm!

After all, they are only a medium-sized star region. They cannot compare with those large star regions and super star regions, and they cannot afford the loss of resources...

In this way, everyone in the Light God Realm is anxious He looked at Abel uneasily, hoping not to bring bad news.

However, Abel looked at Moses with a wry smile.

"Why! Lord Moses, your subordinates are incompetent! The subordinate was eliminated early and failed to obtain the first-class Star Lord!"



Moses was shocked and his face was extremely ugly!

The king of gods also had a gloomy face!

Although they had already guessed the result, they still couldn't accept it after hearing the answer with their own ears.

It took a while before Moses recovered..

He said with a wry smile:"Hey! Abel, so you only got a second-class Star Lord?"

Hearing this, Abel looked weird and felt more and more ashamed.

After hesitating for a while, he took out the Star Lord Token with an embarrassed look on his face...

Everyone quickly looked at the token...

I saw the front of the token. , clearly engraved with the four characters"Fifth Class Star Lord"!


After reading this, Moses felt like he was struck by five thunders, his whole body trembled, and his expression suddenly became decadent.

Oh my God!

Abel only took another one The fifth-level Star-Lord is the worst among all the Star-Lords!

The King of Gods also looked defeated!

Even Lian Yin and Shiva swallowed their saliva, with a touch of sympathy in their eyes!

How miserable!

Tangtang The Great Perfection of the God King actually only had one fifth-level Star Lord. This result is really miserable!

This time, the Light God Realm suffered a big loss!

Thinking of this, both of them sympathized with it.

Boom~Long~Long ~!

At this moment, the starry sky shook!

The door to the starry sky closed again.

Only then did Moses recover from the blow!

"Why! That’s it!"

He sighed and looked at Abel with a decadent face.

Abel also lowered his head in self-reproach!

"Abel, tell me! How did you get eliminated? Hearing this

, Abel smiled bitterly:"Sir, I'm telling you the truth!" The subordinates don’t know the reason. Every time I broke into Taichu Tianhou, I was targeted by the demon in that examination area."

"Those demons don't target other players, they only target one of their subordinates! How can one of my subordinates be the opponent of the demons? I was besieged to death by them again and again, and was finally eliminated early!"

At this point, Abel looked aggrieved.

Until now, he still hadn't figured out what was going on.

Moses also frowned:"Only for you?! That's really weird!"

At this time, Jie Yin also looked at Brahma..

"Fellow Taoist, are you in a similar situation, targeted by demons, and they teamed up to besiege you?

Brahma smiled bitterly:"I am different from him!" I was not eliminated by the devil! I was eliminated by Qin Feng!"



As soon as these words came out, the whole audience was shocked again as if struck by lightning!

Immediately, Moses exclaimed:"Lord Brahma! Are you kidding me? Does Qin Feng have the ability to eliminate you?"

"yes! If my prediction is correct, Qin Feng is currently at the Lord God Realm at best! A master in the realm of gods can eliminate you!"

"That's right! I have fought against that little thief! That little thief is only half of his peak strength, and there is no way he can be your opponent! How could he possibly eliminate you!"

Shiva and Jie Yin all agreed.

Especially the tone of Venerable Jie Yin was extremely firm, as if he didn't believe Brahma's words at all.

After all, he fought Qin Feng just a few days ago!

He didn't believe that in this short time In just a few days, Qin Feng could advance to the point where he could eliminate Brahma!

Brahma smiled bitterly:"Everyone, at this point, do I need to joke?"

At this time, Abel hesitated and said:"Sir, I think Lord Brahma is telling the truth. Before I was eliminated, the little thief Qin Feng got the first-class Star Lord and won the first place in this year!"



Everyone was shocked!

Everyone's eyes were wide open!

But Brahma was smiling bitterly!

It took a while for Jie Yin and others to calm down.

Then Jie Yin swallowed his saliva and said with a bitter expression:" I really didn’t expect that! That little thief actually got the first place in this session!

Brahma also smiled bitterly:"Isn't it just the first in this session?" He also won first place in the headquarters!"


Everyone was struck by lightning again, and everyone was stunned!

Oh my God!

This time, the news brought back by the two Brahmas was more exciting than the last!

They were so shocked that their hearts could hardly stand it!

Again After a long time, Venerable Jieyin also breathed a sigh of relief.

He looked at Brahma with an extremely solemn expression:"Fellow Taoist, did Qin Feng's son really get the first place in the headquarters?!

Brahma smiled bitterly and nodded:"It's true!" Hearing this

, Jieyin couldn't help but take a deep breath:"Hiss~!" I really didn’t expect that! The little thief made such rapid progress that he actually got first place in the headquarters and broke Lord Luohu's record! By the way, how many seconds is that little thief faster than Lord Luohu?"

Hearing this, both Brahma and Abel showed strange expressions.

Then, the two couldn't help but look at each other.

The next second, Brahma said:"Fellow Daoist Jie Yin, do you know the performance record created by Master Luohu?"

Jie Yin recalled briefly and said,"If I remember correctly, Lord Luohu's time was 1 hour, 53 minutes and 16 seconds. Could it be that the little thief also reached about 1 hour and 53 minutes? Brahma smiled bitterly:"Fellow Taoist, you underestimated that little thief!" His time was 56 minutes and 12 seconds!"


These words were so shocking that the whole place was completely shattered!

Everyone was stunned on the spot! The place became dead silent!

It was as if time had stopped!

I don't know how long it had passed, but a gust of cold wind blew by, and everyone's The clothes were blown loudly!

It was only then that everyone gradually recovered.

Everyone stared at the starry sky blankly, unable to speak for a long time.

After a long time, there were a few sighs in the field.

"Why! No wonder Dajitian was so eager to kill the little thief. It turned out that the little thief's talent was so terrifying!"

Shiva sighed endlessly!

Jie Yin also took a deep breath and said:"Yes! The potential of that little thief is so terrifying! By the way, fellow Taoist Brahma, what state is that little thief in?"

"Lord God Realm!"

Jie Yin nodded slightly:"As expected! Back then, Luohu, Dajitian, and Tianzun were all in the God King realm when they broke through. Qin Feng, the little thief who has mastered the divine realm, has surpassed the results of those three people. This is more terrifying than we expected!

Shiva nodded:"Indeed!" However, fortunately, he is not at a high level now, so we can still deal with him! If he waits until he reaches the halfway stage of eternity, the Great Sacrifice Heaven will be unable to do anything to him!"

Jie Yin nodded repeatedly:"That's true! By the way, this matter is very important! I have to inform Master Jitian of this news!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the Venerable Jieying hurriedly took out a communication jade talisman and sent the latest information to the Great Sacrifice Heaven.

Shiva and Brahma did not dare to disturb them and waited silently.

Although both of them were half-steps of Dzogchen. Existence, but in front of the eternal realm, they are vulnerable!

Dajitian can easily crush them with just one finger! Breaking through from half-step eternity to the eternal realm is a qualitative leap, and it is also an insurmountable gap.!

Not long after, Venerable Jieyin finished sending the message, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing this, Brahma smiled bitterly and said:"Fellow Taoist Jieyin, Fan is so ashamed this time! My mission failed, Lord Jitian must be very disappointed, right?"

Speaking of this, Brahma looked a little lonely.

Jie Yin quickly comforted him:"Fellow Taoist, don't blame yourself! Your mission failed, but that doesn't mean we failed. In fact, we have a second plan!"

"Is there a second set?" Brahma was surprised.

He nodded:"That's right! Our second plan is to go to the Qinglong Star Territory and destroy the foundation of the little thief Qin Feng - the Blue Star Realm!"

"Without the Blue Star Realm, even if the little thief gets a first-class Star Lord, he will not be able to get involved in the inheritance of the Judgment Territory Lord. If he can't get that inheritance, Dajitian will have a way to kill him!"

Having said this, Jie Yin looked proud.

Then, he looked at Brahma again:"That's right! Fellow Taoist, it’s not a bad thing that you returned from failure this time! We were originally worried that the attack on Qinglong Star Territory this time would be somewhat insufficient."

"You returned early this time, just in time to join us in attacking the Qinglong Star Territory, so we will be more sure of destroying the foundation of that little thief!"

At this reminder, everyone's eyes lit up.

Moses even said in surprise:"Yes! If Lord Brahma joins us, it will be easier for us to destroy the Blue Star Realm!"

Brahma is also full of surprises!

He didn't expect that he would still have a chance to take revenge!

This is really another village with dark flowers and bright lights!

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