At that moment, Brahma couldn't wait to say:"Great! Welcome fellow Taoists! When should we set off?"

At this moment, he couldn't wait.

He wished he could destroy the Blue Star Realm as soon as possible and take revenge on Qin Feng!

That little thief ruined his chance of becoming a first-class Star-Lord and his chance of being ranked Star-Lord. How could he not hate it!

Seeing Brahma being so active, Jieyin also looked happy.

He was originally a little worried about Brahma showing his timidity, so he withdrew.

Now it seems that he has thought too much.

Thinking of this, the Venerable Jieying smiled and said:"Don't be anxious, fellow Taoist! We have to wait for one more person!"

Brahma was a little anxious:"Want to wait any longer? With our strength, we can attack the Qinglong Star Territory, and still have to wait for one more person!" Afraid of not being able to attack? Besides, the little thief Qin Feng is trapped in the secret realm, which is a great opportunity for us to take advantage of the opportunity to attack!"

He nodded:"Without the little thief Qin Feng, the Qinglong Star Territory is really vulnerable! However, we can't be too careless! It's best to be foolproof and not give that little thief Qin Feng any chance to breathe again!"

Shiva also said:"Fellow Brahma, don't be anxious! We have already planned it. Launch an attack on the Blue Star Realm half an hour before Qin Feng comes out! When Qin Feng comes out, the Blue Star Realm will no longer exist!"

Brahma breathed a sigh of relief:"That's good! I'm most worried about this. The only thing is that if you wait too long, when Qin Feng comes out, you will be in trouble!"

Unknowingly, Brahma was extremely afraid of Qin Feng!

Although when he was in Taiyi Tian, ​​his strength was suppressed by Taiyi Shawu and he was unable to exert his full strength, but Qin Feng's attack power was indeed terrifying!

Even without the evil mist suppressing him, he still couldn't withstand Qin Feng's blow! so. In the outside world, he did not dare to meet Qin Feng again."

At this moment, Venerable Jie Yin felt something in his heart. He took out the communication jade talisman from the storage ring again and checked...

Brahma, Shiva, and Moses all looked at him.

After a while, Jie Yin finished reading the message. , a look of joy appeared on his face.

Shiva quickly asked:"What's the matter of welcoming Taoist fellow disciples?""

Jie Yin smiled and said:"I got good news! In half an hour, fellow Taoist Vishnu will arrive!"

"What? Fellow Taoist Vishnu can arrive so soon?"

"yes! This is an hour faster than previously expected!"

Shiva and Moses both had their eyes shining.

Brahma was also surprised and happy:"Haha! It turns out that all the people my fellow Taoist was waiting for were Vishnu! That guy is also a half-step Dzogchen master!"

Jie Yin said with a smile:"If you are weak, how can I waste your time! Having said that, if Brother Vishnu can arrive in advance, it will be of great benefit to our next plan! Maybe we can start an hour earlier!

Brahma was overjoyed:"Great!" The sooner this happens, the better!

Moses also said happily:"When Lord Vishnu arrives, we will have three half-step Dzogchen masters, one half-step peak, one quasi-half-step peak, and hundreds of god kings." Such strength should be enough!

Jie Yin took a deep breath and said,"Not enough!" This time when we go to the Qinglong Star Territory, we will pass through the Dark Demonic Territory! I plan to invite the Dark Territory Lord to join, and that guy is also a half-step peak expert!"

Hearing this, Moses' expression suddenly changed slightly.

There is enmity between the Dark Demon Realm and the Light God Realm!

This time, Venerable Jieyin wanted to invite the Lord of the Dark Realm. It would be extremely embarrassing for both parties to meet.

Seeing this, Jieyin quickly comforted him:"Moses, I know that you and the Dark Demon Realm are not going to deal with each other! Now that the Lord of the Light Domain has fallen, I'm afraid you are no match for the Dark Demon Domain!"

"This time I came forward to invite the Dark Territory Lord to resolve the grudges between you! Besides, don’t you want to use the power of the Dark Territory Lord to avenge the Light Territory Lord?"


Moses looked confused.

Qin Feng killed his brother Guangming Territory Lord, and also killed his son Ye Shen. Their hatred has long been sworn in!

If you want to say who he hates more, it is naturally Qin Feng!

Thinking of this, Moses let out a long sigh:"It's all up to you!"

After hearing this, Master Jie Ying also secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Now, in order to deal with Qin Feng, he wants to unite all the forces that can be united.

If the Light God Realm and the Dark Demon Realm can cooperate, it will naturally be of great help to his plan.

At that moment, Jie Yin smiled and said:"Then it's settled! Everyone, let's just wait for Fellow Taoist Vishnu to arrive!"

"That's exactly what it should be!"

Shiva and others all agreed.


At this moment, the communication jade talisman in the hands of the Venerable Jie Ying lit up again with a faint aura.

He quickly picked it up and looked at it!

After a moment, his face showed He was overjoyed.

Shiva asked again:"What's the matter with welcoming fellow Taoists?""

Jie Yin said excitedly:"This time it is Dajitian who replied to my message! After he received the information I reported, he immediately used his contacts and invited a super power to help!"

"Super powerful?! Who is that person?"

Shiva and others all showed curiosity.

Then he smiled proudly and said:"That person is one of the five powerful ones!"


As soon as these words came out, everyone was full of competition and ecstatic!

Moses even exclaimed:"He is actually the strongest of the five! Those are the five strongest people in the eternal realm! It is rumored that each of them has the strength to kill Dzogchen in half a step! Sir, who among the five unique talents is here this time?"

Jie Yin said with a smile:"It's Kun Ancestor among the Five Ultimates!"

"Oh My God! It’s Kun Zu! That is the fastest among the Five Ultimates! Rumor has it that he is also good at attacking, and his single blow can break through 100 trillion stars!"

"yes! That's great! With Kun Zu joining us, we will win!"

At this moment, both Shiva and Moses were excited.

Brahma was also so excited that his face turned red.

However, another thought came to his mind.

Qin Feng's strength may have reached the level of the Five Ultimates.

At least the little thief's attack The power has reached more than 80 trillion stars, and it has entered the threshold of the Five Ultimates! It

’s just that a few people have been introduced but they don’t know yet!

However, that is not important anymore!

This time, there is no need to wait for Qin Feng to come out, the Blue Star Realm will Being destroyed, everything was better than he expected!

Thinking of this, Brahma sighed with emotion

"Guide fellow Taoists, the Five Ultimates are the most promising beings to be promoted to the eternal realm! Ordinary Eternal Realm powerful people may not be able to invite them. This time, the Great Sacrifice actually invited Kun Zu, which was a bit surprising!"

Jie Yin also sighed:"Yes! It is estimated that the Great Sacrifice spent a lot of money! By the way, by the time Kunzu arrives, it will probably be too late! Why don't we wait and rush to the Qinglong Star Territory first!

Brahma smiled and said,"That's right!" We might as well go and take the lead first! Maybe we can complete the mission without Kun Zu arriving!"

Jie Yin laughed and said:"Haha! Quite possibly!"

At this moment, the group of people were waiting for Vishnu while preparing for departure.

The plan to destroy the Blue Star Realm had begun.…..

At the same moment, in the Great Luotian Realm, inside the Supervisor Temple.

Qin Feng flew forward along the starlight channel.

At this point, he finally reached the end of the passage.

With a flash of white light, he passed through the light door at the end of the passage and entered a huge secret world.

Qin Feng looked around and saw a vast and boundless sea of ​​fog.

The fog sea was actually gray, white, black, green, and gold in five colors, and it was composed of the five innate evil fogs.

It contains the power of the five innate powers, and its evil aura is astonishing!

As soon as Qin Feng showed up, the innate power of the Five Supreme Beings that covered the sky and the earth came overwhelming towards him.....

Poof~! Poof~! Poof~!

The next second, the five innate powers collapsed one after another, without having the slightest impact on Qin Feng.

Seeing this scene, Qin Feng felt lucky!

Fortunately, he has mastered the Dao of the Fifth Innate Master, so he is not affected by the power of the Fifth Innate Master.

Otherwise, his strength will be greatly suppressed in this secret realm.

Each type of innate evil mist will suppress 10% of the combat power, and the five kinds of evil mist together will suppress 50% of the combat power!

It's a pity that it has no effect on Qin Feng!

Qin Feng raised the corner of his mouth slightly and continued to observe the surroundings...

Soon, his eyes fell in front of him....

There is a divine object that reaches the sky. It is shaped like a wooden whip and has twenty-one segments in total. It is as long as a planet. It reaches the sky and emits a shocking spiritual light, shining through the entire secret realm. It is extremely majestic!

If you look closely, this magical object seems to be a magical whip.....

Qin Feng's heart moved and he quickly spied on him......

【Divine Whip: Tao-level wonder, the only one in the universe, whose owner has not yet been recognized!】

【Use the divine whip to control the titles in the heavens! With a whip, the God-Lord fell, the Star-Lord was shattered, and the God-King could not resist! Only half a step above eternity can one resist one or two!】

【Reminder: This object contains 1 innate avenue and 30 acquired avenues....】

【Reminder: Only those with the title of 'Supreme Star Lord' are eligible to be recognized as the master! 】


After this peek, Qin Feng was pleasantly surprised!

This is the magic whip!

Finally saw its true form!

He wants to truly control the 'Hongyuan Universe', not only to obtain the inheritance of the Lord of the Trial Domain, but also to obtain the recognition of the Nine Avenue-level wonders!

Now, he finally saw the second strange object, and he has not yet recognized its owner.

Looking at the conditions for him to recognize his master, he must be a supreme star-lord in order for him to recognize his master.

This seems to be a deliberate arrangement!

The Supreme Star-Lord, only challengers have a chance to obtain it!

Isn't that what was arranged for him?

Qin Feng laughed!

However, he has not completed the challenge yet and is not yet the Supreme Star-Lord. correct!

He has entered the secret realm!

So what is the challenge?

Qin Feng looked around again, looking for the target....

Buzz~! Buzz~! Buzz~!

At this moment, countless stars appeared out of thin air in front of them, and then converged into four large light groups.....

The next second, the four large light groups turned into four heaven-reaching demon gods!

Some have the head of a snake, some have the head of a dragon and the body of a leopard, some have the head of a woman and have the body of a leopard, and some have the head of thunder wings. All of them are so powerful that they are astonishing!

Qin Feng quickly spied on one of the demon gods.…..

【Evil Spirit]: Strong and good

【Realm]: Half-step to eternal perfection

【Combat power: 8.2 trillion stars

【Characteristics]: Divine Whip Guardian Spirit...

【Remarks]: The true spirit is damaged and the spirituality is incomplete.

"Hey~! Is this Qiangliang?"

Qin Feng's eyes lit up, he was surprised and happy!

Qiang Liang is one of the twelve ancestral witches!

That was also one of the targets he was looking for. He didn't expect to appear here.

By now, Qin Feng already knew that Long The Twelve Ancestral Witches in the Guo myth are the Twelve Emperors of this universe.

Now, he has the weapon of the Great Dao - the Emperor's Pearl of Witchcraft and Dao, and needs to find the reincarnations of the Twelve Emperors.

As long as he finds the Twelve Emperors By respecting the reincarnation of the emperor's sons, and letting them fuse with the emperor's beads of witchcraft, they can become the masters of the witches.

By then, they will be of great help to Qin Feng!

Qin Feng has found eight of them. Six hatchlings including Emperor Zi, Di Jiang, and Zhu Jiuyin and Shebi Shi have not yet hatched.

The remaining Qiang Liang, Xizi, Xuan Ming, and Liao Suo have not been found before.

Now, Qin Feng discovered Strong Liang.

Judging from his state, he is delirious!

He may have to turn it into a spiritual egg like Shebishi and Zhu Jiuyin.

By the way!

The remaining three demon gods are....

Qin Feng went to explore the three demon gods one after another.....

【Evil Spirit]: Xizi

【Realm]: Half-step to eternal perfection

【Combat power: 8.2 trillion stars

【Characteristics]: Divine Whip Guardian Spirit........

【Evil spirits]: 蓐 harvest

【Realm]: Half-step to eternal perfection

【Combat power]: 8.1 trillion stars

【Characteristics]: Divine Whip Guardian Spirit.........

【Evil Spirit]: Xuan Ming

【Combat power]: 8.3 trillion stars

【Realm]: Half-step to eternal perfection

【Characteristics]: Divine Whip Guardian Spirit.......

Qin Feng was pleasantly surprised!

The four emperors he was looking for were actually right in front of him!

Among them, Xuan Ming is still a woman.

However, all of them have damaged true spirits and incomplete intelligence, and have been transformed by heaven into the guardian spirits of the 'God Whip'.....

Then what's next....


Before Qin Feng could think about it, a sudden change occurred in the field!

Qiangliang, Liaoshou, Xizi, and Xuanming took the initiative to come together and merged strangely!

In just a moment, the four demon gods merged into one, turning into a monster with a height of billions of feet, four heads and eight arms, and a human body with dragon scales.The demon god's momentum soared to 17 trillion stars!

Qin Feng was a little stunned and wanted to pry away.....


At this moment, the sky shook, and there was a reminder from Heaven...

【Challenge Reminder: Congratulations to contestant 'Qin Feng' for entering the Five Color Sky and officially activating the 'Supreme Star Lord' challenge...】

PS:It's the beginning of the month, and the author would like to ask all readers for your monthly votes. Thank you all!...

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