Jie Yin smiled and said:"It's a message from Kun Zu! He will arrive in about an hour!"

Brahma was overjoyed:"About an hour? Isn't that the time when Qin Feng's son will come out?"

Jie Yin nodded. :"Exactly!"

Brahma said happily:"Haha! That's great! When Kunzu arrives, we will join forces with him and kill Qin Feng's son together!"

Jieyin laughed:"Haha! This is the great sacrifice to heaven. Meaning!"

Vishnu curled his lips:"If you really want to destroy that Qin Feng kid, I'll be enough! There's no need to bother Kun Zu at all!"

God Ra, Shiva, and the Lord of Darkness all nodded, approving of Vishnu Slave's point of view.

Seeing this, Brahma opened his mouth, but seemed to hesitate again.

He thought for a moment and closed his mouth, knowing that talking would be useless!


These guys underestimate Qin Feng!

When they met Qin Feng, they realized how arrogant they were.

Of course, we can’t blame them entirely!

If he hadn't experienced it himself, he wouldn't have believed that Qin Feng could be so strong!

It is estimated that Qin Feng's strength is very close to the Five Ultimates!

Brahma murmured in his heart.

According to the sentient beings' assessment of the strength of the Five Ultimates, the minimum attack power must reach 90 trillion stars!

When Brahma faced Qin Feng for the last time, Qin Feng's attack reached 84 trillion stars, which was almost the same as 90 trillion!

Because of this, Fancai believed that Qin Feng's strength was close to the Five Ultimates.

He didn't know that Qin Feng's current attack power had already exceeded 90 trillion.

Even without using the power of Six Paths of Reincarnation and Sacrifice, his attack would be close to 120 trillion.

It would be even more terrifying if it unleashed the strongest blow.

Obviously, Brahma also underestimated Qin Feng.

He could not have imagined that Qin Feng's strength would be so different in just one day.

However, he has tried his best to evaluate Qin Feng fairly.

On the other hand, Vishnu and others far underestimated Qin Feng.

Even Venerable Lian Ying actually suspected that Brahma had overestimated Qin Feng.

Of course, Jie Yin knew more than Vishnu and the others, and he didn't dare to be careless.

At that moment, Hui Yin smiled and said:"Brother Bi, letting Kunzu deal with Qin Feng is a big sacrifice to heaven. We don't need to comment. We'll speed up the time and destroy Qin Feng's lair!"

Vishnu Nodding slightly:"That's right!"

As soon as these words were said, the strong men said nothing more.

The next second, they speeded up and rushed towards their home base in the Qinglong Star Territory.....

At the same moment, Qinglong Star Territory’s lair.

There are hundreds of planets in the central area, one of which is the Blue Star Realm.

The Blue Star Realm is originally a low-grade planet, very small in size, and inconspicuous among the hundreds of planets!

But it is the key protection target of Qinglong Star Territory!

At this moment, hundreds of God Kings gathered above the Blue Star Realm.

The Lord of Azure Dragon Territory hangs above the kings of gods.

At this time, he looked a little nervous and a little expectant.

In less than an hour, Qin Feng will come out!

Then his mission of protecting the Blue Star Realm can be considered successfully completed.

I hope nothing will happen in the last few seconds!

Thinking of this, the Azure Dragon Territory Lord couldn't help but take a deep breath.

In order to protect the Blue Star Realm, he has mobilized 90% of the God Kings in the Azure Dragon Star Realm here.

At this moment, Venerable Ziyuan's voice sounded behind him

"Territory Lord, in fifty minutes, the Great Luotian Realm will be closed, and Lord Qin Feng will return! I don’t know what strength Master Qin Feng will have when he returns this time."

Zi Yuan's tone was full of curiosity.

The Qinglong Territory Master pondered:"Before Fellow Taoist Qin Feng entered, his comprehensive strength reached half a peak! This time, he will be promoted to the Lord God Realm and become the Star Master! If my predictions are correct, his strength should be raised to half-step to the level of Dzogchen!

Zi Yuan exclaimed:"Hi~!" Oh My God! Half-step to Dzogchen! Territory Lord, will Lord Qin Feng really become that strong?"

Qinglong Territory Lord smiled slightly:"Yes! He is one of the most talented people I have ever met. I believe he can do it!"

Speaking of this, the Azure Dragon Territory Lord raised his head slightly and looked into the depths of the starry sky, with expectation in his eyes. However,

Venerable Zi Yuan took a deep breath and showed a look of worry.

He saw that his Territory Lord believed so much in Lord Qin Feng.

If Master Qin Feng's strength does not reach the Half-Step Perfection, I am afraid that he will disappoint his domain master. He has a good impression of Qin Feng, and naturally hopes that Qin Feng can do it!

Obviously, Zi Yuan underestimated Qin Feng's growth speed!

Not only did Zi Yuan underestimate it, but the Azure Dragon Territory Lord also underestimated it!

Now, Qin Feng’s strength is more than half-step of Dzogchen?

He has exceeded the half-step limit, reached the level of the Five Ultimates, and is even considered the best among the Five Ultimates.

Of course, Qin Feng still has a lot of resources to digest!

When he finishes refining the Hongmeng Purple Qi, he will be promoted to the high-level Lord of the Universe in one fell swoop. By then, Qin Feng's strength will skyrocket, and he may be able to Surpass the Five Ultimates and become the first person in eternity!

"Huh! This is…."

At this moment, the Azure Dragon Territory Master suddenly felt something in his heart and quickly looked outside the center of the Star Territory.....

At this glance, he saw seven tiny black spots outside the center of the star field, heading towards the center of the star field.

The speed of those seven black spots is extremely fast, which is extremely extraordinary at first sight.

He looked closely and found that the seven black spots were seven human beings!

Looking at the speed of those people, they have all reached the half-step eternity level!

The Lord of Qinglong Territory suddenly felt bad.

At this time, Zi Yuan also discovered something unusual.

He couldn't help but said nervously:"Lord, it seems that seven half-step eternal experts have arrived. Could it be?..."

Zi Yuan looked a little uneasy.

At this moment, the god kings in the field were all alarmed and looked around one after another.

After seeing the plot in the distance clearly, the god kings were also panicked.

Seven Half-Step Eternals suddenly appeared, something was wrong!

At this moment, the Qinglong Territory Lord looked solemn:"At this time, so many half-step eternal beings suddenly appeared! I'm afraid the coming ones are not good!"

Zi Yuan's face changed slightly:"Field Lord, what should I do?"

The Qinglong Territory Lord took a deep breath. In one breath:"You guys stay here! I'll go meet them for a while first!"

Zi Yuan was startled:"Lord, if you go alone, I'm afraid it might be dangerous. It's better to use your strongest state so that you can move forward and retreat freely!"

The Qinglong Territory Lord nodded slightly:"That's exactly what it should be!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he made a seal with his hand and activated the secret technique!


All of a sudden, all the stars in the center of the entire star field were filled with auras!

Phew~! Phew~! Phew~!

The next second, each star flew out with a golden light and poured into the body of the Qinglong Territory Lord.....

His momentum suddenly skyrocketed like crazy....

It turns out that the Lord of Qinglong Domain has activated the power of heaven and earth to feed back, and is absorbing the power of heaven and earth in the center of the entire star domain, allowing himself to reach the strongest state!

Every Star Territory Lord is the strongest in his own lair!

The actions of the Qinglong Territory Lord naturally alarmed all the planets.

The creatures on the planet all raised their heads and looked towards the location of the Azure Dragon Territory Lord.....

At the same moment, in the Blue Star Realm, in the floating city, in a secret room.

The mirage clone, the moon spirit clone, the ice spirit clone, and the wood spirit clone are meditating with their eyes closed.

At this time, the huge movement outside alerted the four clones.

At that moment, the four clones opened their eyes one after another!

Boom~! Boom~! Boom~!

The next second, the consciousness of the four clones was released, sweeping across the entire center of the star field in an instant, and also scanned the seven people!

It turns out that a powerful enemy is coming!

Soon, the four clones figured out the cause of the matter!

At that moment, Phantom Mirage, Moon Spirit, and Ice Spirit slowly stood up.

Together with the Qinglong Territory Lord, they were going to meet with the seven people.

The wood spirit didn't move!

He planned to stay behind temporarily and wait and see what happened.

If there are more than seven people on the other side, and there are others watching, it will be a trick to lure the tiger away from the mountain.

No matter what, Qin Feng must protect the Blue Star Realm and his home base in the Azure Dragon Star Territory.

The Azure Dragon Territory Lord treated him very well!

He cannot harm his home base in the Qinglong Star Territory because of this!

Just like that, the figures of Phantom Mirage, Moon Spirit, and Ice Spirit flashed and disappeared into the secret room.....

At the same moment, above the Blue Star Realm.

The Azure Dragon Territory Lord has absorbed all the power of heaven and earth!

At this moment, his momentum reached 8 trillion stars, suddenly reaching the half-step of the Great Perfection level!

This greatly increased the confidence of the Lord of the Azure Dragon Territory.

At that moment, he showed a confident smile!

He didn't know yet that among the seven people who came, four were half-step to Dzogchen.

If he knew, he wouldn't be so confident

"OK! Zi Yuan, you just stay here. I go over and take a look!"

At this moment, the Qinglong Territory Lord gave an order and planned to leave......

Zi Yuan was a little worried:"Lord! There are seven people on the other side! You have to be careful!"


The Qinglong Territory Master nodded slightly, and his expression became serious.

There were so many people on the other side, and he didn't dare to be careless!

Whoosh~! Whoosh~! Whoosh~!

At this moment, white lights flashed around him!

Mirage, Moon Spirits and ice spirits appeared out of thin air one after another.

"Huh! It's you!

The Qinglong Territory Master recognized the three clones at a glance, and a look of surprise suddenly appeared in his eyes.

He naturally knew that these three were Qin Feng's clones!

He has also seen three major clones take action, and their comprehensive strength has reached the half-step eternity level, which must not be underestimated!

Having said that, Qin Feng's four clones have extremely strong concealment skills.

Even though they were all in the Blue Star Realm, the Azure Dragon Territory Lord did not sense them.

The Qinglong Territory Lord was not easy to inquire about, and thought that these four clones followed Qin Feng to the Great Luotian Realm.

After all, these four clones are not weak in strength, and bringing them into the secret realm will be of great help.

Now it seems that Qin Feng only took one away and left three behind!

"Brother Qinglong, is there a powerful enemy coming?"

The mirage clone took the initiative to say hello.

The Qinglong Territory Lord did not dare to neglect.

This clone also represented Qin Feng.

At that moment, he said:"Seven half-step eternal experts are here, most likely looking for trouble. I was just going to meet them for a while!"

Huan Mirage smiled slightly:"Brother, then the three of us will accompany you and go meet them for a while!

The Qinglong Territory Lord was overjoyed:"That's the best!" All three of you have half-step eternal strength. With you by your side, Qing will not be alone!"

Hearing this, the three clones looked at each other and showed secretive smiles.

Now, the strength of the main body has soared, and the basic combat power is almost close to 13 trillion.

This also makes their combat power and momentum break. reached 10 trillion stars.

However, the weakness of the clones is the lack of attack amplification methods. Their attack power will not be doubled too much, but it has fully reached the level of half-step perfection. In other words, the four major clones The comprehensive combat power has all reached the half-step of Great Perfection, which is not comparable to the half-step of eternity.

Obviously, the Qinglong Territory Lord underestimated them!

The three clones of the fantasy mirage did not say anything.

At that moment, the fantasy mirage said:"Old Qinglong Brother, let’s set off!"


As soon as he finished speaking, the Azure Dragon Territory Lord took the lead and left.

The three clones followed closely behind him!

The God Kings watched nervously.....

At the same moment, inside the Blue Star Realm.

The wood spirit clone was hiding in the dark, silently watching every movement outside!

He is the hidden trump card!

If there is an emergency change, he can teleport to the three clones with a space summon.....

Just like this, under the secret attention of the wood spirit clone, Qinglong Territory Lord and his party and Jie Yin and his party quickly approached.

Not long after, the Azure Dragon Territory Lord and the three major clones arrived at the boundary of the Star Territory lair, and were very close to Jieyin and his party.

The two sides are only hundreds of millions of miles apart, and they can barely see each other clearly!

This makes both parties nervous!

Everyone slowed down and approached slowly.

The tense atmosphere gradually formed....

At this moment, something was happening in Daluotian.

At this time, in the corner of the Merit Pavilion.

Qin Feng's body was constantly illuminated by the aura of the avenue.

When those spiritual lights stopped, he slowly opened his eyes, his face full of joy.

He finally refined all the Taiqing Dao Crystals!

This efficiency far exceeded his expectations!

Since the creation of Jade Butterfly has advanced, the refining speed has also been accelerated.

All in all, he now has 1,468 avenues under his control, and his combat power has soared to 12.82 trillion stars.

After all, this is still a hair short of his goal of 13 trillion!

He has no resources left to refine.

The remaining Name Dao Crystal (Xiantian) and Hongmeng Purple Qi are still being refined and will not be completely refined for a while.

"It’s still a bit worse! I don’t know when the famous Dao Crystal and Hongmeng Purple Qi will be completely refined?"

Qin Feng muttered in his heart, feeling a little anxious.

"Hey~! This is...."

Suddenly, he seemed to sense something and raised his head to look in the direction of the Qinglong Star Territory.....

The next second, he frowned slightly.

It turned out that through the telepathy of the four clones, he sensed the attack of Jie Yin and others.

Now, the three clones and the seven leading people are about to meet!

Through the eyes of the phantom clone, he vaguely noticed that there seemed to be four half-step Dzogchen opposite!

"Came just in time!"

Qin Feng slowly withdrew his gaze and frowned slightly.

He still has more than forty minutes before he can leave the Great Luotian Realm, and the first wave of enemy attacks has arrived.

Looking at the momentum of the incoming enemies, I am afraid that the four major clones and Together with the Azure Dragon Territory Master, he won’t be able to gain any advantage!

If he can break through 13 trillion combat power now, he should be able to gain an advantage!

The combination of the famous Dao Crystal and Hongmeng Purple Qi will still take a lot of time. It's impossible in a short time, don't count on it

"Is there no other way? Huh! correct!"

When this happened, Qin Feng's eyes lit up, and he seemed to have thought of something, and his face showed a look of joy.

It turned out that he had thought of a wonderful method, which allowed his combat power to exceed 13 trillion in a very short period of time.!

Thinking of this, Qin Feng started to act....

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