When Qin Feng turned his hand, a golden token emerged, with the words 'Hongmeng Star-Lord' engraved on the front!

That is his Star Lord Token!

Follow the prompts, and when he returns to the Blue Star Realm, Tiandao will automatically distribute planet rewards and promote the Blue Star Realm to a Hongmeng-level planet!

He will also be automatically promoted to a true Star Master!

At that time, he will be able to obtain some Star Lord permissions, such as controlling the power of heaven and earth in the Blue Star Realm.

What's even better is that after he becomes Star Master, he can promote Longyuan City to Longyuan Sanctuary!

Long Yuan will receive extremely generous rewards!

He will also become the Lord of the Sanctuary and receive extremely generous personal rewards!

By then, it should be easy to break through 13 trillion combat power!

At this thought, Qin Feng felt excited!

Then, he opened his personal panel and entered the trading channel...

It turned out that Qin Feng's idea was to trade the Star Master token to the Kodama clone so that it could operate the upgrade of the Blue Star Realm!

After all, the four clones are all extensions of his body and can theoretically complete the upgrade on his behalf!

Soon, Qin Feng finished trading the tokens!

After doing this, he took a deep breath, turned his palm over, and a purple air ball appeared.

That is the Hongmeng Purple Qi, which has been 94% refined by the mind body!

In order to speed up the progress, he had to come and refine it himself.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng closed his eyes and began to refine the Hongmeng Purple Qi...

At the same moment, in the Blue Star Realm, in the secret room of the floating city.

Mu Ling felt something in his mind and body, and withdrew his gaze to the outside world, and opened the trading channel...

The next second, he took out the Star Lord Token from the trading channel!

I don’t know if that’s possible?

The wood spirit clone looked at the token in his hand and felt uneasy.

Then, he broke his finger and coagulated blood, dripping it onto the token!


As soon as the essence and blood landed on the token, it was completely absorbed at a speed visible to the naked eye!


The next second, the token lit up with a dazzling golden light, lighting up the entire secret room!

Mu Ling is overjoyed!

Ha ha!

Token activated!

In other words, he can operate the Star Lord Token to upgrade the Blue Star Realm!

At that moment, Mu Ling picked up the token and began to operate...

At the same moment, at the boundary of the center of the Qinglong Star Territory!

The three major clones and the Qinglong Territory Lord have met the seven people.

The two sides are facing each other in the starry sky!

At this moment, the Qinglong Territory Lord's expression was extremely ugly.

He recognized Ra, Shiva, Vishnu, Brahma, and the Lord of Darkness at a glance.

Unexpectedly, these five guys also joined the side of the Master, and they were all stronger than him!

Of course, within a radius of tens of billions of miles of his home base, he can borrow the power of heaven and earth from his home base, and his combat power can be comparable to half a step of perfection, and he can overwhelm the Dark Territory Lord.

God Korah, Shiva, Vishnu, and Brahma are all half-steps of Dzogchen!

How could he handle four of them by himself?

What's more, there are Dark Territory Lord, Lord Jieyin, and Moses on the opposite side!

The current situation is extremely bad!

Thinking of this, the Qinglong Territory Lord broke out in cold sweat on his forehead!

He was worried, what should he do next?

However, the three clones of Phantom Mirage, Moon Spirit, and Wood Spirit looked at the seven Jieyin people calmly, without any fluctuation in their expressions... At the same time, Master Jieyin was also looking at the four Qinglong Territory Lords, with expressions on their faces. All showed playful smiles.

When they saw the Phantom's three-part body, they couldn't help but frown. what happened?!

The Azure Dragon Territory Lord actually brought three Lord God Realm ants. He really looked down on them!

However, these three main god ants all look very similar, like three brothers from the same mother.

Except for the Venerable Jie Yin, the other six people on the Jie Yin side had never seen the three clones.

At this moment, Venerable Jieyin moved his lips slightly and transmitted the message to the other six people.

"Everyone, have you seen the three young people behind Qinglong? The three of them are all Qin Feng's clones!"

"Uh~! Doppelgänger! I see!"

The six Shivas looked surprised.

Then Vishnu said with disdain:"They are just three clones of the main god realm, they shouldn't be that strong! I'm afraid it's better to be half-step eternity, right?"

Jie Yin took a deep breath and said:"Friend Bi, don't underestimate Qin Feng's clone! These three clones all have semi-eternal strength, which is much stronger than the quasi-half-eternity!"

As soon as these words came out, all the great powers were stunned!

Vishnu was even more embarrassed, and his old face turned slightly red.

But then, he said disdainfully:"Haha! Even if these three clones have half a step of eternal strength, I can easily crush them all by myself!

Brahma quickly agreed:"This is natural!" Brother Pi is half a step into the Great Perfection! Even if you are one against three, you can easily defeat them!"

Jie Yin also said:"Let's start soon, we will destroy Qin Feng's three clones first! Don’t hold back, everyone! Brahma sneered:"

I will never hold back!" I must destroy a clone with my own hands to relieve the hatred in my heart!"

Brahma's tone was gritting his teeth.

He really hated Qin Feng!

At this time, La Shen also said:"Haha! There are only three half-step clones of eternal strength. With our level of strength, I am afraid that I can destroy them all with just one face-to-face encounter!

Shiva smiled and said:"I think so too!" After a while, I took action to resist the Azure Dragon Territory Lord! You deal with those three clones!"

"That's exactly what it should be!"

After this transmission, the seven people were invited to complete the conspiracy, with a hint of joking smile in their eyes.

It seemed that they had already captured the three clones!

At this moment, the Azure Dragon Territory Lord boldly approached, And said hello to Jie Yin and others

"Everyone, long time no see! I wonder why you are here today?"

The Azure Dragon Territory Lord greeted him politely.

All the others showed disdain!

If this place was not the hometown of the Azure Dragon Star Territory, they would not take the Azure Dragon Territory Lord seriously.

The Territory Lord of a small star territory , the cultivation level is only half a step to the eternal level, how can it be compared with them! At present, after borrowing the power of heaven and earth, the strength of the Qinglong Territory Lord can also reach half a step of Great Perfection, which makes them look at it a little more.

The expression on the person's face was still aloof!

In this world where strength is respected, the strong will always be respected.

At that moment, the Venerable Jie Ying sneered and said:"Lord Qinglong Territory, why are we here? , you still don’t know the reason?"

Qinglong Territory Lord swallowed his saliva:"This...fellow Taoist, what's the matter with you, please tell me clearly!"

Jie Yin sneered:"Okay! Then I will say it clearly! We are here to destroy Qin Feng’s home base - the Blue Star Realm! If you hand over the Blue Star Realm, this matter will have nothing to do with you! If you don’t pay! You have to get involved! Then don’t blame me for waiting!"


As soon as these words were said, the Qinglong Territory Lord's expression changed drastically.

He did not expect that the Venerable Jie Yin would be so straightforward and let him make a choice directly!

The Qinglong Territory Lord frowned:"Fellow Taoist, Qing promised Brother Qin Feng , will help him protect the Blue Star Realm before he comes out. You acted like this just because you wanted to force Qing! Feel sorry! Qing cannot do anything to betray his friends!"

"Besides, if you want to cause trouble for Brother Qin Feng, why don't you just wait for him to come out of confinement. If you had to come and destroy his lair while he was away, you would inevitably act like a villain!"

These words were spoken with righteousness!

Jie Yin and others blushed and were a little embarrassed.

They came to take advantage of others' danger, but they didn't expect to be directly exposed by the Lord of Qinglong Territory.

At that moment, Jie Yin He became angry and said:"It's so noisy! Qinglong, if you refuse to hand over the Blue Star Realm, then I won’t be polite to you! Everyone, take action!"

As soon as the words fell, the seven people took action immediately!

Boom~! Boom~! Boom~!

Brahma, Dark Territory Lord, and Moses pounced directly on the ice spirit clone!

Vishnu and Jieyin pounced on Yue. Spirit clone!

The most powerful Ra God pounced on the phantom mirage clone alone!

"not good!"

The Qinglong Territory Lord's expression changed drastically!

He was just about to go to help the three clones when an earth-shattering roar came from ahead.

A monstrous force came directly towards him.

The Azure Dragon Territory Lord was horrified and quickly looked up. Seeing that Shiva was already approaching.

That Shiva was a leader in the half-step of Dzogchen. He dared to look down upon him, so he had to resist in a hurry!

It’s just that the three clones of Phantom Mirage are in trouble!

Those three clones are only half-step of eternal strength. , but the seven people were led to send half-step Dzogchen to attack, and there were even people to assist. I am afraid that just one confrontation can severely damage the three clones, or even kill them on the spot!

At this thought, the Azure Dragon Territory Lord lamented in his heart, But there was nothing he could do.

Shiva's attack had already arrived, and he had to resist... boom~boom~boom~!

At this moment, Brahma, the Dark Territory Lord, and Moses had already reached the Ice Spirit.

"Little thief! Die!"

Brahma's face turned red with excitement!


As soon as he got close, he struck with all his strength with his sword, striking directly at Bing Ling's face!

Boom~! Boom~!

The Dark Territory Lord and Moses also took action at the same time!

One sword! One staff!

All of them were one blow with all their strength!

At that moment, the momentum of the three attacks were connected, and the power of the combined attack was comparable to 37 trillion stars. It was terrifying to the extreme!

Click~! Click~! Click~!

The momentum of the combined attack, It caused the void to crack, the avenue to shatter, and it went straight towards the wood spirit...

Such a terrifying blow could definitely kill a half-step eternity!

At the same time, Vishnu and Master Jie Yin also approached the moon spirit..

Venerable Jie Yin instantly launched the Jie Tian Baozhu, and smashed it directly towards Yue Ling's head!

Vishnu also punched with all his strength, and blasted at Yue Ling's clone!


At the same time, it was wrapped around Vishnu's arm. The demonic snake on top of it instantly turned into a billion-meter-high figure, opened its mouth wide open, and bit directly towards Yue Ling...

The aura erupted by the demonic snake suddenly reached the half-step eternity level, and was even stronger than Moses!

It was just It’s Vishnu’s war pet—the demon snake Naga!


At this moment, the joint force of Vishnu, Jieyin, and Naga took shape, and the momentum was earth-shattering!

The power of that blow was incredible It's stronger than 39 trillion stars, and it's stronger than the three Brahmas together! On the other side, the most powerful God of Ra also kills in front of the phantom mirage clone!


I saw a flash of sword light!

The golden color in the hand of God Ra The long sword slashed straight at the phantom mirage!

Ka~! Ka~! Ka~!

When the sword was slashed out, the starry sky was split, the sky and the earth were shattered, the sword light connected to the sky and the earth, and its power suddenly reached 40 trillion stars. Super!

At this moment, the Azure Dragon Territory Lord was using all his strength to attack Shiva's trident with his sword!

But at this moment, he sensed three waves of heaven-destroying momentum rising behind him, and each wave was stronger than the last. , the weakest ones are all 37 trillion stars!

The Qinglong Territory Lord's face instantly turned pale and became extremely ugly!

Although he did not look back, the momentum of those three terrifying attacks was beyond his reach. , let alone Qin Feng’s three clones.

In fact, not to mention him, most half-step Dzogchens couldn’t catch such a terrifying three blows!

Those three clones were finished!

The Lord of Qinglong Territory felt despair!


At this time, Shiva's attack has arrived!

The Qinglong Territory Lord has no other care, so he has to face it...

Just when the Qinglong Territory Lord felt desperate, Brahma and others showed a ferocious smile, all of them were... Their faces were filled with excitement!

They seemed to have seen the scene where the three clones were killed by them!

At this moment, the three clones took action at the same time!

The Ice Spirit clone instantly used the Xihuang Sword and faced Brahma. , Dark Territory Lord, and Moses.

The Moon Spirit clone sacrificed the Four Heaven-Destroying Swords, opened the sword formation, fired out billions of light arrows, and met Vishnu, Jieyin Venerable, and Naga! The

Phantom Mirage clone Sacrifice the weapon of the great road - six pure bamboos, and meet the sword of Ra God!

In the blink of an eye, the two sides' attacks collided!


First there was a burst of gold and iron! It resounded throughout the world! The Azure

Dragon Territory Lord and Shiva There was a blow first!

Both sides groaned and were pushed back thousands of feet at the same time. They fought evenly!

Bang~! Bang~! Bang~!

Then, there were three more loud noises of heaven-shattering and earth-shattering sounds! All the stars in the sky exploded!

The next second, there was a muffled sound in the field!

The Azure Dragon Territory Lord quickly looked back and saw that God Ra, Brahma, Vishnu and others were all shaken back thousands of meters...

And Mirage, Yue Ling and Bing Ling were knocked back tens of thousands of feet, but fell below without any injuries!


This scene made the Azure Dragon Territory Lord dumbfounded!

He didn't expect that the three clones actually caught the attack!

La Shen, Jie Yin and others were also dumbfounded.

One by one, they looked at the three clones in disbelief!

The atmosphere in the venue was somewhat solidified at that moment!

However, the strong men quickly recovered.

The receptionist was even more shocked and angry!

He invited so many powerful people here just to complete the tasks assigned by Dajitian!

If he failed again, how could he have the face to see the Great Sacrifice God again?!

At that moment, he roared

"These three guys must have used some kind of secret technique! Otherwise, with their level, how could they unleash such a powerful attack! Everyone! That kind of secret technique cannot last forever! We continue the siege!"

With this reminder, all the powerful men showed their faces in astonishment!

They also felt that only this explanation can make sense.

"Do it!"

Boom~! Boom~! Boom~!

At that moment, he led six people to kill the three clones again.

Shiva also killed the Azure Dragon Territory Lord!

The two sides started fighting!

Suddenly, the boundary of the star field came out, The sky was shattered and the stars were dark!

The scene was extremely terrifying!

Looking at the fighting situation, the three clones were only slightly at a disadvantage!

The Blue Dragon Territory Lord and Shiva were tied!

For a time, even the seven people who were recruited could not gain any advantage.!

At this moment, in the sky above the Blue Star Realm, hundreds of God Kings looked at the battle in the distance, each one dumbfounded!

They were completely dumbfounded!

After a long time, someone in the crowd sighed.

"Oh My God! Master Qin Feng's three clones are all so strong! How terrible!"

"yes! Looking at the strength of the three clones, all of them have reached half-step of Dzogchen, and they are all the best in half-step of Dzogchen. They should be better than the domain master!"

"Indeed! How incredible!"

"correct! Everyone! Lord Qin Feng's clones are so strong, so how strong is Lord Qin Feng?"

"Uh~! This..."

As soon as these words were said, the gods and kings looked at each other, and they didn't know how to describe it.

They could no longer imagine how strong Qin Feng could be!


At this moment, in the field, A sudden change occurred!

The Blue Star Realm under their feet suddenly trembled violently.

All the God Kings lowered their heads to look...


At this moment, the entire Blue Star Realm lit up with a green light!

Click~! Click~!Click~!

The next second, the planet was in full view of the public. The surface began to crack, and the size continued to grow!

Countless novel resources poured out from the ground and were born on the surface of the planet!

The kings of gods were stunned!

Can't wait. As they thought, the blue star world began to skyrocket crazily at a rocket-like speed!

Ten times...a hundred times...a thousand times... boom~boom~boom~!

The planet grew crazily, making the entire starry sky tremble!

In the blink of an eye, the starry sky trembled. In a short period of time, the Blue Star Realm has become a thousand times larger!

The resources on it have also increased by a thousand times...

But this is not over yet, the Blue Star Realm continues to skyrocket... three thousand times... five thousand times... ten thousand times …

In the blink of an eye, the Blue Star Realm became ten thousand times larger, and the scene was extremely magnificent!

Its resources also increased ten thousand times!

What’s even more frightening is that the power of heaven and earth contained in the Blue Star Realm also increased ten thousand times!

The gods The king was dumbfounded!


But the blue star realm was still shining with aura, and it continued to skyrocket crazily...

The power of heaven and earth contained in it also skyrocketed crazily...

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