At this moment, the kings of gods looked at the planet below, which continued to magnify before their eyes... twenty thousand times... thirty thousand times... forty thousand times...

In the blink of an eye, the planet expanded in front of their eyes, and continued to grow...

The gods The king was horrified and retreated towards the starry sky while looking up at the planet!

It wasn't until the Blue Star Realm became 100,000 times larger that it gradually stopped growing...

At this moment, the resources on the Blue Star Realm also increased 100,000 times, and countless top-grade god-level resources were born!

The entire planet is also covered with rich spiritual energy, like white mist, with fairy energy curling up like a fairyland.

Looking at the moon planets surrounding the Blue Star Realm, the number of moon planets has increased from three to three thousand, which corresponds to the three thousand avenues!

The king of gods was completely dumbfounded!

Oh My God!

What happened?!

Why did the 'Blue Star Realm' suddenly become so huge!

Looking at the size of this Blue Star Realm, it is hundreds of times larger than the largest main star in the Azure Dragon Star Realm!

This is too exaggerated!

The kings of gods were amazed!


At this moment, there was a clear sound in the starry sky!

Another invisible planet barrier was re-formed, covering the blue star realm and the three thousand moon stars.

The King of Gods happens to be just outside the barrier!

They can clearly sense that the planet's barrier emits shocking energy fluctuations, and its energy level has reached half-step of Great Perfection!

Oh My God!

Just by forming a planet barrier, the energy level can reach half-step to Dzogchen. This is too scary!

You must know that the energy of the planet's enchantment, the strongest main star in the Qinglong Star Region, has only reached the half-step eternity threshold.

Comparing the two, the gap is huge!

What happened in the Blue Star Realm?

Why such a shocking transformation!

The gods and kings looked at each other and were speechless.

There was only incomparable shock in their hearts!

Naturally, these God-Kings didn’t know that the Blue Star Realm would undergo such a shocking transformation. It was the Wood Spirit clone that controlled the planet’s upgrade and promoted the Blue Star Realm to a Hongmeng-level planet.…..

Speaking of which, there was such a huge movement in the Blue Star Realm, and Jieyin and the others were not aware of it!

The battle in that scene was too fierce!

Of course they don't care about him!

At the moment when the promotion to the Blue Star Realm was completed, Qin Feng also received the prompt.

At this moment, in the Great Luotian Realm, inside the Merit Pavilion.

In Qin Feng's sea of ​​consciousness, Heaven's reminder sounded.…

【Congratulations to Hongmeng Star Lord 'Qin Feng', your basic planet 'Blue Star Realm' has received the planet reward and has been promoted to a Hongmeng-level planet!】

【Your planet's promotion is complete! Automatically generate 100,000 times more planetary resources…】

【Your planet's promotion is complete! The number of moon planets has been increased to 3,000…】

【Your planet's promotion is complete! You officially become the Star Lord of the Blue Star Realm…】

【Congratulations on becoming a Star Master (Hongmeng level)! You have the authority to control movement in the Blue Star Realm】

【Congratulations on becoming a Star Master (Hongmeng level)! You have the authority to borrow the power of the planet, heaven and earth】

【Reminder: Your clone can also borrow the power of the planet’s heaven and earth! 】


After hearing the prompt, Qin Feng slowly opened his eyes and paused refining the Hongmeng Purple Qi...

At this time, his eyes were full of joy!

Finally promoted to Star Master!

In this way, he can borrow the power of heaven and earth.

Even better, his clone can also be borrowed!

After the wood spirit clone borrows the power of Blue Star, to what level will its strength be improved?

It must be extremely strong!

After all, the Blue Star Realm is already a Hongmeng-level planet, and it contains the power of the planet, so how can it be weaker.

Having said that, after the Blue Star Realm was promoted to a Hongmeng-level planet, it was beyond the control of the Azure Dragon Star Territory!

Because the level of the Hongmeng-level planet is higher than that of the Qinglong Star Region.

The Azure Dragon Territory Lord has lost control of the Blue Star Realm, let alone getting help from the power of the planet.

With this thought, Qin Feng raised his head and looked in the direction of the Blue Star Realm, expecting the wood spirit clone to take action.…..


But at this moment, the sea of ​​consciousness roared!

Another reminder came from heaven…

【Reminder: It has been detected that you have become a Star Master! Longyuan City has met the conditions for promotion to Longyuan Sanctuary!

【You can go to the city owner's operation interface to promote Longyuan City to Longyuan Sanctuary! 】

Qin Feng’s eyes lit up and he was filled with surprises!

You can finally be promoted to the Holy Realm!

The benefits will come soon!

At that moment, he opened the panel and entered the City Lord's operation interface. really!

On the interface, a line of prompts for promotion to the Holy Realm appeared!

Qin Feng didn't hesitate at all and pressed the promotion button directly...


Immediately, Tiandao's announcement rang in the minds of all Long Yuan's disciples.…

【Longyuan Announcement: City Lord 'Qin Feng' is being promoted to Longyuan City…】

【Congratulations to 'Longyuan City' for being promoted to 'Longyuan Sanctuary' (Hongmeng Level)】

【Reminder: Hongmeng level sanctuary has no population limit】

【Congratulations to the city lord 'Qin Feng' for being promoted to 'Lord of the Sanctuary' (Hongmeng level)】

【Reminder: The Lord of the Sanctuary has opened the authority to create the 'Secret Realm of the Sanctuary'】

【Congratulations to Renjue Longyuan for being promoted to 'Sacred Envoy' (Hongmeng level)】

【Reminder: The Holy Envoy opens the authority to build the 'Holy Envoy's Palace'】

【Congratulations to the residents of Longyuan for being promoted to 'Disciples of the Holy Domain' (Hongmeng level)】

【Reminder: The disciples of the Holy Domain have the authority to build the 'Disciple Palace'】

【Distribution starts now, Sanctuary promotion rewards (Hongmeng level)…】

【Reward 'Children of the Sanctuary' with 20 million star combat power】

【Reward 'Sanctuary Disciple' with 2000 reputation points】

【Reward 'Children of the Sanctuary' with 200 times the luck value】


【Reward 'Sanctuary Messenger' with 3 billion star combat power】

【Reward 'Sanctuary Messenger' with 30,000 reputation points】

【Reward 'Sanctuary Messenger' with 3000 times luck value】

【Reward 'Sanctuary Messenger' to randomly awaken 3 acquired avenues】


【Reward 'Lord of the Sanctuary' with 500 billion star combat power!】

【Reward 'Lord of the Sanctuary' with 500,000 reputation points!】

【Reward 'Lord of the Sanctuary' with 50,000 times the luck value!】

【Reward 'Lord of the Sanctuary' to randomly awaken 50 acquired avenues! 】


As soon as this announcement came out, earth-shaking cheers erupted in Qin Yuan Universe!

At this moment, one hundred thousand Longyuan disciples were ecstatic!

Di Jiang, Ju Mang, Yu Xuanji and other Holy Domain envoys were even more surprised!


Immediately afterwards, the sky in Qinyuan Universe shook!

Thousands of reward beams of light fell from the sky and fell on one hundred thousand disciples.

At the same moment, Hongyuan Universe was in the Merit Pavilion.

The sky above the main hall also shook!

Following a pillar of purple-gold light, it fell from the sky and enveloped Qin Feng...

The next second, Qin Feng's combat power, momentum, and reputation all skyrocketed, and his body also lit up with all kinds of auras!

Just like that, everyone in Long Yuan happily received the rewards...

I don't know how long it took, but the reward distribution was over!

Long Yuan was filled with joy!

At this moment, inside the Merit Pavilion!

Qin Feng also slowly opened his eyes, his face full of joy.

With this wave of promotion to the Holy Realm, his strength has increased a lot, and 50 avenues have been awakened!

So far, the number of avenues he has mastered has reached 1,518, and his combat power has reached 13.37 trillion, surpassing the 13 trillion target!

As a result, the basic combat power of the four major clones can reach about 10.7 trillion.

This all went much smoother than expected!

His combat power exceeds 13 trillion, and the Blue Star World can be saved.

Even if Kunzu arrives, the four clones can still fight against him.

Of course, the stronger he is, the better!

As long as his strength is stronger, the counterattack of the four clones will be stronger!

After he comes out, he can kill everyone!

Qin Feng is not a kind person!

Since Jie Yin and others took the initiative to find trouble, he would certainly spare their lives!

Of course, with the strength of the four clones, that is not possible.

Everything has to wait until he gets out!

Before that, he had to improve his strength.

With this in mind, Qin Feng took out the ball of Hongmeng Purple Qi again and continued to refine it...

At the same moment, outside the secret realm.

Azure Dragon Star Territory, above the Blue Star Realm.

The King of Gods is still looking at the Blue Star Realm with a look of amazement!


Suddenly, a white light flashed!

A tall figure appeared in front of everyone, it was the Wood Spirit clone!

"Huh! This is….."

The king of gods was slightly startled.

They recognized the wooden spirit clone in front of them at a glance. It was Lord Qin Feng's clone.

Could it be that a clone of Master Qin Feng escaped back?

Thinking of this, the God Kings all turned around and looked outside the Star Territory lair...

On the edge of the lair, the three clones of Phantom Mirage were fighting with Jie Yin and others until the sky became dark and the sun and the moon collapsed!

They didn't return it!

What's even more surprising is that the strength of the three clones seems to have become stronger!

The situation that was originally at a slight disadvantage has turned into a tie, and it is inextricable to fight with Jieyin and others.

Similarly, the Azure Dragon Territory Lord and Shiva were also killed in an indistinguishable manner, with no distinction between superior and inferior.

The whole scene is a draw!

Seeing this scene, the kings of gods were very excited!

Master Qin Feng’s three clones are so awesome!

They were able to improve their strength in battle and level the battle situation! correct!

Not three major clones, but four major clones!

There is also a clone here!

All the God-Kings thought of something and turned around to look at the Wood Spirit clone with surprise on their faces!

They did not expect that Lord Qin Feng would leave all four clones behind.

That wood spirit clone is going to change the situation of the battle!

At this moment, the wood spirit clone's whole body burst out with momentum!

The 10.7 trillion combat power and momentum are undoubtedly on display!

The kings of gods were surprised and delighted!

This is a proper half-step of Dzogchen strength. If this clone joins the battle, it will definitely change the situation of the battle!

But before everyone could think about it, the wood spirit clone made a seal and activated the secret technique...


Immediately, the Blue Star Realm in front of everyone lit up with a shocking aura!

The next second, the power of the planet flew out from the Blue Star Realm and poured into the body of the wood spirit clone crazily...


Immediately, the momentum of the wood spirit clone increased wildly!

The kings of gods were surprised and delighted!

Master Qin Feng's clone can actually absorb the power of the planet.

It seems that the sudden change on the planet just now was due to the planet's advancement.

Master Qin Feng has been promoted to Star Master!

The kings of gods are all well-informed, and they can understand the reason at a glance...

At the moment, they are watching the changes in the wood spirit clone with surprise...

At the same time, they also want to know how much power of the planet the wood spirit clone can absorb.

Today's Blue Star Realm looks extremely extraordinary.

I wonder if the power of the planet it provides can be compared with the Qinglong Star Territory’s home base?

The Qinglong Star Territory is a small star territory, and the size of its nest is naturally the smallest.

The size of the lair determines how much power of heaven and earth can be fed back.

The power of heaven and earth that the Azure Dragon Territory Master can absorb reaches 5 trillion star levels!

I don’t know if Lord Qin Feng’s clone can also obtain 5 trillion planet power from the Blue Star Realm?

Just when the king of gods was thinking wildly, the momentum of the wood spirit clone increased by 5 trillion in an instant, reaching 15.7 trillion, and it continued to increase...


The king of gods was immediately stunned!


The power of the planet in the Blue Star Realm actually exceeds that of the small star field nest. Has it reached the medium-sized star field level?

The power of heaven and earth in a medium-sized star field is 6 trillion stars!

But just after this thought came up, the combat power of the wood spirit clones increased to 6 trillion, and it continued to increase...

The kings of gods were stunned to see it!

In this way, under the gaze of everyone, the Wood Spirit clone has been frantically absorbing the power of the planet!

His whole body lit up with dazzling starlight, as if he had turned into a man of light, lighting up the entire audience!

And his momentum has skyrocketed!

7 trillion... 7.5 trillion... 8 trillion...

In the blink of an eye, the Wood Spirit clone absorbed 9 trillion power from the Blue Star Realm and reached 19.7 trillion star level!

Only then did the absorption of the power of the planet end!

The kings of gods have long been dumbfounded!


As far as they know, the medium-sized star field can draw 6 trillion combat power!

A large star field can absorb 7 trillion!

The super star field can absorb 8 trillion!

What happened to the 9 trillion?

How come it has exceeded the Super Star Territory!

All the gods and kings were numb!

They can no longer imagine it!

At this moment, the starlight on the wooden spirit dispersed, revealing its figure.

He looked at himself and showed a satisfied smile.

The next second, he took a step forward and teleported directly towards the battlefield...

The kings of gods looked at the wood spirit's leaving figure, but no one spoke!

The place was quiet!

At the same moment, the old nest of Qinglong Star Territory was at the boundary.

The two sides are fighting inextricably!

The battle is in a stalemate!

At this time, the seven people were extremely annoyed and at the same time extremely puzzled.

Not long ago, Mirage Tripod was at a slight disadvantage.

How come it didn't take long for the strength of these three clones to increase greatly, and they were fighting on a par with them!

This makes them unable to figure it out!

At this moment, on the east side of the battlefield.

Brahma, the Dark Territory Lord, and Moses are joining forces to fight with the Ice Spirit clone until the sky is dark and the earth is dark.

The more Brahma killed, the more annoyed he became, and the more he killed, the more anxious he became!

He came here just for revenge.

Unexpectedly, he, the Dark Territory Lord, and Moses joined forces, but they were unable to capture the Ice Spirit clone.

What exactly is going on?! damn it!

It must be these three clones who forcibly inspired the secret technique and temporarily increased their strength.

He didn't believe that the secret skills of these three clones could continue to be used up.

Thinking of this, Brahma roared:"Little thief! I want to see it today! How long can you hold on?"


As soon as he finished speaking, he struck out with all his strength and struck the Ice Spirit clone again!

Boom~! Boom~!

At the same moment, the Dark Territory Lord and Moses also sent the strongest blow to the Ice Spirit!

In the blink of an eye, three attacks joined forces and they were in front of Bing Ling!

Bing Ling's Xihuang Sword immediately faced the three people's attacks!

Watching, the attacks from both sides collided!

A sudden change occurred in the field!


I saw a flash of white light, and a majestic figure appeared strangely behind Brahma and the others.

The person coming is none other than the Wood Spirit clone!

Brahma and the other three were startled and suddenly felt something was wrong!

But before they could react, the attack from the Ice Spirit clone had arrived!

Both sides attack and collide instantly!


There was a loud noise!

The starry sky is shaking!

This time, the two sides once again fought equally!

But at the moment when the two sides' attacks collided, the wood spirit clone also took action!


The wood spirit clone waved his hand, and the 'Human Creation Whip' in his hand turned into a length of hundreds of millions of feet, sweeping across the starry sky and the world!

At that moment, his whole body's momentum exploded, and his 1.97 billion combat power momentum was fully displayed!


The next breath, the aura of the artificial whip will light up, and its attack amplitude will be activated instantly!

A knowing blow is also launched at the same time!

In a moment, the attack momentum of that whip suddenly reached 59 trillion stars, which was extremely terrifying!

"not good!"

The three people in Brahma sensed it instantly, and they were all scared out of their wits!

But at this moment, they had no time to react!


The whip shadow swept across like crazy!

In just an instant, it swept across the field, sweeping over Moses, Darkness, etc. Territory Lord, Brahma!

Bang~! Bang~! Bang~!

Three consecutive muffled sounds!

Blood splattered continuously!

The shrill screams echoed in the starry sky!

The wood spirit wiped out Moses and the Dark Territory with just one whip Lord, even the true spirit was swept away!

The trend of the whip did not decrease, and finally hit Brahma, causing him to vomit blood and fly backwards!

This sudden change made him vomit blood.Everyone was dumbfounded!

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