The two sides of the battle were in chaos.

Chang Jiao'e frowned: "What do you mean?"

You Xue still smiled: "I don't know what secrets of the four major guilds you have discovered."

"But I believe that if they really want to destroy the Silver Frost Club, they won't do it so high-profile and bloody."

"After all, once this kind of thing is exposed, it is anti-humanity and a public enemy!"


"A beastman player with such terrifying abilities."

"Do you think the four major guilds can still control him?"

Chang Jiao'e fell into deep thought and felt that what You Xue said made sense.


Did the four major guilds go too far?

Are the beastman players they trained out of control?

If that's true...

Then isn't it just as the chat channel speculated -

Maybe the entire Jiangcheng will face an extinction crisis? !

Or, can Jiang Yi come forward to solve this matter?

Chang Jiao'e was thinking in her heart.

You Xue smiled and said:

"If the mastermind behind the Silver Frost Club is really not Jiang Yi but a powerful beastman player..."

"Then maybe we can find a way to cooperate with him."

Chang Jiao'e didn't understand what he said for a while: "Cooperate with whom? Jiang Yi?"

You Xue didn't expect that Chang Jiao'e would have such a circuit of thought.

She frowned slightly, and then said angrily: "Why did you think of cooperating with Jiang Yi?"

"I mean, we cooperate with beastmen players."

It was Chang Jiao'e's turn to frown now.

Her frown deepened, and looking at You Xue's expression, it became a little strange.

Because of the existence of the attendant Xiong Ji.

She knew that You Xue was also an attendant.

But for the first time, she realized that the beastmen and humans have very different ways of thinking.

After a moment of silence, she said in a slightly serious voice:

"You have to understand clearly--"

"Humans are humans, beastmen are beastmen!"

"This is a matter of principle!"

"The dispute between Jiang Yi and me is just a dispute of interests within the human race."

"But if for my own selfish desires, I abandon even the most basic principles and positions..."

"Sorry, I can't do it!"

Chang Jiao'e said it quite seriously.

The look she gave You Xue was even slightly hostile.

You Xue didn't expect that she would do this.

Position? Principle?

Can it be more important than interests, life and death?

She was a little skeptical about what Chang Jiao'e said.

But she did not refute, but smiled again, and said in a relaxed tone:

"You don't have to be so serious, right?"

"If you really want to betray your interests and stand on the side of the human race..."

"Then shouldn't a strong human like Jiang Yi be allowed to die?"


"Why do you have to understand the cooperation between human players and beastmen as betrayal of the human race?"

"Can't it be that the human race uses the beastmen?"

"The four major guilds can use the beastmen players, why can't we?"

"For many things, we only need to consider the final result."

"And the means used in the process are actually not that important."

You Xue said meaningfully.

Chang Jiao'e was silent for a moment, still frowning: "So, your so-called 'cooperation'..."

"What exactly do you want?"

You Xue smiled faintly: "If I'm not mistaken-"

"The horrific scene of the Silver Frost Club will inevitably cause regional panic!"

"The four major guilds will not sit idly by."

"Including Jiang Yi, they should also take action."

"And that beastman player will become a public enemy!"

"For him, the biggest threat to the entire Jiangcheng should be Jiang Yi..."

You Xue said, and suddenly his eyes moved.

After a slight pause, he smiled and said: "Sure enough-the good show has begun."

Chang Jiao'e saw her expression and reacted quickly.

Looking at the forum, there was indeed new news!

However, seeing the new news, Chang Jiao'e subconsciously frowned.

Because it's a pity...

Although the Silver Frost Club was destroyed.

But Wei Lingshuang is still alive!

The new forum hot post was posted by Wei Lingshuang!

[Wei Lingshuang: Some important information about the destruction of the Silver Frost Club is released! ]

In the post, Wei Lingshuang started by clarifying the rumor about "the big devil Jiang Yi".

It was not Jiang Yi who destroyed the Silver Frost Club.

It was Zhu Song who ranked seventh on the battle power list!

Then she announced even more explosive news -

This Zhu Song player is not a human.

, but the beastman!


He has a terrifying ability to sacrifice corpses!

The scene of the corpses gathered together in the Silver Frost Club should be some kind of sacrifice method!

And the harm of the beastman players with such methods to the entire Jiangcheng is self-evident!

She hopes that the human players will not be suspicious of each other.

Instead, they should unite and find a way to jointly solve this terrifying beastman player!

It would be best if the beastman player's sacrifice could be interrupted as soon as possible!

Otherwise, if he succeeds in the sacrifice...

The strength of this beastman player will be even better!

As soon as this post was published, it was almost instantly pushed to the top!

As expected by You Xue-

All the official players in the entire Jiangcheng District fell into panic because of the word "beastman player"!

In fact, when these players speculated about "Jiang Yi the Great Demon", they were more of a criticism attitude.

After all, the players who really felt that Jiang Yi was inhumane and destroyed an entire area were a minority.

The reason why they said that was just to follow the trend.

Anyway, it's just a rumor, and there is no need to bear any consequences.

When they realized that the terrifying existence was not Jiang Yi, who was also a fellow human, but a real beastman player...

Everyone finally felt real fear in their hearts!


If it was really a beastman player.

Then the probability of massacre...

will be greatly increased!

In an instant, the visible panic spread wildly in the chat channel and forum!

And the attitude of the players towards Jiang Yi also took a 180-degree turn!

Not long ago, they kept calling him "Jiang Yi the big devil".

Now, they directly said "the human race must unite" and let Jiang Yi come out as the savior!

After all...

Who said Jiang Yi was the strongest in Jiangcheng?

In this situation of fighting against the big boss, who else would go up if he didn't?

So almost soon

Under Wei Lingshuang's post, there were all the crazy calls from the majority of players -

I hope Jiang Yi can respond, and it would be best if he could interrupt the sacrifice of the beastman player as Wei Lingshuang said!

At the same time.


In the special secret room of the causal realm.

A group of bigwigs are also paying attention to the changes in the situation.

Luo Changqing frowned and looked at Jiang Yi without hesitation.

He said in a very sincere tone:

"Big brother, you beat Jiang Yi one sentence after another before..."

"I wonder if you are sure to interrupt the sacrifice of the beastman player and kill him?"

As he said, he added:

"Given the special nature of this beastman player, the purple turntable that explodes after killing him should be of high quality!"

Obviously, he still thinks that this "Zhang San" is very likely to be Jiang Yi.

So he specifically mentioned the purple turntable as an auxiliary bargaining chip.

Jiang Yi's eyes fell on the crystal ball in the center of the stone table, thinking about something in his heart.

But at this moment, Yan Si, the leader of Qingchuan Guild who had been relatively silent, and who had developed the best in his previous life, suddenly came up with an opinion:


"That Zhu Song, he responded to the call and came to this river beach this morning. It seems that he was under pressure to change his job and wanted to explore the endless sea."

"Including this time, he seemed to have robbed the blue career wheel of the Silver Frost Club."

"After that, he used the players of the Silver Frost Club as sacrifices..."

"Then I wonder, what he wants to get from this sacrifice this time, will it be a career wheel?"

"A more advanced career wheel than the blue one of the Silver Frost Club?"

As soon as these words came out, the room was silent.

Even Jiang Yi couldn't help but look at Yan Si.

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