The two of them were in a mess, but the two sides were in a mess.

Not only Jiang Yi.

Everyone in the room looked at Yan Si.

Jiang Yi came late and didn't know what happened in the morning.

But it can probably be deduced -

It started when the four major guilds posted on the forum, calling on level 10 players to explore the Endless Sea together.

One after another, more and more level 10 players responded to the call.

As for the guilds, they would conduct the simplest identity verification on the gathered level 10 players.

In fact, the so-called identity verification is mainly to look at the level.

By the way, it also distinguishes the players on the battle power list.

But the problem is...

I'm afraid Zhu Song didn't expect it.

The "ruler" for verifying identity can actually find out the race!

After his identity was exposed, he should have run away.

However, because of his beastman identity and the little strength he showed, the four major guilds were in a panic.

Including when Jiang Yi came over.

At the beginning, the middle-aged man told him that the identity check only checked the name and level.

But later, Zhi Yutang took out the ruler and checked the identity. In addition to the name and level, there was one more item - race.

Obviously, that was also a deliberate concealment made by the guild after the Zhu Song incident.

After all, if they knew that the race could be found out early.

Then the beastman players hiding in the human race would naturally not rush up to expose themselves.

And the reason why Zhu Song was exposed...

His goal was to respond to the call and explore the Endless Sea together.

And the purpose of exploring the Endless Sea is to change jobs!

So Yan Si's analysis at this moment does make sense.

Zhu Song turned around to destroy the Silver Frost Club after giving up exploring the Endless Sea.

Although it is possible that he has a grudge against the Silver Frost Club.

But even if there is a grudge, why not take it back at any time?

The reason why Yin Shuang was destroyed at this time.

There is a very important piece of information behind it -

Yin Shuang Club has a blue career turntable!

And now that Yin Shuang has been destroyed, the blue career turntable must have fallen into Zhu Song's hands!

So at this moment, the purpose of Zhu Song's large number of sacrifices...

Maybe he wants to evolve the blue career turntable to a higher level!

Then, change the job!

This speculation is of course reasonable!


The big guys in this room looked at Yan Si, not because he analyzed these reasons.

But the purpose behind his words!

Zhu Song wants to change his job.

Don't these level 10 strong men want to?

The difference between the career turntable and the ordinary turntable is that.

It can be used repeatedly!

At this stage, this thing is equivalent to the most important strategic resource for major forces!

Originally, the blue turntable obtained by Yin Shuang was enough to make people jealous!

Now Yan Si said...

It is very likely that after Zhu Song sacrificed those corpses, he could evolve the blue career wheel into a higher-level career wheel!

What the hell!

How can this not make people excited? !


It is exciting.

How should I say this?

Should I just say -

Let's not interrupt other people's sacrifice.

Instead, wait for the beastman player to sacrifice corpses to make a higher-level career wheel, and then take the wheel away?

But it is not good to let the beastman players sacrifice human corpses and then sit back and enjoy the fruits of their labor.

After all, large forces such as the four major guilds still care about their reputation.

In contrast, individual players who do not belong to a force have less burden.

Yan Si obviously hopes that this arrogant "Zhang San" boss can understand what he means.

Then "Zhang San" will say this.

As for the four major guilds, they just need to respect and cooperate.

Even if the matter is exposed in the future, it was his "Zhang San" idea!

In short, Yan Si's little tricks are clearly calculated.

Jiang Yi leaned back in his chair and glanced at him indifferently.

Yan Si looks thin and gentle, and looks a little older, with a calm and restrained temperament.

There is a dark light hidden in his shrewd eyes.

He was about to say something else.

Luo Changqing frowned and said:

"Anyway, those in the Silver Frost Club are the bodies of our human compatriots."

"It's not good to let them be sacrificed by the beastmen players."

"Even if a higher-level professional turntable is really sacrificed, and then we get it..."

"Then you are using that blood-colored turntable that is stained with the blood of your compatriots, don't you feel uncomfortable?"

This is a crowning statement


But it doesn't move people very much.

It's really funny.

Don't say this is the end of the world.

Even in peacetime, how many people rely on human blood steamed buns to enjoy the wealth?

Do you think they are guilty or disgusting?

And now, it is no longer a peaceful era!

This is the end of the world!

At this moment, behind this wave of human blood steamed buns, there is really wealth!

What's more, those people are dead!

What's wrong with making use of the remaining heat?

Respect the corpse? That must be a very old and stale dregs!

Putting it in the incinerator is respecting the corpse, and being sacrificed is not respecting the corpse?


In today's world.

Living people may not have dignity.

You tell me to respect the corpse?

What kind of international joke are you playing? !

In short.

Obviously, everyone present did not agree with Luo Changqing's remarks.

However, no matter what they thought in their hearts.

On the surface, they did not refute.


Yan Si thought for a moment, followed Luo Changqing's rhythm, and nodded:

"President Luo is right."

"No matter what the sacrifice can eventually get, we should stop it."

Yan Si finished speaking.

The people of the four major guilds all expressed their opinions in unison.

The other five individual players did not know what they thought of, but they also echoed a few words.

Only Jiang Yi was here.

He leaned lazily against the back of the chair.

He glanced at everyone present and suddenly smiled strangely: "Oh?"

"You all insist that the sacrifice of the beastmen players should be stopped to save the bodies of those human compatriots?"

When he said the words "save the bodies of human compatriots", there was an indescribable sense of irony in his tone.

How could it not be ironic?

How many living people are not respected, and no one talks about saving them.

Now, people say that we should respect corpses and save them.

Jiang Yi laughed as he spoke.

In an instant, the irony became stronger.

He is now "Zhang San".

There is an unconcealable arrogance and arrogance in the whole person!

Just that kind of strong aura is enough to shock everyone present!

He didn't care about those eyes at all, and said arrogantly without any hesitation:

"If that's the case, it's a pity!"

"Zhang and you - we don't share the same ideals!"

"I hope that after I get a higher-level career turntable, you won't slap yourself in the face and beg me to buy 'human blood buns' to eat!"


As he spoke, he stood up arrogantly.

The silver-white invisible cloak moved without wind, showing his arrogance even more!

At this moment, the image of a "madman" was completely implemented in people's hearts!

The eyes of the guild masters and individual masters present were all shocked.

Luo Changqing reacted quickly, and hurriedly stood up and said in a hurry: "Boss, are you not going to cooperate with us?"

After saying that, he said in a deep voice:

"No matter what, Boss, you are willing to make efforts to fight against the beastmen players, which is enough to be worthy of the Jiangcheng players."

"If those dead players are really sacrificed in the end, it is definitely not your problem."

This is another high-sounding statement.

Jiang Yi looked at Luo Changqing with a smile.

Luo Changqing flipped his hand again: "Here are five special turntables, Boss, you can choose one."

"If you can really solve the crisis of the beastmen players this time, the four major guilds are willing to give four more purple turntables as a thank you gift."

Obviously, Luo Changqing still felt that "Zhang San" was Jiang Yi.

Jiang Yi didn't explain much, and picked a special turntable at random.

At the same time

Turge, who had been cursing before, also stood up suddenly.

He swallowed his throat, changed his previous arrogance, and apologized again quite sincerely:


"Boss, the previous matter of my son was indeed his problem."

"And me, I have a bad temper and my words are not pleasant..."

"What I said just now was because I was emotional and spoke too arrogantly. I apologize to you!"

When he said this, he even bowed.

Then, he handed a space ring to Jiang Yi and whispered:

"This is a little gift, I hope you will accept it."


Jiang Yi raised his eyebrows.

He was not polite at all and accepted the ring.

Then, he flashed and left from here.

The rest of the secret room was suddenly quiet for a moment.

Then gradually another voice emerged:

"That Zhang San, is he really Jiang Yi?"

"Can he successfully resolve Zhu Song's crisis this time?"

"If that sacrifice really resulted in a higher-level career turntable..."

The voice behind faded


Luo Changqing's cold eyes suddenly fell on the crystal ball in the middle of the stone table.

Suddenly, his face changed!

At the same time.

Hiding near the Silver Frost Club.

Wei Lingshuang and other survivors who were also using the Bee Shadow Ball to pay attention to the club's on-site movements also suddenly changed their faces!

At the same time.

It seemed that all the beasts in the entire Jiangcheng were rioting!

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