The old man was killed, and the old man was killed.

Some people had guessed before that the Silver Frost Club was destroyed by a beast tide.

But at this moment...

The whole Jiangcheng seemed to be caught in a more terrifying beast tide!

However, unlike the beast tide drawn by the turntable lottery, the beast tide drawn was centered on the turntable, and the beasts spread to the surrounding areas.

But this time, the "beast tide" was fierce beasts from all directions, gathering in the direction of the Silver Frost Club from the territories they originally occupied!

This effect is comparable to using a super invincible enhanced version of the beast-attracting tumor!

It is much more terrifying than the crazy gathering of birds and beasts outside the miasma swamp before!

And this is really, it makes people's scalp numb!

The first beasts to gather were surrounding the human corpses that were about to be sacrificed.

They even seemed to have a feeling called "piety"!

And this strange phenomenon of thousands of beasts paying homage to the master was naturally noticed by more people soon.

There was another round of heated discussion in the chat channel.

The panic spread throughout the city.

In the special secret room, Luo Changqing and others saw such a scene through the crystal ball, and their faces were solemn.

It was Yan Si who spoke up and broke the suppressed silence:

"Such a situation..."

"I'm afraid that sacrifice can't be stopped just because we say so."

Among the five individual players, some swallowed hard: "This, this situation..."

"That Jiang Yi, or Zhang San, can he, can he really solve it?"

Even Tu Ge regretted it at this moment.

He would apologize to Jiang Yi, on the one hand because he felt that he was indeed impulsive.

On the other hand, he was also thinking about making friends first.

Later, if that "Zhang San" can really get the high-level career turntable sacrificed by the beastman players.

He can also use his connections to see if he can use the high-level turntable to change his job, right?

Even if the high-level turntable is really stained with human blood, it is better than going to the Endless Sea for adventure!

Anyway, he doesn't feel disgusted in his heart!

But now...

This situation.

Even makes him feel that-

Going to explore the Endless Sea may be safer than staying in Jiangcheng!

Even these top bosses are timid and their scalps are numb.

The remarks in the chat channel are naturally more pessimistic!

Ordinary players don't believe that this is a situation that Jiang Yi can solve.

In fact, more and more players are beginning to believe that-

[Fuck! The current battle power list is definitely problematic! The beastman player named Zhu Song should be the first in the battle list of Jiangcheng now! ]

[This is also normal! The battle power list is updated every 24 hours! This time is enough for the beastman to catch up with Jiang Yi! ]

[When the list is updated next time, Jiang Yi's first place may not be maintained! Zhu Song, the beastman player, is the strongest! ]

[Too outrageous! Why are beastmen so strong? ! Isn't this growth rate too fast? ! It's like cheating! How can we human players play? ! ]

[Now all the beasts in Jiangcheng are controlled by this beastman player! In this situation, I ask you, who can do it? ! ]

[What the hell? ? Do you want to boost others' morale and destroy your own prestige? Do you understand Jiang Yi's strength? Why can't he compare with this beastman player? ]

[A bunch of frogs in the well! You don't know how strong Jiang Yi is! What can a beastman player do if he is worshiped by all beasts? ! Once Jiang Yi's Ring Grandpa takes action, they will be burned to ashes in a minute, believe it or not! 】

【No? There are still people who are blindly praising Jiang Yi and imagining the Ring Grandpa? If Jiang Yi really has that ability, he doesn't need you to praise him, wouldn't he have taken action earlier? 】

【That's right! There are so many people petitioning in the forum posts! Almost wishing that the whole nation would beg him to take action! But what's the result? He didn't even say a fart! I don't believe that he can be stronger than the beastman players with such a shrinking head! 】

【It's just a bunch of patriotic brains and blindly praising! Is it so difficult to admit that the beastman players are strong? You live in a dream and laugh at others for being frogs in the well! It's really funny! 】

Just in this minute, the players from all walks of life quarreled again.

In addition to quarreling, some strong players who don't want to die are also in despair, thinking about how to find another way to make a living.

For example.

The survivors of the Silver Frost Club hidden in the ruins of the subway station.

Wei Lingshuang was watching the live broadcast in the crystal ball.

She was watching the terror spreading wildly in the chat channel.


Her originally fair face was stained with dust and blood.

She looked no longer as calm and shrewd as before.

Instead, she was exhausted and embarrassed.

Who wouldn't be tired if this happened to them?

The power that she had worked so hard to build up.

It was completely overturned overnight!

Wei Lingshuang's moist eyes were now stained with a bit of crazy scarlet!

Who could have thought.

Not long ago, she got the regional announcement for the Silver Frost Club, got the blue turntable, and planned the future for the camp step by step.

She was also very proud of finally being able to successfully calculate Chang Jiao'e!

But what was the result?

It seemed like just a blink of an eye...

It was gone! Everything was gone!

At this moment, Wei Lingshuang felt as if the strings in her mind were broken!

The fatigue in her body was a kind of mental fatigue.

That kind of decadence and despair of being hit hard and hard.

And it was at this most desperate moment that she suddenly understood a sentence——

In the face of absolute strength, all conspiracies and tricks are in vain!

Isn't it?

What's the use of managing power and calculating people's hearts?

In the end.

The entire Yinshuang Club was destroyed!

There was no conspiracy.

It was just absolute strength, a comprehensive crushing!

This experience brought Wei Lingshuang a shocking feeling!


It's too late!

Her face was pale and gray.

There was no more calmness and vigor as the club president in the past.

And beside her, there were actually six survivors.

One was Huang Xin, who was the first to change his job. His state was also panic and desperate.

One was Zuo Kun, a level 10 strongman who joined for the career turntable.

He was a pure 49-year-old who joined the national army!

Damn, just after joining Yinshuang, Yinshuang was destroyed!

At this time, he was desperate and cursing.

The other four were alumni of Hanjiang University.

Among these four alumni.

Three were Wei Lingshuang's confidants.

Including the Xu brothers, Xu Xiaoduo and Xu Dadao.

It was Xu Dadao who was responsible for the task of picking up Sun Hao at Lotte Club.

The other one was Zhu Mei.

She was Wei Lingshuang's roommate and best friend, and also Xu Dadao's girlfriend.

In addition, there was another classmate——

Li Yaoping.

Li Yaoping was really unlucky!

He was not a member of the Yinshuang Club.

He went to the Yinshuang Club to find Wei Lingshuang for information about Chang Jiao'e's disappearance.

As a result, he was just involved in this terrible disaster!

Of course, the relationship between Li Yaoping and Chang Jiao'e was just average.

He didn't really care about Chang Jiao'e's disappearance.

Rather, he was worried...

He was worried that Jiang Yi, who ranked first on the battle power list, was the Jiang Yi he knew!

He was worried that Chang Jiao'e would die at the hands of that Jiang Yi!

Because he and Jiang Yi had a small grudge against each other.

When Tang Ke backstabbed Jiang Yi, he mentioned two names-

One was Chang Jiao'e, and the other was Li Yaoping.

The beast tide at Hanjiang University was not drawn until the seventh day.

In the first seven days, the strong people in the university who had some opportunities developed on their own.

At that time, several small groups were naturally formed.

He, Li Yaoping, was lucky.

On the third day of the doomsday, he drew the upgrade life card and became a formal player!

But he was only a level 1 formal player.

In terms of strength, he was not too outstanding.

When the beast tide broke out on the seventh day, he was lucky enough to join Jiang Yi's team with his small group.

Later, he followed Jiang Yi to fight monsters and draw lots, and he improved a little.

At that time, Jiang Yi was actually a pretty good captain.

He would not use brute force to seize the gains of team members.

He was also very honest in dealing with people.

He was basically fair and just, and there was nothing wrong with him.

It was just a pity that he was not leading a team in peacetime.

But a team in doomsday!

When Jiang Yi's ability expired.

Li Yaoping was the first to jump out and let Jiang Yi get out of the position of captain.

So at that time, it was him who forced Jiang Yi away.

In fact, thinking back on this incident later, Li Yaoping regretted it very much.

But he did not regret for forcing Jiang Yi away.

He regretted that he was not cruel enough at that time!

If it were later, he would have experienced more and gradually grown up.

At that time, he would not have given Jiang Yi the opportunity to leave the team!

Instead, he should have chased him and assassinated him after he left!

Are you kidding!

On the one hand, he offended someone, and on the other hand, he let him go!

What kind of brain-dead operation is this?


Whenever Li Yaoping recalled it, he wanted to slap himself in the face!

It was because he was not cruel enough at that time.

Now he was worried about Jiang Yi's revenge.

Of course, he was not sure whether Jiang Yi on the battle power list was the Jiang Yi he knew.

He also didn't know whether the other party had a grudge for being forced to give up the captain's position.

So he was eager to know about Chang Jiao'e's situation.

If Jiang Yi was really cruel enough to kill his girlfriend.

Then he, Li Yaoping, would probably not be far away.

Moreover, if Chang Jiao'e and Jiang Yi were on the line.

Then it is very likely that another piece of news would be exposed-

At the beginning, Jiang Yi didn't know how to use the recipe of the elixir of immortality.

How did Chang Jiao'e know it?

It's very simple, it was Li Yaoping!

He is a formal player and can use the player's chat channel and other functions!

Naturally, it is easier to obtain information than informal players!

At that time, he actually wanted to steal the recipe of the elixir of immortality himself!

But Chang Jiao'e got it!

That woman is so cunning!

In order to protect herself, she might have directly blamed him for stealing the recipe of the elixir of immortality!

In short, if it was really the Jiang Yi he knew who ranked first on the battle power list.

Then he, Li Yaoping, would probably not have a good ending!


He prayed that the Jiang Yi on the battle power list would not be the Jiang Yi he knew.

But he saw Wei Lingshuang next to him.

Zhu Mei looked at the crystal ball and choked in despair:

"Outside our ruins, there are already all ferocious beasts..."

"In this case, what should we do..."

"I remember the beast tide in college before. I was so desperate at that time and felt that I was dead..."

"Later, it was Jiang Yi who saved me..."

"If Jiang Yi was still here..."

"If Jiang Yi, who ranked first on the battle power list, was really the Jiang Yi we knew... Woo woo..."

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