Global Lord: Start As A Desert Lord

Chapter 518 Eternal Master Of The Dark Ancient Tree Sect, I Am Your Humble Follower

The underground world under the earth is full of mysteries for surface life.

Gold everywhere, majestic dungeons, treasures of black dragons, spiders, poisonous snakes and traps everywhere, these are the stereotypes of life on the surface for the underground world.

And the life of the dungeon clan living in the underground world also has many unrealistic fantasies about the surface.

And this fantasy was inadvertently reflected in reality a few months ago——

A powerful surface lord has broken into the underground world.

Then, the human lord from the surface created Legendary, which was offered a reward of tens of millions of units of food by the gray dwarves.

And this was just the beginning. In just two months, the surface lord ended the dispute between the gray dwarves and the bloodhoof dungeon barbarians with absolute strength.

As the overlord, the gray dwarf was severely trampled under by the opponent.

The human lord from the surface has become the substantive master of the underground world.

And as Bloodhoof City began to conquer the entire underground world and took all the land in its hands, everyone felt sincere awe of the human lord from the surface.

The other party's reputation thus climbed to the peak.


This name, in the eyes of many dungeon beings, is even comparable to a god, and many people even think that the other party is the incarnation of a god.

And what happened in the underground world afterwards, the exaggerated prestige of the other party was once again strengthened——

After Bloodhoof City flattened the underground world, it ordered everyone not to allow each other to conquer each other and start a war.

Since its birth, this land, which has not been in war for a day, has ushered in unprecedented peace.

Some weak tribes have not been bullied by other powerful tribes for several months, and they have never encountered the danger of survival.

More importantly, the surface lord also issued an order - all races can produce weapons and sell them to Bloodhoof City in exchange for food.

By God of the Dungeon, what a merciful policy! !

That's food, life-saving food! !

Quite a few dungeon races who were suffering from hunger experienced the feeling of being full for the first time, and it was the first time that they didn't have to send the old people out to die in the wilderness when food was in short supply...

According to Maslow's theory of needs, physiology and safety are the bottom needs.

It is also the need that is most likely to generate satisfaction and happiness.

After these two aspects were resolved, Richard's reputation in the underground world once again ushered in a wave of exaggerated soaring.

The Kuroba tribe living in the cracked hills - the Tuke tribe is no exception, and they are also full of awe for the lord from the surface.

The Rift Hills are a collection of cracked hills.

The ground here is cracked, the terrain is criss-crossed, and there are cracks everywhere, which is very suitable for hiding.

In addition, this land is entirely composed of rocks and dry hard soil. Except for a small amount of moss in the shade, it does not produce any food, so there are no powerful races stationed there.

This also allowed the weak Tuke tribe to survive.

The Kuroba people are a group of humanoid beings whose bodies are covered with black feathers and whose average height is only 1.7 meters.

The average level is 5, and the most powerful tribal chief is just a level 7 hero with a potential of D level.

As long as they leave the Rift Hills, any powerful race can oppress them at will.

If it weren't for the high fertility rate and sensitive perception, it would have been destroyed long ago.

But the surviving Tuke tribe is not much better, even if the lord from the surface formulated many favorable policies, it has nothing to do with them.

Because the Tuks are not good at forging weapons...

Therefore, when other tribes are prosperous and stable, their food is still in short supply. Every month, old members will take the initiative to go into the wilderness.

Zeke, a member of the Touk tribe, is a level 5 Kuroba swordsman.

He has been away from the tribe for a full month and a half.

food last month

Due to the shortage, he had to venture into the wilderness to find food.

Unexpectedly, he encountered the army of Bloodhoof City on the way and was forced to hide. He didn't dare to return until he was sure it was safe a few days ago.

Walking into the familiar cracked hills, Zeke was very excited.

Not only because he came back alive, but also order to avoid danger, he accidentally broke into a mud swamp shrouded in mist.

In that swamp, he found a land with a large amount of edible mushrooms, enough to feed all the clansmen for three months!

This is an amazing wealth! !

There is pride in the return of a hero in my heart.

After the clansmen know the news, they will definitely wear iron medals for him!

The pace couldn't help but quicken a bit.

With a strong figure, he galloped quickly on the ground full of cracks.

When they stepped into the range of the Tuke tribe's garrison, a crisp voice suddenly sounded in their ears.

clang clang clang~

The sound of metal crashing echoed throughout the cracked hills.

Zeke stood on the high point of the hill and looked down. Immediately, he saw many clansmen who were collecting moss in the crevices of the stones climbing out of the cracks, and quickly moved towards the direction of the sound.

Zeke had some doubts in his heart, this is the bell calling for everyone to discuss, what happened?

But the excited and excited expressions of the clansmen made him feel like something had happened.

It seems that the bell that seldom rings seems to be ringing frequently recently, so that everyone does not have that panic.

In a puzzled mood, he immediately followed the pace of the clansmen.

Not long after, Zeke followed the Kuroba into a dry, cracked hilly valley.

Just stepped into the valley, and immediately saw several familiar figures.

Waved and shouted a few times.

Several people immediately turned their heads in surprise, and rushed to Zeke's side together.

"Zeke, I thought something happened to you, why did it take you so long to come back?"

Zeke said loudly.

"I went out to find food."

Speaking with pride in his eyes.

"In a misty swamp, I found enough mushrooms to feed me for three months!"

When I said this, I immediately prepared myself to be praised by my friends and surrounded by people around me.

But he waited for a while, and was shocked to find that no one cared about him.

What's happening here?

Full of doubts, several companions around him lowered their voices.

"Zeke, don't speak so loudly in holy places."

Zeke was full of doubts, when did this place become a holy place?

"But, I found food..."

"We know, let's prepare for the arrival of Master Preacher."

"The food..."

"Master Preacher has given us enough food to fill ten caves! We have no shortage of food!"

Zeke was stunned when he heard this.

"Who is the preacher?"

Why are they given so much Precious food? "Who is the Preacher? The Preacher is the divine envoy of the Dark Ancient Tree Sect!! He is a follower of the great master, and a great person who gives hope and help to our Tuke people!!"

The more he listened, the more confused he became.

Filled with puzzlement, he just wanted to ask, but his companions got impatient and dragged him to the center without giving him a chance to speak.

"When the envoy comes, you will know."

In the center of the valley there is a tall hanging pole, on which a hollow stone is tied, and on the other side is an iron block tied with a hemp rope made of bark. As long as you push the iron block lightly, you can knock it and make a sound. .

At this moment a figure taller than the Common Kuroba was striking the stone.

Crisp voices came out one after another.

wait until this piece

After the number of people gathered in the valley has reached a certain level.

The tall Kuroba man just stopped.

At the moment the bell fell, there was a commotion from below.

"Master Patriarch, Lord Great Preacher, are you coming again?"

"Is it today?"

"Why didn't you see the envoy?"

"I can't wait to listen to the teachings of the Dark Ancient Tree Sect..."

Looking at the excited crowd, the Tuke patriarch stretched out his hand and pressed down.

After the voice calmed down a bit, he said in a high-pitched tone.

"The great messenger of the gods—Master Zarok, has arrived."

"Kneel down and welcome the messenger of my god!"

As soon as the voice fell, all the Kuroba people below knelt down, shouting hotly and frantically.

"Great emissary of the Ancient Dark Tree Sect, the eternally loyal believers of the Ancient Dark Tree Sect welcome your arrival!"

In bursts of frenzied calls.


The sky suddenly darkened.

I saw a huge undead dragon burning with crimson flames flapping its wings and flying out from the other side of the valley.


The undead dragon roared to the sky.

At this moment, the terrifying Longwei surged out like a tsunami.

The Kuroba people, whose average level is only level 5, immediately felt the coercion that penetrated into their souls.

That is the oppression of high-level students facing low-level life, and they cannot be immune.

After the dragon circled in the sky, it swooped down and landed in the center.


The ground shook, and the other party stood in the valley like a stone tablet, giving people a strong visual impact.

The next moment, the huge monster slowly got down on its body.


A tall figure stepped down from behind.

At this moment, the eyes of all Kuroba people became excited.

The great Preacher... has arrived! !

Zeke, who knelt down following Daliu, immediately looked up.

A three-meter-high terrifying life was reflected in the pupil——

The opponent's upper body is a human body, wearing a dark brown Priest robe.

Holding a pure Black book in his hand, it exudes bursts of magic power fluctuations, with an indescribable mystery.

His face was like that of a dying person who was being tortured by pain, ferocious and terrifying, and the densely packed evil runes engraved on his skin made people feel chills down the spine.

Zeke was suffocated by the lower body...a body that was the complete opposite of a human body - a spider, yes, a spider!

The eight jointed limbs pierced into the ground like sharp knives, with large fluff growing on them.

The hard bone armor wraps the body, and there are three rows of uneven barbs growing from the head to the back, giving people a strange and brutal feeling.

Just from the appearance, it gives people an exaggerated sense of oppression.

If you add those scarlet eyes, it can increase its deterrent power by ten times!

Evil, chaos, brutality, bloodthirsty...all the auras of dark life permeate it.

Evil and darkness go hand in hand.

But what is surprising is that this extremely vile existence that makes one's heart tremble unexpectedly gives people an inexplicable sense of holiness.


The two strange breaths mixed together, making it difficult for Zeke to describe his inner feelings.

Turning his head to look at his partner beside him, he lowered his voice and whispered.

"This is the preacher, my lord? Which sect's preacher is he... Can he really bring hope to the Tuke people?"

His heart is still full of doubts and unwillingness. He has paid so much for his clansmen. It doesn't count if he doesn't get respect, and he even let outsiders take the lead.

Several partners said with firm eyes.

"Dark Ancient Tree

The sect is the sect that came to save the Tuke tribe, and it is also the foundation for us to become stronger... Zeke, wait and see how my god blooms his power! ! "

Looking at his partner's fiery eyes, Zeke was a little dazed...Why did the tribe change so completely in just over a month?

Does this dark ancient tree sect that does not exist in the dungeon god system really have such a powerful force?

Really, is it to save them?

"But, I've never heard of this sect..."

As soon as the doubtful words were spoken, the people next to him immediately said excitedly.

"That's because, God, just woke up... Just wait and see, Lord Zarok, I will answer all your doubts."

While several people were talking in low voices, the terrifying life with a spider body slowly stepped forward.

After scanning the circle with eyes full of oppression, he slowly raised the Black book in his hand and chanted softly.

"The great god of the ancient dark tree, who has returned from eternity."

All the prostrate Kuroba people chant at the same time.

"The great god of the ancient dark tree, who has returned from eternity..."

The voices were uniform, sonorous and powerful in the dark valley, full of indescribable solemnity and holiness.

Inexplicably, Zeke felt a kind of solemnity and inviolability.

The emotions in my heart were immediately suppressed, and I began to listen carefully with my breath held.

The missionary's voice continued to sound.

"He is the master of immortality, the controller of the power of decay, the embodiment of darkness, and my salvation."

"He is the master of immortality, the master of the power of decay, the embodiment of darkness, and my salvation..."

"He is eternal. He stands in the past, presents himself in the present, and exists forever in the future. He was in the past, is in the present, and will always be in the future!"

The voice suddenly became high-pitched.

The next moment, the Kuroba people in the valley immediately showed excitement and fanaticism.

"He is eternal. He stands in the past, presents himself in the present, and exists forever in the future. He was in the past, is in the present, and will always be in the future!!"

The moment this sentence fell, the spider missionary suddenly raised the Black Book in his hand, and majestic energy surged out, quickly condensing in the sky.

At the same time, the voice in the mouth suddenly became high-pitched.

"Great God of the Ancient Dark Tree, your devout believer, willing to dedicate your faith, dedicate your soul, and have eternal faith in you!"

"Great God, master of the power of endless darkness and corruption, humble believers beg for your mercy and attention!" The moment the cadenced prayer fell.

The energy surging from the Book of Darkness scattered in all directions, directly condensing a phantom of a giant tree over fifty meters high in the void.

The branches without leaves were as hideous as the arms of a dead man, and there was a distorted face on the rough trunk, and the evil aura exuded seemed to have just crawled out of the abyss.

If there were soldiers from Twilight City here, they would definitely recognize the life in the picture immediately.

Ancient Godly Evil Tree.

The top boss in Twilight City.

After the phantom appeared, the Kuroba people went crazy immediately.

One by one, they clasped their hands in front of their chests and began to pray with the most pious gesture.

"Eternal god of the ancient dark tree, praise your strength, praise your stalwart..."

"Great God of the Dark Ancient Tree, your humble believer gives you everything..."


All prayers will name the God of the Dark Elder.

That pious and humble attitude made Zeke next to him feel huge disobedience and unacceptable.

The Tuke tribe had never believed in gods before. Although he was in awe of those beings who controlled the supreme power, such a humble salute touched his sensitive nerves.

Why should we believe in each other? Is it just that the opponent is strong?

This is the biggest question in his mind.

And at this moment.

On the illusory picture of the sky, the twisted and dark figure looked at him.

Zeke suddenly felt his whole body freeze, and his thoughts stopped suddenly.

The whole person seemed to have fallen into icy water, unable to breathe.

That is the existence of Wei An... watching him!

At this moment, a low, thick voice sounded slowly.

"Newborn soul, I, give you strength..."

After the words fell, a surge of majestic energy surged out of the illusory picture, directly pouring into Zeke's body.

In the next second, Zeke felt something deep in his veins, something that had been sleeping for a long time, wake up.


The invisible shackles were broken.

Zeke felt the sharp pain of flesh and bones being crushed, and subconsciously let out a low growl from his throat.

Along with the pain, he felt that every part of his body was full of strength.

After a dozen or so breaths, when he came back to his senses, he was shocked to find that he had been promoted from level 5 to level 8.

It is one level higher than the patriarch of the Tuke tribe! !

He stared blankly at the picture of the sky, unbelievable.

Level 8, this is level 8!

For the Kuroba people, this is a level that is difficult to step into in a lifetime, but now, he has been rewarded.

Rewarded by the great gods.

Lord, grace has come down! !

Those resisting emotions in my heart collapsed in front of the huge surprise.

Without the slightest hesitation, Zeke knelt down on the ground with the most humble attitude.

The tone is almost crazy.

"Great master!! Thank you for your gift, your humble believer will definitely protect your glory with life and soul!!"

After the words fell, a thin white line that only the missionary in front - the spreader of evil could see rose from the top of his head and quietly merged into the illusory ancient tree of evil.

"Obey my oracle, obey my teachings, and you will gain my attention."

"It is your glory to believe in me."

"I come from the past, stand in the present, and live in the future."

The voice gradually fell, and the illusory figure slowly disappeared.

And the Kuroba people in the arena are getting more and more excited and excited at this moment.

All of them looked at Zeke who had just been promoted with fiery eyes.

Shout out.

"Praise the God of the Dark Ancient Tree!!"

When the atmosphere reached its climax, the evil communicator stared at the crowd with scarlet eyes, and said slowly.

"My god fell into a deep sleep after the first battle of the gods, and didn't wake up until Jinxi sensed the rising of the crimson moon."

"My god is immortal, the only master who can protect you."

"My god is recovering strength, and I need you to pray in the most devout way."

"When you are devout enough, you will feel the gaze of my God."

The moment the evil communicator's voice fell.

Suddenly, majestic and solemn voices sounded from all directions in the entire valley, layer upon layer, as if to purify their souls.

"Great God of the Dark Ancient Tree, you are the controller of eternal power, you are the leader of the gods, you are the true god of the world, you are our only eternal faith, you are the whole of our life, we thank you and praise you , we offer our allegiance and faith to you, and we are willing to give our soul and our lives for you forever."

No one spoke, but the voice repeated over and over again, like the whisper of the idea cast by the god of the ancient dark tree.

Let all Kuroba people see this scene, and their hearts immediately tense up.

This is the great master, watching them!

Subconsciously chant the prayer along with the prayer.

This picture is solemn and serious.

After taking a deep look at the scene, the communicator of evil sat on the flying dragon again, whir~ the dragon wings flapped, and flew away from the valley.

"My god's believers... pray in the most devout way."

"God is watching you."


Flying not far from the valley, the evil communicator pulled the reins, causing the crimson moon bone blood dragon below to stop slowly.

At this moment, there are more than ten other Wyverns staying in the sky.

Seeing the spreader of evil, a wyvern at the front approached, and a gray dwarf in flamboyant and luxurious clothes looked at him with admiration.

"Zarok, your abilities are indeed extraordinary. This is already the third tribe to convert."

Said meaningfully.

"As long as you can keep it up, master, the future will definitely grant you the status of a hero."

Being promoted to a hero is the ultimate dream of almost all arms, and this is a desire engraved in the soul.

Even the Extraordinary class - Spreaders of Evil is no exception.

The scarlet eyes showed a little excitement, and after calming down, he said.

"Master Braun, after more than a month of preaching, the teachings of the Dark Ancient God Sect have been gradually improved, and we can try to promote it on a large scale."

He looked at the other flying dragons.

There are more than a dozen human beings standing on the back of the flying dragon, men and women.

Braun was also in a slightly uplifted mood.

As the first gray dwarf to be recruited, he has a high status in Twilight City.

After Furnace City had no problems, Karu handed over the matter of spreading sects in the underground world to him for the time being.

Over the past month, he has witnessed with his own eyes how the ancient dark tree sect spread among these tribes.

Although there were many mistakes in the middle, they were all settled by the Extraordinary unit in front of him-the evil communicator.

The other Wyverns also surrounded them at this moment.

A middle-aged lady with two long scars on her face approached and spoke slowly.

"Using the magic sound box to set off the atmosphere and continuously strengthen believers' understanding of the doctrine is indeed a good way."

"Master Braun, I suggest that in the future missionary work, we can build a teaching classroom specially used to place the magic sound box..."

Braun subconsciously glanced at the valley where the Kuroba people were, and at this moment, the sound of prayers full of fanaticism was still coming.


"Not only that, we can also use the magic sound box to spread some stories of the ancient dark tree sect."

"Even in the future, the magic sound box can be used as a means of preaching."

Said the tone is quite excited.

"Zarok can temporarily store the power of faith and then replenish it to believers. This allows us to continue to create miracles without consumption...Continue to expand, and sooner or later it will have a greater effect."

As he spoke, he was a little surprised. When he learned about this mission, he was still quite uneasy.

It is extremely difficult to spread a sect that has only been created for a month or two, and to convince believers.

But unexpectedly, all kinds of difficulties are not worth mentioning in front of the extraordinary arms of the evil communicator.

Coupled with the powerful support group's summary, improvement and modification, the Dark Ancient Tree Sect has become more penetrating.

Missionary work is progressing rapidly.

"Perhaps one day, the Dark Ancient Tree Sect will spread throughout the underground world, and everyone will become believers of the sect."

Braun was greatly moved after speaking.

"Unfortunately, it would be great if we were a real sect."

The moment these words were spoken, the expressions of the humans on the back of the Wyvern were a little subtle.

They are slaves bought from the city of Soran, and they are responsible for the modification and formulation of the teachings.

If it is a real sect, they may not have such a big role...

The Spreader of Evil took a deep look at Braun now.


Lord Lang... Who said that the Dark Ancient God Sect is not a real sect? "

Braun was taken aback, subconsciously said.

"Isn't this the sect we created?"

The evil communicator's eyes were somewhat sacred and hot.

"No, Lord Braun...we created it before, but just now, I felt the power of faith being absorbed by the God of the Dark Ancient Tree."

"The power of faith can only be used by the gods who have authority."

"I felt the power of the sun under the crown of the God of the Dark Ancient Tree."

"Although my god is still weak, she is growing..."

The tone became more and more high-pitched.

"The dark ancient god sect is not illusory, but has a true god."

Really, really God? ? !

Everyone's eyes widened, and their breathing suddenly froze.

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