Global Lord: Start As A Desert Lord

Chapter 519 Expedition To The Plane Of El

The change in the underground world was silent, and Richard didn't pay all his attention to it at this time.

He stared at the mummy hero Gaunt who had brought back exaggerated income from the plane of El with scorching eyes.

6 million units of Rare resources, 3 special building blueprints and 10 crown troop lairs.

The first wave of income from the plane of El was so rich that he felt excited.

After calming down, he said slowly.

"Did you bring those special architectural drawings with you?"

Gunter nodded, slightly shaking the dark magic ball in his hand, a special magic power emerged from it, and then quickly condensed in the air.

In the blink of an eye, three blueprints floated in midair.

With strong anticipation, Richard reached out to take it.

Check it out carefully.

school (special)

Rating: 5 stars

Features: 1. In the school, when imparting knowledge, the teaching efficiency will be increased by 30%.

2. When students are studying, their comprehension and memory can be improved by 30%.

3. Students who attend the school have a 1% chance to directly transform into a hero unit after receiving sufficient education.

4. Own the territory of the school, popular support +10 (+1 for more than 90 points.)

Introduction: An indispensable building for a powerful territory.


church (special)

Grade: Special

Features: 1. After building a church, you can choose the gods you believe in independently, and you can get different attribute blessings according to different gods.

2. When preaching in the church, the missionary effect is increased by 50%.

3. You can recruit a special unit - the Holy See Knights (currently recruitable number: 5 squadrons, level: 15, potential: crown 3 stars, after the territory is promoted to the big city, the recruitment level will also increase)

4. Owning the territory of the church, popular support +10 (+1 for more than 90 points.)

5. After praying in the church for a full week, there is a 5% chance to directly transfer to Priest.

6. Unknown (you need to have a believer in the gods to activate)

Introduction: Special buildings, if there are gods believed in, will also inspire special attributes.

After reading the first two drawings, a big smile appeared on Richard's face.

Whether it is a school or a church, these two buildings are not bad.

The school can produce heroes, and can speed up the learning of knowledge, which is worth a lot of money to such a dusk city, and the literacy class that has been doing before has a better place.

The church reminded him of the Dark Ancient God Sect—if his plan is feasible, then in the future, this will be the cornerstone of the new sect's growth.

Looking at the last one with interest.

Tavern (Special)

Grade: Special

Features: 1. After one week of cellaring in the tavern, the taste of the wine can be increased by 30%.

2. The higher the level of wine you have, the more likely you are to attract high-level heroes.

Introduction: Perhaps, you can find some powerful heroes from the tavern.

A tavern that attracts heroes?

Richard was overjoyed at first, and then his face became a little weird.

Damn it, this is a dead desert where birds don't shit, what kind of hero is not a hero, who would come to the desert if they have nothing to do?

He has hero-attracting skills all over his body, and he hasn't seen anyone running to join him until now.

It is great that it can enhance the taste of fine wine by 30% after cellaring for a week.

The White Tail Absolute Brew can be sold at a higher price.

After closing the drawings, Richard felt much better.

In any case, these three drawings are very good, making up for the current vacancy of Twilight City.

Especially schools and churches.

However, these buildings are not able to produce immediate results, and it takes a long time to reflect their value. In a short period of time, they cannot be expected.

After seeing and finishing, Gunter handed over the troop lair.

When the unit's lair is not placed, it can basically be grasped with one hand, and its shape is miniature.

Richard looked it over, and found that these arms were all human arms with Crown 1 star and Crown 2 star, with average attributes and no potential for cultivation.

But this is also a good income, which is just right for upgrading the troop lair.

"Gantt, you have done a good job this time, you go back to the plane of El first, and continue to assist the two princesses in organizing the resistance army."

"In three days, I will take the army there, and report to me immediately if there is any change in the situation."

"As for those divine grace lords. You continue to send people to inquire about their news, and you can ask the two princesses to give them tasks to see if you can win them over."

"Lords of Divine Grace are a group of beings who have no bottom line. As long as the price is high enough, they will not mind betrayal."

Gunter nodded immediately.

After Gaunt left, Richard walked out of the lord's mansion with ease, and gathered all the Rare resources in the boxes.

The total was about the same as Gunter expected, just over 6 million units.

With resources in his hands, his heart immediately became hot.

What are resources? army!

The foundation that all lords in "Glorious Age" cannot live without.

Now ready to start another round of violence.

With the passage of time, the enemies facing Twilight City are no longer the weak chickens who used to guard resource points in the wild.

One is stronger than the other.

Although the Brilliant level units are not weak, it is difficult to become the main force.

In addition, outside the city of twilight, the Lord of Corruption might break the space crack at any time, which made him always worry about it.

This time, he wants to promote all the brilliant-level units to the crown level.

Brilliant units are promoted to the crown, and each nest needs to consume 100,000 Common level units.

At present, the lairs of glorious units in Twilight City are - Scorpion Warrior (20 lairs), Mummy Guardian (3 lairs), Sand Archer (10 lairs), Sandstorm Controller (20 lairs)

The total adds up to 53 seats.

All upgrades need to consume 5.3 million Common-level troop lairs.

Although the current price of each Common troop lair on the market is only two units of Rare resources.

But he couldn't hold back the large quantity he wanted, and tens of millions of Rare resources were needed.

This is an exaggerated statistic for Twilight City.

However, with the 6 million brought back by Gunter, this time the violent army plan can already be carried out.

Richard began to calculate in his mind.

Since January, although the external situation has been unpredictable for more than half a month, the production and development of Twilight City has not stopped.

Because of the input of the Alchemy Seed Harvester, Hei Ning Sorbet lost the psychological pressure and began to increase production in large quantities.

Half of the 20 food workshops can already operate day and night.

If it weren't for the newly planted Frostgrass that would not fully mature until next month, 20 food workshops might not be enough.

But even so, under the full power, January is only halfway through, and the revenue that Twilight City earns from Hei Ning Sorbet is more than three times that of December.

A total of 3 million units of Rare resources were collected. This project, which he had placed high hopes on, has begun to work hard.

In addition, Whitetail Absolute Brew and Desert Crown Honey are also providing stable income.

These two items add up to 750,000 Rare resources.

But what surprised him the most was the sale of weapons in Bloodhoof City.

Because the underground world has ushered in a long-lost peace, and in the past two months, the blacksmith association has opened up a large number of forging skills, which has greatly improved the blacksmiths of the dungeon clan.

The advancement of science and technology is the main factor for the development of productivity. The policy he formulated received an unexpected rich return this month.

From the sale of weapons in Bloodhoof City alone, Twilight City directly earned 4 million units of Rare resources.

The sale this time caused heated discussions on the forum.

However, apart from these benefits, what surprised Richard the most was the Naga plane——

This has become the home field of more than 20 planes fighting, and the plane is leaking everywhere.

Every day, there are battles of beings from different planes.

And many of these lives were drenched in blood on the night when the crimson moon rose.

These units that have acquired the power of the ancient gods, after death, have a certain chance to explode a special treasure-the Old Stone that can replace Rare resources.

After devouring a large number of corpses, the Corrupt Swamp managed to obtain 3,000 Old Stones for him.

Each Old Days Stone can deduct 1000 units of Rare resources.

In addition to the more than 1,000 gems obtained from hunting Naga, he has more than 4,000 gems in his hand.

Calculated, it is 4 million Rare resources.

Coupled with the millions of resources left, the Rare resources in his hands reached a record-breaking 9 million units and 4,000 Old Days Stones.

Counting the 6 million Rare resources that Gunter brought back, the amount of Rare resources in his hands has reached an amount that is enough to make any player's eyes turn red with envy.

On January 25th, Richard, who was busy, looked at his bulging wallet, and finally started the violence on the eve of this round of war.

First spent 10.6 million Rare resources and directly purchased 5.3 million troop lairs.

Arriving boldly in front of the lord's mansion, he was promoted on a large scale.

After all the lairs of the glory-level units have been promoted to the crown, and then consume resources to promote all the previous brilliant units to the crown--

The promotion of each glorious unit needs to consume 2400 units.

In addition to the recruitment for more than half a month, he has more than 3,000 brilliant arms, and because of this, he directly spent more than 8 million Rare resources.

Richard's wallet, which had just bulged, shrunk down to just over a million.

In this regard, he can only lament his own poverty. Every time he can't live a few days as a landlord and rich man, he has to face the life of poor households again.

But after his exaggerated consumption, this round of violent soldiers brought the army of Twilight City to an exaggerated height.

Crown Arms——

1. Scorpion Warrior (20 lairs, 140 per week) current quantity: 1210

2. Mummy Guardians (3 lairs, 30 per week) current quantity: 210

3. Ningsha Archer (10 lairs, 50 per week) current quantity: 885

4. Sandstorm Controller (20 lairs, 100 per week) current quantity: 1100

5. Stone statues of the dead (20 lairs, 200 per week) current quantity: 1600

6. Mummy Guards (10 lairs, 100 per week) current quantity: 900

7. King of the Forbidden Army (13 lairs, 130 weekly output) current quantity: 680

8. Bone Blood Dragon 200

Glorious moon arms——

King of the Custodians (3 lairs, 30 per week) current quantity: 270

Looking at the data on the property panel, Richard was in a particularly happy mood.

Especially the stone statue of the dead. Originally, the stone statue of the dead had only 11 lairs, but at the beginning of the month, he started to cultivate a batch of arms needed for synthesis-the ax of the dead, and the dark gargoyle.

Hurry up, and finally in this round of upgrades, use the harvested 10 crown troop lairs to recombine 9 troop types of the stone statues of the dead, increasing the statues of the dead from 11 to 20.

The weekly output has risen to 20 teams.

"If it weren't for recruiting an army and requiring a lot of resources, it would have exploded hundreds of crown units."

Richard stood in the front yard of the lord's mansion, looking at the densely packed troops, he was excited but also emotional.

The promotion of the arms is the first step, and the recruitment that needs to consume resources every week is where the bulk of the cost lies.

There are now more than one hundred lairs of crown troops, reaching the critical point of Twilight City. If there are more, he can't bear it anymore.

If there are no resources to recruit, then it is meaningless to promote the arms.

Just looking at it doesn't satisfy my hunger.

This wave of violent soldiers once again widened the gap between Twilight City and other lords.

At present, the overall level of players is still in an environment where rare arms are the main force and brilliant arms are the elite.

The crown-level arms exist among the top few players, and they only have a part of them.

There may be one or two squadrons if there are many, and there may be one or two squadrons obtained by completing some tasks by accident.

The higher the level of the troop lair, the more difficult it is to obtain it.

The probability of harvesting crown-level troop lairs in the wild is pitifully small, even with a huge base of players.

Although some players have gained a lot from exploring the plane now, it can't change this fact.

And Twilight City is an established crown-level legion.

Fundamentally, it has distanced itself from the players.

But the most important thing is that Twilight City has established a complete industrial system.

The alchemy technology in Furnace City, the weapon forging in Bloodhoof City, the black sorbet, the white tail wine, etc., these are the most valuable things in Twilight City.

It can generate huge income for Twilight City every month.

And more importantly, Richard is still stepping up construction in this area.

Once the industry enters a positive cycle, the future of Twilight City is beyond the reach of any player.

Richard has never set his sights on the players. Enemies at the level of Spider Queen Rose, Lord of Rot, and Kobold God are the threats to Twilight City.

After calming down, Richard's eyes gradually became sharper.

Turning his head to look at the soldiers beside him, he said word by word.

"Sound the horn, let the army gather. Go out, El Plane."


The plane of El, the capital of the kingdom.

In the dark sky, thunder and lightning flickered in the dark clouds that were overwhelming the city, making dull rumbles.

The oppressive atmosphere in the air makes people feel breathless.

A burly figure with a height of more than three meters in a blood-colored cloak was standing on the city wall at this moment.

The opponent pressed one hand on the cold stone of the city wall, and the other held the unsheathed saber at his waist.

The square face is full of fear, and Blue's eyes are deep and cold.

There was a faint smell of blood coming from his body, as if he had just been killed from a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, which made people tremble.

The blood-colored crown on his head added a bit of extravagance to him.

Behind them are a large number of Warriors in heavy armor. The armor glowing with gold makes them look majestic and domineering.

In the sky, a large number of flying units protected the city wall airtight.

After a while, the burly man with a square face turned around slowly, glanced around, and settled on a general with a stern face beside him.

"The two remnants of the El royal family, is there any new movement recently?"

The general didn't dare to look directly into the oppressive eyes of the opponent, and lowered his head in response.

"Your Majesty, according to the Lord God's Grace report, the other party has already got in touch with other planes. And it is very likely that it is the main plane."

He hesitated a little while speaking.

"Most of the nobles who have never been loyal to you have raised the banner of rebellion and moved towards the two princesses."

"The time is ripe, do we need to launch a general offensive to completely wipe out those remnants?"

The man with a square face wearing a scarlet crown spoke slowly.

"let's start."

"These rebellions should have been crushed long ago."

"I'm not interested in playing with them anymore"

"The lords of grace reported that the obelisk contained extremely precious treasures."

As he spoke, his eyes showed a bit of apprehension.

"But the guards are too powerful. Not only do we need to use all our strength, there may even be huge losses."

"Only by quelling all the rebellion can we let it go."

The voice fell, and a strong desire appeared on his face.

"This world cannot stop our conquest."

"The main plane is the birthplace of the gods. When we take out the treasures of the obelisk, we will concentrate on conquering the main plane. Why can't I climb to the top of the god's seat and be immortal!"

(end of this chapter)

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