Global Lord: Start As A Desert Lord

Chapter 574 Rich Woman, Hungry

When Richard left the City Lord's Mansion, the night was already dark and the moon was already high above.

Looking up, two moons the size of a millstone each occupy half of the sky.

On one side is a cold normal moon, and on the other side is a bloody crimson moon.

For most residents, after several months of adaptation, everyone has already gotten used to the existence of the Crimson Moon.

The double moon hanging in the sky is no longer something to be feared.

The carriage rolled over the ground, and when some small stones were crushed, there was a creaking sound.

Val, who was riding with Richard, was still thinking about the conversation he had just had with Grand Duke Sauran.

She witnessed how the Legendary, who had great prestige on the edge of the desert of death, was persuaded step by step by Richard, and finally firmly stood in the camp of Twilight City.

The subsequent conversation between the two even reached the height of changing the situation on the main plane.

She has a deeper understanding of how the nobles who hold the authority in this world think and make decisions.

Although she didn't participate in it, from the perspective of a bystander, it still gave her a lot of inspiration and shock.

It took a long time to recover from the chaotic thoughts, and turned to look at the handsome side face looking at the brightly lit street through the glass window.

I was a little crazy for a while.

My lord, I really can't get enough of it... How can there be such a handsome and attractive opposite sex in this world?

Taking a deep breath, forcibly suppressing the emotions in his heart, he spoke slowly.

"My lord, why is Grand Duke Solan willing to offend the high-level of the Templar Empire and support the third prince instead?"

"Even with the support of Grand Duke Solan, the third prince is still far away from the throne. It's a bit..."

After thinking for a moment, I couldn't think of any adjectives.

The third prince is very famous in Suolan City, which is thousands of miles away.

Of course, it is mostly negative. After all, a prince who was born as a commoner is disliked by the king, which will make people have a lot of topics after dinner.

Even Solan City is like this, one can imagine what the opponent's situation will be like in the capital of the Templar Empire.

It's not that Wei Er didn't believe Richard's vision, but this card was too bad, and she couldn't see much hope of a comeback.

Richard smiled.

"Before things are settled, who can know the outcome of the future?"

"As for Grand Duke Sauran's choice, although the main reason is my request, but in fact...for him, this is just a small bet for the next game."

"For the nobles of the Common people, it is fatal to join the wrong team in the battle for the crown prince, but who is Grand Duke Sauran? Even if the third prince fails to become king, so what?"

"Could the new king still send troops to attack the Grand Duke of Solan? Fighting with a Legendary ascetic?"

"Grand Duke Sauran, you have willful capital."

Strength is the only pass.

If Grand Duke Solan was stronger and broke through to become a demigod, even if he wanted to let the current king step down, the king would have to seriously consider it.

Val nodded thoughtfully.

Follow his thoughts.

"I think, I know what to do next...Once we reach an agreement, we can increase the publicity that Grand Duke Soran values ​​him when the third prince returns."

"It can even guide public opinion and let everyone know that the third prince turned out to be a top-notch genius. He used his personal charm to subdue Grand Duke Solan, a Legendary ascetic monk, in exchange for the other party's attention and support."

"The bad reputation before was just a rumor spread by some princes to confuse the public and not want him to compete for the throne."

"Even if not many people believe it, it can change the perception of some people."

"In this way, it will be convenient to operate any actions in the future..."

Richard smiled, and stretched out his hand to tie the long hair on Will's forehead behind his ears.

Amidst the girl's flushed face, she said softly.

"You have learned a lot during this time, why don't you handle the matter of the third prince?"

"Pushing a prince to the throne with your own hands, this feeling is comparable to the sense of accomplishment that a business owner will have..."

There was a bit of eagerness in Weier's eyes, and finally he showed a wry smile.

"My lord, you think too highly of me."

Now there is only one Grand Duke Suolan to support, and the third prince is still far away from ascending the throne.

How could she have the ability to hold out a king?

Even if the Zi Roland Chamber of Commerce fully supports the third prince, it will not work.

Richard smiled, not dwelling on the subject.

This move still needs time to ferment, without three to five months, or even a year and a half, it will not see results.

But this is how chess is played. The seemingly useless move now may become a life-or-death winner at the end of the game.

He still has time, he can play slowly...

After recovering, he looked at the Dark Valkyrie.

This boss, who has not yet completed his transformation, has just been personally certified by Grand Duke Sauran, and will break through Legendary soon.

How to see, how satisfied.

Legendary, this level has already stood at the end of the world.

Once Twilight City has Legendary, it means that it has the ultimate power of the main plane.

Gods cannot appear on the main plane.

Legendary is the end.

As for demigods, the number is so small that it can be ignored and cannot be considered as a regular force.

Although he has a lot of powerful trump cards in his hand, such as the god of deceit and lies, the god of dwarfs and even the scarlet lord Windsor, are all killer cards.

But these are all external forces and cannot be called at any time.

A Legendary who completely belongs to Twilight City is equivalent to owning conventional nuclear weapons, and can use them however he wants.

Don't look at anyone's face.

When facing a Legendary such as Grand Duke Sauran, he can have more confidence.

"Fuyin, how did you feel when you saw Grand Duke Solan today?"

Under the mask of the dark Valkyrie Gold, those deep eyes revealed a bit of admiration.

"It's very strong, so strong that I feel the danger of my soul being touched by a sharp knife."

"If the opponent shoots, I am not the opponent now."

This was the first time that Richard heard such weak words from the Dark Valkyrie.

He comforted with a light smile.

"You haven't been promoted to Legendary yet, fighting a level 29 ascetic monk, it would be strange to win."

Level 29, this is the true level of Grand Duke Soran.

It's only one step away from a level 30 demigod.

This is what he found out.

As for the rest of the attributes, there are question marks.

The opponent's strength has already surpassed him by too much.

"Level 29?"

The Dark Valkyrie murmured a few times, and the fighting spirit in her eyes was once again high.

become extremely firm.

"Master, one day, I will defeat him."

Has this boss who came out of the death arena ever been weaker than others?

——The City Lord's Mansion heard the report from the servants that the carriage of the Purple Roland Chamber of Commerce had left, and Grand Duke Solan leaned back on the chair slowly, closing his eyes and resting his mind.

The conversation tonight is of great significance to Twilight City, but outsiders don't know it, and the same is true for Solan City.

He needs to think carefully about how to lay out Solan City next.

The lord of grace gave him a big problem.

Wanting to help the third prince to the throne is also very impressive...

Chris, who was next to her, rested her chin in her hand, tilted her head and stared at the empty archway, with a sweet smile on her face from time to time.

He seemed to be thinking of something interesting.

In the reception hall, apart from the two people, there was also a housekeeper who was over seventy years old, with white hair, but was meticulously dressed.

Seeing that the temperature was so quiet, the man in his early seventies coughed lightly and said slowly.

"My lord, did we promise too quickly?"

Grand Duke Soran did not open his closed eyes, and said softly.

"In your opinion, how should it be?"

"We may be able to negotiate more conditions, and even obtain part of the management rights of the El plane... I think Sir Richard should make concessions."

"He needs allies and the support of Solan City."

These words made Grand Duke Soran slowly open his eyes.

He took a complicated look at the old butler who had watched him grow up.

"No, Steward Yarrow, you're wrong. It's not that His Excellency Richard needs Solan City, but...we need His Excellency Richard as an ally!"

These words made the old housekeeper startled, a little stunned.

"Grand Duke, why does Solan City need a Lord of Grace?"

"Even if the other party gets a plane and integrates a large number of divine grace lords."

"But that is also a rootless apple that has never experienced external threats... Not to mention compared with Solan City, even some big nobles can't compare."

"Furthermore, there are many competitors on the other side. Although his El plane is already ahead, all major forces have already known the value of the plane as a trading center, and they will definitely not allow it to grow and develop."

"It won't be long before the second, third, and countless El planes will appear."

"Even if no one sends troops to attack, those god lords will still be diverted to a large part..."

The old housekeeper's words are well-founded, not nonsense.

When Grand Duke Solan heard the words, his eyes became more subtle.

"You only see a little..."

"The most important thing is the Grace Lords, they are the future."

"It is the key to open the door to the new world."

"Your Excellency Richard, you may hold this key now..."

"No matter how powerful the trading center established by other people is, it is impossible to match him."

"After all, that is the God Slayer, the number one Lord of God's Grace."

There was a bit of embarrassment in the tone of speaking.

"After the third prince visits Your Excellency Richard, bring him to see me... The Templar Empire, it's time to make a change."

"A new king may bring a different atmosphere."

"Also...Chris, during this period of time, you can go to the Zi Roland Chamber of Commerce to communicate with Your Excellency Richard."

Chrissy's eyes lit up when she was suddenly named.

My heart is full of joy.

"Really, father?"

Grand Duke Solan looked at his heart with some reluctance.

"Well... In June, I will open the family forbidden area, and you will have no chance to go out in the next six months."

"The situation has become more and more complicated, and I can't guarantee that Solan City will be safe and sound amidst this chaos."

"Chris, what your mother left's time to give it to you."

"Strength is the only pass. Solan City needs a prince who has enough strength to lead it."


Early morning of April 9th.

After Richard and Val had breakfast together, he seemed to think of something and asked softly.

"Is President Windsor in Solan City recently?"

I was busy dealing with Grand Duke Solan yesterday, so I didn't have time to go to the Luanwei Flower Chamber of Commerce.

The S-level task completed last time, the task reward has not been settled yet.

And during this time, Crimson Moon didn't make any big moves, it was a bit too quiet.

At this critical juncture, Crimson Moon, the protagonist, suddenly lost his voice.

When something goes wrong, there must be a demon.

He really wanted to know what the protagonist of the new expansion had planned next.

This is crucial to the next development plan of Twilight City.

"President Windsor told me before that when you come back, you must pass the information to her as soon as possible."

"Yesterday, I informed the Luanwei Flower Chamber of Commerce."

"Their response was that President Windsor will be back this morning."

Given the close relationship between the two chambers of commerce, none of this is a big deal.

Richard nodded and said directly.

"Prepare the car and go to the Luanwei Flower Chamber of Commerce."

Weier didn't talk nonsense, and immediately changed people to prepare the carriage. After more than forty minutes, the group arrived at the Luanwei Flower Chamber of Commerce.

As soon as the carriage came to a stop, Richard saw not far away, a group of carriages with phoenix-tailed flower flags approaching quickly and stopped in the dedicated driveway.

The car door was opened respectfully by the maid who had been waiting here, and a graceful and luxurious Miaoman figure stepped out.

The other party was wearing a red aristocratic dress embroidered with blooming roses, his gaze was cold, and as he walked, there was an elegance that only a great aristocrat could cultivate.

This is exclusive to high-ranking aristocrats, with basic necessities of life, every movement will be trained from an early age.

When the surrounding guards saw that beautiful figure, they didn't dare to take a second look.

One by one, they bowed with their chests up and saluted with the most humble gesture.

"Master President."

The uniform movements made that impressive figure even more eye-catching.

Richard also got out of the carriage at this time.

With a smile in his eyes, he looked at the figure who looked like a queen patrolling the territory.

Nodded slightly.

When the other party saw his gaze, the corner of his mouth curled up slightly.

Although it subsided in an instant, it was still amazing.

"Your Excellency Richard, long time no see."

Windsor took the initiative to step closer to Richard, looking at this charismatic figure, her tone softened a bit.

"I haven't thanked you for what happened last time."

Richard smiled.

"That's your thing... If you don't want to feel sorry, just give me ten or eight artifacts. I won't think too much."

As the relationship between the two parties draws closer, there is no need to carry it like before.

This joke made Windsor smile, but she still thought about it for a moment, and finally shook her head.

"I have it in my hand, but it's not suitable for you."

No, auntie, I'm just talking casually, you really have a magic weapon?

Richard saw something wrong with Shendu.

A word that appeared frequently on the forum suddenly appeared in my mind.

Rich woman, hungry.

It's not impossible to be taken care of by the protagonist of the new expansion... I have bad teeth, so I like to eat something soft.

After Pausing for a moment, Windsor spoke in a very profound tone.

"Although there is no artifact suitable for you, I have prepared something more suitable for you."

"Use it well, the effect will not be worse than the artifact."

Richard's eyes lit up immediately.

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