Global Lord: Start As A Desert Lord

Chapter 575 Windsor: The El Players Association, Is It Just A Gift From The Other Party? !

After Windsor finished speaking, her tone paused, and she didn't say what she had prepared for Richard.

Immediately, as if sensing something, he looked at the dark Valkyrie behind him.

His eyes moved slightly.

"What a special power..."

"You are only one step away from Legendary."

After pondering for a while, he suggested.

"Don't rush to break through, carefully understand the power you have now, and break through when you feel that you can't improve."

"Legendary is another field. The more solid the foundation, the greater the benefits after promotion."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and waved it, and a fist-sized Red crystal appeared in his hand.

The moment the crystal appeared, waves of magic power surged in the surrounding air.

Even if there is no contact, you can tell that this crystal is extraordinary just by looking at it.

"If you are willing to accept the old power, you can absorb the energy of the seal inside after breaking through the will give you a greater boost."

Under the mask of the Dark Valkyrie Gold, her dark eyes stared at the graceful figure in front of her.

My heart is full of dignity.

From the lady in front of her, she felt a danger ten thousand times stronger than that of Grand Duke Soran.

The lady in front of her was like a god walking in the world.

Even just looking at it made her feel her soul trembling uncontrollably.

This is not a mortal at all.

Compared with Grand Duke Solan, a Legendary ascetic monk, there is a gap between the light of rice grains and the bright moon.

The Dark Valkyrie forcibly suppressed her heart, and did not answer, but turned to look at Richard.

Everything about her belongs to her own master, facing such an existence, she needs to ask for instructions.

Richard opened the properties panel and took a look.

old crystal

Grade: Special

Introduction: The surging old power is sealed inside.

The introduction is very simple, nothing special.

But since it was easily sent out by Windsor, it is absolutely extraordinary.

While thinking, he nodded his head.

"Thank you for the gift from President Windsor, Fu Yin, please accept it."

The Dark Valkyrie nodded slowly, and after earnestly saluting her chest, took the Red crystal.

The moment I hold it, I only feel a surge of power like the sun surging in it.

At the same time, it is accompanied by the atmosphere of ancient vicissitudes.

If it explodes, it may be able to directly wipe out dozens of surrounding streets.

Seeing this scene, Windsor's face became softer.

This gift was a signal, and Richard accepted it, which meant that the other party didn't mind getting more deeply involved with the old camp.

She didn't know that the ancient god-evil tree had already been drenched in blood rain on the day of the crimson moon, absorbing a lot of old power.

The involvement of the two parties has long been unclear.

And this thing is a free gift, don't don't want it for nothing.

After sending out a gift, Windsor didn't linger too long, and led a few people into the main building of the Luanweihua Chamber of Commerce.

Taking the alchemy elevator to the office on the top floor, Windsor sat gracefully on the sofa by the window.

The sofa covered with white wool cushions was immediately dented by the upturned buttocks the moment the other party sat down.

After Windsor straightened her waist, the slim red dress became tighter and tighter. With the astonishingly bumpy and graceful figure, it perfectly revealed the charm of women.

Richard felt somewhat surprised.

After sitting opposite Windsor, he looked straight at this top boss.

A low round table in pure white separates the two.

Val sat in Richard's overflowing back seat to his left, and the Dark Valkyrie was still standing behind, motionless like a sculpture.

Looking at the admiration in Richard's calm eyes, Windsor felt a little uncomfortable for no reason.

Leaning slightly on the sofa and covering part of his body, the feeling disappeared.

Staring at this handsome young man, he spoke with a smile that was not a smile.

"In the recent period, His Excellency Richard's various operations are very admirable, integrating the El plane, accepting the Divine Grace Lords Guild, and establishing a trading center...everything is so eye-catching. "

"Right now, the reputation of God Slayer Qingqiu has probably resounded throughout the main plane."

God Slayer... When these words came out of Windsor's mouth, Richard was a little bit dumbfounded.

Outsiders don't know, thinking that the Lord of Greed was killed by him, how can Windsor not know?

The other party did it himself.

Richard shrugged.

"It's just borrowing the light of Chairman Windsor."

"Your Excellency Richard did not use my strength to form the Elland Players Association..."

Windsor's eyes narrowed slightly, and her tone became serious.

"For the plane of El, what plans does Sir Richard have next?"

"You should know what a huge impact it will have on a trading center that has won countless divine grace lords to join after only one week of establishment!"

"If you don't handle it well, this power may become a backlash."

Hearing this, Richard leaned forward slightly, looked directly into the other's eyes with deep eyes, and said word by word.

"President Windsor, this, I should ask you."

Windsor was a little taken aback.

"ask me?"

Talking about playing with taste.

"The plane of El is not ruled by me."

Richard's voice was calm and powerful, and he spoke slowly.

"I told you before that the Grace Lord is the scroller of the will of the world."

"In the old days when the gods fought against the gods, whichever side the Lord of Grace stood on, the will of the world would be biased..."

As he spoke, his eyes didn't move any more, he stared at the perfect face in front of him.

"Now, the El Players Association has integrated some of the top guilds among Lords of Grace."

"With their power, they can directly affect the entire group of Lords of Grace."

Hearing this, Windsor subconsciously sat up straight, staring blankly at the young man who was full of personal charm and the whole main plane was watching.

At this moment, the calm mood is full of waves.

Said in a hoarse voice.

"You mean..."

Richard nodded slowly.

"I didn't have much thought about integrating the Lord of God's Grace before. I wanted to do it, and I did it a long time ago, until I met President Windsor..."

"The El Players Association... is my gift to you, President Windsor."

After the words fell, Weier next to him only felt a tingling in his back.

Turning to look at Richard's side face, the whole person fell into an inexplicable state.

The establishment of the El Players Association has stirred up the world and attracted the attention of countless people, but this is just a... gift? !

Immediately, his bright eyes looked at the Red figure.

President Windsor is really enviable...

At this moment, Windsor only felt that his mind was buzzing, and his thoughts became dull. The other party has done so much...all for her?

She wouldn't even glance at it if it was some vain ambition, but now it's different, Richard has done it.

Already let the El Players Association, let the trading center become the focus of the whole world.

In this case, the other party came forward and told her that he was not really interested in all this.

Do so much, just give her the gift.

Who can resist this...

The air was caught in a strange emotion.

Windsor only felt that her former calmness and indifference to everything had been shattered.

There was only this handsome figure in front of him, and the words he just said kept repeating in his mind.

He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but found that all the words seemed pale and powerless at this moment.

The gift from the other party far exceeded her expectations and was too precious.

After Richard gave the other party a little time to consume, he continued.

"Next, the El Players Association will fully cooperate with your actions, President Windsor."

"These guilds will firmly stand in the old camp."

"Fight with you and me."

"However, in order to achieve this level, President Windsor needs to let all the Lords of God's Grace experience the benefits of joining the old camp."

"I can't do this, you need to solve it yourself."

After he finished speaking, he paused for a moment, and waited for the other party to gradually recover before speaking again.

"President Windsor, after the crimson moon rose, the old days have been silent for too long."

"If it continues to drag on, it will affect the prestige of the ancient gods in the hearts of Common people."

"I think, after such a long time of preparation, the next step should be arranged."

"How do I cooperate?"

He needs to know the next move of Crimson Moon, Twilight City cannot stand on the opposite side of Windsor.

No one wants to go the opposite way with the protagonist of the new expansion, the top boss who slaughters God like a chicken.

But cooperation is also true cooperation.

No matter what happens, he will firmly stand by Windsor.

The moment he leaned on the statue of the old god, he and Windsor were already on the same boat.

So there is never a choice.

And with the relationship between the two, even if he had the chance to choose a side again, he would not hesitate to put his chips on Windsor.

Do the gods know who he is?

But Windsor is his biggest hole card.

What's even more commendable is that before this hole card showed its edge, he had already established a close relationship with the other party.

Windsor took a deep breath, suppressed the ups and downs in her heart, and forced herself to focus on the business.

Concentrate on the road.

"Those planes that hide the power of the old days have all been connected to the main plane."

"The rules of the main plane are activating the old power that once made the world work."

"When all the old power returns to the main plane, it's time for us to take action."

"All of this will not be too late, at most three months, we will see the outcome."

Speaking of this, his eyes were a little hotter than ever before, and the following words directly made Richard's scalp tingle, and his whole body trembled.

"At that time, the gods will be stripped of their power!"

"The rules they hold, the authority they hold, and the priesthood they hold will all be emptied!"

"The rules of how the world works will go back to the beginning of Genesis."

"This day will be the dusk of the gods, and it will also be the last time before the opening of the new era!"

"Those gods who have been deprived of their power will fall back to the main plane—whether it is the good camp or the Evil God of the bottomless abyss."

"Until someone regains power and becomes a god again... When a new god appears, it will be the day of the birth of a new era."

"At that time, all the rules will be rewritten!"

Richard stared blankly at Windsor, who looked like he was on a pilgrimage.

The emotions in my heart surged like ten thousand zhang waves.

Although he knew that the crimson moon that had been quiet for several months would not stop there.

But he didn't expect that Windsor would play so big this time!

Solve the problem once and for all!

After the old power is activated by the rules of the main plane, the gods will be deprived of their authority and all fall to the mortal world!

This will be the unprecedented twilight of the gods, and the last turmoil before the advent of the new era.

Richard took a few deep breaths but couldn't suppress the horror in his heart.

The news was so explosive that he couldn't even accept it.

If everything is true, then the entire main plane will be engulfed in flames of war.

The gods are not only the gods of the good and lawful camp, the Evil God of the bottomless abyss, the death lord of the undead plane, the devil lord of the nine hells...all of them are gods who hold authority!

These terrifying existences will also return to the main plane.

What kind of huge waves will this cause?

And what shocking actions will these beings who have lost their authority do in order to become gods again?

Even if he knew the news at this moment, he couldn't imagine what the scene would be like.

"President Windsor, I want to know, didn't we originally want the ancient gods to take power and build a world without the oppression of gods?"

After barely calming down, Richard asked slowly.

"In the new era, if gods are also born, what is the difference from now?"

Windsor's eyes were deep, as if there were stars flickering inside.

"The rules of the new era... are not the same as they are now."

"On the night when the crimson moon rose, I saw a corner of the future in the river of fate."

"Your Excellency Richard, that is a world without oppression. Everyone has the opportunity to change their own destiny. Hunger, famine, and plague will all be a thing of the past... and the gods are just a part of it." , is no longer the ruler of this world."

"Since the new era is full of hope, what does it matter if the ancient gods are in charge of the rules?"

Windsor stood up slowly at this point, came to the floor-to-ceiling windows, and looked at half of Solan City.

Gently stretch out your right hand and press it against the glass.

Feeling the coldness coming from above, his eyes became deeper and deeper.

"When I knew Sir Richard that you had gained some rotten authority, you didn't speak up."

"I knew that Crimson Moon shouldn't be a force that clings to dead rules and doesn't change."

"Before, we had no choice, so we acted in extremes, because only the most violent actions can completely break the old order."

"Without bloodshed, how can we talk about new life?"

"But right now, there is hope."

As she spoke, she turned around and stared at the heroic young man who was already standing beside her.

Looking at the almost perfect side face, he said softly.

"Your Excellency Richard, in a corner of fate... I saw your figure."

Richard was a little interested.

"What was I doing then?"

Windsor's eyes did not shift, she stared at him blankly.

"You fell on the battlefield."

"The army of Twilight City is avenging you."

"Your men, fight in despair."

"Your people, rush to the battlefield with all the weapons available around you..."

Richard was slightly taken aback.

I am dead?

He turned his head to look at the Dark Valkyrie who looked like an enraged beast emitting a ferocious and violent aura behind him, and Weier, whose face was livid and whose eyes were blood red.

The corners of the mouth are slightly raised.

"What are you worried about? A corner of fate?"

"It's not yet its turn to decide my fate."

Although he was not afraid of the prophecy that Windsor said in his heart, he was still alert in his heart.

The future situation is so chaotic, Twilight City still needs to become stronger!

Hoard resources, rioters!

He needs a stronger army and more Advanced heroes!

As long as the power in your hands is strong enough, no matter how the situation changes, you can face it proudly.

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