Global Lord: Start As A Desert Lord

Chapter 580: Golden Battle Intent

After bestowing the ace skill of desertification on all arms, Richard didn't let the army that crowded the yard stay any longer, and quickly called Gray to take the army down to make arrangements.

Armies with a height of four or five meters take up too much space.

Every time he goes to war, he will have a strong sense of accomplishment.

The army is the guarantee for Twilight City's survival, it is also the result of development, and it is the reward after countless hard work.

That kind of feeling that is slowly developed is not too wonderful.

After the front yard was empty, Richard opened the arms panel again.

Accurate data on the number of Twilight troops has been obtained.

Crown units: 6075.

Huiyue 3-star units: 8660.

And Extraordinary arms - 330.

Spreaders of evil, this civil service that engages in missionary work does not count.

The total number exceeds 14,000, that is, 14 brigades, 140 squadrons, and more than 1,400 squadrons.

This is a terrifying statistic that is enough to make any player tremble.

Moreover, this army, except for the skeleton blood dragon recruited with the corpse of a giant dragon, is all top-level troops above level 15.

The stone statue of the dead, Richard's favorite ace unit, has reached an exaggerated 3,800 at the moment!

380 squads, a round of tomahawk throwing is the most intensive bombing.

The destructive power can only be described as abnormal.

It is no exaggeration to say that the stone statue of the dead alone can destroy a medium-sized city with tens of thousands of troops and complete military facilities!

The quantity is exaggerated, and the quality is even more abnormal!

And that's not counting the Corruption Swamp!

In the past two months, under the control of the God of Deceit and Lies, the Swamp of Corruption has connected more than ten planes.

The lairs of 50 Huiyue-level units, supported by sufficient flesh and blood energy, are constantly recruiting units day and night.

At this moment, this activated land, which is moving towards the fifth level, already has more than 8,000 blood killers.

The level is all 17, Huiyue 3 stars.

Although these armies cannot leave the corrupt swamp for a long time, there are void sandworms, and this army is not much different from the regular army.

He can be transferred at any time.

In this way, the strength in his hands directly surpassed the two legions.

If you add the 3,000 Dark Treemen led by the Ancient Godly Tree, 3,000 Killing Hornets and Poisonous Hornets...then this statistic will have to be raised even further.

It's not the limit, although he can't control the power of the players in the El plane, but he can directly mobilize the power of the El kingdom.

Queen Rydel has rebuilt her army, numbering more than 30 legions.

Although the quality cannot be compared with Twilight City, no one dares to ignore the quantity.

Bloodhoof City in the underground world, with the support of Twilight City, has accumulated an army with 5 legions and an average level of 15 in the past few months.

If you count extraordinary-level heroes... It is no exaggeration to say that the power that Richard can use now can completely fight a large-scale battle.

Although it still can't compete with an old city like Solan City, it is no longer a lamb to be slaughtered.

No matter how powerful a force wants to be against Twilight City, he is sure to shatter the opponent's fangs.

Until now, Twilight City has escaped from the state of panic and constant fear of external dangers when it first entered "Glory Age".

Possess the power of real self-protection.

Richard was in a great mood.

Perhaps no one would have imagined that a year ago, the little lord who personally led a team to hunt and kill the strongholds of wild troops in the rolling yellow sand with only a dozen troops, could grow to this stage in such a short period of time .

After calming down, Richard seemed to think of something and let the guards at the door come in.

"Where is Sheena?"

With the improvement of Twilight City's strength, the guard has been replaced from the original Mummy Yin Guardian to a hero unit.

In this way, Richard can issue complex orders directly to them.

The ability of hero units to understand and execute orders is difficult for arms to achieve.

"Ms. Hina has just returned from the Underworld."

Richard nodded.

"Let her come to see me."

After the hero with C-level potential left, Richard fell into deep thought.

After being taken back by him from the terrifying place where the heart of the chaotic god was sealed, the Krenas were temporarily placed in his private plane—the Eternal Land.

Part of this race of heroes entered Bloodhoof City in two months to assist Sel Bloodhoof in managing the army.

During this period of time, I was busy dealing with the affairs of the El plane, and I didn't have much energy to pay attention to them.

Now is the time to make some arrangements.

Not long after, a blood-colored figure stepped into the hall.

Richard turned his head and saw that Hina was standing proudly in a set of scarlet armor.

This set of scarlet armor is a five-star strategic treasure he bought for the opponent in Solan City, and it has a strong defense.

After the last battle that nearly exterminated the genocide, Hina seemed to have undergone a special transformation, and the aura emanating from her body became more and more terrifying.

Its level has also been raised from level 18 two months ago to level 19 now.

This super A-class hero who followed him very early is only one step away from Extraordinary.


Hina held her chest up respectfully, with a humble posture.

Hearing the word master, Richard was a little playful.

The other party used to call him your lord... The change of address imperceptibly explained a lot.

"No need to be polite, Xina, have you recovered from your injuries?"

After Hina got up, she was a little embarrassed.

"I have recovered a long time ago. I have been assisting the clansmen to clear the seal in their bodies during this time, so I have not been able to see you..."

Said eyes full of gratitude.

The seal of the Kerina tribe is her obsession. She left the tribe and joined Twilight City in order to find a way to break the seal.

After going through so many twists and turns, she finally helped the tribe remove the rope around their necks.

And all of this is due to the heroic leader in front of him.

Richard nodded, with a deep look in his eyes.

"The Krenas have become part of Twilight City, so you don't have to worry about it anymore."

"I called you here today to ask what you think about the next step."

"Should you lead your people to fight for Twilight City, or stay by my side like before..."

Hina took a deep breath, her gaze firm.

"Master Karu has already made arrangements for the tribe, and with the patriarch and Jasmine around, I don't need to intervene."

"Master, I hope to stay by your side and fight for you!"

Richard smiled.

"Then stay."

"However, with your current strength, you are no longer able to serve as a guard..."

Hina looked anxious.

"My lord, I'm already searching for Extraordinary, as long as I have a suitable target, I..." Richard smiled and waved his hands.

"No need to be nervous."

"Your future, I have already arranged it for you."

As he spoke, he stretched out his right hand and waved it slightly.


The space in front of him exploded like a bubble, and a semicircular space arch appeared in front of him.

Richard stepped inside after Hina wanted to keep up.

Hina didn't recover, but she followed quickly.

After passing through the gate of space, she was surprised to find that they were standing on top of the clouds in mid-air.

Looking down.

On the land, a large number of residents are building a city that is about one-fifth built.

People come and go, and there is a large area of ​​darkness.

All kinds of building materials are piled up like a hill, which is very lively.

"My lord, are you bringing me to the Eternal Land?"

Hina looked at Richard with some puzzlement.

The Krenas were placed in the Eternal Land, so she was no stranger to being there all this time.

The one-fifth of the city under construction, which still has only an outline, is a strategic fortress that has invested a huge amount of resources-the Eternal City.

Richard didn't answer in a hurry, he turned his head and looked around with a little emotion, and looked at the eternal land that could hardly be seen, with a happy expression on his face.

In the Naga plane, although the Corrupt Swamp has become the protagonist, it has gained great benefits in the process of hunting monsters from other planes.

But the benefits of the Eternal Land are not small at all.

He initially attacked the Naga plane, except that the Naga plane directly threatened the underground world, it was for the eternal land.

This plane that completely belongs to him is too weak and needs a lot of nourishment to grow rapidly.

The Naga plane with unstable rules became his target.

During this time, the swamp of corruption devours life in the Naga plane, and the eternal land is sucking the power of the plane.

After three or four months, the diameter of the Eternal Land has expanded from the initial 1000 meters to the current 50 kilometers!

From the miniature plane, it was promoted to the small plane.

Not only has the strength of the plane barrier increased significantly, but the power of space that Richard can use has also soared.

It is no exaggeration to say that if he continues to grow, the Eternal Land will be another trump card for him.

However, his goal today was not the Eternal Land. After calming down, he brought Hina down from mid-air to the ground.

Looking down at the dry and hard ground mixed with gravel and mud, his tone was subtle.

"This is the center of the Eternal Land."

"Deep in the earth, there are buried stones of planes and... seeds of the world tree that have not yet germinated."

When Hina heard this, she couldn't help but take a few more glances at this land with nothing special in appearance.

If any of these two treasures is taken out, it will cause a mad rush.

A well-deserved treasure.

"Besides, there is your future!"

Richard looked up and looked directly at Sheena.

"I have prepared a special gift for you."

"It will get you to the top of the strong."

After the words fell, without waiting for the excited Hina to speak, energy surged in her body.


The ground under his feet suddenly began to shake, gradually splitting from the central area.

Then under Hina's shocking gaze.

Supported by the soil, a headless golden corpse poured from the depths of the earth to the ground.

The moment she saw the corpse, Hina felt her soul tremble and her blood boil.

The blood on his body was even more uncontrollable rioting.

The pressure from the golden corpse made it difficult for her to breathe, and her heart was beating wildly.

Resisting the terrifying coercion, Hina raised her head, looked at Richard with an unbelievable and shocking gaze, and trembled in a hoarse voice.

"Master... this, this is the corpse of a god?!"

Richard nodded slowly.

"I snatched this corpse from Rose, the Spider Queen."

"Inside, there is a pure fighting spirit..."

"Conceived by this golden corpse."

"Back then, Rose, the Queen of Spiders, set up a plan to bury a large number of gods, most likely because of the fighting spirit in the golden corpse."

He looked straight into Hina's eyes as he spoke, and said word by word.

"Xina, you are the Warrior of the Kerina tribe, the forerunner of the fearless hero, and the person who best bears... the golden fighting spirit."

"Only the most fearless Warrior can display the true power of this fighting spirit!"

"In the entire Twilight City, no one is more pure than you!"

"Xina, next, let this fighting spirit contained by the gods help you transform!"

Hina looked at Richard's firm gaze, and her heart was trembling at the moment.

It turned out that the master had already made arrangements for her before she returned.

This is the power bred by the gods.

It was such an easy reward for her...

His inner emotions were tumbling, and his face flushed with excitement.

After taking a deep breath, Hina held the long sword in both hands, then knelt down on one knee, and put the long sword above her head.

A deep voice resounded through the void.

"My lord, I swear by my soul that from now on, I will become your sharp sword to cut through thorns, your shield against storms, and your shadow in the light, until—forever and ever!"

The words of loyalty of knights in "Glory Era" have always been used in the most serious occasions. Once they pledge allegiance, it means that the knight will dedicate everything to the other party.

Life and soul belong to their masters from now on.

This is a very solemn act.

Richard's face also became serious, he reached out to take the long sword, and lightly tapped the opponent's head with the tip of the sword.

"I accept your oath, my knight."

Then put the long sword in his hand again.

After Hina took it, she clenched her right hand tightly and thrust her body into the ground to prop up her body.

It wasn't until he stood up that the knight's oath was completed.

Looking at the heroic figure in front of her, Hina was filled with joy.

Because at this moment, she completely belongs to the other party.

From then on, she only lived for the other party.

Richard felt the girl's emotions, his eyes softened, and he gently rubbed the other's little head.

"Sit down cross-legged first, and get ready...don't worry, relax your mind and feel it."

"Yes, master..."

Feeling the touch of that big warm hand, Hina bent her eyes, and the joy in her heart overflowed her eyes.

After the fearless Warrior sat cross-legged on the ground, Richard looked at the golden corpse again.

With a thought.

The power of the plane suppressing it began to fade.

The power of the golden corpse immediately began to dissipate.

At the same time, a trembling fighting spirit erupted from the divine body.

Meet on a narrow road, die, not stop!

Fight in front of the battle, die, never retreat!

The general fights a hundred battles, dies, and does not fall!

Richard's hairs stood on end.

Without any hesitation, he used the power of the Eternal Land to guide that terrifying golden fighting spirit into Hina's body.

This is an unprecedented hard-core assessment.

Consequences of failure...death! There is no second possibility!

Even if Richard watched it himself.

How terrifying is the war intent brewed by the gods? !

Don't talk about carrying it, the Common people will break their souls even if they get messed with!

This is not a power that mortals can spy on!

But if you can withstand the pressure and master this power...then the rewards you will get will also be astonishing.

It may not even be worse than controlling authority!

Everything depends on how Hina responds.

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